Wednesday, July 19, 2017

यो घरले सुसेलोको त्यो घरले सुनिदिन्छ

फुलहरु फुल्छन तेतै कतै
संसारै आकर्षित गर्छन त्यसै त्यसै
मायाहरु हिड्छन तेतै कतै
मनहरु डुल्छन उतै उतै

पहाडको गाउँ गोरेटो बाटो
यो घरको ठिटो , त्यो घरकी ठिटी
कहिले भेट्छन पधेरोमा
कहिले भेट्छन अधेरोमा

यो घरले सुसेलोको त्यो घरले सुनिदिन्छ
समय मिलेपछी चन्द्रसुर्य मिलिदिन्छ
फुलेका फुलहरु उडेका भमरा
दशै आएपछी लाइहाल्छन जमरा

My dream is Himalaya

My dream is Himalaya
My reality is Himalaya
My click is Himalaya
My Breath is Himalaya

I sleep dreaming Himalaya
I wake up seeing Himalaya
i walk, Himalaya always around
i stop, Himalaya stops too

this is something
better than dream
this is something
better than imagination

when life is better than dream
you move nowhere
when life is better than imagination
life swim in happiness

chaos world

chaos mind
chaos thought
Chaosism  unity
Chaos World

I am wondering these days
Where is mankind
Why trust is dying
Where is respect

2015 India blockade to Nepal
all the world sleept under the sea
They never see our problem and pain
it never became a crime for them

China did blockade to Mangolia
Our mindkind drink pee
no one concern and see
You are just a war cantractor

Today golfhood blockade to Qatar
Our  mankind eating poo
Our mankind deaf today
our mankind blind today

How cruel is this world?
Humanity is dying in blockade country
india and hood  killing huminity
All the world are deaf and blind

Crime is business
war is business
you export war/Conflict first
You export weapon second

You kill people in name of democrary
you sell weapon to save democracy
what a dirty mind you have
what a dirty game you play

I walk in mountain village
hundred donkey carry heavy packs
once I see these donkey caravan
I memorize westen democracy

When I watch political news
All the politician symbolize the donkey in my mind
they carry western bomb in their inner mind like donkey
So I feel its not democracy, just donkeycracy

I read in animal farm
all animal are equal
but some animal are special
same here rich countries & People are special

We die are terrorists
You express happiness
You die is like hero
You express condolence

If you see the diffetence in between you & me
what is your equality slogan
what is your meakind
What's your democracy

If you lit the candle to support our blockade
what I understand to you
if our darkness become your brightness
how can we believe you are really human

There is saying
Elephant got two teeth
One for showing another for eating
So your democracy is like elephant teeth for us

Monday, July 17, 2017

Yesterday you were Wifi

Yesterday you were wifi
sometime singal very strong
sometime signal very weak
some time even no signal

you never give up
You keep moving toward me always
sometime you tired lots
sometime you so energetics

but, keep moving and moving
no matter cliff or thorn
now you have my crown
today you are my wife

I ended my first inning of life
you ended your first inning of life
start the the second inning together
let´s wish this is last inning of life


sun is sending lights around

sun is  sending lights around
I can feel the the brightness around
Mt. Everest is just standing in front
stars just leaving from our sight

coulds appear and hold the Everest
wind comes and try to blow it
but it seemed just everest smoking the cigaratte
I just keep standing and looking

note: Time laptse video from #kalapatthar #EverestTrek #Bepal

Different people love different thing

Different people love different thing
Some people love walking
Some people love climbing
But i just love jumping on mountain

I love the feeling reaching near the sky
so i love to jump on the top
it does not matter where i stand
i just jump to be a bit closer to sky

--- We better enjoy the beauty of mountain not the height of Mountain.

Highest place ever

Highest place ever
highest view ever
highest breathe ever
Top of the world 8848m

This is my world
i wander here always
i live  here in center  
I lost around sometime

when mountain call you
even god couldn't stop you
when mountain want to keep you
even god couldn't take you away

#Rip to #AdventureSoul

When i walk away from Himalaya

When i walk away from Himalaya
Sky come down so closed to Himalaya
once i climb up the Himalaya
Sky go away from Himalaya

see the sky from sky
the more i get close to sky
sky move further away
these giant Himalaya become smaller

Note: the view from Nagar Tshang Ri during the island peak trip. it is located just above the Dingboche village 4410m. You can go here during your ebc trek.

Oh god - There was blast in Manchester

Oh god
there was blast in Manchester
I am very sad
My legs are shaking

Oh god once again
what is happening here
there is Another attack in London
my heart is shaking

I am afraid of going out
how to go out
I might be killed
I don't want to die

I read sorts of status
I read sorts of news
I watched sorts of news
its really a pity moment

We, people are so amazing
we plant a bomb
we expect to harvest peace
what a amazing expectation

I have no words for them 
who plant bomb today
dream to harvest peace tomorrow
Just heartfelt condolence in advance

You plant bomb seed
you grow bomb tree
you harvest bomb fruit
you sell bomb fruit everywhere

You blast bomb in my yard
you blast bomb in my home
you blast bomb my head
you blast bomb even my grave

You killed me on the spot
Make refugee to my family & neighbor
They live in the worst life than imagination
few die by strining, few run away to be alive

Move this side to be alive
we are called terrorist From one side
move that side to be alive
we are called insurgent from another side

Neither there is food to eat
nor there is water to drink
neither there is home to rest
nor there is bed to sleep

I want to ask you
what I did to you
what my family did to you
I need your answer

We are poor villagers
we work from morning to night for food
neither have money for new clothes
nor have money to send our kids to school

you tagged us terrorists without any reason
You killed us without any reason
when killed human without reason
we have to think you have mental problem

Time to build a biggest mental hospital
treatment to western leaders & so others
they are blind of power and money in a name of humanity
its really a  time to prevail peace & harmony

Remember we are not terrorist
stop creating terror in our society
Stop cheating to the world
no matter to whom it May concern

We need a school  here, not bomb
we need better education for our kids
education will change our future path
don't displace and replace anything here

When one human couldn't feel safe in one corner
how another human could sleep safe in another corner
it's time to realize the reality & accept the fact
time to move forward and restore the peace & harmony

Let's make school instead of bomb
let's meditate instead of war
let's shake the heart instead of pelting bomb
what a wonderful world we can make

note:1- Photos are search from Google
Note:2- when i read/listen/watch war new, I feel very sad. think why, we can't stop this game. when will we stop blaming each other and realize the reality ourselves and our duty? i am willing to see this moments. good Luck to those fighter.

Am I treated as flower ?

I was just a grass
you walk on me
you break down my tentacles
i cry, i tear
no one see me
no one listen it
i didn't lose for hope
i keep growing
someone bring dog for pee and poo
someone  bring cow for grazing
i lost again
but i didn't die

i grew up
i become flower
many pay attention on me
many come around me
many talk about me
i listen them
i laugh myself
they walk on me yesterday
i was nothing yesterday
i am flower today
i dance with wind
all stand and see it

Imja Tso - Imja lake , A Himalayan Lake

ImjaTso ( Imja Lake ) - A Himalayan Lake

Himalayan lakes located in higher altitude. it's always hidden is tiny valley. sometime, It's always hard to see it even you are passing through. once you check the map, map will notice you that you had just passed the lake.
These hidden lakes are very beautiful and peaceful.  it remains frozen almost half of year. Normally depends on how high the lake is located. once you see the pictures, you feel so inspired. Definitely, if you reach that places, stand there and walking around, if it may make your life different and change your life path and thought.
So be serious in a matter of climate change. It's not a joke. try to be humble to nature. try to feel the nature and fill it inside you. once nature live inside you, you are connected with nature. you always miss nature and want to go there and spent the solitude moments. keep connecting with nature. think what i can do to stop climate change.
#ImjaLake #Islandpeak #GlacierLakeNepal #HImalayanLake #Khumbu #Dingboche


Dreamer never stop dreaming
when we have strong mind and determination, we can go more higher/further or achieve much more than in our mind ....
never underestimate your inner will and wish. wish and will are the  ray of the hope. Hope are the power of life. when you have power inside you. you always live happy life with meaningful gesture.


The journeys always on
never end till last exhale
sometime headed to east
sometime headed to west
sometime headed to south
sometime headed to north
sometime headed to higher
sometime head to lower

Journeys always on
counting the inhale and exhale
just matter of here or there
never stop scaling the earth
think zero and be hero  
move one step and see two steps
unlimited dreams appear
unlimited happiness whistle

Note: video was taken around Everest Camp3

A Vagabonder

A Vagabonder
Stop here
Clicks around
Move a head
Where the picture he captured
He stands on picture
Again clicks further
He moves further
Stand on his picture
View continue
Steps never stop
Camera keep recording the memories
Click here , click there
At the end he feels this place is familar
He is standing in his yard
The earth is round
My clicks also round
It starts from click and end with click too

#nepal #Himalaya #adventure

Life is Just like water

life is just like a water
It could pollute
but we can clean it
We can  make clear again

Our thought is just like a air
It could fly all around
I meditate to control it
I wake up being new one after meditation

There Are two War

There are  two war
one in love
another in power

once you betray from both
you will seek for another love
that's only the  nature

you dream more away
you move more away
that's just nature nature nature

Once you taste the Adventure

Once you taste the adventure
you always miss it
adventure is calling
you always feel 

Once you date with adventure
you always love to be with adventure
you always smell there adventure
no matter where you move

once be a friend with adventure
you catch the soul of nature
no matter where move
you always listen the echo of adventure

Note : Video was taken while climbing down from Island peak summit.

We Dream hundreds beautuful Dreams

we dream hundreds beautiful dreams
we walk thousand mile to fulfill our dreams
once you move dreams may change
But dream still remain as a dream
dreams drag you here and there
Dreams push you here and there
sometimes you fall 
sometimes you sleep
sometimes you wake up
indeed , how lively the dream is
Dream is an art
each and every step you move
each second  you thought
every second you view many
indeed, these experience painted a greatest canvas
these canvas called  dream
these dream dragging time called life

Note: this is the sunset view from Everest camp 1 over Mt. Everest and Lhotse

Its so Amazing

it's so amazing
once i climb higher
sky seen more wider

it's so amazing
sky come so close every night
feel like just a single jump can catch it

it's so amazing
stars sing a song whole night
Moon dance all night in center

i just lie down inside tent
they buzz my tent by light
i just listen & listen

it's limitless happiness
it's limitless silence
where life demand nothing

Note: Photo took in between Everest camp3 to camp4

We all Dream

we all dream
dream to win the world 
we all move
some of us win too
but win something is not really win
we may win this and that
but we never can battle our greediness
greediness are our weakness
we got this not enough
we got that not enough
what we really seeking for
we never know
we try this
we got this
we try that
we go that
but life is hanging on cliff

where am i ?
who am I ?
i never think to reach here
how did i arrive?
indeed, i walk much more
i never walked so far
but why i still willing for more
what is more
why expect more 
why need more
i wish to surgery and check
what's in my mind
what's in my heart
human is like synonym of problem
problem hang us in cliff
once hit us by trouble
we wake up
we look for way

we move there
several days things go well
all are new and perfect
once days getting older
day dies
dark night appear
cover all the brightness
we feel like we lost all
we lost ourselves too
see  here dark
see there dark
just dark dark dark
stifle moments
dream this
dream that
nothing goes perfect
what the hell life is

Note: sunny day in Himalaya are the blessing day. sunny moments in life are blessing moments. so stay tune the life.

See clearly - think clearly

see clearly
think clearly
it's not only mountain
it's not only Journey

what did you see?
Did you see anything ?
or just snow hills and tree
but i see life there

A Nepal lover's affidavit

A Nepal lover's affidavit

i have problem
-go Nepal
i  broke up
- go Nepal
you have stress
- go Nepal
you are sad
- go Nepal
you can't find your way
- go Nepal
you feel this and that
- just go Nepal

why Go Nepal  ? i really can't understand
- it's true you can't understand before you get there
what are there ?
- there is nothing, just Buddha, shiva & Himalaya
sounds i heard about it, i really like Buddha. where is Nepal?
- South Asia
of i see
i thought i am thinking to India to meet Buddha 
- haha , Buddha was born in Lumbini Nepal
what the hell our government is teaching us
ask your government and so-called intellectuals 

so tell me what is Nepal, indeed ?
- you can check lonely planet
oh no i am lonely people
- haha oh god, i mean lonely planet guide book
i check it
- then what happen
i checked all Asia. there is no Nepal
- oh i see, there is problem
what problem ?
- lonely planet writer enters Nepal from India
you mean?
-Guide book writer didn't see the no man's land while crossing the border so he thought where ever he traveled all are India
i can't understand
- so writers put Nepal in Indian continent
oh God, Nepal is a country, i never know
- you are taught like that 
what you mean?
-i mean you are taught like when you see temple, it's India and when you see prayer flag and snow peak, it's Tibet.

Oh god its not true, what can i see ? tell me the truth?
- you visit Nepal and research yourself
i am thinking too . one more thing, Buddha really born in Nepal ?
- What do you think?
i never read like that
- oh i see, you can search again
you seemed idiot
- Sure i am an idiot , if not never dare to say this
you are dam freaking
- haha Thank you
one more thing, is there Indian god in Nepal?
- what is Indian/India god, i never heard. i only know India is a country.
so there is no India religion.
- oh i see what you mean
can you explain?
- i think you are talking about Hindu religion.
oh yes , yes , So Hindu and India not same
- can a religion and country same? i never heard like this
i confused and ask ? thank you
- oh, you are welcome always

what is Nepal for you?
- Nepal for me :
natural temple of Nature
temple of God & Goddess
god & Goddess
source of spiritualism
path to silence

of really, it's really touching and inspiring
- nature inspire to every body so does Nepal also
haha your answer pretty cool
- Thank you lol
why people go Nepal?
- erase the memory
haha sounds funny
- it's not funny lol, once you don't erase wrong memory, it's full with bad file
good example thank you
- you welcome,

I am just a water

I am just a water

sometime i fall being snowflakes 
i frozen, become ice
sunshine on me, melt me
then, i fall being ice
people called it ice fall
some people called avalanche too
sun shine stronger and stronger
it melts me and make water

sometime i fall  being rain drops
sometimes i appear  as a storm
come as a fear and tear
break down some mountain hill and houses
sometimes i drop as a happiness
sometimes i drop as destroyer
but i keep coming knowingly or unknowing
i also have life , just like you

no matter i fall as snowflakes or rain
I am just a water
sometime i prisoned in lake or pool
sometime i fall as a waterfall
sometime i flow slowly
sometime i flow faster
but never stop flowing
it's my nature

Sometime i fall as a waterfall
sometime i flow as stream
sometime i flow as a river
i travel to sea at the end
many people come to see me
many people come to listen me
why some people come to listen me?
why some people come to see me ?

some people say they like me as snowflakes
some people say they like me as ice
some people say i they like me as waterfall
some people say they like me as stream
some people say they like me as river
some people say they like me as sea
what ever the way they like i am just a water
keep liking me , i am just a drop of water

I am just a flower

i am just a flower

i grow as a plant
i blossom once in year
some of us die and reborn every year
our these colors called nature

Every body love us as  flowers
some people grow us in farm
some people grow us in garden
some people grow us in their heart

but in reality
we flowers are just a tool
all people sacrifice us for their wish
even purpose could be different

somebody killed us in a name of god
somebody killed us in a name of love
somebody killed us in a name of death
somebody killed us in a name us born

you plant us to kill us
you plant us to sell us
you buy us to make your wish
how one's wish could be fulfilled by another's death

i am just a flower
whatever way you use
i am just a flower
whatever way you kill

I am just a stone

i am roaming around the world
just being stones or you can say rocks too
this world is totally amazing
but you Human are so strange

No matter how high
no matter how low
no matter how easy place
no matter how difficult place

somewhere i am so giant
some human even fear to hear
some where i am just a dust
i can lost even in air

Indeed, i exist everywhere
all over the universe
no matter here or there
you see or not

somewhere i am covered by snow
somewhere i am covered by water
somewhere i am covered by soil
somewhere  i am open as stone

I form the huge mountain
i form the lake
i form your shelter , home
indeed i am the bone of the earth

when you see me on the top of mountain
you form a mane stones
symbolized me as a symbol of peace
back home filling full of peace in heart

one human pee on me
another human pick me and placed inside temple
you go and worship me as god or goddess
i become god and goddess in next minute

what an amazing world this is
what an amazing human you are
i am just a one stone
here , there or everywhere

you see me  differently
you believe me differently
in reality, i am just a stone
remember i have life too

Whats is ife?

what is the life ?
let's think a little
yes it's a time to think about life
come, let's discuss a bit about

life is part  of illusion
life is part of imagination
life is part of dream
life is part of desire

sometime illusion so heavy in our life
it takes us depth of to sea
sometimes imagination so high in our life
it takes us higher than cloud and leave in vacuum

sometime dreams appear so beautifully in our life
it takes us here there and everywhere in earth
sometime desire so strong in our life
we are really ready to die for

indeed, what is the life?
let's think a little
let's discuss a little
lets plan a little

let's laugh in illusion sometime
let's happy in imagination sometime
let's travel in dream sometime
let's love in desire to someone deadly sometime

let's be happy even in just illusion
let's smile even in just imagination
let's move even just in dream
let's desire even just consolation for our feeling

Mind sounded sometime in life

mind sounded sometime in life
heart happy sometime in life

sometime mind and heart come so closer
give us lots lots pleasure
sometime mind and heart departs so far
feel us lot lots pressure

once heart and mind see the same dream
heart and mind merge in one
we feel everything good and beautiful
life whistle and dance wildly

nothing last long
no matter fear or tear
even dear, no matter
it off in one point

so need to be so exciting when you are happy
so no need to be so sad when you are in pain

Note: photos are taken Around Mera peak Nepal

the wonders are Everwhere

the wonders are every where
someone like water
another one like snow
indeed, both are nature

once you walk on mountain
you feel the joy
once you walk around the sea
you feel the another kind of joy

indeed, both are joy
joy of nature
joy of adventure
it proves we are creatures

A water dream to be snow

a water dream to be snow
a snow dream to be water
its a formation of nature
it creates the life for creatures

let's be a drop of water
sometime live being snow in mountain
sometime flow on sea being water
color of thoughts bring colors of life

keep coloring your life
it will be a perfect canvas at the end
you may not like your canvas
be sure, someone will love it
