Tuesday, January 26, 2016

जहाँ दु: ख हुदैन

जहाँ दु:ख हुदैन
त्यहा खुशी खोजेर कहाँ पाउनु
जहाँ त्याग हुदैन
त्यहा समर्पण खोजेर कहाँ पाउनु
जहाँ फुल हुदैन
त्यहा भमरा खोजेर कहाँ पाउनु
जहाँ प्रेम हुदैन
त्यहा प्रेमी खोजेर कहाँ पाउनु

Friday, January 22, 2016

A Night in Everest Camp 2

A Night in Everest Camp 2

it is like a full moon
Moon is very bright
it's really bright night
hard to know day or night

moon is very bright
bright lights hit on snow
reflect to my sight
just feel brighter and blessing

went out from tent
All are covered by snow
here is  so bright around
hard to know day or night

lift up my head
stars are starring
A bright moon shining like sun
hard to know day or night

I don't know
I am in dream or waken
keep thinking and dreaming
Hard to know day or night

Moon is shining
stars are sparking
standing down to stars and moon
Hard to know day or night

they look so close
they look so near
what a modest moment
Hard to know day or night

just stand there
keep imagining
how close it can be
if i can be on summit now
i believe, i can touch stars and moon
if i am on summit now
they are really close
they are really near
I am looking at them
I am listening their echo
they are talking each other

what a peaceful time
what a modest night
so people like to go Himalaya
talk with the sun, moon, stars
reach the summit
fill the inner happiness and peace
back home with simplicity and smile

तिमी सुन या नसुन

तिमिलाइ देखि टोलाउछु
पछिपछी आइ बोलाउछु
तिमी सुन या नसुन
म तिमिलाइ मन पराउछु

तिमिले हेर या नहेर
तिमी हिड्ने बाटोमा
गुरास्फुल फुलाउछु
त्यही बाटोमा तिमिलाइ घुमाउछु

तिमी आकाश उड्न मान या नमान
तिमिलाइ  आकाशमा उडाउछु
डान्फे मुनाल सङ्गै नचाउछु
सारा सन्सार घुमाउछु

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A Blessing Night in Himalayas

A Blessing Night in Himalayas

"Himalaya is home of happiness. so come and feel blessed then go "

I went out to take pictures last night also. Clouds were walking to their destination as same as today. When i went to bed, suddenly those white clouds stopped and drop some snow around me. I have no idea to say any about it's our good luck or bad luck. But i much so happy to sleep under the white roof and surrounded by white treasure. I really believe snow is the real treasure for Human being. We seldom meet any people who couldn't be happy with snow. We had some snowy morning and afternoon. we made our time fruitful that day. As time passed by we made unlimited memories. We collected lots fun and happiness in our bag, Bag of Experience. This memories of experience never lost or stolen. It will be forever in my bag of Experience.
After a wonderful day with snow. I am feeling so happy. There is not any snowing in evening. weather was not go clear. I had dinner and i went out to see and talk with stars and moon. I can see that stars and Clouds are competition. Stars wants to sign as bright as they can. clouds are trying to block the stars light as much as they can and make a darken around me. I used to wonder always what's the different between clouds and stars. This is the difference i found in between clouds and stars at that night. I stood one point and feel this. I heard the some echo from grassland. My head was just turning up and busy talking with moon, stars and clouds. Listen their conversation and try to understand what they are roaring.

My head is just turning up . I was listening the echo from moon,stars and clouds. suddenly i heard the echo from ground. I suddenly move my sight to ground. I saw the sculpture which we made in afternoon. I can hear the echo but it was not clear. Then i decide to go near to listen it clearly. i sneak around like they never notice me. I stopped one point as sit as sculpture.
I can hear them very clear now. I am so exciting now to listen them so well and clear. But i know i am not the sculpture there.I keep listening them and thinking that can i share my though or not. eventually i decide not to speak any there, I Just sit there and listen them. they seemed so happy and treasuring themselves. falling as a snow in earth and suddenly re-born with different sculpture. They seemed so happy having different life.
It's so interesting to listen them. Yak says, Look at me, i am the only white yak around here. Snowman reply to yak , I am often alone in mountain but this time i got you guys as friends. I am feeling fantastic.

Buddha and a follower girl listening their conversation from another corner. I am also sitting almost same distance from the Buddha and follower girl. I am listening them too. I am feeling so happy and peace. Probably, there will have another such a moments again in life. But i have got several such moments in my life. each and every time i feel last one is better than previous one.
There are a long conservation between stars, moon and clouds in the sky and Buddha, his follower girl, Yak and snowman in ground. its amazing to sit around and listen their echo. while they were talking Buddha says,

life is a chain of moments.
keep thinking good
keep doing good
keep expecting good
you will achieve good
your life will be good

just keep doing good Karma
This is your Dharma
Stop thinking for outside achievements
real achievements goes inside itself
so stop rushing here and there
believe in yourself and follow always your path

I am also listening to him. He looks not same as Buddha in snowculpture. But his philosophy is exactly same what i read in book. After listening his thought, i feel unlimited peace inside me. I feel unlimited happiness inside me. i feel some unseen and unknown light inside me. I feel myself these are my zero moment. So a single moment can inspire your whole life. A single word can motivate you and changed your life towards. when i was thinking these some echo come on my sight.

All are sitting together
all are laughing together
all are smiling together
All are happy together

happiness are playing around me
Happiness are flying around me
Happiness are dancing around me
Happiness are calling me

After all these what i learn in my life is, We Human should be humble and helpful. only this way can earn more happiness. we can be more happy tomorrow. This is the only way to earn and save Happiness for tomorrow.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Himalayas n flowers

Himalayas are huge. but it is not only popular for its size but also popular for its beauty. while we trekking around Big Himalayas, There are lots small but beautiful flowers. Those flowers are not so big in size but when you explore deeply they are really attractive. The problem is, when you are walking around huge himalaya, this small flowers may not be catched by your eyes.

Even these flowers are small in size But it,s beauty might be Higher than Himalayas. I m sure we can't measure the beauty. But I am sure these flowers give you lots peace and Happiness. I always feel so happy to listen the conversation of flowers & Himalayas .

walk around Himalayas
listen the symphony of wind
see Himalayas flowers
stand around flowers

listen the smile of flowers
listen the laugh of flowers
suddenly wind comes
blow the flowers laugh to Himalayas

Himalayas open their eyes
listen the symphony of wind
turn their head down
saw the flowers laughing loudly

Himalayas stand up and clap
clouds comes and play around
wind push the flowers to dance
this is the beauty of nature

dream the adventure
live in nature
nature always happy
nature always smiling

#nepal #himalayas
#explore #mountain #flowers #adventure #igoclimbing

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Once in life

once in Life
experience with adventure
take  you in different horizon
adventure experience enrich you

once you dream
you can do
once you do
you will experience

once you experience
you know the taste
once you taste
you love it more

this is adventure
this my life
this is my job
this is my dream

These pictures are Khumbu ice fall and Khumbu glacier
#Everest #nepal #khumbuicefall #khumbuGlacier
#climbing #MountEverest #NepalHimalayas #EverestBasecamp #everestClimbing #everestSummit

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Me, my new friend & New year

Me, my new friend & New year
I always love taking pictures no matter what altitude i am Standing.  I love higher and more higher altitude. When climb the  higher peak, sit and see around there. unlimited other summit appears infornt of your light. i love to sit there and climbed all these peaks by my sight before i moved from there. I love keep climbing, keep ascenting, keep moving, keep dreaming, never stop and stoper never can not be a performer. This is my believe and it's all about me.

My new friend: my new friend is my new gear Blue jacket from Mountain Designs . Now i don't need to worry much about cold. it can save me around mountains. it will be trekking with me all the way, all the summit, all the click. I can used it any time day or night how cold wouldn't be much matter. Thank you Mountain Designs company with me for 2016. I am willing to make my year more beautiful. I am willing for more summit.

New year: I have passed lots new year. i know we have several new years in Nepal which represent the different ethinic groups of nepal. it comes and goes as usual way. Nothing much i expect with it. it shouldn't have much differnt in practical life in between the 11:59:59 and 12:00:00. Whatever in practice or in my mind. I simply wish more summit and more. Earn friends around the world makes me much richer and happier.
#Nepal #summit #mountainDesigns #Igoclimbing #ThankyouMountainDesigns

sun light can go that far

sun light can go that far
How far the darkness is

happiness can live that long
how long  the life is

so stop waiting sunlight
start to be sun light

Live happy Keep happy
everything around you will be happy

#nepal #sunset #kathmandu #nepalsunset #ktmsunset #behappy #livehappy #happy #igoclimbing

Me, Mountain and Paris Convention

Me, Mountain and Paris Convention

#savemountain #saveNature #SaveHimalaya #SaveLive #SaveLife #BeAlive #StopClimateChange #StopGlobalWarming

This is a month of December. It's already winter here. I was in sarankot last week after my Annapurna Poon Hill trek. Weather is being much strange than my childhood time. I have been working last 15 years  as Trekking guide around Himalayas. I never know how many steps i have been walked. I never counted and even i never imagined. I believed that counting the anything makes you want more or bring the feeling of greedy in you. This is a common Human being's weakness.

Internet makes the world really tiny. You can reach every places in minutes. This is the wonder of the internet. when there is no internet Himalayas was giant like fairly tale's Demon. No one can can see it closely. Climbing the Himalayas was far from the Mars. After the internet All thing appear in your computer screen first then second on your mobile phone screes. it won't be wonder if one day our company ask us to stay home and work. The day may not so far. Even Google uncle may say that you just stay on table with coffee we take you everywhere even space. I think these days even not that far.

while i am stepping up hill and down hill of Himalayas , People around the world came to Paris to discuss about Climate change. I have been following these news in up hill and down hill of Himalayas. my internet connection also not much different than as like up hill and down hill of Himalayas. it always comes without notice and goes either same way. I am feeling following these news was more adventurous than climbing up hill and down of Himalayas due to the weak mobile/wifi signal.

I am standing in front of Himalayas While i was reading these news. I think, i better that i was reading the News and Himalayas were listening the news.  They are asking for every updates of Paris climate change convention. They are quite eager to know more and more from me. They have been asking me all the time no matter day or night.  they have been asking me too why you took lots pictures of us. what you can do for us? why Don't you go Paris to convey our message.I simply smile to them and keep standing on silence for while.

I am standing in front of Himalayas and listen their echo. They have been saying :

I am melting
did you listen me?
who care for us
who listen for us

you all go Paris for entertainment
you all go Paris for Honeymoon
you all go Paris  for  pee
you all go Paris to show your shit face

I am standing  in front of Himalayas
i am listening to them
I am smiling to them
i feeling that they are saying the truth

you all are the same shit
you never listen to us
you never know our pain
you never know our tragedy

you will know it
when there is no water to drink
there is only tear in your eyes
tear only comes until there is water in your body

when you know it
you will be in grave
it will be too late
it will be too shame

Wake up all the world
Listen the pain of Himalayas
don't be late to feel regret
i have shared the voice of Himalayas

Never stop Dreaming

never stopping dreaming
Dreams are colorful
colorful dreams are happiness
happiness drag you to success

one day I just dream summit
today I leave for summit
Now I just sit on summit
Looking for another summit

dream take you to dreamland
happiness take you to happyland
peace take you to peaceland
so never stop dreaming

I always dream summit
I always see summit
I always look for summit
so I am on summit now
#nepal #mountain #merapeakSummit #igoclimbing

Khumbu ice Fall

Khumbu ice-fall
I don't think I have to write anything about khumbu icefall. I think many of you already know lots more than I know. Khumbu icefall located in between the Everest basecamp and Everest camp 1. it offers the life time adventures. life without adventures won't be like a life.

if you love adventures
you have to live in adventures
you have to dream in adventures
you have to swim on adventures
you have to fly on adventures
you have to climb on adventures

you need to think on adventures
you need to eat adventures
you need to drink adventures
you need to feel adventures
then you live real adventures life
you will be adventurer

I was walking around khumbu ice fall. I easily can see caravan of people in front and behind me. it was really a nice walk in dark night around white Himalaya or khumbu icefall. Experiences are the real earning in life. this is my believe. I do accordingly. I love adventures. so I go adventures. I lead adventure trips. I love to convert others dream into reality. Happiest moments in life come when I am able to reach the summit or final point of the trip. when I am able to convert your dream into reality , this is my happiest moments in my life. I am happy that I have baskets of memories which I have achieved in my last 15 years up hill and down hill around Himalayas.

Pictures you can see below are taken in khumbu ice fall. I was just following the front person of me. suddenly I saw a ice whole and people were climbing up from that whole. suddenly I think, I.must take pictures and make video. just share here what I did at that moment.

Nature & Happiness Vs Human life & mind

Nature & Happiness Vs Human life & mind

I was listening the Radio this morning. There was a news which draw my attention. it's About the Christmas and Light. News mentioned that America used the light only in Christmas  that will be enough for a year for few countries like El Salvador, Tanzania, Ethiopia. What a pity, we talk about save environment, we talk about happiness but we are neither really sincere for saving environment from inside nor inner happiness. We only see the surface. We only follow the surface. we flow on surface. it will never teach you the reality. it will never bring the positive vibes in you. It just leads your life  for from your  thought, wish, dream.

When i listen this news, suddenly These pictures and thought hit my mind. I love to have beautiful imagination while i walk around the Himalayas. I hope one day i can convert that beautiful Imagination into reality. People always moving lots by their thought. They are here a second before and a second later travelling to Antarctica. Our mind full of illusion and stress. we already forget what gives/makes happiness to us. we are always roaming around other. we try to do the things what others doing. we try to live the life what other living. we never know that the person whom we are following are happy or not. you are smiling, doesn't mean you are happy. you wont meet single person who is not smiling a couple of times in day from outside. you are never interested to meet and listen the people who are smiling from inside, happy and peace from inside.

what i want to mentioned here is, we have to change the way to celebrate the fest and festival with natural light. it helps to save environment, save earth, save nature. we can see that there are several festivals are related with full moon no matter east or west. it's time to realize our self. we need to encourage all to go mountain and celebrate the any fest and festivals under natural lights.

it's time to save the nature
it's time to protect the nature
it's time to be in nature
it's time  to respect the nature

it's time to see the beauty of Nature
it's time to feel beauty of nature
it's time to feel the peace of nature
it's time to realize the reality of nature

it's time to build  small house in nature
house surrounded by some farm land
farm land with full of vegetables
every day live the life with green energy

i wish to see at night
stars are falling my yard
galaxy line  connect to yard
all these lights go inside my home

light make my home happier
light makes my home more peace
i just sit on window and closed the eyes
see all these lights roaming around me

I want to take these happiness to my heart
i want to take these pace to my mind
i want to fill difference in me
then i can feel different in me

this is  your life
this is your time
this is your way
be happy , live happy

Hope, we can change the way of living
hope, we can change the way of thinking
hope, we can save the nature
hope we can live happy and peaceful life everyday second

wish you all Happy holidays
wish you Happy Christmas
Wish you Happy New year
Wish you happy life
#christmas #newyear #newyear2016 #happychristmas #happynewYear #nepal #mountain #mountainLife

I always dream climbing

I always dream climbing
I always love climbing
so i go climbing
if you love climbing too
join to  me
let's climb together
let's summit together
let's smile together
let's snap together
Let's share together

It's always so good to stand on summit.
see the summit from bottom is like upstairs
But climbing is very far
How far is summit
how long to reach summit
i always listen this echo from climbers
i always smile and say soon
it's just up there
it's just look like a upstairs

you just see by your eyes
you just keep move your feet
never stop moving your feet
each and every your steps take your more closer
just turn your head up
you  are very near now
oh yes congratulation
now you are on summit
yes we summit
yes we made it.
yes we are here
we are on summit

stop planning
start climbing

These pictures are taken in summit of island peak. when i reach to summit. I don't want to come back. stay there forever and keep clicking every second. I wish i have camera with trillion giga bites card and never running out battery.
#Nepal #islandpeak #summit #NepalPeakclimbing #climbing #Igoclimbing

Happy new year

I feel every day is same
i feel every moments are same
Every year there are lots new year
once comes and goes
another comes in while and goes again

Life is roaming around
life is counted by time
second, minute, hours
week, month & year
it keeps running and running

We all chasing and chasing
never stop till die
never take rest till die
what a though we got
what spirits are filled

we always move for happiness
we always rush for happiness
we always rush for New year
Hope , we have time in 2016
stop all these sin
find the happiness inside you

this is what i wish this year
this is what i expect in you next year
hope to see you all with full of peace
hope to see you all with full of hope
hope yo see you with complete smile on you
Happy new year to all

A night with stars and clouds

A Night with Stars in Chhetrabu 4250m ( Thuli Kharka)
It was on the way to back from  Mera peak. Mera peak is know is one and only one walking peak in Himalayas. Weather always on and off. It was really hard to predict the weather. there was lots people in lodge at that night. Chhetrabu always cold compare to other places. I went out to see stars and feel the peace. I get the unlimited happiness and peace standing in front of Himalayas and under the stars light.
I went out to see the stars but i didn't expect to see stars. Weather was not that good when we arrived to lodge. But i did went out just stretch my sight and mind. Suddenly i saw some stars around. i keep looking around. I saw the Galaxy line. I saw two people standing and taking each other. I went more closed. I saw they had fix the tripod and and discussing about the Stars and how can take good pictures. I listen them for a while. it a was strange night that one sight of sky was full of clouds and another side of sky full of stars.
Then i went inside and took camera outside and shoot these picture.

Clouds are moving around
my sight is flying faster than clouds
my camera is shooting even more faster
it's kind of competition  of cloud, my sight and camera

i never mind whoever win
we keep stop there for hour
we keep teasing each other
we keep laughing each other

Clouds pushing me to room for dream
Finally i said by to stars and clouds
clouds move faster and cover all
make everything different suddenly

Dancing around summit

Dancing around Summit

summit is summit
no matter how high it is
jumping is jumping
no matter how high you can jump

These pictures are took in Lobuche peak summit.  Indeed this peak offers the one of the excellent view of Khumbu Himalayas and around. it is located almost middle point of the Himalayan ridge.
When i was there weather was not that clear all the time. It was just on and off like very very old radio with almost discharged battery. The radio itself's noise is louder than music's sound. The weather that day was not different than that. The good news was that we were able to see all those peak in front of us. clouds were dancing on it's won rhythm. I just stand around and keep flying with clouds. Physically I was standing is on peak but by imagination i did summit all peaks beyond my sight from that point.

Its a life

When you are Happy
you will see
Himalaya is happy too

when you are smiling
you will see
Himalaya is smiling

when you are dancing
you will see
Himalaya is dancing

when Happiness, smiling & dancing meet together
Happiness immerse from inside
Sadness just disappear in a second

it's a life
live with happiness
Live with smile

#Himalaya #nepal #Nepaltrek #Nepaltreks #himalayantrek #himalayatrek #adventure #guide #GuideForNepal #guideForHimalaya

Khumbu Glacier

once you walk arround khumbu Glacier
you will feel the heaven is here
feel the altitude air
breathe with altitude air

see the  whitening snow light
fee brightening your sight
achieve excellent experience in life
so it is Exploration of life time


fool Hero

Fool Heroes

It's time to be fool
it's time to make fool
if you can't be fool
you can't get food

what happening in this world
A dog dead in street become crime
Blockade to Nepal won't call crime
This is real world

I have nothing to say
i have nothing to think
i have nothing to write
mankind paralyzed long time before

Many Like Buddha
Buddha was born in Lumbini
Many visited Lumbini
many feel peace from inside in Lumbini

When they back home
they write buddha born in india
when they see prayer flag on hill
they say ! oh Tibet

When our brain is paralyzed
only what we write is true
neither operation nor medication can cure
remember only exercise can cure

Listen!! listen!!  listen!!
if you can't exercise enough
if you can't format often
you are fool hero