Tuesday, January 9, 2018

it's time to think, Where does love live/exist

it's time to think
Where does love live/exist?
in our heart ?
in your mind ?
in our soul ?
in our body ?
In/from our eyes ?
in the feeling of sex ?

I go here
i heard about love
I go there
I heard about love

this people talking about love
that people talking about love
indeed, what the love is 
indeed, Where the love is

is love still exist in this world?
if yes, let me know
where does love live ?
where can i meet love ?

All people thinking about love love
all people singing about love love
all people crying for love love
all people looking for love  love

in ancient form
love means life partner
love was a life
partner of life long

there was dedication
there was honesty
there was purity
there was smile

in current form
love is good rest
love is good fest
love is good nest

dedication is weaken
honestly is flying
purity is dying
smile is smelling

love was a charm in early years 
love is harm in these years
love was sacred in early years
love lost it's sacredness these years

Love was everything
no body imagine the life without love
one can spend whole life waiting for love
this become just a most selling story now

early years we see the love as lord
no matter how much we suffer 
never stop digging the charm of the love
this is how it grows and strengthen

Now love is fragment
some love move to red light area
some love move to beer cap
some love move to finger tap
some love move on street for bread and butter
some love move to bed for fun
some love become killer
some love become business dealer
some love become carrier success
some love become embarrassment 
some love become harassment
some love become rape
some love become cake
some love just can buy
some love just can sell
at the end, love become just sex

pure love
sure love
dear love
all are only possible in words of book or poem
so don't waster your time
Don't ruin your life
just searching for love
it's almost impossible task
move here, there, everywhere
meet he, she, it, them
all are almost same
all have almost same story
start with smile
move with fear
end with tear

there is relationship in name of love
there is partner in name of love
there is special one in name of love
but there is no love, only smell of fun
we cry for love
we tear for love
we fear for love
what the hell love is
why we all fell in love first
why we all almost fail in love too

now, don't seek for pure or 100%
it's only possible in conversation or in book
if you get half or quarter in reality
it's more than current mentality

our dedication, no more sure
our mind, no more sound
our love, no more found
our soul, no more exist

it's a era of
half partner or quarter partner
half wife or quarter wife
half love or quarter love

we don't know
where is our thought moving
we don't know
where our anxiety heading

L  O  V  E
Living  On Virtually exist
so don't look for in reality
virtual thing almost impossible in real life

long live the life
long live the love
no matter half or quarter form
wish, love exist in each and every moments of you

it's time to think again
Where does love live/exist?
in our heart ?
in your mind ?
in our soul ?
in our body ?
In/from our eyes ?
in the feeling of sex ?

Note: Sunrise view from poon Hill

Monday, January 1, 2018

Stone, just not a stone

when you look 
it's just a stone 
that's nothing indeed 
it's just a stone

when i look 
it's not stone only 
an important component of nature 
it's the solid form of life

we sleep on stones 
we sleep under stones 
we play on stones 
we use stones for everything

when we are sad 
we find a better stone 
sit on it, longing the self talking 
heal pain, gain the power

when we are happy 
we go the higher height 
stand on the stones
whisper our happiness

many people say
stones never talk 
stones never listen 
it's just a stone

indeed, stone can talk 
may not answer what you expect 
stone can listen 
may not you feel it

we look for better stone 
when we are sad 
we look for better stone 
when we are happy too

if stone does not listen 
why we look for better stone 
either time happy or sad 
it's time to re-think

Taboche and cholache peak 

Island peak 



Pumo Ri 

Mt. Pumo ri and Me 

sunny day in Everest trek Nepal 

yak and adventure in Himalaya 

Gorakshep at night during Everest trekking 

Mount Everest 

हिँडेर खोला तर्छु भन्थे

मेरो आकाश मलाइ खोजिरहेछ
मेरो धर्ती मलाइ पर्खिरहेछ
मेरो झरना झर् झर् झरिरहेछ
मेरो खोला कलकल बगिरहेछ

जिन्दगी एक सपना रहेछ
बिउँझेपछी हराइजाँदो रहेछ
जे जे हुन्छ जीवनमा ती त एक कथा रहेछ
सबका सब त्यसै त्यसै बिलाइ जाँदोरहेछ

हिँडेर खोला तर्छु भन्थे
सोचेर सपना पूरा गर्छु भन्थे
भेटेर माया साँट्छु भन्थे
यी त सब भन्ने कुरा न रहेछ

म त एक अन्वेशक भएछु
तिम्रो छायाँमा घुमेछु
तिम्रो ध्वनी सुनेछु
त्यहि प्रतिध्वनीमा हराएछु

से गुम्बाको तलतल

निलो निलो आकाश मुनि
नाच्छन सेतो सेतो बादल
आउन आउ  फुमुलामु
ठोकौंसङ्गै जोर मादल

फुमुलामुको घरछेउ
कति राम्रो, शे फोक्सुन्डो ताल
कहिले बोलाउने कहिले झुक्याउने
के हो तिम्रो चाल, बुझ्नै सकिन तिम्रो मायाँ जाल

से गुम्बाको तलतल
से फोक्सुन्डो ताल
त्यही तालमा हेरि हेरि
बुन्छु तिम्रो माया जाल

निलो निलो आकाशको
निलै पर्छ तालमा छायाँ
किन किन लाग्छ मलाइ
धेरै धेरै तिम्रो मायाँ

तालको छेउमा फोक्सुन्डो गाउँ
त्ययी गाउँको बिचमा गुम्बा
मलाइ भेट्न आउ है
म तेतै कतै घुम्दा

भेट्न त मन लाग्छ
तिम्रो दादाको डर लाग्छ
किन किन नभेटे नि तिम्लाइ
मनैदेखी भर लाग्छ

बिहानिको झुल्के घाममा
तालमा आइ बस है
कसैले थाहा नपाउने गरि
सुटुक्क मेरो मन्दिर भित्र छिर है

सानो सानो खोला

सानो सानो खोला
चिसो चिसो पानी
कस्तो छ नि आनिवानी
कति राम्री नानी

सानो सानो खोला माथी
सानै छनी फड्के
नहान है कान्छी
हाम्रो मायामा छड्के

जता जता फुल फुल्छ
उतै उतै चल्छ वासना
मनको कुरा खोली मुसुमुसु हासन
तिम्रो हाँसो मेरो नसो केही छैन गुनासो

तिमिले लेख्यौ मैले पढेँ
मैले लेखे तिमिले पढ्यौ
त्यसै गरि हामी अघि बढ्यौ
यसरी नै हामी मायाको सागरमा डुब्यौ

डोल्पा को यात्रा

डोल्पा को यात्रा
अनेक दिनको पदयात्रा
पाइलै पिच्छे झर्ने झरनाहरु
पाइल्यै पिच्छे कलकल गर्ने खोलाहरु

खुला आकाश
आकाशमुनी बादलका धर्साहरु
त्यसमुनी उड्ने अनेक चराहरु
रातभरी चम्कने जुन अनि ताराहरु

पाइल्यै पिच्छे झरनाहरु सुसेल्छन
रुखै पिच्छे चराहरु गित गुनगुनाउछन
प्रत्येक फुलहरु हावाको झक्कामा नाच्छन
खोलाहरुले मिलेर रेईं रेईं सारङ्गी रेट्छन

यो यात्रा यो आकाश
चराहरु उड्छन बदलसङ्गै घुम्छन
शुन्यतामा आउँछन शुन्यतामै हराउँछन
कस्तो अचम्म कस्तो संसार

क्या अचम्मको डोल्पा
से फोक्सुन्डो तालमा तरङ्ग आउदा
से गोम्बाको झन्डामा उमङ्ग देखिन्छ
काङ्ला पासमा गइ उभिदा
काञ्जिरोवाले नमस्कार भन्छ

Just down to shey Gompa

Just down to the shey Gompa
There is shey Phokundo lake
just watching that lake
i miss my love much more

you come being sun-ray
pour on lake every time
you come being shadows
dance on lake in front of me

i am just an alchemist 
i roam in your shadows
i listen your sounds
i enjoy your echo everywhere

your whispers
your shadows
your echos
all are my powers

stay with me all hours
here, there and everywhere
life can remain there
if you exist there

#Nepal #Dolpo #trek
#phoksundoLake #SheyGompa