Friday, June 3, 2016

Life is just chains of momemts

Life is just chains of moment. Never know how many moments in one life. But whatever moments you achieve or live, you have to make it happy and entertaining. Then your life will me meaningful and Happy.

These are the ladders to heaven. most of people just go bookshop buy it and see/read it and say " oh God, I even scare to see how people cross it. I can't believe how people do it. I will never do it."

But Difference between read/see or do are different
reader and see-er just see the adventure feeling
Doer tasted well the adventure feeling
so keep doing again and gain
Never stop till alive

Reader and see-er just bought book
keep reading everyday to others
keep admiring everything to others
so be a doer

#Nepal #KhumbuLader #EverestExpedition #Everest2016 #ClimbWithRamesh

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