Monday, July 17, 2017

We all Dream

we all dream
dream to win the world 
we all move
some of us win too
but win something is not really win
we may win this and that
but we never can battle our greediness
greediness are our weakness
we got this not enough
we got that not enough
what we really seeking for
we never know
we try this
we got this
we try that
we go that
but life is hanging on cliff

where am i ?
who am I ?
i never think to reach here
how did i arrive?
indeed, i walk much more
i never walked so far
but why i still willing for more
what is more
why expect more 
why need more
i wish to surgery and check
what's in my mind
what's in my heart
human is like synonym of problem
problem hang us in cliff
once hit us by trouble
we wake up
we look for way

we move there
several days things go well
all are new and perfect
once days getting older
day dies
dark night appear
cover all the brightness
we feel like we lost all
we lost ourselves too
see  here dark
see there dark
just dark dark dark
stifle moments
dream this
dream that
nothing goes perfect
what the hell life is

Note: sunny day in Himalaya are the blessing day. sunny moments in life are blessing moments. so stay tune the life.

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