Saturday, September 5, 2015

Himalaya : Inspiring life, Inspiring soul

Himalaya : Inspiring life, Inspiring soul

Himalaya, The word from Sanskrit Language . Hima+Alaya, Hima means snow and Alaya means dwelling place of snow or home of snow. It is widely spoken language in Ancient time in south Asia. It is also consider as one of the oldest language in the world.  Nepali, Hindi and many of Languages are just Simplify from Sanskrit language.

Himalayas are considered as a home of God and goddess. We easily can see many prayer flags or temple on the top of foot hills. This is how Local People express their respect to different god and goddess who are in their mind or whom they trust.

I believe. Himalaya is my life. I love to walk around many Himalayas as many i can. I like to take pictures of Himalayas and share to the world. My life is Himalaya and my mission is share the Himalaya to every one. So wherever I go Himalayas, I try to take many pictures and share to everybody by different social media. I hope you all are feeling that you are trekking with me every time with my pictures.

I believe, Himalayas are the source of Happiness and peace for trekkers and climbers from around the world. Himalaya is the only one place in the world where peace is still prevailing. I only can fee/realize it after my 15 years trekking/climbing Experience in Himalaya. You have to trek around the Himalayas several times to feel it, to know it.
Langatang trekking - I took this picture from Kyangjin Gompa 3800m at night 
I am enjoying my time in Everest Base Camp - Everest Expedition Nepal

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