Sunday, December 31, 2017

Life is half illusion

Higher place
wider sky
thin air
exciting soul

dark night
billions stars
million thought
soaring lights

i move stars move
i stop stars stop
what a feeling
what a reading

i know it's just my illusion
i still feel so happy
i can control whole cosmic
even just by illusion thought

life is half illusion
life is quarter imagination
life is semi quarter knowledge
life is another semi quarter experiences

no matter you say or not
no matter do or not
no matter you move or not
life is always roaming around it's periphery

Nepal Mountain Climb
Never stop climbing
Photo: tengboche 3840m Everest trek

Fool the fear always

create a fierce not fear
don't look around with tear
just see your path
move on your destination

fool to fear always
dare to be dear sometimes
hold the haters often
laugh to Laughter immediately

no worries in life
whoever throw the stone to you
give a bag to them with your address
ask them put the stones in bag and carry to address

your life your choice
you keep moving on your path
your path change your lathe
you will feel it's the last math

azure appears more nearer
you will feel everything so dear and clear
your empyrean is just above the azure
you will shocked reaching the empyrean

once you stand on your empyrean
all your enemy whom you gave the bag
they carry the stone in that bag to your empyrean
all enemies are working hard to make your path

Never worry the destination
destination is you decide
always clearer your inner vision
don't live in other's prison

fly like a bird
blossom like flower
flow like river
Blow like wind

you will be the azure for others
you will be the empyrean for others
you will be the sacred of sacredness for others
you will be the destination for others

Reality is Bitter

Reality is Bitter"

when time is bad
we are in mad
life goes to sad
this is a life of lad

days become darker
nights become brighter
day's dream appear at night
night's dream appear at day

sleeplessness be your friend
loss of appetite come to hug you
afterwards, neither life move or nor you
everything stop and push you to the corner

you move one corner to another corner
you won't feel the sunshine
you only get the problems of vine
you see all around problem of line

neither you could move away
nor you could stay there
problem of vine grow higher and higher
hope and wish of life goes lower and lower

reality is bitter now
this world is more cruel now
time is being more terrible to all
life is being more harder

#Nepal #Mountain #Climb
Photo: Mugu- Bajura western Nepal karnali zone

आकाशमा उडेको चरा

आकाशमा उडेको चरा
बादलमा हराउछ
बादलमै रमाउछ
बादलमै खुसी हुन्छ

पानीमा खेल्ने चरा
पानीमै डुब्छ
पानीमै उभिन्छ
पानीमै सन्सार खोज्छ

हिमाल चढ्ने चरा म
हिमालको उकाली ओरालीमा हराउछु
हिमालको चुचुरोमा रमाउछु
चुचुरोको वरिपरिलाई नि आफ्नो संसार ठान्छु

उकालिको कथा के हो

उकालिको कथा के हो
यो ज्यानलाइ नसोध
मेरो बढेको श्वासमा खोज
यो भारिको कथा केहो
नसोध यहाँ मलाइ
मेरो परिवार मा गएर खोज
मेरो पौरख देखि
हिमाल हरु हास्छन
गर्वले छाती फुलाउछन
त्यसै कारण मलाइ यहाँ

Upper Dolpo

upper dolpo

A dry oaisis
land of sacredness
Hiding the treasure

no motion , no emotion
just Simplicity and purity
every breathe Happiness & silence

Once you been
you shower with pleasure
Once you closed the eyes
fill the peace into you

Beauty Never small or Big

Sit in the window
Think unthink dreams
Feel utmost comfort
life jump to diffetent height

Golden sun sent golden dream
Wheather you feel or not
Golden sun sent golden silence
Its matter with you you realize or not

Beauty never small or big
Adventure never high or low
Dream always black n white
Explore here, there, Everywhere

Be thrust by feeling

Dream for nature
Go for nature
Enjoy in nature
Nature is the light of life

Be Lost by thought
be Thrust by feeling
be Brust by attitude
be Must by mind

#everest #trek #nepal

Just flow on beauty

Blue blue sky
White white Himalaya
Happy Happy Hearts
Curious curious mind

Stop closing eyes
Stop moving legs
Stop beating hearts
Stop thinking brains

Just flow on beauty
Just swing on air
Just doing in expeience
Just feel in reality

Life stand differently
Life see diffetently
Life feel differently
Life move differently

#nepal #Himalaya #Adventure
#Everest #basecamp #trek
#kalapatthar #ebc #gorakshep #heliTour

Life is beautiful there

life is beautiful there
where waterfall dance louder 
stars shine brighter
feeling switched to silence

once you are in silence mode 
imagine what you think
imagine what you feel
imagine what you dream

one star, one dream
one dream, one feeling
one feeling, one journey
one journey, one story

life is a book of unlimited story
every steps you write stories
no matter you write or not
no matter you remember or not

Note: Photos taken during the trekking in western Nepal.

majestic doesn't need a mark

majestic doesn't need a mark 
always exist everywhere
no matter how dark or bright
simply stand silent and smile

Himalaya is home of happiness
simply go and grab
take how much you needed
back your place and happy

once finished happiness in you
come back and grab again
take how much you needed 
simply go back and stay happy

Note: Nepal trekking Himalaya , Everest base camp trek

What you dream, it come in life

what you dream, it comes in life
its the the matter of time
something come soon
something come late

be sure it will come
sooner or later
'just keep moving
you will be standing on dream one day

Mountain ? Never enough

Breakfast ? enough
Lunch ? enough
Dinner ? Enough

Nature ? Never enough
Adventure ? never enough
Himalaya ? Never ever enough

#Khumbutrail #Everesttrek #Everest #MountEverest
#Nepal  #Mountain  #MountainTrek  #Nuptse  #Sunrise

Mountain and monasteries echo

Mountain and monasteries echo
prayer wheel soaring the peace
prayer flags flop the silence
i stop and listen it

White Himalaya
White Stupa
place of nature
destination for adventure

Prayer wheel
singing bell
Ringing sound
Silence mood

#kyanjuma #prayerWheel #EverestTrek

#Khumbutral #Everesttrek #Everest #MountEverest

#Monasteries  #Mountains  #Himalaya  #Adventure  #Peace

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Mind move on fear, heart beat with dear

More adventure , more fun
no adventure, no fun
it's khumbu ice fall
one and only place
where life walk on adventure
mind move on fear
heart beat with dear
you have to experience once to know the reality
do it today don't save it or tomorrow
if you do today, it will be story tomorrow
you can read it day after tomorrow sitting on your sofa

Do you Adventure?

Do you adventure?
Have you done Khumbu ice fall?
if not thinking seriously, you must do as soon.
It may not remains same after 10 or 20 years.
--oh why , Everest still there
Yes Everest still there, wil be still there but khumbu ice fall may not be there
- what?
Yes, you know Climate change.
- yes i know
if Climate keep changing like this, beauty of alps Andes and Himalayas only remain in pictures an video what we took and post
- what the hell i am hearing
- before convert to hell, experience the heaven once lol

Do you Adventure?

Do you adventure?
Have you done Khumbu ice fall?
if not thinking seriously, you must do as soon.
It may not remains same after 10 or 20 years.
--oh why , Everest still there
Yes Everest still there, wil be still there but khumbu ice fall may not be there
- what?
Yes, you know Climate change.
- yes i know
if Climate keep changing like this, beauty of alps Andes and Himalayas only remain in pictures an video what we took and post
- what the hell i am hearing
- before convert to hell, experience the heaven once lol

Think today & do today

Are you thinking for Heli trek in Himalaya ?
More adventure more fun
think today and do today
don't keep anything for tomorrow
no body know what gonna happen tomorrow
live for today
plan for tomorrow
let's do it together

these are only water falls for some people

these are only water falls for some people
they only see water falling down there

it's not only waterfall for some people
some people see water falling here
some people see happiness falling
some people feel happiness dancing
some people see happiness flowing
some people see happiness poring

life is just thinking sometime
it's all about the way you imagine

#Nepal #mountain #Climb
Nepal Mountain Climb

Every nights star gazing in Himalaya

Himalayas are amazing
wake up with golden sun
hang out all day with bight shine
good night with golden fine

Himalayas are amzing
Every night stars Gazing
every night moon's moving
always roaming either day or night

Himalayas are amazing
sometime dance with clouds
sometime sink in the clouds
some time float on clouds

Himalayas are Amazing
sometime shower with rain
sometime power with fame
always standing high, no matter we come or not

Himalayas are always amazing
with it's golden shine
with it's star gazing
with floating on clouds

i am gonna miss Himalayas
always and ever
Here, there, everywhere
wherever i do stand

#Nepal #Mountain #Climb
Nepal Mountain climb
Mt. thamserku and Kangtega

Sometime I can listen

Sometime I can listen
but I can't hear
sometime I can hear
but I can't listen

Listen but not hear
hear but not listen
really, what's this ?
Really, is it possible ?

It's possible
it's called the awakening
once you know awakening
you understand the existance

Once you feel the existance
you look for silence
you stay awaken
you feel peace n happiness

Photo: taken in Annapurna Basecamp

Dolpo is not only a place

Dolpo is not only a place
it's not just a trek for me
every step one breathe
one breathe one view
one view one imagination
one imagination one dream
one dream one path
one path one journey
one journey one concentration
one concentration one thought
one thought one motion
once you reach in one motion
you lost all emotion
you sink in silence
silence is highest form of wisdom
once life sink into wisdom
life move nowhere
just stand here, there, everywhere
you see silence
you feel silence
happiness dance inside you
you are transform to another you
you born new you with new thought
this is called power of nature
once you join the in adventure
it's a first step being better creature
never do late , never be late
start today, start now
dolpo is waiting , dolpo is waiting

This is the place where life smile

one place
unlimited smile
one view
unlimited happiness

one life
lots different thought
live once
lots different experience

see there silence
feel here silence
see up silence
see down silence

this is the place where life smile
this is the place where life sink in charm
this is the place where life fly
this is the place where life feel like life

sky come down to kiss the earth

it's the solitude place
not really a altitude place
i sleep , stars wake up
i wake up, stars disappear

it's a heaven where
sky come down to kiss the earth
earth lay down to be kissed by the sky
stars just shine and enlighten the sky and earth

once you been
once you seen
once you feel
surely you obsess

Dream an Image

Dream an image
make the path
Creep on it
Day by day

One day gone with same sun
Another day come with the same sun
Why one day is fun another is pain
Problem is in day or me

Everyone think they are only great Human being
No one ready to live single day being a human
What a amazing wonders are we ?
Life stop and begin time to time

Some change easy to see

A moment you stop
A moment you breathe
A moment you rememer
A monent you forget

There will be a change
Some change easy to see
Some change hard to know
But we never realize it

Once we realize
We are all covered by changed
We just feel pity for change
Never ever can know it

You are star, Tara

You are a star , Tara
you pour the light in my vision
You shine in my heart
you clearer my brain

Wherever you go
i follow you
Here, there Everywhere
I chase you as a dream

No matter, how far a star is
star spread the light in your path
no matter, you hide or show up
a imaginative image of you multiply Happiness

Note: View from Gorakshep August last week 2017

life is just like earth

life is just like earth
sometime it covers by cloud
Sometime it covers by water
Some time it covers by snow

We move to find life
Search in cloud
Hide in cloud
Lost in cloud

We move to find life
Seach in water
Sink in water
Lost in Water

We move to find life
Search in snow
Frozen in snow
Lost in snow

Where ever we go
We can't find life
We just lost the life
Its the reality

#NamcheNow #namcheToday #EverestTrek #MissMist

My world

My world
My breathe
My thought
My pride
My joy
My teacher
My classroom
My smile
My journey
My life
All are just Himalaya
Just Himalaya & Himalaya

Move here, see this

move here  see this
move there See that
Imagine this life
Practice that life

After all
All life experience are same
Problem in our mind
but we quote the problem in others

Note: timelapse video taken in Tokyu village Dolpo trek Nepal
#nepal #dolpoTrek #upperDolpo #dolpo

More adventure more fun



#evverest #trek
#yak #yakbell #tengboche #singingBell

Happy Deepawali

Don't only lit the Deepawali light.
Lit a light inside your heart & mind
which can enlighten you
forever even after life.
"Happy Deepawali to all "

somebody say happiness is today

somebody say happiness is today
somebody say happiness is yesterday
somebody say happiness is tomorrow
indeed what's the happiness

Happiness either today, tomorrow or yesterday
Happiness neither yesterday, today or  tomorrow
it's just  the time's race course
you keep moving, so does time too

A lake says
i want to be a river
i flow all around
i travel all around
i want to see all around

A river says
i want to be lake
i just stay in peace in one place
i don't need to rush here and there
it's just quiet and joyful

pain of the lake only lake knows
pain of the river only river knows
we only seek for happiness
we only search for happiness
we just move for happiness

how happiness exist if there is no pain
till we don't realize it
neither you can be happy
nor you really can sink in pain
you just move for mirage

write you in words, others see and read

write you in words
others see and read
put you in mirror
other watch and see

keep you in heart
you don't see it
i only see you
it's not enough for you

keep you in mind
your heart don't feel it
see you from eyes
your eyes, your mind don't trust

your half, you don't trust
you don't have everything full
don't always look for bull
if so, you only be fool

half life single
half life, half wife
half life, half husband
seemed, have wife no life

nothing pure and full
except our illusion
nothing true and sure
except our reality

you dream moon
sit on a balloon
blow higher and higher
but you never reach to moon

life is more illusion now
life is more rumor now
illusion and rumor sounded louder
you follow that echo

you feel,
my home is not your home
my bed is not your bed
my arm not your sum

life has beautiful reflection
life connects with sky through milky way
life swings on golden cloud 
but,in reality, life move far from horizon

life in reality won't be like in novel
life can't romance like in novel always
you can't be a reader always
i can't be a writer always

you stay your true dream
wish you better and beautiful life
i walk my rough path
never care how tough it is

rough road , breathe faster
tough life , breather harder
harder and faster, faster and harder
it's better and beautiful for me

Virtual life of 21st century

Virtual life of 21st century 

one room six walls
nowhere to fall
just lay down to bed
imagine unlimited dreams

turn this side
turn that side
one breathe turn to one wall
nothing changes

dreams are in mind
legs are on bed
where is the life
no body knows

eyes on virtual phone
eyes can blink
but phone's screen can't blink
what time life we have

i think this
another think another
i expect this
answer comes another

what the hell life is
get up, sit on bed
throw the phone on bed
put the hand on head

what's going on
why it's happening
it's only to me
or everybody got sort of

i think for the world
i dream to surf the world
i am locked inside six walls
what the heck life is

pull the phone again on hand
no power in phone
meanwhile, no power in life too
this is the virtual life of 21st century 

connect your life with nature
engage your life with adventure
feel the power of universe
balance the life in reality

virtual life always vague
it always moves away and away
real life is clear
more you experience it appears near

stay tune with reality
listen echo of infinity
roam into silence
be always a good audience

Note: Nepal dolpo Trekking , Upper dolpo trekking

showering river rush down

showering river rush down
dusty road always brown

stand the place you like most
imagine the dream you wish most

clear water clean our mood
blue sky heal our pain

stories fly to sky with echo
experiences flow to sea with showering river

Photo : Dho khola , dolpo trek Nepal

Ngozumba Tsho (Lake)

Ngozumba Tsho 
Have you heard the name of this word?
have you ever been here?
This is also known as Fifth lake. it is located in 4950m. It is located in Gokyo valley. Gokyo itself is a third lake. It offers the excellent view of Mt. Everest too. Gokyo valley trek is know as Himalayan lakes trek.

There are 6 lakes located around this valley. All lakes are fantastic. when you pass one lakes, another will appear in while, then in a while another will appear in another moments. It seemed all are there just waiting for you and smiling for you. Nature are always darling to human being. But Human are always enemies for nature. This is time to change our thought. We have to act in practice that human and nature, nature and human are friends for forever. one's life may not meaningful in another's absence.

Gokyo valley is a small paradise for lake viewer or nature lover. There in not one who is not falling love with this pretty these lakes. Do trek in Himalayas and take unlimited memories. If you are eager for memorizes, lakes are there with smile, it's time to go to greet. Welcome to Himalayas.

#nepal, #Himalayas, Gokyolakes, #NgozumbaTsho,   fifthlake #Gokyovalley  #gokyoRi #NepalgokyoTrekking #Everest #khumbu

i am painted by golden rays, this is my everyday's way

a sun goes down spreading golden ray 
millions golden breathe for free, not pay

Darkness comes and cover me
Dream appears in midnight and sober me

soaring soul wake up in morning                
golden rays on my eyes

golden rays flow up to head
golden rays flow down to toe

i am painted by golden rays
this is my everyday's way

Photo: Sunrise view from Poon Hill in early morning

We don't get the salvation, just seeing in the River

We don't get the salvation
just seeing in the River
We don't reach the elevation
Just seeing the mountain
We need power and energy from inside
then you will find
Salvation and elevation are dancing in your thought and real life, not only in imagination

imagination is the power of your spirit
it flies here in while and leave here in while
it reaches there in while, leave there in while too
it's the motion of life
you move, your thought move, not only leg
move is power, every move generates the energy
this energy called the journey, life journey

Note: Poon Hill Trek Nepal

I am not mean

i am not mean
i am too thin to be mean
i am too fat to be seen
it's me, its me, it's me
never come close to me

it may pollute you and your breathe
you are clean and calm
i am not just a balm
u will never conquer me
i am sacred one, sacred one

Note: Mount fishtail 6993m , Also known as Mount  Machhapuchhre in Nepali

Nature is my home

Nature is my home
Adventure is my life
Camera is my best friend
All the photos are my power

Nature whisper me
adventure tingling on me
camera's shutter naked my soul
All these ring my inside's bell 

photos: somewhere in between the Everest camp 3-4

my clicks are my memory

once upon a time
we met and move
we create the memories and move
momories keep chasing us

my clicks are my memory 
my memories are  my history
my history is my life
my life is me, just it

Life is not the real adventure
real adventure is the eye
never say good bye
always follow your eye

When you have day dream at night

When you have day dream at night
no one can help you
when you see a moon at noon
it's not gonna shine like in a night 

when you have night dream at day
no one gonna help you
when sun gonna shine at night
stars never gonna appear in our sight

don't fear like its finished
don't tear like its heavy rained fall
fight more like reaching the hell
tight more like feeling the heaven

day comes to disturb you
show this here, show that there
let you move always here and there
let you feel  up and down

night comes to pleasant you with dancing stars
lay on bed sing a song for dancing stars
moon will join with clapping hands
no worry we are always friends

you move to me like a motion of moon 
i feel your motion , i feel your emotion
i wait your resolution
that's our solution, that's our solution

i try to catch you and yours
you move like a motion of moon
i touch you and yours
you moan with the motion of moon

time flies quickly once you are in  motion
don't stop and hide your emotions
half life is motion and half is emotion
forget it all, let's have fun

When you have day dream at night
no one can help you
when you see a moon at noon
it's not gonna shine like in a night 

when you have night dream at day
no one gonna help you
when sun gonna shine at night
stars never gonna appear in our sight

Photos: took at night in Everest Camp 2

what the hell in your mind

A flower blossom today
may not remain tomorrow
a air you breathe now
won't get again a while later

you dream to have your own moon
you dream to have your own sun
you dream to have you own stars
what the hell you want

i just wonder and wonder
what the hell in your mind
This to that , that to this
what is the thought of life

you may not here a breather later
you may not see me a while later
it's the reality , acknowledge it or not
life is becoming foolish,need some charming polish

Note: Black and white Nepal Himalayan world

Sun moves around, shadows move together

This world is amazing
move amazingly around
see the view amazingly
thrill your mood amazingly

sun moves around
shadows moves together
you likes or not
time doesn't care

we desire this and that
we move for this and that
first, unknowingly, we are slave of our desire
then, knowingly we are slave of our desire

once we are slave of our desire
we are lock in cage of our desire
neither can feel happy nor can run a way
this is the reality of our life today

Photo: Crossing the khumbu icefall during Everest expedition
#Nepal #Everest #Climbing
#EverestExpedition #KhumbuIceFall #adventure

Tiny birds , giant Himalayas

tiny birds
giant Himalayas
cold temperature
same feathers 

High Himalaya
higher altitude
small birds
unbelievable ferds

how do they go there?
why do they do there?
what do they eat there?
how do they live there?

a question has raised
my feeling has praised
they are unbelievable
Really hard to believe

Dont get closer to Everything

don't get closer to everything
keep distance with something
don't afraid with everything
keep fear with something too

life is beautiful in saying
life is ugly in doing
it's reality , indeed
just flash back your time and memories

how sun come through the misty morning
how happiness appear in life covering the sadness
how sadness's tentacles risen in happiness
how things changed from one to another

keep the sun far a way
take the sunlight as close as you can
live the life as happy as you can
hide the pain  on the bottom of the feet

fly in dream
live in reality
wake up in happiness
let sadness sleep for forever

#Nepal #Everest #Climbing
Nepal Mountain climb
#adventure #nature #life

Every steps you move

i move , i roam
my mind foam
my thought loam
this is my comfort zone

when i move
lots i hear
lots i see
lots i feel

indeed, these are my books
their emotions are alphabet
their feelings are worlds
their breathing are sentence

once you in love with nature's book
by your inner emotion and sense
reading fiction or novel won't satisfy you
you will never stop your steps

every steps you move
you listen the words
every breathe you inhale and exhale
you compose the sentence
Every journey you complete
you complete the one book

keep roaming your soul
keep foaming your mind
keep gloaming your life
life will be beautiful always

#Nepal #Remote #Village
#Mountain #Life #BeautifulLife
#Pyuthan #kalikot #Humla #Mugu

Journey to your own empyrean

create a fierce not fear
don't look around with tear
just see your path
move on your destination

fool to fear always
dare to be dear sometimes
hold the haters often
laugh to Laughter immediately

no worries in life
whoever throw the stone to you
give a bag to them with your address
ask them put the stones in bag and carry to address

your life your choice
you keep moving on your path
your path change your lathe
you will feel it's the last math

azure appears more nearer
you will feel everything so dear and clear
your empyrean is just above the azure
you will shocked reaching the empyrean

once you stand on your empyrean
all your enemy whom you gave the bag
they carry the stone in that bag to your empyrean
all enemies are working hard to make your path

Never worry the destination
destination is you decide
always clearer your inner vision
don't live in other's prison

fly like a bird
blossom like flower
flow like river
Blow like wind

you will be the azure for others
you will be the empyrean for others
you will be the sacred of sacredness for others
you will be the destination for others

#Nepal #mountain #Climb
Photo: Annapurna Himalaya Nepal

Wish you all happy new year and Xmas. May all you able to reach/create your own empyrean.

When time is bad

when time is bad
we are in mad
life goes to sad
this is a life of lad

days become darker
nights become brighter
day's dream appear at night
night's dream appear at day

sleeplessness be your friend
loss of appetite come to hug you
afterwards, neither life move or nor you
everything stop and push you to the corner

you move one corner to another corner
you won't feel the sunshine
you only get the problems of vine
you see all around problem of line

neither you could move away
nor you could stay there
problem of vine grow higher and higher
hope and wish of life goes lower and lower

reality is bitter now
this world is more cruel now
time is being more terrible to all
life is being more harder

#Nepal #Mountain #Climb
Photo: Mugu- western Nepal karnali zone

If stars for happiness

if stars for happiness
my click for more happiness

A night in Himalaya
feeling so bright
never seen such a sight
let's go such a height
enjoy the light
sit in peace & quiet

Stars are raining

stars are raining
our pains are going away
lets go around
enjoy the shower

feel the peace
thrill in solitude
fill the peace
feel the happiness

let's go to the height
see the great sight
Wait for wonderful light
Feel the peace in height

stars won't spark without darkness

counting the stars in sky
counting love in number
typing the feeling in words
just possible in dream

blue sky blue flower
happy feeling happy life
more stars seen in sky
more peace in heart

stars won't spark without darkness
happiness won't feel without sadness
you run under rain fly away all the pain
do your dharma without counting the gain

Mommy mommy

Ama Ama (mommy mommy)
I am coming
i have something for you
i am carrying something for you
what you doing ?
what are you carrying ?
you most bring some dirt

No ama , no ama
I am carrying happiess for you
i am carrying this for you
Happy mothers days Ama
smile smile smile

Stars are talking in sky

Stars are roaming in sky
birds are roaming in earth
i am roaming inside my camera
these are my insight  for light

Midnight in Himalaya
stars are talking in sky
I sat on rock in earth
listen their echo

foot are  roaming around
Heart is feeling around
Mind is thinking around
Camera is clicking around

#nepal #annapurnaStartrail #Myclick #mylife
#MoreAdventure #moreFun


Some people say i am Machhapuchhre
some people say i am fishtail
some people say i am virgin peak
some people say i am lonely peak

who am i indeed?
why you are saying it indeed?
i don't care what you thought
i know who i am

I am pure heart of Annapurna
i am pure sight of Annapurna
i am soul of freedom
nobody can touch, only image

#nepal #pokhara #fishtail #virginpeak #machhapuchhre #Annapurna

Waiting for your adventure

sun comes from one corner in morning
sun goes from another corner in evening
Himalaya is standing always same place
it's a Himalayan nature
waiting for your adventure

stars come in evening all around
stars goes in morning from all around
Himalaya is smiling always there
it's a Himalayan nature
waiting for your adventure

no matter it's day or night
no matter brightness or darkness
Himalaya is standing and smiling always
it's a Himalayan nature
waiting for your adventure

when sun rises from the hills

when sun rises from the hills
happiness rises from hearts
when sun set from hills
happiness set from hearts

Its not only waterfall

it's not waterfall
it's pain fall
just go to see
let fall your pain
and let pain go away

Flowers are the power of Nature

flowers are power of nature
stands on the way to adventure
fill the happiness and peace inside you
wish you always good luck on the way
#nature #adventure #flowers

Never end my world dream

when you are happy
sun comes so close to you
sun covers you with happy moments
sun shines in you with happy rays

just keep roaming
sometime here sometime there
never ever end
My World my dream

Sometime sun comes so near to us

sometimes sun comes so near to us
sometimes sun goes so far to us
it's life sometimes it is surrounded by Happiness
it's life sometimes it is surrounded by sadness

Life is a time, time is a life
so live a life, fun in life
Keep moving like sun, always feel fun
start with golden shine and end in evening with golden fine

Himalayan Flight

Himalayan flight
Himalayan sight
keep you always in tight
fill in you bright bright light

a bit lower there is cloud sea
a bit higher there is Himalayan Happiness
in a middle of there my spirit is flying
so simply time for purify my thought

my sight sometime connect to cloud sea
my thought sometime connect to himalayan happiness
it keeps connecting each other
Flight  is flying and reach much further

Note: video was taken while fly back from Lukla to kathmandu after ebc trek

Porter,s Basket

A porter's Basket looked more bigger than Mt. Amadablam. But I am not sure its heavier like Ama Damlam or not.

But I am sure porter is a Happy soul like Ama Dablam. So they are seeing each other and talking each other and smiling each other too.

Whitening the mood

I always think mountains and rivers are good friends. we couldn't imagine our life in their absence.
white mountain
white water
whitening the mood
silencing the soul

You think i am climbing the ladders

you think i am climbing the ladders
you think i am crossing crevasses
you think it's super dangerous
you think it's the death zone

But, i never think so
once you experience it you will know it
the places is full of happiness
the place is full of peace

note: Climbing ladder in Khumbu icefall

Stand silenty, look at the blue sky

stand silently
look at the Blue sky
feel the brighten sun
eye on colorful flags

determined mind
high altitude trail
thin thin air
amazing atmosphere

Shadow, always move together
thought, always hit with fairly dreams
steps, always moving a head
eyes, always looking higher and further

Journeys always on
shadows just move as sun's direction
thought just changed with the echo sound
life just run as the desire and wish pushed

Ancient mind, ancient idea

A milky-way seen from Pheriche 4200m
During the Everest Base camp trek

Ancient time
Ancient mind
Ancient idea
amazingly scientific

I was small. i run from one corner to another corner of yard from morning to evening. Normally it wouldn't be matter with season. child's leg always happy with unlimited jump here and there. Always on holiday mood. think everyday is Saturday. play with whatever around. climb the tree whatever possible. pick the any fruit no matter ready or not. childhood time moving just like this.

Every day when i am playing in corner of yard or around, my grandma always hurry me to come to eat and go school. she didn't have watch. Her watch was sun and sun light or shadow of the sun in day. I always used to wonder how could she knows the time to go school.

Every night her watch was moon and stars position. There were not toilet inside home. Every time went out for pee or wake up and went out to check stars position and decided the time for wake up. Even if some one born in mid night, they went out to check the stars position and guess the birth time. what a mountain village i was born. What a fairly tale story i witness.

Now, when i go out the take night shot in Himalaya, Every time that story come in mind.  A boy who grew up with stars moon and sun's story. Same boy can take a pictures of sun, moon and stars now. Hope to walk on sun moon and stars one day. Keep dreaming. Never give up.

inspire to higher hill life

Sunny day
shinning Himalaya
Happy moments
Happy life

shining himalaya
motivated mood
Higher altitude
thin thin air
heavy steps
but happy and peaceful feeling

it's just a light
show up in height
hit my sight
inspire to higher hill life

Highest Himalayan height
wonderful Evening light
blissful moment in sight
increased my inner wise

Dancing flag

prayers flags
mane stones
stupa with Buddha eyes
are the jewel of mountains

furious wind
dancing flag
stopping time
curious eyes
all will be waken
once you stand here

breathe will be different once you saw Himalaya

breathe will be different once you saw Himalaya
hearts motion turn differently once you are in Himalaya 
moments become different once you are around Himalaya
Then life will feel difference once you are around Himalaya
note: view from Lobuche Ri 5000m

The Higher I go

The higher i go
i can see more higher

More higher i go
i scale more higher altitude

Higher altitude i scale
happiness goes more higher

higher happiness i feel
life fly somewhere away from reality

it's a Himalayan life

it's a Himalayan life
sometimes sun looks like moon
sometimes moon looks like sun
life keep brighten  always

it's himalayan life
The higher up you go
Happiness rises more inside
life keep brighten  always

echos and whispers of silence
thin air and higher altitude
crevasses and avalanches
this is adventure Life in Himalaya

We walk, Himalaya Laugh

we walk
Himalaya laugh
we breath
Himalaya smile

we laugh
Himalaya just look us
We smile
Himalaya just silence

we talk
Himalaya listen
we sleep
Himalaya echo the heights

Himalaya is the best mirror

Himalaya is the best mirror
it reflects everything perfectly
so i love to go Himalaya
walk with my shadow all day
listen the echo all day and night

float on the thought
flap on echo
slap on silence
fight with difficulty
then, you are  shine and awaken

Life goes different level
thought goes different horizon
feeling always flying around echo
Happiness always flapping around
life becomes more simple and pure

Beauty exist Everywhere

Beauty exist everywhere
motion of mind think here and there
sight of eyes view everywhere
but never stop here there or everywhere

imagination keep moving
sometime it moves beyond the limits
sometime it moves far beyond the limits
never stop here there or everywhere

stories are everywhere
you need the mind to see
echoes are everywhere
you need the heart to feel

Happy moods

Happy moods fill your mind with colorful imagination. when you have colorful imagination, there is very less space for sadness. when there is no space for sadness means you have no other choice than Happiness.

live a life with happy strolling mood
dream a life with colorful imagination
practice a life as simple as moon move
then, the life will be more enlighten than you wish

note: Timelapse video taken in Ghode

Dark dark night

dark dark night
starry starry sky
enlighten enlighten moments
darkness disappear once hit by sun light

sun appear with  light
light reflect the shadows
wind whispher the blinks
shadows hop here and there

hopping hopping shadows
move here sometime
move there sometime
keep hopping here and there

Note: Rara lake in early morning, west nepal

Sunset time, clouds keep roaming

Sun set time
happy and golden shine
beautiful and fun
mountain and its height

clouds keep roaming
golden shine moving up
mountain keep standing
just like a prince and princess in fairly tale

I keep watching by sight
I keep listening by silence
I keep flying by imagination
what a soaring moments

Freedom, listen the sound of silence

Freedom, we all talk about freedom. We all love this word very much too. But, carrying unlimited greediness and expectation in inner heart and mind how we could  free ourselves and achieve the  "FREEDOM" .

We have to clear all these obstacles to feel/get the real freedom. If we couldn't do it in real life, only talking about freedom and carrying the pain inside. It won't make your life meaning. It won't lead your life towards the happiness.

Less expectation give you highest satisfaction, if you truely free from any sorts of expectation, then after you can truely free and you can fly into the freedom.

Give up everything
listen the sound of silence 
practice to swing in  silence
learn to sink into silence 

reaching into the depth of silence
swimming into the beauty of silence
we can feel the power of silence
power of silence is freedom in reality 

There is two war

there is two war
one in love
another in power

once you betray from both
you will seek for another love
that's only the nature

you dream more away
you move more away
that's just nature nature nature

Himalaya flowers

Himalaya snow lotus flower
I am Himalayan lotus
have you ever heard me
have you ever seen me
if not, now you can see me

Flower 2

Himalayan height
grow there is my right
white white is my fur
u just click i am happy to hear

Flower 3

i grow in higher lands
i wear the thicker fur
i enjoy with the cold
i love the snow
i love to look like snow sometime
once you saw me don't confused
i am not snow, i am flower

Flower 4

every life start with flower
every life end with flower
no matter the colors and beauty
even my leaves are sacred when you really need

every life start with flower
every life end with flower
no matter the colors and beauty
even my leaves are sacred when you really need

i blossom here in Himalaya
I blossom there in Himalaya
I blossom everywhere in Himalaya
no matter you step up or not

A dazzling flower
blossom in higher Himalaya
once you saw it
it dashed thousands mile happiness

I make this world amazing
no matter you appreciate or not
once you click on me
it's your appreciation

just a flower
stand for happiness
just a flower
Dance for happiness

Flower -5

I am blue poppy
i am a summer flower
i am a queen of the flowers
i blossom in high Himalaya
i love thin air
i love wider view
so i grow in higher land

Flower 6

Yaks ,lakes, himalayas

talk each other on their own motion
just stand around
listen them
roam around
feel the silence
you will feel
nothing better than this

Water-mountain- Life

dew drop



Once you can hear the echo

once you can hear the echo
you know the power of silence
once you see the reflection
you realize the who you are

i love to stand a while
take a long and peaceful breathe
capture the view by my eyes
record the feeling by heart beat

Once you follow the Sun

once you follow the sun
you feel the heat
once you see the sun
you feel light
once you observe the sunlight
you will see lots colors from morning to evening

Higher lands, god's land

Higher lands
god's land
higher spirit
god's spirit

once you stand and close your eyes
you listen god's spirit are shouting
once you open eyes
they fly away miles

that's why in life
something can see but can't listen
something can't listen but can see
so always ask your heart but listen your mind

there are many trail

there are many trail
chose your one trail
you have two option
one is choose the right trail
another is choose the favorite trail
if you chose right trail
you reach the right place
otherwise you reach the wrong place
if you choose favorite one
you enter the unknown journey
you may reach anywhere
anything may happen
but it's your choice
so think twice
before choose the trail
it indicates where you are heading up

How do you define the Beauty of mountain?

How do you define the Beauty of mountain?
by it's color
by it's height
by it's shape

whatever the way you define
mountain still remains same
it won't change it's color, height and shape
it still stands as mountain

Mother,s love

Mother's care
can't compare
Mother's lap
most happy home
mother's touch
only one in earth
mother's love
no terms & condition

we say good by for forever

the world was like this with open sky
what we are doing these days
we all know it
but no one are concerning

we are being deaf
we are being blind
soon, we will be bomb
soon, we blast

we departure for forever
it's time moments of warning
Soon, countdown starts
we say good by for forever

Monday, December 25, 2017

प्रचण्ड प्रस्तान, घामतिर या खामतिर

चण्ड छन
उत्डण्ड छन
त्यसैले प्रचण्ड भ काछन
क्या गजबका छन उनी

दिनमा एउटा कुरो गर्छ्न
रातमा अर्कै मान्छे भेट्छन
हास्दा हास्दै रुन्छन
रुदा रुदै हास्छन
साच्चै गजबका छन उनी

प्रचण्ड आफुलाइ कम्युनिष्ट भन्छन
वास्तवमा यिनी हुनाहार क्रीश्चियन हुन
नेपालका कुना काप्चामा चर्च बनाउने यिनै हुन
नपत्याए कुना काप्चा घुम्न गए हुन्छ
क्या गजबका काम गरेका छन उनले

इन्डियामा लुकेर
पश्चिमाको भात धोकेर
सेटेलाइट फोन बोकेर
नेपाल र नेपालिको संस्कृती मासेर
अजिब नेपालको सजिव नेता भकाछ्न उनी

प्रचन्डलाइ नेपालमा कम्युनिष्ट नेता भन्छन
उता पश्चिमातिर क्रीश्चियन नेता भनी चिनिन्छन
क्या गज्जवको पात्र हुन भने
उता गए क्रीश्चिएन यता आए कम्युनिस्ट
हात्ती र हात्ती छाप,उस्तै उस्तै भन्या यहि हो

गाउघरका गरिबलाइ बन्दुक बोकाए
ती सबैलाइ बाइबल घोकाए
क्रान्तिकारी गीत गुनगुनाउन लगाए
सबैलाइ चकित पार्ने गरि आन्दोलन अगाडि बडाए
देशलाइ किस्चियनमय बनाए

मन्दिर र गुम्बा भत्काए
दिनभरी बाइबल पढाए
रातभरी बन्दुक पड्काए
मान्नेलाइ फकाए, नमान्नेला धपाए
क्या गज्जबको क्रीश्चिएन कम्युन बनाए

हामी देश दर्शन गए नोकरशाहिको दुत
पश्चिमाहरु गए  बाइबलको पञ्चामृत
आखिर कम्युनिस्ट र क्रीश्चियन थिए मित
जहाँ भेट्यो त्यही बस्थ्यो उनिहरुको प्रीत
कस्तो दुर्दसा थियो त्यो त्यतिबेलाको रित

कहाँ गए ती विकाशका भजन
कहाँ  गए ती सादा जीवन र उच्च बिचारका उद्गार
सधै देख्छु तुच्छ बिचार र निच्च मुस्कान
कठै बरा यी नेता,  यता न उता
दिल्ली जे देता , उहीँ लेता 

विकास विकास भनि कराउनि
बाइबल लिएर घरघरमा पठाउनी
दिन दुइ गुना रात चार गुना क्रीश्चियन बढाउनी
हामी घरमा बस्निलाइ दिक्क गराउनी
वा क्या काइदाका छन हाम्रा प्रचण्डका विकास

बन्दुकका नाममा बाइबल पढाएर छलाङ
हजारौलाइ सहिद बनाइ सत्ताको लागि शान्ती प्रकृयाको भर्‍याङ
निरन्तरतामा क्रम भङ्गता, क्रम भङ्गताको निरन्तरता
कहिले एमाले कहिले कङ्ग्रेस, सरकारमा निरन्तरता
जता फर्के पनि प्रधानमन्त्रीमा प्राथमिकता

बस या उठ , रोउ वा कराउ
आउने दशैंमा टीका लगाउ या नलागाउ
तिम्रो अबको यात्रा, प्रचण्ड यात्रा
कि घाम तिर कि खाम तिर
प्रचण्ड अध्याय समाप्ती तिर

जब नेपालमा नेपाली हावा चल्छ
दिल्लिको पेटिकोट लाउ वा
पश्चिमाको लगौंटी लगाउ
हावाले फुर्र फुर्र उडाउदै
तिम्रो असली तस्विर छर्लङ्ग देखाउछ

दिल्लिको दारु
दिल्लिको भारु
क्या सारो कडा
जस्लाइ छोयो उइ हुन्थ्यो बडा
अन्त्य हुन्छ होला अब यो सब लफडा

पर्दैन मन उनलाइ शिव बुद्ध श्रीराम
यो पढ्नी बेला लिनु चुस्स स्यान्ट्यार्‍याम
गणतन्त्रको लागि उनलाइ सलाम
बाकी अरु सब षडयन्त्र उनका हराम
प्रचण्डको अन्तिम मलाम, घाम या खाम

जबरजस्ती कोरेको चित्र
पैसाले किनेको मित्र
कहिल्यै बस्दैन मनभित्र
तिमी पत्याउ वा नपत्याउ मित्र
यिनको अन्तिम नाटक यहि हो सचित्र

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Khumbu icefall adventure

Khumbu icefall adventure
it's not enough just seeing in video or photo
you have to go and climb
then you will know the real journey and beauty

Do you do adventure?
Have you done Khumbu ice fall?
if not think seriously, you must do as soon.
It may not remains same after 10 or 20 years.
--oh why , Everest still there
Yes Everest still there, wil be still there but khumbu ice fall may not be there
- what?
Yes, you know Climate change.
- yes i know
if Climate keep changing like this, beauty of alps Andes and Himalayas only remain in pictures an video what we took and post
- what the hell i am hearing
- before convert to hell, experience the heaven once lol

More Adventure , More fun

More adventure , more fun
no adventure, no fun
it's khumbu ice fall
one and only place
where life walk on adventure
mind move on fear
hear beat with dear
you have to experience once to know the reality
do it today don't save it or tomorrow
if you do today, it will be story tomorrow
you can read it day after tomorrow sitting on your sofa

Lets do it tomorrow

Are you thinking for Heli trek in Himalaya ?
More adventure more fun
think today and do today
don't keep anything for tomorrow
no body know what gonna happen tomorrow
live for today
plan for tomorrow
let's do it together

Roaming sun

Mount Everest View from Kalapatthar 5545m

Roaming sun
Highest peak
my imagination
camera's shutter

speed of camera shutter limited
my wish speed shutter unlimited
my finger's press click click click......
shutter speed c l i c k   c l i c k ...........

Himalayas beauty are incomparable

Himalayas beauty are incomparable
Himalayas beauty are unbeatable
just come, see and feel
take the unlimited happy and peace great greaties

Mount Everest, Top of the world
A peak of Himalaya with its greatness
Everyone go , greet equally
Even we all think and feel differently

Mt. Pumo Ri On the way to Everest base camp trek

moon is spreading it's glow

one night in Himalaya
woke up in mid night
just look outside from window
brightness outside like a day

white Himalayas are just standing
unlimited stars are dancing in sky
moon is spreading it's glow
clouds are just rushing here and there to cover

what a moments i feel
what a experience i experience
what a beauty i have seem
what  clicks i had you just can see

Photo: taken in Gorakshep 5189m during the Everest base camp trek

Yak without mountains

Yak without mountains
you may miss something
mountains without Yak
you feel you miss something
yak with mountains
just more than perfect

Photo: Near the Lobuche 4950m on the way to Everest Base camp trek

once you stand and see the sunrise

once you stand and see the sunrise
close your eyes and imagine from depth
feel the utmost peace and breath deeper
heal the pain and feel the Happiness

Note: Sunset view from lakuri Bhanjyang Lalitpur Nepal

Adventure is waiting

adventure is waiting
stop fighting
just pack the bag
tight the shoes
closed the door
open the heart and mind
then just keep move on

Nepal Himalaya view floating on clouds

Beauty never shine

Beauty never shine
beauty never bight too
beauty never high or low
beauty is a inner feeling

nature are calling for adventure
nature are also creature
human are also creature
once's exist another never exit

Nepal Langtang trekking
Himalayan flowers

Nepal mountain trek
Everest base camp trek
Everest Nepal trek

Save nature

if you don't respect mountain like mountain, what it could happen in future. Does any body have imagine yet ?

save nature
keep place for adventure
here there everywhere
then, earth remains like earth

nature is our life
the more you save, you feel healthy
adventure is our energy
the more you follow, you feel generic

Nepal Himalaya trekking and climbing

Once you heard

once you heard
you dream as soon
once you dream
you plan as soon
once you plan
it happens as soon

adventure for life
life for adventure
tighten the knot
life surely brighten

Khumbu icefall
my adventure
My life

Nepal adventure Trekking
Trek for life life for adventure

prayer flags flop the silence

Mountain and monasteries echo
prayer wheel soaring the peace
prayer flags flop the silence
i stop and listen it

life without adventure
mountain without snow
Life without experience
Never know what it would like

#nepal #adventure #mountain #annapurna #trek

#Monasteries  #Mountains  #Himalaya  #Adventure  #Peace

Nature? Never enough

Breakfast ? enough
Lunch ? enough
Dinner ? Enough

Nature ? Never enough
Adventure ? never enough
Himalaya ? Never ever enough

#Khumbutrail #Everesttrek #Everest #MountEverest
#Nepal  #Mountain  #MountainTrek  #Nuptse  #Sunrise

Nature? Never enough

Breakfast ? enough
Lunch ? enough
Dinner ? Enough

Nature ? Never enough
Adventure ? never enough
Himalaya ? Never ever enough

#Khumbutrail #Everesttrek #Everest #MountEverest
#Nepal  #Mountain  #MountainTrek  #Nuptse  #Sunrise

Kalapatthar video

This pictures are taken from around 5500m on the way down from kalapatthar 5545m.

Enjoy the beauty seeing this video
If video is not beauty enough
You must stand where I stand
Make a own record in your mind

#nepal #beautiful #Himalaya
#kalapatthar #Everest #Everestbasecamp
#trek #adventure #himalayaFolks

Day without snow

Day with out snow
Imagination without spirit
Dream without power
Life without adventure
life, Nearly no fun and alive

White Himalaya
White Stupa
place of nature
destination for adventure
All are experience for life

#Khumbutral #Everesttrek #Everest #MountEverest

#nepal #himalaya #everest #basecamp #trek

What you dream, it comes in life

what you dream, it comes in life
its the the matter of time
something come soon
something come late

be sure it will come
sooner or later
'just keep moving
you will be standing on dream one day

Just my flowers click from Himalaya Everest trek

majestic doesn't need a mark

majestic doesn't need a mark 
always exist everywhere
no matter how dark or bright
simply stand silent and smile

Himalaya is home of happiness
simply go and grab
take how much you needed
back your place and happy

once finished happiness in you
come back and grab again
take how much you needed 
simply go back and stay happy

Note: Nepal trekking Himalaya , Everest base camp trek

Life is beautiful there

life is beautiful there
where waterfall dance louder 
stars shine brighter
feeling switched to silence

once you are in silence mode 
imagine what you think
imagine what you feel
imagine what you dream

one star, one dream
one dream, one feeling
one feeling, one journey
one journey, one story

life is a book of unlimited story
every steps you write stories
no matter you write or not
no matter you remember or not

Note: Photos taken during the trekking in western Nepal.

Golden sun sent golden silence

Golden sun sent golden dream
Wheather you feel or not
Golden sun sent golden silence
Its matter with you, you realize it or not

#nepal #adventure #thought

Singing echo

Blue sky
White himalaya
Ringing bell
Singing soul
dancing echo
Roaming fun every turn
life smile here
Once you be here

#Nepal #Adventure #Trekking
#Everestbasecamp #trek #yak

Beauty Never small or big

Beauty never small or big
Adventure never high or low
Dream always black n white
Explore here, there, Everywhere

Prayer wheel
singing bell
Ringing sound
Silence mood

#kyanjuma #prayerWheel #EverestTrek

#Everest #trek #Nepal

Stop closing eyes

Blue blue sky
White white Himalaya
Happy Happy Hearts
Curious curious mind

Stop closing eyes
Stop moving legs
Stop beating hearts
Stop thinking brains

Just flow on beauty
Just swing on air
Just doing in expeience
Just feel in reality

Life stand differently
Life see diffetently
Life feel differently
Life move differently

#nepal #Himalaya #Adventure
#Everest #basecamp #trek
#kalapatthar #ebc #gorakshep #heliTour

Be lost by thought

Dream for nature
Go for nature
Enjoy in nature
Nature is the light of life

Be Lost by thought
be Thrust by feeling
be Brust by attitude
be Must by mind

#everest #trek #nepal

Sit in the window

Sit in the window
Think unthink dreams
Feel utmost comfort
life jump to diffetent height

Khumbu crowd
Khumbu cloud
Be ready and loud
Adventure and fun

What a view
What a adventure
What a dream
What a sight

Mount Everst view from Kalapatthar 5545m
#nepal #Everest #trekking
#nepal #everest #trek

#nepal #NamcheBazaar #EverestBaseCamp #trek

Flowers are same

Flowers are same
Colors are different
Lifes are same
Experiences are different

Beauty of Himalaya
Purity of Himalaya
Sacredness of the feeling
Only reflects on Himalayan flowers

Explore the naure
Discover the beauty
Experience the adventures
Here, there and Everywhere

#Nepal #Himalaya #Flowers #explore #trek

#nepal #Himalaya #trekking

#nepal #Himalayan #flowers #upperDolpo

Khumbu icefall

Are you wondering How is Khumbu Icefall?

its more harder than you think
But more easier than you read in Book
its less dangerous than hear
But more thrilling than you expect

Are you Ready now?
Do you need any information?
meet and discuss with Everest Summitter Guide face to face and get the first hand information and listen the Experience. 
#Nepal #Everest #KhumbuIcefall #Climbing #adventure #experience

Khumbu icefall

Are you wondering How is Khumbu Icefall?

its more harder than you think
But more easier than you read in Book
its less dangerous than hear
But more thrilling than you expect

Are you Ready now?
Do you need any information?
meet and discuss with Everest Summitter Guide face to face and get the first hand information and listen the Experience. 
#Nepal #Everest #KhumbuIcefall #Climbing #adventure #experience

Don't fear with mountain, fear with your ignorant

Don't fear with mountain
fear with your ignorant

How high you wish to go
that high you have to dream first

A picture i saw once while ago

I feel you are being more younger year by year
your smiling being more charming year by year
A picture i saw once while ago
blue sky, blue jacket smiling heart

when the blue sky appear in my sight
Every time you fly and stand in front hill
I stop for the picture for you
you disappear from Hill before i click

Something good in day

Some thing good in day
something good in night
something clear in day
something clear in night

something good in dream
something good in reality
something good in happy
something good in sad

sometime happy in home
sometime happy in tent
more happy in nature
more peace in adventure

Note: Everest base camp in April-May

Hi Dreamer

Hi Dreamer
You just  move and move
Here there everywhere
Never stop your step
Never stop your frolic dream
There is dream in every steps
Just stop and catch
Enjoy and fun
Life is just this

Hi Dreamer

Hi Dreamer
You just  move and move
Here there everywhere
Never stop your step
Never stop your frolic dream
There is dream in every steps
Just stop and catch
Enjoy and fun
Life is just this

You stand, I roam around

#Himalayan #Flower
You stand
I roam around you
You move
I just follow you

You turn back
I simply smile
You look at me
I simply blink my eyes

You sing a song
I jump to dance
You throw your lance
Lets take a chance

#nepal #Mountain #Climb

nature is real

nature is real
just go and feel
whatever pain you have
just go and heal

river never stop to flow
life never stop to grow
stars never stop glow
wind never stop blow

My life can be your dream
so come and explore
don't stop and bore
stay on move and to be prove

Hill to Himalaya
hell to heaven
same to same
live in dream not in imagine

Life is not an adventure
real adventure is eye
never say bye
always follow your eye

Nepal Mountain Climb
Ama Dablam Mountain and imJa river
Khumbu trekking Nepal

Nepal Mountain Climb

Nepal Mountain climb

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Where does love live/exist?

it's time to think
Where does love live/exist?
in our heart ?
in your mind ?
in our soul ?
in our body ?
In/from our eyes ?
in the feeling of sex ?

I go here
i heard about love
I go there
I heard about love

this people talking about love
that people talking about love
indeed, what the love is 
indeed, Where the love is

is love still exist in this world?
if yes, let me know
where does love live ?
where can i meet love ?

All people thinking about love love
all people singing about love love
all people crying for love love
all people looking for love  love

in ancient form
love means life partner
love was a life
partner of life long

there was dedication
there was honesty
there was purity
there was smile

in current form
love is good rest
love is good fest
love is good nest

dedication is weaken
honestly is flying
purity is dying
smile is smelling

love was a charm in early years 
love is harm in these years
love was sacred in early years
love lost it's sacredness these years

Love was everything
no body imagine the life without love
one can spend whole life waiting for love
this become just a most selling story now

early years we see the love as lord
no matter how much we suffer 
never stop digging the charm of the love
this is how it grows and strengthen

Now love is fragment
some love move to red light area
some love move to beer cap
some love move to finger tap
some love move on street for bread and butter
some love move to bed for fun
some love become killer
some love become business dealer
some love become carrier success
some love become embarrassment 
some love become harassment
some love become rape
some love become cake
some love just can buy
some love just can sell
at the end, love become just sex

pure love
sure love
dear love
all are only possible in words of book or poem
so don't waster your time
Don't ruin your life
just searching for love
it's almost impossible task
move here, there, everywhere
meet he, she, it, them
all are almost same
all have almost same story
start with smile
move with fear
end with tear

there is relationship in name of love
there is partner in name of love
there is special one in name of love
but there is no love, only smell of fun
we cry for love
we tear for love
we fear for love
what the hell love it
why we all fell in love first
why we all almost fail in love too

now, don't seek for pure or 100%
it's only possible in conversation or in book
if you get half or quarter in reality
it's more than current mentality

our dedication, no more sure
our mind, no more sound
our love, no more found
our soul, no more exist

it's a era of
half partner or quarter partner
half wife or quarter wife
half love or quarter love

we don't know
where is our thought moving
we don't know
where our anxiety heading

L  O  V  E
Living  On Virtually exist
so don't look for in reality
virtual thing almost impossible in real life

long live the life
long live the love
no matter half or quarter form
wish, love exist in each and every moments of you

it's time to think again
Where does love live/exist?
in our heart ?
in your mind ?
in our soul ?
in our body ?
In/from our eyes ?
in the feeling of sex ?

Note: Sunrise view from poon Hill