Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Everest Base camp Trekking Nepal

Everest Base camp Trekking Nepal

Good month to trek: Oct,nov,dec, march,april,may
Trek Start point: Lukla
Trek End point: Lukla
Maximun altitude: 5545m Kalapatthar, 5364m Everest base camp
Major Mountain peaks:  Kongde peak, Thamaserku mountain, Kangtega, Ama
dablam, Taboche, cho la che, island peak, Pumo ri, Lobuche east and west,
Nuptse, Lotse, Lingtrain, khumbutse, Lo La, And Suprem peak Mt. Everest.
Major village: Chaurikharka, Phakding, Monjo, Namche, Khumjung, deboche,
Pangboche, dingboche , pheruche
Major people: Originally Sherpa but now you can see mix due to the tourism business

Day 01 Welcome you in Kathmandu airport (1350m) Transfer to Hotel
Day 02 Kathmandu Flight to Lukla trek to Phakding (2640m)
Day 03  trek to Namche Bazar (3440m)
Day 04 Acclimatization in Namche Bazaar , Hike to syangboche and back to namche Bazar
Day 05  trek to tenboche (3840m)
Day 06  trek to Dinboche 4410m
Day 07  Rest day in Dinboche, hike to chhukung and back to Dingboche 4410m
Day 08 Trek to Lubuche 4950m
Day 09 trek to Gorakshep 5180m and trek continue to Everest Base camp 5364m
Day 10  Early morning Hike to kalapatthar 5545m and back to Pheruche 4200m
Day 11 Trek down to Namche Bazaar 3440m
Day 12 trek down to Lukla 2860m
Day 13 Fly to Kathmandu Free day in afternoon for shooping
Day 14 Departure to Kathmandu  airport as your flight Schedule

Price: Depends on group size
Food menu:
Breakfast : tea/coffee+ egg+ toast/porridge/Tibetan bread/pancake
Lunch: Tea/coffee+ chowmen/fried rice/macaroni or any from local menu
Dinner: Tea/coffee + Hot Soup+ Pizza/steak/fried Noodle or any from local menu + fresh fruit plate for group sharing

Drink: Tea coffee + Hot water/bottle water as your need

- Kathmandu: Up to your request
- Trekking: neat and clean one

Included in above price:
- All Ground transportation By BUS/VAN/CAR
- Two night Standard Hotel in Kathmandu
- Kathmandu - Lukla - Kathmandu Flight ticket
- Domestic airport Tax
- Three times meal(Breakfast lunch dinner) in trek
- Three cup of tea/coffee during the trek
- One porter for 2 member to carry baggage but if single person will be arrange by porter guide
- One English speaking Guide
- All Nepali staff's Salary, insurance, Air ticket
- Sagarmatha national park entry permit fee
- Trekkers information management system (TIMS) card
- Nepal government Tax
- Office service charge
- Map of Everest base camp trek to every member

Excluded in above price:
- Your meal in Kathmandu
- Your travel Insurance
- Your Nepal entry Visa
- Your personal drinks like coke fanta, mineral water, juice, any types of alcohol
- if your bag is more than 10+5kg, extra KG cargo charges while fly to Lukla
- Your laundry service
- Hot water and Hot shower during trek
- International airfare and airport tax
- Your personal Equipment
- Tips for Guide and porters
- If flight delay or by any other reason need to extend the extra trek days, u need to pay extra.
- Any others expenses which are not mentioned on Price Includes section.

Blue sky Blue flower

blue sky blue flower
happy feeling happy life
more stars seen in sky
more peace in heart

I love to stand High

I love to stand high
I love to see higher view
I love to higher my soul
I love to see everywhere

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Himalaya : Inspiring life, Inspiring soul

Himalaya : Inspiring life, Inspiring soul

Himalaya, The word from Sanskrit Language . Hima+Alaya, Hima means snow and Alaya means dwelling place of snow or home of snow. It is widely spoken language in Ancient time in south Asia. It is also consider as one of the oldest language in the world.  Nepali, Hindi and many of Languages are just Simplify from Sanskrit language.

Himalayas are considered as a home of God and goddess. We easily can see many prayer flags or temple on the top of foot hills. This is how Local People express their respect to different god and goddess who are in their mind or whom they trust.

I believe. Himalaya is my life. I love to walk around many Himalayas as many i can. I like to take pictures of Himalayas and share to the world. My life is Himalaya and my mission is share the Himalaya to every one. So wherever I go Himalayas, I try to take many pictures and share to everybody by different social media. I hope you all are feeling that you are trekking with me every time with my pictures.

I believe, Himalayas are the source of Happiness and peace for trekkers and climbers from around the world. Himalaya is the only one place in the world where peace is still prevailing. I only can fee/realize it after my 15 years trekking/climbing Experience in Himalaya. You have to trek around the Himalayas several times to feel it, to know it.
Langatang trekking - I took this picture from Kyangjin Gompa 3800m at night 
I am enjoying my time in Everest Base Camp - Everest Expedition Nepal

Friday, September 4, 2015

Heart Never Break

Heart Never break
when it breaks
we will pass away
it just changes a feeling
changes a heart beat
change a mind set
like change the film of camera
just like this
if you don't change the film in camera
you can't take another nice picture
if you don't change the mindset
you will feel bore
you won't feel interesting
To get all those
you have to change feeling
break heart in your words
then you will get it
Keep it
don't break heart
it's very beautiful
just clean it time to time
keep it clean
keep it in peace
keep it happy
keep it safe

Khumbu Ice-fall

I took these pictures on 2015 April 23 in Khumby icefall. I was climbing to Everest camp 1.  We have to pass the khumbu ice fall to reach Everest camp one. Khumbu ice-fall is known as one of the most adventurous and thrilling part during the Everest Expedition. If you climb Everest without Khumbu ice-fall. you won't feel like you climb Mt. Everest. That's the reason  most of climbers love to climb from south side(nepal side). 
If you choose adventure without adventure part, it won't call adventure . I better called it safeventure. You decide you love safeventure and adventure. My life without adventure won't be be my life. 
I love adventure 
Once in a life
once in time
once in click
may not again 
i am in adventure 
life without adventure 
is not my life

Life time memory of Adventure in Khumbu Icefall 

Climber Climbing Khumu Icefall 

Do you wish to take same pictures? Not easy but can try if you dare to climb. It's khumbu ice fall 

Khumbu icefall adventure 

I was climbing Khumbu icefall. I saw a snow whole and people were walking through.  I just try to find stop and take this shot 

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Pangboche- Everest Base Camp Trekking 

just snow are snowing
lifes are peaceful
way are silence
lives are happy

stand on window
look around
everything become white
everything seemed happy

Open the window
smell the snow
Walking on Snow during Everest Basecamp Trekking 
feel the freshness air
enjoy the moment

Step out to snow
dance on snow
touch the snow
feel the snow

Afterwards i know
Snow is happiness
snow is peaceful
snow is my life 

Hotel in Everest Base Camp Trek


Everest Camp 1

Higher lands are Himalayas
where sun rises first
where sun sets last
where first and last meet

Himalayas are the home of nature
where beauties are hidden
where happiness are open
where peace is still remain

Himalayas are the life of human
where water remains as ice
where ice melted and become water
where water start to flow like life

Everest camp 2

Everest camp 2

निलो निलो आकाश मुनि

निलो निलो आकाश मुनि
सेतो सेतो हिमाल
नाच्दै नाच्दै आउँछे
डाफे अनि मुनाल
वारि डाडा पारी डाडा
डाफे गीत गाउछे
त्यही गीत सुनी सुनी
पारी मुनाल नाचिदिन्छे
वारि डाँडा पारी डाँडा
बिचमा खोला सुसेली दिन्छे
त्यही सुसेलीसगै
हाम्रो माया साटिदिन्छे

Climbing Training

Do you want to climb Himalaya? Are you worrying lack of  Experiences?  This is ancient thought. Time has changed. Lots water flowed down from Khumbu Khola . Lots of changes in service and arrangement. 
You don't need to waste your time for training and so on.  Your Job is just plan, rest are company's job. You don't need to think twice to join with me.
Climbing Himalaya 
Everest Base Camp 

Everest Base Camp at Night

if there is no darkness at night where we can see stars
if there is no stars in sky where we are seeing
#starshot #starTree #starTrail #stars #nepal #nepaltrekking #nepalsky

Lets climb

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

नेपाल कहिले बन्ला र कस्तो बन्ला

नेपाल कहिले बन्ला र कस्तो बन्ला

सायद अहिलेको युवा पुस्ताको मष्तिष्क यहि प्रस्नले भरिएको हुनुपर्छ । साच्चै कहिले बन्ला नेपाल । कस्तो बन्ला त नेपाल । के नेपाल बन्छ त । वैषाख १२ गते पछिका मेरो केहि गाउँ को भ्रमण, गाउँलेहरुसङ्गको  केहि अनुभव र सरकारले बनाएका केही नियमको आधारमा खिचडी कस्तो पाक्दैछ भन्ने कल्पना चाहिँ सजिलै गर्न सकिन्छ । आशा छ मेरो कल्पना गलत होस र सरकारको सपना साकार होस, सपनाको महलमा सिमित नहोस।
उदाहरण १: लगभग तीन हप्ता पहिला म कुनै गाउँमा थिए । सरकारका प्रतिनिधि सरकारले दिएको रु १५००० रुपियाँ  बाड्दै थिए ।  यो रकम लगभग तीन महिना पछि बाडिएको थियो । गाउले आए , पैसा लिएर गए । नाम नमिलेकालाइ पाँच जना गाउँलेको सिफारिसमा सरल तरिकाले रकम दिइयो । साच्चै यो सरल र राम्रो काम थियो ।
अब म विषय प्रवेश गर्छु । यो रकम एक त धेरै ढिलो दिइएको थियो । के कारणले हो थाहा भएन । प्रायजसो गाउँलेले  अस्थाइ घर बनाइसकेका थिए ऋण धन जे गरेर भएपनी । सायद त्यही भएर होला उनीहरुमा  आफुखुशी यो पैशा खर्च गर्ने हक राख्थे । भोलिपल्ट  म त्यही बाटो भएर काठमान्डौ जाँदै थिए । वरिपरि केही घरमा पसल थिए । केही घरमा भट्टी पसल थिए । केही घरका ढोका बन्द थिए । सायद यी घरहरु पुनर्निमाणको प्रतिक्षामा थिए । त्यही घरका पिढिमा केही मान्छे बेहोशिमा लडिरहेका थिए । वरिपरिका मान्छे भनिरहेक थिए कि । रु १५००० को कमाल । जो मान्छे आफै भारी बोक्ने वा यस्तै यस्तै काम गर्ने गर्थ्यो । उहिले नै एक बोरा चामल किनेर भरिया खोजेर घर गयो । रु १५००० को भोलि पल्ट भट्टिपसलको साहु-साहुनी मा  खुशीको चमक प्रष्टै देखिन्थ्यो । उता किराना पसलको पनि कथा यस्तै थियो । अझ कथा/गफ अघि बढ्दै थियो रु ३५००० हजारको । यो किस्ता दशै अघि दिने कुरा छ । यो किस्ता दशै अघि आए त दशै पनि राम्रै हुने आश गरिरकेका थिए । मन मनै भने भगवानले नपुर्याए नि नेपाल सरकारले तपाइहरुको मनको कुरा पुर्याउछन ।  यत्तिकैमा म अघि बढे । बाकी कुरा दशै तिहार तिरै गरौला ।
अरु उदाहरण आउँदै गर्लान ।

A tent in Everest camp 2

It was April 26 just after earthquake in Nepal. I was in Everest camp 2. There was lots snow around. All Guides and climbers were very sad. All were worrying about the life there and how to escape from there. Another part, all our family were living in Nepal, There is almost no news from around.  Everest base camp also badly damaged and some of staff and climbers were died and injured.  I just took this picture as memory for Earthquake 

About me

P H O T O L A Y A is just a blog about Photo i took during my trekking/climbing in Himalaya. If you are looking for Photography guide for Nepal and Himalaya Nature. I am the one who can Help you. I have been working here as guide in Himalaya for last 15 years. i used Nikon D800 for taking pictures. I am planning to write poetry book with Himalayas. Hope this blog help to sharpen my writing and skill of taking pictures. write me if you need any guide for Himalaya trekking or Wedding in Himalaya or Photography guide for your photography trip in Himalayas.
twitter: @photolaya

Night shot from Everest Camp 2

I took this picture while i was in Everest camp 2.  I went out for pee in night. I saw beautiful mood and some stars are sparking around me. Then i took my camera out and took this shot and some more