Monday, December 2, 2019

The more longer silent continues

The more longer silent continues
The level of curiosity goes higher 
The dreams move more further from horizon 


Sun spreads the lights for our happiness

Sun spreads the lights for our happiness 
It creates the colors colors are the happiness 
stars spark with light for our joyfulness 
It shows how tiny lights can shine 
Moon dances with the light for our mindfullness 
It shows how powerful is the motion 


To have a dream is beautiful


To have a dream is beautiful 
but when it comes in reality 
It will be more beautiful


When i look at the sky

When i look at the sky 
there were so many stars 
But one star is so bright 
it gives me so much excit 

I keep looking at the sky
eveytime  my eyes reach there and stop 
i keep counting the stars 
Everytime i forget the number when i reach that star 

I don't know 
what is happening 
mind is so silent 
heart is so peaceful 

In a while later
it drops as meteor 
it came and hold my eyes from back 
and asked guess who am i ? 

Even its dark in surface 
My inner sense is so bright 
There is something shining 
Thats you, only you 

We met is an accident 
we conversation randomly is second accident 
whatever more accident gonna bright by you 
I always welcome it and exciting for it 


Hi Ama Dablam

Hi Ama Dablam,
you are So Beautiful 
i wanna fall on you 
just like a snow flake 
Hold and hug you forever 


Flowers know the fact

Flowers know the fact
they will die after blossom 
but they won't stop to blossom 

They blossom beautifully 
with full of colors 
with full of aura 

They smile with joy 
they sing a song in silent 
they spread the aura of peace to us 

At the end flowers disappers 
mountains stand there with full of tear 
Missing the lovely energy and aura 

#Nepal #AmaDablam #IrisFlower 
#Pangboche #EbcTrek 
#PureiDiot #creation

Be careful in every steps you move

Be careful in every steps you move 
Kick the fear away every steps you move 
Take a happy breathe every steps you move 
See higher and go higher every steps you move 

#Nepal #Himalayas 
#Climb #Climbing 
#Adventure #Journey 

Nobody linsten the small flower's big appeal around the trail #Nepal #ebcTrek #TabochePeak #PureiDiot

Nobody linsten the small flower's big appeal around the trail 

#Nepal #ebcTrek 

every night i fall to sleep counting the stars

every night i fall to sleep counting the stars 
every Morning i wake up counting the sun rays

#imjaTsho (lake) 
#Nepal #NightSky 
#Himalayas #Starry #world 
#PureiDiot #Thought

some people stand in mountain

some people stand in mountain
just like a mountain 
looks so happy 
looks so natural 
feeling completely free 
even free from six sense 
this is real joy 
where people lost completely 
happiness come from inside


Nice to meet you Olya  :)

never ask me

never ask me 
how far is the mountain 
just go and measure it yourself 

Never ask me 
how to hear the mountain 
just go and listen yourself 

Never ask me 
how high is mountains 
Just go and check yourself 

Just ask me 
The only and one question 
why I go mountains 

mountains are my temple 
where I go to worship my feeling 
Then back home with empty heart and mind 

#Nepal #Mountain #Climbing 
#Adventure #practice #Journey 
#pureiDiot #Thought 
somewhere near the island peak summit

the sky dusked

 the sky dusked
the shadows got long and hard
Just stop and enjoy silently 
Pour the silent in heart and mind 
there is no more to find 

#Nepal #Dhorpatan #Village 
#WesternNepal #Sunset 

Flower never asked

Flower never asked 
where to bloom 
How to bloom 
when to bloom 
but wherever or whenever it blooms
it blooms peacefully 
It blooms beautifully 
it blooms silently 
it always blown away to us 
this is the sacredness of blooming

#Nepal #orchid #Flower 
#eastNepal #mistNepal 

just ask this flower

just ask this flower
How beautiful the loneliness in life 
how happily can smile 
how happily can dance 
how happily can stand 

#Nepal #flowers 

Beautiful light

Beautiful light 
may not be so bright 
But once we see it 
It always presence in mind and heart 

#Nepal #Nuptse #Lonuche 

Every dark night

 Every dark night
When I go out 
all the way are invisible 
but there is one way visible 
that is milkyway 

#Nepal #AmaDablam #Mountain 
#Milkyway #HimalayaNightSky 

when I Walk in the nature

when I Walk in the nature 
i see all the flowers are smiling 
then, all my negetivity replaced by positivity 
this the pure power of Nature 

#Nepal #Flower 
#nature #Mountain 

When a flower bloom

When a flower bloom 
the earth smile with Happiness 
the creatures dance with pleasure 

#Nepal #Nature 
#Flowers #Happiness 

When I look at the mountains

When I look at the mountains
mountains welcome to me with smile 
secretly tell me don't get lost 
#Nepal #EverestTrek #NagarTshangRi 
#Nature #Himalaya #trekking 

what a beautiful moments comes in life

what a beautiful moments comes in life 
The joy of falling to sleep 
while counting the stars at night from window
Its almost impossible to tell in words 

#Nepal #Milkyway #nightshot 
#EverestTrek #AmaDablam #Mountain 

What is the color of our mind

What is the color of our mind ?
what is the color of our heart ? 
What is the colorb of our dream? 
What is the color of our imagination? 
What is the color of sunrise? 
What is the color of sunset? 
You keep thinking what are your colors 
But I have only and one color in my life
that is not other than Happiness 
My color is happiness, happiness, Happiness 

#Nepal #Nature #VisitNepal2020
#chhukung #sunrise #EverestTrek 

Beauty is not the color

Beauty is not the color 
real beauty is the mood 
I mean the color of our mood 
always decide the beauty of content 

#Nepal #Flower #nature 

How silently mountains stand on earth

How silently mountains stand on earth 
how quietly stars roam in the sky 
this is simply so beautiful and powerful 
who can understand and feel it 

#Nepal #Mountains 
#Amadablam #Earth 

We understand the nature or not

We understand the nature or not 
Its doesn't matter for nature 
But nature totally understand us 
that's why we feel so good and happy 
when we enter to nature 

#Nepal #BudhiGanga #River
#NishiDhor #NiselDhor 

never practice yoga only to shape the our body

never practice yoga only to shape the our body 
practice yoga to shape and flourish our mind and heart 
practice yoga to shape and flourish our feeling 
practice yoga to shape and flourish our life 

stop making any gym to yoga center 
and stop making any yoga center to gym 
Don't confuse about it, be sure 
these place only shape your body not mind/heart/feeling/life 

let's practice real form of yoga 
let's breathe the pure sacred air 
which purify your heart and mind 
wake up us next morning with new feeling in new world 

Om Himalaya Namah 
Om Yogalaya namah 
Om prakritilaya namah 
Om panchtatwah Namah 


somebody see the world through the eyes

somebody see the world through the eyes
somebody see the world through the camera lens 
somebody see the world through the eye glasses 
but i see the world through my sense and read it in details 
so i see/understand  the world differently in every step i move 

#Nepal #BouddhaNathStupa #BouddhaNath #Stupa 

there are some places

there are some places 
where heart never wish to leave 
mind never wish to forget 
legs never wish to step way 

#Nepal #Myagdi #western #Nepal

life is just like a empty basket

life is just like a empty basket 
every exhale we empty everything
think, we don't inhale again 
what could happen 

how long is our life 
our life is simply one inhale 
after one exhale 
it's simply over 

see it what can we see 
experience it what we can 
reach there where we wish for 
there is simply a one inhale for us 

complete each and everything in one inhale 
then we will know/realize 
how beautiful is the life 
how beautiful is the experience

we came here simply inhaling 
we will leave here simply exhaling 
nothing to gain in life, just one inhale 
that's enough and more than enough  

#Nepal #Mountain #Nepal 
#Mountainlife #AdventureMind 

when trees sink into the snow

when trees sink into the snow 
sky comes so low to see  
how trees are living 
how trees are dancing
how trees are dancing 
how trees are breathing 

#Nepal #Wintertrek 

sun is not just a sun

sun is not just a sun 
its energy of all creatures 
without the presence of sun 
nothing alive in this earth 

so realize the power of nature 
think from today how can we save nature 
how can we save earth 
without the earth we all are homeless 

it's time to think 
what we can give up to save earth 
if we don't be serious today 
we may not have tomorrow 

#nepal #jaljalaPass 

Every adventure I feel mountain is calling

Every adventure 
I feel mountain is calling 
nature is smiling 
Life is floating on joy 

#Nepal #islandPeak #Climbing 

Beauty is not content

Beauty is not content
Beauty is a contest
Beauty is feeling 

Once we enter the moments of Beauty 
we completely lost in it 
and we feel like we are in another planet 

#Nepal #islandPeak #Summit #View
#Nature is #Beautiful 

sometime I feel

sometime I feel 
You are sun 
I am an earth 
our love is moon 

sometime We met in a month 
sometime we met in year 
sometime we may need to wait long 
our love called simply eclipse 

There are two types of love 
first one is called solar eclipse 
second one is called lunar eclipse
the most beautiful thing is wait to happen the love 

Sun is busy on its own axis 
moon is busy on its own motion 
earth is busy on its on orbit 
all of us have no time for love 

Sometime we meet for few hours 
its called full/total solar eclipse or lunar eclipse 
its like dating whole night with complete feeling 
Merging two love in same folder holding each other with full of motion and emotion 

Sometime we meet for few minutes 
Its called partial love Or partial eclipse 
we just hold and kiss for while, fold each other in arm  
then time out , we move for our job 

Once I see mirror 
I think we human are so busy 
we have no time for anything 
We keep moving on the orbit of money 

Day for money, night for money 
right for money , wrong for money 
love for money , money for love 
dream for money, money for dream 

Love is like a mirage now 
see from far, its so beautiful 
stand on it, so wonderful 
but drag on it, so painful 

#Nepal #Trek #Everest #Lhotse 

People always say

People always say 
I go temple to find god 
I go church to find god 
I go mosque to find god 
I go monastery to find god 

temple, mosque, church monastery 
all these are Human made cage 
no matter where we enter 
once enter inside the human made cage 
the door of sence locked 

Afterwards in life 
We live life with little of hope 
we live life with full of fear 
the fear couldn't flow away by tear 
The fear couldn't blow away by imagination too

I always wonder 
why nobody met the god 
why nobody be the god 
is fear the another name of god? 
If not, why we never free from fear 

Indeed what is god ? 
Indeed all the creations are god 
No matter living or non living creation 
indeed I have no idea 
what are living and none living creations 

The soil looks none living creation 
the stone looks none living creation 
but we nerver realize that 
We are still standing as living creature 
we are survived eating the food grow in stones and soil 

Similarly, the air we breathe  living or none living 
The water we drink living or non living 
The sun we get the energy living or non living 
I wonder in science sometime 

question mark is risen bigger and bigger 
even our deaf ear can't hear 
even our blind eyes couldn't see 
Even our bios mind couldn't accept/understand 
Even our fearfull heart couldn't feel 

Be sure, we like/appreciation or not  
no matter its from inside or outside  the earth 
seen or unseen force or living or none living creations 
There are 33 billions creation in this earth 
All the creations are the god of human

believe or not 
realize or not 
all are personal choice 
It won't bother us 
it just bothers our karma 

#Nepal #Adventure #Journey 
#PureiDiot #Feeling

When i breathe differently

When i breathe differently 
I See the world differently too 
When I practice to breathe differently 
I feel all the moments are different too 

#Nepal #Yoga 

I love my job

I love my job
it,s my breathe 
it teaches me lots 
it shows me lots 
it took me so far 
but keep me so closed every moments
the most important thing is 
it has been teaching me 
How to live being human 
I really wish to live as a being human 
I really don't know I far I could go 
let's see with the motion of life 
never control the wheel of time 
never control the wheel of life 
Let the wheel transform to wings 
let the wings blow by wind 
Let let not landed anywhere 
Just keep breathing and moving 

#Nepal #Adventure #islandPeak 
#yoga #mountain #trip

Learn to blossom like flower

Learn to Blossom like flower 
learn to listen like flower 
Learn to stand like flower 
Learn to be silent like flower 

#Nepal #Nature #Flower 
#PureiDiot #Adventure

Stupid person always angry

Stupid person always angry
smart person always smile 
Wise person always listen 


what We See

What we see 
It may not be the truth 
What we hear 
it may not be the truth 
what we listen 
it may not be the truth 
what we think 
it may not be the truth 
what we learn 
it may not be the truth
What my mind sounded
it may not be the truth
what my heart cry for 
it may not be the truth
what my body wish/expect 
It may not be the truth 
what we feel
It may not be the truth 
what we are taught 
it may not be the truth 
Then, what is the truth 
indeed, everything are truth 
some are your truth 
some are my truth 
indeed, all are our truth 
some truth are so brighten like enlighten 
some truth are so dark like nightmare 
learn from truth today 
make your own state of truth 
Flow on your state 
swim on your state 
Fly on your state 
presence in your state 
absence in state 
But never away from your state 
then life will shine like truth 
life will lit like light 

#Nepal #trek #Nepaltrek #truth #mind #sound