Thursday, June 6, 2019

When the sky is clear

when the sky is clear
we can see the every dot of clouds
how does it move
how does it expand
how does it change it's shape

when the sky is clear
sometime clouds move on sky
just like paint brush dances around canvas
how paint expand and brush move around the canvas
it formed a shape, it changed a shape, it changed feeling too

how beautiful the words clean and clear in listen
how powerful the worlds clean and clear in practice
once we apply it in our mind and heart through daily karma
the path we journey become more safe and meaningful
the earth we live become more peaceful, silent and beautiful

we need clear sky to see blue and beautiful sky
we need clear sky to view the stars motion at night
we need the clean and clear mind to feel silent/calm/peace
we need clean and clear heart to feel/view beautiful
reality is always clean and clear, it's not far, just hard
#Nepal #adventure #Milkyway #Mountains
#PureiDiot #Thought

Holi and Himalaya

Holi festival  and Himalaya 
how holi colors colored our outer life
how holi impacts our inner joy
how Holi creates a new layer in life
its totally an amazing experience
come and join for fun
Paint your moments with almight colors
then live the life full of colors forever

second mountains and meditation
mountains are formed for meditations
mountains are the home of peace and silent
Once you stand in one corner and breathe
Purify process atomatically begins itself
this is the power of montains
So always go mountains to discover yourself
Back home being a new one  you

#Nepal #HoliFestival

A beautiful Valley

A beautiful valley
Surrounded by snowy Hills
where billions god and godess Soul
exist in different form of life
appear and disappear time to time

dwell in silence
tranquilty in presence
lost in absence
move in motionless motion
live in disapprance form

Every breathe you take in kathamandu
You inhale and exhale spiritualism
Every steps you you walk in kathmandu
You make the mark towards spiritualism
Every sound you listen in kathmandu
these are the conversatation

River remains in same place

rivers remain in same place
water always flow away
body remains same place
even mind always fly away

how water flow and mark the river
similarly if our mind flow inside our inner sense
take control over the inner and outer body unknowingly
this the moments of exploring self state

a river can't flow with clear water 12 month a years
there are lots flood and so on thing happen in river's life
it's so similar in Human life too
there are lots good and bad energy around us to pollute our outer and inner presence

how sand and soil help to clear the water in river
similarly nature, adventure, yoga & meditation do similar job in our life
how happy we feel when we see the clean and clear water in river
earth also feels that much happy when she saw our clean and clear heart and mind roaming around
#Nepal #LangtangTrek
#adventure #NeverEnough
#PureiDiot #Thought

These are the flowers

These are the flowers
when I look at them they smile
these are the flowers
When I touch to them they dance

When I stand around
They send me aroma
aroma of positivity
Sense of blossomness
#Flowers #Langtang #nationalPark
#Nepal #NepalFlower
#PureiDiot #Thought

Wow life

Wow life
What a wonderful brain
you have placed
what a wonderful folders
you have created

Wow life
We imagined millions
We saved billions in folders
practice less than hundred in life
we get lost every minutes in life

We sleep on folders of dream
we covered on the top by dreams
we pushed to dreams
dreams pushed to us
We die earlier than dreams

Wow life
what a dream you have created
sometime flow on dreams
sometime blow in dreams
Often get lost in dreams

Wow life
sometime we under estimate the dreams
sometime we over estimate the dreams
In reality, its not under or over estimate the dreams
its the under or over estimate ourselves

Till we don't stop making the equation of dreams
till we don't stop under or over estimate in a name of this and that
till we don't practice,reach and understand the balance
our life never move away from bed
Even we marched thousands mile per day physically

#Nepal #LangtangTrek
#pureiDiot #Thought

Life is nothing when we see from inside

sometime we see higher
we feel happy
sometime we reach higher
we forget the way down

the day we lost the silent
the day we lost the peace
the day we lost the happiness
we die from inside even alive physically

life move higher in joy
life move lower in sad
life stop in balance
silent regenerate life again

fishes in the river
birds in the sky
they talk in same language
they move in same motion

sometime motion matters
sometime sound matters
sometime silent matters
sometime balance matter

who can read the motion of life
who read the sound of mind
who can read the silent of heart
that person always can live balanced life

life is nothing
when you see from inside
life is everything
when you see from outside

our sorrow inside us
our happiness also inside us
we carry everything inside
we don't  want to leave/give anything

the day we can give happiness
the day we can give up sorrow
the day we leave everything
that day our third eye reactivated

once our third eye reactivated
we wake up and our common sense widen
we started transforming desert to green garden
once we start living in green, our sense are connected

#Nepal #adventure

Raising sun is the beginning of energy

raising sun is beginning of energy
closing the is ending of the energy
beginning and ending with golden shine
once we could feel it, our life moves superfine

light of the stars is relaxation
once we see it, we feel calm ourselves
light of moon is romanticism
once we see it, our inner motions move with it

once we could feel and realize power of light 
we can heal our pain and sorrow in our balcony
just we need to understand, trust and accommodate with nature
life flourish and dance beautifully more than we wish in nature

#Nepal #Sunrise
#PureiDiot #Thoughts

I ask myself

I ask myself
why I like mountains
why do I go mountains
why I feel more happy and good in mountains

people often ask me
why do you go mountains so often?
what's there to see ?
why don't you feel bore/tire to go ?

I myself smile to them silently
I myself ask my heart and mind
you people  never go mountain
you people never know the mountains 

what lives in mountains
what grows in mountains
what flows in mountains
what blossom in mountains

old house with beautiful smile
clean heart people with unknown aura
green farm irrigated by self sweat
spread the wind of happiness to breathe

when  breathe and I walk around
happiness inserted in every cells of me and echo me
you are the only one in this world
who can feel/read our inner sense

I simply love those houses , yards , people,
I can't forget the simple smiles I saw around 
even I move thousands mile away from there
those places are never away from me. I am always connected

#Nepal #westNepal #localVillages
#PureiDiot #Thought

A far place but close from heart

a far place but close from heart
tiny trails, tiny houses
unknown people, known smile
curious eyes, shy presence

idyllic place , rapturing mood
small river, euphonical flow
clean and clear water
so pure and sure sense

the rhythm of smile
the flow of river
the echo of mountain
symphony forever in mind and heart

every steps birds are singing
every steps trees are dancing
every steps rivers are playing music
wind blows all these symphony into me and fill in me

indeed, it's just like dream
But, it's in reality
hard to believe
but must believe because I am into the moments

once I combine the photos
it formed a picture in my mind
it sounded a peace in my heart
it flowed unlimited aura in my sense

#Nepal #westernNepal
#PureiDiot #Thought

When we closed the eyes, we mee the truth

life is page less book
no matter we write or not
it moves and moves
till there is time

sometimes it moves towards the sunrise
sometime it moves towards the sunset
sometime it moves towards the sunny day
sometime it moves towards the starry night

sometime it moves towards the raining day
sometime it moves towards the thundering night
sometime it moves to pathless path
sometime it lost in path hub

nothing visible in this worlds
all are our illusion
we say we say this and that
but it's just a self lie

Life moves so high in a second
when something hit in our mind
life moves so low in a second
when anything hit our heart

we live here because we can't die
we stay here because we can't fly
there is nothing moves faster than our wish and wish
it can reach much further than science

when we closed our eyes
we meet with truth
when we open our eyes
we meet the fact

when we can find/feel the fact in truth
when we can discover the truth in fact
we become different human
we live/think differently

#Nepal #LangtangTrek
#PureiDiot #Thought

No bath even sleep under the water

round earth
unshaped universe
shape less human
dream the power of life
move thousands mile
realize there is no shape
understand it's shapeless

lost somewhere
no path around
find the cave around
search the wild veg and fruit
live the life there
be in nature
nature healed his/her inner sense

suddenly, several ways form from the cave
way to hell, way to heaven
way to home , way to moon
way to river, way to mountain
so confused and worry
where to go . How to go
no way , problem. too many way also problem

shapeless human
shapeless thought
shapeless dream
shapeless motion
shapeless destination
never know what's our shape
just like no bath, even sleep under the water

#Nepal #Trek #adventure
#PureiDiot #Thought

Far on the horizon of summit

far on the Horizon of Summit
an adventure soul show up
sometime she dances, sometime she sings
the wind bring the echo and put in my ear

I move for summit to meet her
when I reach on the summit
she already move to another summit
I saw, she is singing and dancing in another summit

sometime reality becomes dream
sometime dream become reality
most of the time reality remains reality
most of the time dream remains dream

she is front , I am behind
I saw her always so I follow her
she may never see me so she follows her dream
indeed we both following our inner wish and will

the more far she moved
picture looks tiny but more clear
I look her with my mind and heart
not from the outer eyes

I keep following here
I often didn't see her footsteps
I stopped and saw her motion
she always moves and omits her footsteps

her motion just like  fairly tale motion
move but no motions
walk but no foot steps
never turn back but can see behind

once I reach near her
she disappears from there
once I am far, she always appears in far horizon
what the hell and heaven around me

when dark in my path
the sun is shining in her path
when sun shining in my path
The milky way leading her path

what a miracle
I am in a middle of nowhere
neither there is any path to back
nor follow the endless front

days has gone, night has gone
dreams came in reality
reality also become dream
but nothing has changed yet

suddenly there is snow fall
snow fall turn to snow storm
lighting lots and thundering loudly
I really can't feel weather I am  in hell or heaven

I am seeing how fast the lightening
I am listening how loudly thundering
but I wonder why there is no drop of water and snow flake
I see around , its big cave where I am standing

I sit on rock inside the cave
I just thought about the adventure soul
where is she now ? how is she doing now ?
I worry lots, even I closed my eyes I couldn't see her

I just sit and meditate there
when I open my eyes in mid night
she is laughing in front of me
I wonder , what the hell it is

I asked her, how did you come here?
she answered, it's my home
I am speechless, there is no words
just smile to her, keep smiling to her

I never know  now
where I am sitting
I don't know now
whom I am speaking

unknowingly unknow thought come in mind
unknowingly move in unknown path
unknowingly meet unknow person
unknowingly feel unlimited happiness

this is life
this is simple life
this is magic life
this is pure life 

#LangtangValleyTrek #Nepal #Himalaya  #Gosaikunda
#PureiDiot #Thought

Beauty is not just more than feeling

beauty is not just more than feeling
why ourselves, we human are killing
creation the beauty of nature
simply for the Human adventure

Adventure doesn't mean only climb the mountain
adventure mean simply continue the life to tomorrow
fire, water, air, land, space are the eco system
we are just the a product of eco system

saving the eco system
we have future, we have life
otherwise we can't survive
understand or not, acknowledge it or not

neither it's my business nor your
it is completely a our death
realize the fact or keep covering with echo of economy
it's up to you, I really can't do anything

#Nepal #WesternNepal #NepalVillage
#Adventure #PureiDiot

Yes, I walk in nature

yes, I walk in nature
I listen the creatures
I talk with creatures
I play with creatures

yes, i sit in nature
I observed the motion of nature
I observed the motion of creature
how elegantly they echo together

the silent they create
the power they generate
the motion they move
shows the all solution for life
#Bluesheep #HimalayanWhiteVulture #Vulture
#Annapurna #CircuitTrek
#PureiDiot #Creation

Higher and higher land

Higher and higher land
Small and small houses
But big hearts stay inside
big and big smile welcome you

Lower and lower land
Big and big houses
but small hearts stay inside
there in no smell of welcome

Old clothes but clean smile
Everyone in same motion
just spreading the smile
no matter you listen and feel or not
#Nepal #Trek
#PureiDiot #Trek

Life is just a bag of imagination

Life is just a bag of imagination
Sometime it lit the light itself
sometime someone flash the light on it
Either way it shines with the light

What could Happen
When there is more imagination in mind than the stars in sky
what could happen
When self light off and no one flash the light on it

So once our light off
we need to find another light to shine
that's why we love stars, sun, moon
they shine us with different evergy everytime

Yes, belive or not
yes, follow or not
Sun, everyday comes from same direction
sun , Everyday goes from same direction

But the energy we feel
it could be different
it means our energy/light up/down lots
keep our light balance  mean we are happy

#Nepal #milkyWay
#stars #nightshot
#pureiDiot #imagination

Everyday sun goes

Everyday once sun goes
my feeling goes high
My sight even goes more higher

Even stop wandering
my feeling wander more fast
My heart wonder more than needed

You appear in far corner
you presence in me even your absense
your echo singing in me even you are away

I sleep, you wake up
I wake up, you sleep
Never know how to catch up you again

when sun sets
I see you are dancing in golden lights
when sun rises
I feel you are dancing in golden lights

Every dark night I look at sky
You drop as a meteor
I run to catch but you disappear

Every full moon day
I turn my head to sky
I see you are dancing in the surface

I always wonder
who the hell is she
who drang me so high by feeling and sight
#Nepal #Milkyway #Timepass
#pureiDiot #imagination

Uff just remember

uff, just remember
there is no roof
no need any proof
just under the sun light
feeling so bright
Everything all right
here, there , Everywhere
#GoodMorning #Himalaya
#PureiDiot #Adventure
#Muna #Myagdi #Dhorpatan

Mind ask one thing

Mind asks one thing
heart wants another thing
body needs even more and more

While listen to the mind
Heart seems anxious
no need to talk here about body

While listen to the heart
mind acts like pointless
Body has its own need

While listen to Body
heart and mind seemed furious
we have so much curious

What else I could except

What else I could expect
once i sleep under the milky way
I expect only you
your presence
your summit
your ocean
your motion
your silent

Motion of your summit
move me differently
Motion of your ocean
hit me Differently
once I stand on your summit
I can feel the tide in your ocean
I can listen the tide in your ocean
how hardly it hits you

How beautifully
Wave move on your summit
how quickly connects with your ocean
I can feel it once I stand on your summit
how high the tide show up in your ocean
neither I can believe nor can see by eyes
But I can feel it through my attachement with you
That flow me down from summit even less than a second

How beautifully you let me on your summit
how beautifully you form a tide and hide me in the bottom of your ocean
There is no words to explain
There is no motion for move
just joy , inner joy and peace
where silence speaks more than words
I completely lost in your world
The best world I have ever feel/experience

#Nepal #Milkyway
#stars #Adventure #nature #space #nightshot
#PureiDiot #imagination #WesternNepal

Once you dream nowhere

Once you dream nowhere
you will be there soon
nothing impossible
keep moving and moving

The place where feel lost
the place where nothing seen
but everything are visible
this the real nowhere

Are you Dreaming ?
or planning to do also
all upto you , only you
nowhere is here, there, Everywhere
#Nepal #trek

Who can listen the silence of nature

Who can listen the silence of Nature
Who can feel the silence of nature
who can understand the silence of nature
we only know how to destroyed the nature

Nature speaks louder than we think
no matter we listen or not
nature is more powerful than we imagine
no matter we acknowledge or not

#Nepal #GoodMorning
#adventure #Nature

Life is one truth

Life is one truth
but unlimited imagination
smile is one happiness expression
but unlimited mysterious inside


The more far we see

The more far we see
The more far we can go
the real distance won't be counted by kilometer
It is counted by presence or absence

This world is divided by practice
but United by understanding
balanced by silent
powered by smile

#Nepal #Lumbini

Unknown to known

unknown to known
unseen to seen
smile to laugh
moments to memories
Not just one time
it continues again and again
it lasts forever

Wish you all safe Flight to Home

A flower bloom today in the tree

A flower bloom today in the tree
dance whole day with the wind
it drops tomorrow on the floor

Nobody regrets for its life
nobody cares for its life
we just walk on it


Bueaty not for touch

Beauty not for touch
its just for watch
don't imagine to match
don't rush for catch

Just stay in distance
feel the beautiful presence
here, there, everywhere
life remain happy and peaceful


Buddha is a wisdom

Buddha is descipline
Buddha is wisdom
buddha is silence
buddha is empty

Do we follow buddha,s descipline ?
do we really apply buddha,s wisdom in our life ?
do we know the silent buddha taught us ?
Do we walk the path of emptiness buddha mentioned ?

Today we all are chanting him
today we all are reciting him
today we all are confinning him in temple/monastery
Today we all are selling him

in a name of buddha
we are running business
we are making jungle to concreate mall
we are making buddha a begger

If we all can't follow him from inside
If we can't listen him from inner sense
If we can't understand him from deeper soul
If we can't feel him from higher sensibulity

If we can,t find buddha inside us
we better forget him not trouble any more
So stop troubling him for our sofistication
let his soul free and fly everywhere

#BuddhaPurnima #BuddhaFullmoon
#BuddhaBirthday #Nepal #Lumbini
Today is Buddha purnima. The day Buddha was born, enlighten and leave us.
Happy Birthday to Buddha
#PureiDiot #Thought

Shot collection

Cross the crevasses
climb the ladders
Stand on the summit
what more needed now
just Gongxi Gongxi congratulation
#islandpeaksummit #islandpeak

the more higher I see
I love to go more higher than I see

My world is my imagination
i always roam around my imagination
i never stop till reaching there
i keep moving and moving
#Nepal #AmaDablam

a vulture in Mountain
Fly high being safe from enemies
fly low seeking the food
this world is really amazing

Once stand on summit

once sun rises
moon stop shining
stars disappear

once adventure rises in mind 
heart beat goes higher
desire get stronger

summit is not the height
it is just a point
where journey end

once stand on summit
heart and mind balance
desires and dreams disappear for a while
