Friday, June 16, 2017

उठाएर शिर आकाशमा हेर्छु, उढ्छ्न चरी अनेकथरी

उठाएर शिर आकाशमा हेर्छु
उढ्छ्न चरी अनेकथरी
झुकाएर शिर जमिनतिर हेर्छु
फुल्छन फुल अनेक थरी

चरा उडेको आकाश
जरा गडेको रुख
मायाले भरेको मन
कहाँ नराम्रो हुन्छर

आउ एकै छिन
चरा झै उडौ आकाशमा
भरे के हुन्छ के
मायाले भरेको मन खोलौ आकाशमा

उड्दाउड्दै थकै लागे
रुख खोजी बसौला
यताउती हेरि हेरि
सबको आँखा छलि छली
भुर्‍र भुर्‍र उडि उडि
माया हाम्रो साटौला 

Billions stars

billions stars
trillions dreams
Imagined from single mind
feel from single heart

single heart can feel billions stars's light
single mind can imagine trillions dream
this is the power of mind and heart
so i believe in my mind and heart

the more i look
i feel i am more strong
The more i think
i see more than i imagine

Sometime,s eyes blinks to somebody unknowingly

sometime's eyes blink to somebody unknowingly 
lips open and become smile to somebody  unknowingly
soaring dream stop for rest some point unknowingly
two dream smile, hug and fly unknowingly

life disappear in someone's smile
life appear in someone's smile
happiness dance in someone's hug
pain move restlessly in someone's hug

never count the stars in sky
just see the light and feel bright
never judge your love with this and that
just feel it and enlighten it more day by day

Note: An evening view of Mt.Everest from on the way to kalapatthar 5545m

Motion of mind

motion of mind
beat of heart
eyes destination
are rhythm of the dream

sometime mind whistle us
wake up to our dream
sometime mind catch another rhythm
force to forget the one dream

sometime heart beats a bit faster
remind this or that dream
once meet another dream, it slower it's speed
forget this and that soaring with new dream

Note: a Night in Everest Base camp with billion stars and trillion happiness

Sunday, June 11, 2017

I sit seeing the stars in sky

i sit seeing the stars in sky
you keep dreaming the stars in sky

i go and play with stars in sky
you just see the stars in sky

I create my own axis  like stars do
you just fall to sleep in bed

I swing in my axis
you just watch in dream

Note: all the pictures are taken during the Mardi Himal Trek

We are different each other

i always wonder
why people are so much tempted about Himalaya
why people are so much talking about Himalaya
why people are so much wanting the Himalaya

we are different each other
somebody temped by Himalaya coz of it's height
somebody tempted by Himalaya coz of it's snow
somebody tempted by Himalaya coz of it's silence

no matter whatever reason we are temped
we all dream for Himalaya
today,it's our common dream for everyone
life keep moving leaving the memories behind

Indeed, what is Snow ?

same ground
same path
same steps
but snow on ground make difference 

indeed, what's in snow
why we are following snow land
why we all wish to lost in snow meadow
what's there for us, indeed

why the gravity of snow is so high
even,it's so cold and very difficult to survive
but why people treasure being there
it's time to find out the answer

#Nasa   #Science #adventure #Gravity #Nature #Photo #adventureVideo

Sunday, June 4, 2017

we plant a bomb, we expect to harvest peace

Oh god
there was blast in Manchester
I am very sad
My legs are shaking

Oh god once again
what is happening here
there is Another attack in London
my heart is shaking

I am afraid of going out
how to go out
I might be killed
I don't want to die

I read sorts of status
I read sorts of news
I watched sorts of news
its really a pity moment

We, people are so amazing
we plant a bomb
we expect to harvest peace
what a amazing expectation

I have no words for them 
who plant bomb today
dream to harvest peace tomorrow
Just heartfelt condolence in advance

You plant bomb seed
you grow bomb tree
you harvest bomb fruit
you sell bomb fruit everywhere

You blast bomb in my yard
you blast bomb in my home
you blast bomb my head
you blast bomb even my grave

You killed me on the spot
Make refugee to my family & neighbor
They live in the worst life than imagination
few die by strining, few run away to be alive

Move this side to be alive
we are called terrorist From one side
move that side to be alive
we are called insurgent from another side

Neither there is food to eat
nor there is water to drink
neither there is home to rest
nor there is bed to sleep

I want to ask you
what I did to you
what my family did to you
I need your answer

We are poor villagers
we work from morning to night for food
neither have money for new clothes
nor have money to send our kids to school

you tagged us terrorists without any reason
You killed us without any reason
when killed human without reason
we have to think you have mental problem

Time to build a biggest mental hospital
treatment to western leaders & so others
they are blind of power and money in a name of humanity
its really a  time to prevail peace & harmony

Remember we are not terrorist
stop creating terror in our society
Stop cheating to the world
no matter to whom it May concern

We need a school  here, not bomb
we need better education for our kids
education will change our future path
don't displace and replace anything here

When one human couldn't feel safe in one corner
how another human could sleep safe in another corner
it's time to realize the reality & accept the fact
time to move forward and restore the peace & harmony

Let's make school instead of bomb
let's meditate instead of war
let's shake the heart instead of pelting bomb
what a wonderful world we can make

Note:- when i read/listen/watch war new, I feel very sad. think why, we can't stop this game. when will we stop blaming each other and realize the reality ourselves and our duty? i am willing to see this moments. good Luck to those fighter.

Khumbu Ice Fall


Oh my god
you are crazy
I never go there
even i just read it
i feel fear
i afraid

how did you do
it's impossible for me
oh my god
i don't want to die
i want to live

i read many books
i have seen many photos
i watched many videos
it's crazy , crazy
it's very dangerous

why people go there to die
I really don't understand this
What, you been there
oh my god
you don't afraid

khumbu ice fall
it's very dangerous
many people die there
many dead body around there
oh god, it's crazy place

khumbu icefall
it's just a ice meadow
here there everywhere crevasses
tiny almunium ladder
life just on verge

long and shaking ladder
long and swinging lader
deep and wide crevasses
roaring avalanches around
full of stars in sky

hundreds are walking there
no one are talking there
all are well focused
all are in silent mode
moments of slavation

dreams glow like stars in night
dreams walk like stars at night
dreams shine like sun in day
dreams roam like sun in day
dreams appear in black and white there

the joy of standing in a middle of the swinging ladder
you won't get it just reading the books
or watching thousnads photos or videos
you have to experience yourself
then you will know the reality 

why people still go there
why people don't afraid to go
why don't people love their life
why people love to being crazy
why poeple like to go crazy place

i listen like this lots
lots talk with me like this
i love their amazing thought
i love their amazing talk too
it's always great to listen more

explorer are an alchemist
they never afraid of future
they only think for destination
just curious for next moments
exciting to reach somewhere further

khumbu icefall
a place to turn into silence mode
a place for salvation
a verge of happiness and peace
once you been, will always miss it

Saturday, June 3, 2017

A Walking Sun

a walking sun
a boring explorer
wake up same time
go bed same time

sun comes in morning  with golden shine
boring explorer  is ready for golden snap
sun goes in night with golden fine
boring explorer is ready for golden moments

sun moves here to there morning to evening
explorers just follow the shadow of sun till light off
neither sun stop not explorer steps away too
it's just like journey of alchemist

an explorer is a true alchemist
he can feel joy in light of sun
he can can joy in shadow of sun
he can feel joy in anything around

An explorer is a true alchemist
he can enjoy the dark dark night seeing the brightest stars
he can enjoy the bight night with full moon
he can enjoy whatever appears

Boring explorer is a true alchemist 
darkest night see the brightest stars
brightest day see the darkest shadow
this is the power of being boring explorer

NOTE: Photo was taken from khumbu icefall in early mountain. the mountain you seeing in picture is Pumo Ri

when I walk away from Himalaya

When i walk away from Himalaya
Sky come down so closed to Himalaya
once i climb up the Himalaya
Sky go away from Himalaya

see the sky from sky
the more i get close to sky
sky move further away
these giant Himalaya become smaller

Note: the view from Nagar Tshang Ri during the island peak trip. it is located just above the Dingboche village 4410m. You can go here during your ebc trek.