Thursday, June 6, 2019

Buddha is a wisdom

Buddha is descipline
Buddha is wisdom
buddha is silence
buddha is empty

Do we follow buddha,s descipline ?
do we really apply buddha,s wisdom in our life ?
do we know the silent buddha taught us ?
Do we walk the path of emptiness buddha mentioned ?

Today we all are chanting him
today we all are reciting him
today we all are confinning him in temple/monastery
Today we all are selling him

in a name of buddha
we are running business
we are making jungle to concreate mall
we are making buddha a begger

If we all can't follow him from inside
If we can't listen him from inner sense
If we can't understand him from deeper soul
If we can't feel him from higher sensibulity

If we can,t find buddha inside us
we better forget him not trouble any more
So stop troubling him for our sofistication
let his soul free and fly everywhere

#BuddhaPurnima #BuddhaFullmoon
#BuddhaBirthday #Nepal #Lumbini
Today is Buddha purnima. The day Buddha was born, enlighten and leave us.
Happy Birthday to Buddha
#PureiDiot #Thought

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