Sunday, June 4, 2017

we plant a bomb, we expect to harvest peace

Oh god
there was blast in Manchester
I am very sad
My legs are shaking

Oh god once again
what is happening here
there is Another attack in London
my heart is shaking

I am afraid of going out
how to go out
I might be killed
I don't want to die

I read sorts of status
I read sorts of news
I watched sorts of news
its really a pity moment

We, people are so amazing
we plant a bomb
we expect to harvest peace
what a amazing expectation

I have no words for them 
who plant bomb today
dream to harvest peace tomorrow
Just heartfelt condolence in advance

You plant bomb seed
you grow bomb tree
you harvest bomb fruit
you sell bomb fruit everywhere

You blast bomb in my yard
you blast bomb in my home
you blast bomb my head
you blast bomb even my grave

You killed me on the spot
Make refugee to my family & neighbor
They live in the worst life than imagination
few die by strining, few run away to be alive

Move this side to be alive
we are called terrorist From one side
move that side to be alive
we are called insurgent from another side

Neither there is food to eat
nor there is water to drink
neither there is home to rest
nor there is bed to sleep

I want to ask you
what I did to you
what my family did to you
I need your answer

We are poor villagers
we work from morning to night for food
neither have money for new clothes
nor have money to send our kids to school

you tagged us terrorists without any reason
You killed us without any reason
when killed human without reason
we have to think you have mental problem

Time to build a biggest mental hospital
treatment to western leaders & so others
they are blind of power and money in a name of humanity
its really a  time to prevail peace & harmony

Remember we are not terrorist
stop creating terror in our society
Stop cheating to the world
no matter to whom it May concern

We need a school  here, not bomb
we need better education for our kids
education will change our future path
don't displace and replace anything here

When one human couldn't feel safe in one corner
how another human could sleep safe in another corner
it's time to realize the reality & accept the fact
time to move forward and restore the peace & harmony

Let's make school instead of bomb
let's meditate instead of war
let's shake the heart instead of pelting bomb
what a wonderful world we can make

Note:- when i read/listen/watch war new, I feel very sad. think why, we can't stop this game. when will we stop blaming each other and realize the reality ourselves and our duty? i am willing to see this moments. good Luck to those fighter.

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