Wednesday, November 18, 2015

All Dream to go to see Himalayas

Trekking, peak climbing and Expedition in Himalayas give you the best experiences in your life if you choose the good guide/friends . This Experience will remain fresh always in your mind. The journey can take you to the highest point of Happiness and peace.
Trekking or climbing in Himalayas won't be so hard as you have seen on picture or video or read it book. If you are mountain lover, single moments of journey you wont feel hard or difficult.
I can tell my 15 years expeiences. I have met people around the world. According to their experience, Trekking or climbing around Himalayas are hard job by Phisically but it's full of Happiness and peaceful by mentally and heartly.
If you are mountain lover, Do it today. if you don't do it today. who knows what gonna happen tomorrow. Dont keep any dream for tomorrow. Tomorrow is abstract. Today is today. Plan today. Do today. Today is this life. Tomorrow is next life. Yesterday is past life. Let's plan today, Do today, Happy today. 

My wish and Mission of Sharing these pictures on Face book is " Himalayas for All" . 

All Dream to go to see Himalayas
All dream to go Climb Himalayas
All Dream to touch Himalayas 

All Dream to feel Himalayas

But All can't do it by various reason
So i am here to fulfill your Dream
So i am here to fulfill your desire
So i am here to fulfill your Imagination

So Simply follow me
Every time i go Himalayas
Bring thousands clicks for you
My clicks are your Dream

combine your imagination with my clicks
Express yourself how you feel
Keep in touch always
Stay Happy and peace always

I be back again and again
You keep happy always
you keep in touch always
I be back always

what i need is, just your wish.
Your wish are my power
your wish are my energy
your wish are more than Everything.

Summiter Never Quit, Quiter Never summit

summiter never fear
they do summit always
fearer never summit
they never go summit
Quit your fear today
leave the fear away
fear only bring you tear
Live higher than fear & tear
Happiness and peace waiting you
Just in another corner of the tear and fear
so quit your fear
you will free from tear and pain
the remaining on you is happiness and peace
Summiter Never Quit
Quiter Never summit 

My Last Memory from Langtang

My Last Memory from Langtang

I took these pictures of langatang VIllage last year february. I have to thank to my group from Taiwan who let me go for these night short. I need to thank for Wakil and Prakash who company with me while taking these pictures.
Every time i go Langtang trekking. Langatang village attract me so much. it was still kind of pure. it not only had natural beauty but also had been continuing the tradition, culture and Dress.

Langtang village is not any more there
never know yet will be back there or not
it may disappear for forever
what a Pity, what a sad memory

I don't know it's my luck to have these pictures
I don't know it's my bad luck to have these pictures
i am thinking and thinking
it's already a half year Passed

My memories always moving around there
Kids run to us and smile
Asking candy or pen
Following us for few steps

Grandpa & ma walking with basket
Look at us and say Namaste
throw us his smile
we backed smile and Namaste

I have been walking here last 15 years
I found the people were same
every time i meet them
i get greeting and smile

What's wrong with Nature
Nature did nothing wrong
We human did many
earth got cruse

earthquake hit the earth
Hit the Himalayan ridge
Snow are desperate from Himalayas
Fall as avalanches

it was a afternoon in langatang
all people were busy with their daily life
unexpected avalanche comes
cover all the village and villagers

No one go out from there
nothing take out from there
what a disaster come
Take every memory away.
‪#‎langatangTrekking‬ ‪#‎langtang‬ ‪#‎langtangNepal‬ ‪#‎langtangtrek‬

Monday, November 16, 2015

I stop some point and see around

Standing somewhere around Mera peak High camp
Beauty of Himalayas remain same any time i go back

I stop some point and see around
It offers the most beautiful view
it keeps the purest air to breath
purest air fill the happiness in heart
happiness hit the brain with beautiful feeling
i forgot where i am
i forgot what i am doing 

Standing on somewhere of snow meadow

Can you guess which mountain peak is it standing as head ?
It's not other than Mt. Ama Dablam 6856m. Queen of Himalayas and Standing on middle of Khumbu Himalayas. When you go trekking in Khumbu, you will see she is standing always around you. Smiling with you and trekking with you.

Standing on somewhere of snow meadow
Summit the several peaks in front by sight
swim on cloud see a couple of time
forget all where i am, what i am

This this the perfect way of life
I always imagine
I always Dream
i always Sight

If you do so on
Join with me to Imagine
Join with me to Dream
Join with me to Sight
then Let's to Explore more 

Climbing peaks offers amazing view

I took these pictures just before the Island peak 6189m's crampon point. Its always a great experience to climb and trek around the Himalayas.

Climbing peaks offers amazing view
Climbing peaks offers amazing experience
climbing peaks take you to amazing happiness
climbing peaks give you amazing peace

view around are unexpected
experience are never before
happiness always with me
peace comes from inner heart

I don't need to run fun happiness
I dont need to run for peace
I just move my sight
i got every feeling around me

this is the place where i forget all
i forget my saving in my bank
i forget my loan in bank
i forget my office and salary
So i love Himalayas

So i go Himalayas
So I climb Himalayas
So i feel happy with Himalayas
So i feel peace with Himalayas
So i be friend with Himalayas



Always imagine the Himalaya
Always Dream the Himalaya
Always imgine the summit
Always Dream the summit

Now, I am now summit
no more imagination
no more Dream
all comes in reality

Summit is summit
no matter how high is it
it gives you more happiness than it's height
it leads you in differnt height than you imagine

Summit mountains won't be like reading in book
simmit mountains wont be like watching is movie
it is different than all these
these are just their feeling

if you want to know your summit feeling
you have to do yourself
you have to write yourself
let others read and see

My life is Himalaya

My life is Himalaya
Himayala is my life
I born here
i grow here
i will die here

Never know yet
how long my life here
but surely
i will be here till my last breath

Himalaya is my home
Himalaya is my dream
i am here forever
I love himalaya forever

Join with me

Join with me
Climb with me
be on my click
be on my words
i follow your steps
i wait for your clicks
i write in words
that will be your dreams

This is Himalayas

This is Himalayas
where blue sky is my roof
White snow is floor
imagination is my power
far slight is my destination

I live in Himalayas
I love my home
I love to keep it clean always
i love to keep is shining always
i get everything when i am around

I Love Himalayas
No worry for food
no worry for news
No worry happiness
No worry for peace
no worry for nothing

Himalayas is my home
Happiness are dancing around
just stop somewhere and feel it
Peace are flying around
Just stop somewhere and breather it 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Modi still alive in India But already Dead in Nepal

Modi still alive in India But already Dead in Nepal

I heard/read the Name of Modi as a CM of Gujrat ,hanging tag of Gujrat Riot. All believe that the riot was held in his direct order. He is big news as riot massacre since than. Time keep flying on.  Once USA rejected visa for Modi. Then He aggressively united Conservation/religious Indian. After all He became the candidiate of Indian PM from BJP. He won the Election either. America turns their visa policy 100%. Then a singal proof how money can turn Rajasthan riot/murder hero can be welcomed in white house Red carpet.

After all he visited around south asian country as a slogal of Neighbor first. He visited Nepal as as name of Worshiping in Pashupatinath Temple, Temple of Lord Shiva. Nepal government arrange special worshiping ceremony in temple. He addressed to Nepal parliaments too. He mentioned Bouddha was Born in Lumbini Nepal. Nepal is land/home of god and goddess. so those people of have enough sight, vision and though. World have to learn from them.He went out from car and talk with people directly. Everyone think Modi . Nepal was full of Modi Mania.

After a year later, We released our New constitution of Nepal. India didn't like it. I think, it's not India don't like it. It's Just modi and BJP didn't like it. I have no idea what's wrong with Modi. I think when he went to worship to Pashupatinath Temple, Lord shiva feed him poison instead of nectar. So that poison circulated all around Modi's body now. It has been hampering all Nepal and Nepali people now. Let's see if this continue more it may hampering to India and Indian people too.   Just wait and see. How future goes.

India people acting like they don't know any about Modi's action towards Nepal. Beware all Indian who Support BJP or Modi or others when it hit your door. it will be too late to fix.
Wake up India, Wake up Indian.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Magic Night in Himalayas

I took these pictures during my lobuche peak climbing. we decide to stay at lobuche high camp after the Summit the lobuche peak. We all tired after a long day walk on rock and snow. it was cloudy when we summit the lobuche peak. we saw some peaks are around. But clouds moving so fast and keep capping to himalayas .

But after the summit we went bed early and i went out around 2 or 3 am. what i have seen and what i have feel just as below:

A magic night in Himalaya

It is not a full moon
moon looks brighter than full moon
i am sleeping inside tent
i can see the brightness outside

I feel something waiting me outside
outside's brightness calling me
Inside happiness pushing me out
i listen outside brightness and inside Happiness

Finally i am outside then
Moon is so so bright
Himalayas are smiling
asking me for click

i take my camera from tent
i see around again and again
it doesn't like a normal night
something special in my mind

I stand one place
i turn my hear up
see the shining stars
see the bright moon

my head full of joy
my heart stop beating
my eyes sightless
my hand clickless

i down my head for silence
stars are shinging on groud
full moon is so near on groud
Himalayas are reflecting too

I am kind of madness at mid night
I don't know it's real or i am in dream
i keep moving around
stars, moon and mountain moves with me

finally i know the magic
I am walking around lake
what i can see in sky
i can see the reflextion on lake

clouds cover all the day around himalayas
we have only chace to see in morning
but in mid night, clouds go away from Himalayas
let stars fall down to lake with moon

stay around lakes
see their own reflection
listen their own echo
enjoy the silence of Himalays

it's my echo, i imagine in Himalayas
it's my echo,i hear in Himalayas
it's my echo, i feel in himalayas
it's my echo, i dream in Himalayas

What a wonder full night
what a wondeful time
what a wonderful moments
what a wonderful clicks