Sunday, March 17, 2019

where there is the beauty, I wander

where there is the beauty, I wander
where there is  the beauty you wander
we never stop moving
we never meet the beauty too

where is the beauty I dream
where the beauty you dream
we move for our dreams
dreams always move away from us

sometime I move one direction
while, you move to another direction
we moved far a way but never meet the dreams
we back in the same direction, beauty of dream already changed

we moved through same point
we crossed in same point
we never feel, we need each other
we lost in every motion

sometime we lost in sentiment
sometime we lost in beauty
sometime we lost in dream
indeed, lost is necessary for next beginning

once sun rises, it sets
once we lost, we find the new path
it's another joy to lost in new path
where we can feel silent for second

if we can be silent for second
we can be silent for minutes
we can silent for hours
we can silent for day, month, year and life

Then, we can enter the another life
where every inhale takes in all positivity inside us
where every exhale out all the negativity from us
at the end, we can feel what is inner transformation

#Nepal #EverestBaseCampTrek
#PureiDiot #Adventure

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