Tuesday, June 9, 2020

One moment in my life

Hello world, Namaste !!!
you simply can guess
Where i live by my name 
yes it's Pure iDiot and live in Hell 
One moment in my life 
I was doing Meditation 
Upside down meditatioan 
means medatation standing by head 
Suddenly, light off from the earth 
Means my eyes were closed 
I was taken somewhere 
or let's say
i was kidnapped at that moment 
I was taken to hell 
The city was full of bright 
the city was full of colors 
The city was full of energy 
the city was full of art and ancient creation 
there was an art exhibition 
I saw lots people lining up in get 
I was also line up there 
After a while i reach to the gate 
I stop and see for a while 
The official was giving a fake eyes 
Fake eyes mean new 3D eye glasses 
The glasses look same in size 
The glasses look same in color 
I gave the sign to official that 
I wanna go in too 
He smiled and gesture me to in 
I went and stood infront of him for glasses 
Official seemed silent and calm down 
I asked him for glasses 
Official told me, you don't have color 
What you mean by it, i asked 
You can go, you don't need the glass 
This glasses is for them 
Who already lost their eyes and wisdom 
I was shocked and sad 
I was exciting for new experience 
Anyway i have to move ahead 
there were lots people behind me also 
I see all people roaming around 
I found, once they were that glasses
They talk themselves through virtual connection
They don't listen other or outside thought 
They only see the picture/color 
what are fixed in glasses 
They don't listen anything outside 
Rules are strict nobody can off the glasses 
Cameras are monitering/trashing to everybody 
I was roaming around too 
It was a big show, it covered in huge area 
i was listening people's virtual conversation 
They were laughing and seemed very happy 
I was strolling around awkwardly 
I reach to the one live art show 
Lots people were standing and watching it 
one artist was painting a protrait of himself
Everyone seeing him and his painting 
i looked at the people face
There were lots different faces 
there were lots different races 
Black to white , brown to yellow 
All of them wearing the glasses 
They couldn't listen each other 
They couldn't communicate each other 
They looked humble and polite 
I was curious to listen what they are taking 
So i moved to different color of skin and listen 
White skin viewer was saying 
This guy is amazing 
What a beautiful protrait 
He must be from my down 
Our skin looks so similar 
I moved to dark skin one and listen 
Dark skin one was saying 
What a beautiful art he is performing 
This is simply amazing 
He is just like me, look at his skin 
He might be from my country 
I moved to brown skin one and lsten 
This guy also saying samething 
He and me look very similar 
He is simply amazing soul 
He is so fast and fascinating 
I love his work, its so beautiful 
i wanna get his address and meet him 
He might be from my country 
I was wondering what other are thinking 
So i move to near the yellow skin person and listen 
he was saying samething 
This guy is so blessed
He looked like me 
Our nose is very similar 
He should be from our country
I felt that the glasses 
they were wearing, was really amazing 
After i listen all these conversation  i realize 
the official had given the glasses as their skin color 
So they can see everything like them or they wish/imagine 
Indeed this is nice show with nice idea 
later official asked the crowd 
If any of you wish to buy this potrait print 
Book and pay to this address and line up for print 
Everybody booked and line up for it 
They seemed all happy and laughing in virtual moments 
Every one holding the prints and looking to it 
Their joy looked like, they had achieved something great 
Nobody cared nobody , it seemed like this 
The show gonna closed soon 
So i run quickly to gate 
Official smiled to me and so i did to him 
he didn't say anything to me 
I didn't say anything to him 
i came out from gate 
I turn back and smile to him as a sign of Thank you 
It seemed we were becoming good friend without sharing a single word 
we simply can feel and understand 
How powerful are the smiles in our life 
i stood outside the gate to listen them 
they had to return their glasses before go out 
all were holding same picture on their hand 
With their own thought, like, imagination etc 
All looked so happy inside the 
Once they out , the world is different 
All were shocked and surprise 
All were holding the same print with same color 
But they saw it with different color inside 
The protrait reflected their heridity while seeing it through virtual
The protrair indicates their colors, culture, history while seeing it through virtual glass
All of them were saying
What the hell is this 
I can't believe, i am so fool 
I really couldn't understand what it is
how they can fool us like this 
We all bought different potrait inside the show
But we all have the same potrait outside the show 
They seemed so frustraited and disappointed 
In a few meter distance 
Same artist showed up with same art 
He was saying 
Before, i used colors to paint the canvas 
Now i want to use words to paint our soul 
Have you ever think, who we are? 
Have you ever think, what's inside our body? 
Remember, there is a red blood inside our body 
no matter what is our outer skin color 
So this painting, you are holding on your hand 
This is the blood which are circulating in our body 
This is not just a painting, it is the symbol of our blood 
and all we have the same blood in our body 
My wish is very simple 
Realize the reality 
Then my eyes were open 
My legs were up and head was down 
my sense was murmering 
We are wearing too many mask 
What mask is, we are wearing 
What picture is, we are seeing 
It has beening ruining our society 
it has been ruining our social health 
it has beening ruining our mental health 
It has been ruining our inner health 
It has been ruining our outer health too
Lets throw the mask of modernism 
let,s try to explore the mask of reality 
the way to find the mask of reality is realize 
Lets realize to go reality 
Once explore and experience the state of reality 
we will live more happy and peaceful 
Thats it, all are upto us

#PureiDiot #imagination