Saturday, October 3, 2015

Democracy or Donkeycracy ?

I am worrying current situation of Nepal. I have been thinking to write something even when i was in trekking. But  I didn't know where to start to write. Finally i figure out some point to start  here.

What India think about Nepal?  What Indian think and want from Nepal?

 I have been asking this question to myself for  long time. Finally today i decide to ask publicly to India and Indian? They always claim themselves they the largest democratic country in the world? I don't know what is their Democracy meaning?

 I was born in mountain area. I used to see lots people work as porter to carry many different goods.  Later on , I saw people bought donkey to carry good from one market to other market. I used to see lots donkey carrying goods from my home. My home was just few meters down  from the main trail of the village.  I used to see, first donkey always had big bell in it's neck. It always walked first. I used to see it often in trail. I used to see it always front. if it is not in front, other donkey stop around take a rest or eat grasses.  Other donkey never surpass leader donkey. just simply follow leader donkey and do as he does.

Democracy or Donkeycracy ?
 I heard the word democracy around 1992 or earlier. I was  a school kid . i din't know much. As time keep moving, i keep growing.  I saw lots things around as the name of democracy. All these thing force me to think what is democracy. After all from last week what I know  Democracy is nothing. It's someone's nonsense.
Example 1:  how a largest democratic country India can blockade  another democratic country Nepal?
example 2:  USA and Europe never raise any issue  of democracy about middle east where there is  even woman can't drive car? fair election is far behind .

After last blockage from India, i think they are following donkeycracy and and imposing us the same cracy to us.  We cant accept it. We cant accept it. We have right to decide what we like and what we like to do.

My Second Question is what Indian think and want from Nepal?
 This is the test of Indian people. I heard some Indian people already ask Indian government to lift up the blockade. But voice is very small. It's good to know there are some people who believe in democracy  but  still most people seemed like they are believing in Donkeycracy.  It's no wonder they are born in donkeycracy and train with donkeycratic leaders. So i think it's too much to expect  horse from donkey.
 It's  Indian people time to prove who they are.

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