Wednesday, August 22, 2018

starry sky open my mind

i wish a place
where i live
there is a snowy peak
with beautiful curve

every night when i wake up
i wish to see
snowy peak stood naked
milky way comes to kiss and shower the peak

i love to stay hour and hour
see their naked shower 
sometime mountain pushes to  milky way
sometime milky way pushes to mountain

they laugh loud
they sing in high pitch
they hug tight
they live the life light

the night get more darken
they play so hard
they feel so soft
the heart and mind is full of silence

that peak stand there with beauty everyday
once get dark milky way silently move around
once we all fell to sleep in mid night
milky way appears to romance with beautiful peak 

the silence night
tallest  mountain
longest milky way
peace the mind and heart

mountains are my home
sky is my roof
i love starry nights
they are the source of power in my life

starry sky open my mind
starry sky charm my mind
starry sky show dream to my mind
so i love starry night
Pure iDiot
#Nepal #MeraPeak

i wish to count sun ray in a day

my thought is my life
i think too much
i think too less too
but in reality, i never stop thinking

i wish to count sun ray in a day
there is only one sun
but trillions ray come to earth
its really amazing

every morning i love to sit on the hill before sun comes 
i wish to count the sun rays , even it's impossible
Every evening i love to stand on the hill before sun goes down
i wish to count the sun rays , even it's impossible

i don't go out to count the stars at night
i go out at night to roam with the stars
roam with stars silently in darkness
my happiness fly higher to hug the stars

when you keep roaming
you will have millions beautiful moments
some you may feel and know
some you may not know and waste it

i have caught thousands those moments
these will never ever deleted from my mind
the more i move, life become like life
joy , happiness hidden in a tiny rock cave in mountains
Pure iDiot



So dare to wake up

who sleeps in reality
talk more in dream
just go mountains once
you will wake up as soon

never be late
life waiting to wake up
even your thought not yet

so dare to wake up
dare to go out
dare to do

life needs full challenge
life needs full happiness
if there is no challenge
there is no happiness

don't only scratch the sand in desert
when you are thirsty
you will get nothing than heat

if you wish to drink water in desert
you better dig the deep-boring for water
that only can be solution for water

are you ready for challenge ?
if you don't ready for any challenge
you never know your limit

how high you can go
how tough you are
how rough you could be

how life get more joy
you never can feel sleeping on flat bed
the real joy of the life
only can feel once you walk through the verge

try to move and move
be a mover , stand on everywhere
your life rocks more than you imagine

never carry the fear in you
dare for everything what you never do before
dare for everything what you have ever dreamed

don't wait for right time
there is not right time for anything
the real right time is the first beginning
once you begin, its the most right time

you are always on right time
don't worry more
don't lazy more

flap your soul like prayer flag
start soaring all around
don't say today, start from now, right now

#Nepal #Trek
#PureiDiot #Journey

Happy environment dayv

Pure iDiot
Admin · 21 hrs
wish you all happy Environment Day

buy more furniture
support to cut down the trees

buy car or motorcycle every year
support to increase pollution

buy more phones and computers
use it to advocate the environments

use more air condition in home and office
it cool down your mood and hit up the earth

if you can do all above
you are saving earth greatly

let's alive today, dam need to care for tomorrow
wish you all happy Environment Day

#WorldEnvironmentDay #EnvironmentDay #Environment
#Nepal #Nature #World

my thought is my light

my thought is my light
once there is no thought in mind
there is no sight, no insight too
then, life turn to goods or machine

some of us are being goods
some of us are being machine
some of us are being AI
very rare us are still Human

in a name of modern creativity
in name of modern human
in a name of new innovation
in a name of modern wisdom

we lost in every step
we lost in every breath
we lost in every thought
we lost in every heart beat

we tag our price ourselves
we push hard to be more expensive one
everyday our thought is
how to be the best paid one in this world

we go bed at night thinking  for how to be best paid
lay on bed wait for sun to out
we go work in day thinking  same to be best paid
mind is full of money and be highest paid

we are no more Human being
we are materials now on
tag our price on forehead
move here and there

then, it's more easy to sell ourselves
then's it's more easy for buyer too
let's do it from today
Be an AI and act as AI from today

that's it, nothing more
ending being Human
begin to be Ai
Congratulation to all of us

#Nepal #Langtang #Himalaya #Trek
#PureiDiot #Journey
Pure iDiot

one sun never feel tired roaming around the sky

one sun never feel tired roaming around the sky
Himalaya lover never feel  tired roaming around the Himalaya

once Himalaya lover need break
sun goes down from the next Hill

what a life, what a moments
Himalaya lover sleeps on snow bed

sleep on Himalaya and cover by Himalaya too
nothing better and beautiful than this

when Himalaya lover in deep sleep
stars and moon come down to hug Himalaya  lovers 

when Himalaya lover wake up in morning
sun spread the brightness all around

summit is calling from up
base camp is cheering from bottom 

life dance in happiness
wherever your sight goes, only happiness and peace

so climb Himalaya to see Himalaya
be happy first to feel the happiness

once you taste the beauty of Himalaya
you couldn't walk away from Himalaya

#Nepal #Himalaya
#PureiDiot #Journey

I don't know who am I ?

i don't know who am I ?
I don't know what i really want
life keep moving and moving
i never know where will stop
i never know too when will stop

i really don't care
no matter where it gonna stop
it's not really a big deal too
when it gonna stop
i haven't check calendar and watch

just keep flowing like river
just blowing like air
pouring like dewdrops
stay alive and stay waken
with my own thought and freedom
#Nepal #GokyoLake
#pureiDiot #Journey

Darkest night

Darkest night is more pleasant than live under artificial light

Darkest night
One window
Transparent glass
White clouds
Sparking stars
Sleeping moon
Waken soul
Desireful will
Unmost wish
Fly to space
Without pace
But never stop the race
Life is nothing less
So never push harder
Stay in nature
See its pace
Grow like nature
you will feel better
You will live better
You will live happier
#nepal #ktm #Himalaya

neither umbrella can cover the loneliness

i don't know
what a heart can feel
sitting under the rain
counting the rain drop

neither umbrella can cover the loneliness
nor umbrella can open the loneliness
it just blocked rain drops to kiss me
it just blocked the rain drops flow on me

motion of my thought
motion of rain drops
dance together and attached together
neither rain stop dancing not my thought

once we meet, dance together
romance together, joy together
no matter, where and when
here, there and Everywhere

How early dream wake up

how early a dream wake up
how quickly dream fly away
how soon dream die
i even can't think
#Langtang #WaterFalls

we can't think, mystery of our mind

we can't think
mystery  of our mind
we can't feel
mystery of our heart

that's why
we move here
we move there
we feel this and that

when we are happy
we love our own shadows
we move , shadows move too
we feel happy seeing our dancing shadows

when we are sad
we fear with our own shadows
we move, we fear and furious
we see  reflection of  ghost in our shadows

sometime happiness stay in eyes
sometime happiness stay in mind
sometime happiness stay in heart
sometime happiness stay nowhere in silence

how important the happiness in life
we can live few days without food and water
but we can't live even a minutes without happiness
where is that happiness , where does it live indeed?

sometime it comes knowingly 
it goes unknowingly so  quickly too
sometime it comes unknowingly
it stays longer unknowingly too

I come like sun in morning

i come like a sun in morning
no matter you feel or not
i go like a sun in evening
no matter you understand or not
i stand like Himalayas
no matter you realize or not

happiness is just like a sun in day
it rises in life and sets in life too
it brighten the life and darken too
it stood with you in life and fell too
it appears in life like sunrise
it disappear from life like sunset too

no matter sun rises or sets
i keep moving and moving
no matter brighter or darker
i keep continue the journey
no matter how high or low
my feet never stop till i alive

Little little Butterfly

Little little Butterfly
fly here, kiss to this flower
fly there, kiss to that flower
how quickly they move
how beautifully they dance
how  happy to see all these

with tiny tiny wings
how beautifully they fly
with tiny tiny legs
how smartly they stick on flower
with tiny tiny eyes
how clearly they can see

how colorful is the nature
that colorful are the butterflies
how beautifully they dance around nature
i stop stop, see and think
what a amazing nature
what a amazing creature

Note: Langtang valley trek offers various species of butterflies with beautiful nature
#langtang #lamtang #nepal #tREK

Life is three days long

i often heard
no need to worry in one day's life

i keep thinking
is life really a one day only ?

finally today i feel
life is not one day
it's three day long

first day born
second day live
third day die

what a simple truth
but when will we realize ?
let it leave in your wisdom

you run faster
you walk steady
you stop all the time

it won't be much matter
it won't longer your life
it still will be three days

first day, second day, third day
good day, bad day all your day
live happy and let other make happy everyday

#Nepal #Flower
#Langatangvalley #Trekking

relationship is becoming relationshop "

" relationship is becoming relationshop "

before we were human more
now, we are more machine
this is the simple indication
where are we heading

we think now, forget in while
we do now, give up in while
we are not satisfy doing anything
we all are talking same thing

we expect more and more
but we really don't know
what are we seeking for
just keep moving and moving

we meet this and that person
all got almost same stories
all are broken differently
these are the real stories of today

when we closed the eyes
happiness come and hold you tightly
when you open the eyes
happiness suddenly fly away

we never stop combing our thought
we never stop coming your relationship
indeed, relationship is becoming relationshop now 
this is the wonderful human's wonderful stories

#Nepal #Adventure #Guide #Langtang

when i wake up in this world

when i wake up in this world
the world moves so so fast
when i sleep in this world
the world moves so so slow

once i am awaken in this world
everything goes smooth and well
never rush and never force too
what a peace and silence

#MeraPeak #Nepal

your stories move into my mind

your stories move into my mind
flow into each and every cell's of my body
it reaches to my heart million time a day
my heart purifies it each time and clean it

you fall on me like a waterfall
you never stop falling
i never say enough too
what a pure and sure moments it is

your soul flow into me
just like the clean and clear mountain river
i always feel so happy and joyful
just dancing and swimming into you

you really ready for bed
just wonder where is your head
lit the light on your forehead
i will know my road

i am coming for your first slight
keep lighting the light
let's climb and meet in height
what we are doing is completely right

#Nepal #adventure #Mountain #Trek

Day is beautiful with sun

when i sleep
i feel dream is more beautiful
when i wake up
i feel doing this and that is really amazing

when full moon show up at night
i feel what a wonderful moments
even it's million mile away
i feel like it's just hanging over my head

day is beautiful with sun
night is charming with moon and stars
life will be more wonderful
once you feel the power of universe

power is a feeling
power is practice
power is reality
then your power make your life more beautiful

if you seek for power to borrow
if you seek for power to buy
if you seek power to steal/copy
remember, it won't work in reality

if you lit the candle in sun light
it will be like teaching the Buddhism to Buddha
but if lit the candle at darkest night
it will be like Buddha is teaching the Buddhism

#Nepal #Langtang #trek #PureiDiot #VisitNepal2020

Don't jump to touch the sky

Don,t jump to touch the sky
Don,t jump to catch the sky
Just jump to catch the Happiness
Just jump to feel joy of Jump

The moments you jump
Happiness come closer to you
the breath you take while on jump
Thats the breathe of Happiness

Keep jumping around Always
Keep measuring the gravity of Happiness
Don,t feel it heavy or light
Just keep balance , then breathe prefectly

#taiwan #syueMountain
#mountain #adventure

When close the eyes

When close the eyes
Everything simple and cool
When open the eyes
Unbelieveable development and imagination

March around for motion
meet the faces like familiar
Stop and listen the sound
Familiar sound echo around

What a exeprience you give
What a dream you show
Amazing place with amazing people
Thank you Taiwan , never forget you

Note: thank you all for your everything. I beg sorry for some people I really wish to meet and still unable to meet. Some people even I wish to meet I didn't write to you this time coz of my busy schedule. Surely I will back again soon. Wait for me , wait for me. Thank you. Wish you all good day , good time. Love the life and movement what's next to you and keep swinging. Never stop .... keep moving and moving.... surely we will meet again... in another corner
#nepal #taiwan #taipei

That time to this time

that time to this time
this time to that time
what i have in my life
just the experience and memory

walk this to that step
every step i have walked
there are friends with me
so i adore my friends more & forever

What we feel in life

what we feel in life
what we do in life
what we get in life
what we lost in life
its just a matter of time
it just a matter of thought
it just a matter of motion

we follow with the sun in day 
all day with full of motion
move here and there for solution
we follow the moon and stars at night
laying on the bed with full of emotion
mind and heart are full of resolution
even always fail, look for perfection

same day and night
same air and breathe
same motions and emotions
same resolution and fail perfection
next plan and next happiness
glow the light, flow the happiness
move the steps, it's a step's of hope

#AdventureLife #adventureBreathe #PureiDiot
#TwMountain #JamingLake #Taiwan #Trek

when sun pour the first light in my sight

when sun pour the first light in my sight
i love to stop, look it and feel it's power and beauty 
when the sun pour the last light in my sight
i love to stop, look it and feel it's power and beauty

the morning's first pouring light
give me energy for whole day to move
that makes my day simple and easier
the power of first light last twelve hours

the evening's last poring light
flow the peace and happiness into me whole night
that makes my night peaceful and silence
the power of light last twelve hours

once i can read the power of nature
once i can feel the power of nature
i am already a component of nature
nothing & nobody can separate me from nature

#jiamingLake #Taiwan
#TaiwanMountain #Nature

Every our meet start with smile

every our meet start with smile
but every our last moments may not end with smile
i smile and defend silently
you cry and lose loudly

i even can't measure my own feet actually
how can i measure your feel in reality
i even can't feel my own motion
how i can feel your whole emotion

we love to touch the sun standing on earth
but if you touch the sun in reality
Do i need to tell you the answer?
i guessed, you already know the answer

what a silly thought in our mind
what a unknown feeling in our heart
you dream this, you get it
you don't like it and look for another

we should be like a moon
roam peacefully and beautifully
sometime appear half with little glow
sometime appear with full bright

beauty is abstract
so we like it
so we chase it
it keeps glowing hope for us every moments

#snowMountian #Taiwan


Stone is me

stone is me
water is me
soil is me
tree and vegetation is me

sun is me
moon is me
stars is me
the whole universe is me

i don't understand
what you are looking for
what you are seeing for
even i presence everywhere


When i disappear and be an air

When i disappear and be an air
you breathe me every moment unknowingly
when i lost and be water
you drink me every time unknowingly

no matter you move or stop
no matter you be happy or sad
no matter you yell or scream
my presence never away from you

the more you run away
you are arriving more near to me
the more you run close to me
you are reaching more away

i fill the dream in your every thought
i glow the light in your every dark moments
when i exhale your happiness pop up suddenly
when i inhale your happiness drop down secretly

you can count the stars every night
but you always forgot the stars you counted
you start recounting the stars again
again you forgot the stars you counted

life is simple in reality
if you can breathe sacredly
life is peaceful in reality
if you can live silently


Don't look at me

don't look at me
when i look at you
once your sight hit my eyes
you dance in my mind forever

Don't smile to me
when i am looking at you
my heart gonna melt and flow
coming to flow you away and sink into

Don't wink your eyes
when i am looking at you
don't bother me with your sight
i feel, there is sacred light in your sight

your first sight give me a inner light
your first smile send me a smell of love
you move or stop, my heart and mind can't stop
you feel it or not, your golden dawn has painted golden ray in my heart and mind

you run away or stay with me
your light in me  never go alway
you feel it and realize it or not
it's not my job , it's not my job

you come as an air be my breathe
you come as sun rays being my light
you went as a sun set showing me a golden shine
once i imagine you, everything will be fine

what a moments we encountered
what a smile we shared
what a great conversation we had in silence
this moments of happiness

neither we talked single words
neither we whistle single echo
but our heart and mind summit the peak of happiness 
this is the real moments of Happiness

#langtang #trekking #Nepal
