Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Making Himalaya Snow sculpture Museum

Making Himalaya Snow sculpture Museum
it was a bight and big moon last night. I went out for pictures but Moon was so bright, it's really hard to see stars. There were some clouds moving from one peak to another. I watch it for a while, feel the different, feel the blessed.
When i wake up in morning, it was snowing. I didn't expect snowing in this season. All the ground, rocks and houses roof are covered by snow.I look it for a while. i went inside and drink cup of tea and wait for Manuel and Atsuko for Breakfast. we eat breakfast and discuss about what to do. there was snowing outside. we went outside and see around after breakfast. Snowing seemed getting heavier and heavier. There is another group also. they are also in confusion.
I told Manuel and Atsuko. We have enough days. We are going up not down. If we are going down, i suggest we go but we are going up. If weather continue another hour life this, we stay one more day here in Thangnak. We have enough days. I had arranged 2 extra days. I have been facing snow fall regularly last few years in Oct-nov season. it's kind of weird. This is a simple proof of climate change. We write here and raise issue here. Just here. Nepal is just a little kid of the earth. Parents, grandpa and grandma, neighbor just think kid is kidding. Kid's cry or tear won't count as tear or cry. This is what the real world it. When it hit/slap to grandpa and grandma, They will wake up. God bless to earth. God bless to stupid soul.
There was snowing outside. visibility also very poor. Sometimes it get heavier and sometime lighter. it seems, it stops sometime. Snow, wind, mountains, clouds are echoing themselves. They are playing themselves. I am listening their echo. I couldn't see it by my open eyes. But sure when i closed my eyes. I can see it in the orbit of my imaginative Universe. They have been moving like the our planets moving around sun. It's always beautiful closed my eyes and travel around Himalayas Planet.
It seemed getting more worse than an hour before. Then we decide to take one more rest day in Thangnak. I can see another group one guy walking one door to another door. he asked me what we gonna do. I told him, We gonna stay here for today. He walked several times one dinning room to another dinning room. Open the door check the outside. Condition seemed as same as. He back to inside and discuss. then finally they left hotel. We really nothing to do. We did play lots card in this trek. we are already kind of tired from playing game either.
After a while snow looked more thicker. Atsuto told me that she wanted to make snow man. I had seldom made even snow man during the trek. But surely i did couple during my trekking life. Even i had played snow football haha. It was cold and slippery but good fun. I was in dinning doing nothing. I thought i was playing game in my mobile to kill the time.
I look out from window, i saw Atsuko playing on snow. She has been collecting snow to make snowman. I went out and talk with her. She seemed very exciting to play with snow and make snowman. Then i also start to help her. Two little boys come from other hotels to play and help us. Three sister from hotel busy cooking in kitchen. They were there in school vacation. One of them came and ask me, let's make Horse. Suddenly i feel Yak is more handsome in Himalayas. Then i told her, let's make Yak. she say ok. After snow man, we make Yak. suddenly two trekkers who live in another hotel or tent appear. They seemed happy with our energy. I went kitchen, three sister were cooking samosa. They out with one Samosa. They pretend feed it to yak. i eat the samosa after all and share little to Atsuko. she said she like it. We took some pictures. It seemed finished the snow work for day.
it is already afternoon. it is just a dark afternoon. it's lunch time. They cooked the samosa for nepali Lunch. Atsuko tells me that she is fine with samosa. Manuel also say ok with Samosa. Samosa lunch in Himalayas. I afraid for Manuel with Samosa because it contains little spicy but Atsuko is fine with a bit spicy. Lunch finished quickly and everyone disappear from dinning room. I just stay there and play with phone. I often see outside our snowman and yak. They are standing and seeing me. I really love the Yak we made. I did made some snowman before . I saw many snow man around trekking trails. But it was first time i saw Yak and i make yak. It's good news that there is not any sunshine today. I really wish it can be there forever. I could have many clicks each and every time i trek here in coming years. I know it's just wish or dream. It will go away next day if sunshine well. I just keep thinking so on in dinning room.
Mean while, I heard the some sound people talking outside. I turn my head to towards. I saw Again Atsuko, three sister and two little boys outside playing with snow. I keep seeing for a while. She collects some snow and form a snow stick. I had no idea what she gonna carving on snow. After a while i went out, it Looked like a snow girl she gonna make. She is not happy with snow man. I laugh myself. i didn't tell any. Then i ask her what you gonna make. She smiled and say, i don't know. I watch for a while. Girls either collecting snow and telling me want to Make one bouddha ( Kind of stupa ). i told them if you want to make Bouddha, I gonna Make a Buddha. I start making Buddha. I even never draw any buddha or faces in my life. I know myself very well. so i used to say when i dream home' it will be look like mountains. what i mean is, i only can draw mountains. it's very easy to draw.
I try to collect some snow. Two little boys help me lots to bring snow. I form ball of snow. I have no idea how to do it. I never did it before. I never see how people do it either. I just need to kill time. Manuel is there seeing our works. He might entertaining too. I form the small snow block. But never know how to carve head there. Then i re-think about it. I suddenly got an idea to have another small block of snow to make a head. I did so on. it seemed i can do something new which i never did before. Then i focus to make head of Buddha. But i forgot the Buddha's face. What a coincident that was. Even i saw Buddha Every time in my room which is placed by my mother. I saw him every morning when i open my eyes. I used to see/feel that he is smiling and blessing to me every morning with my first sight. . He wake up earlier than me everyday and standing on my wall and smiling me . This is the best energy every morning i get from him.
I was using just my hand to do it. I look towards the Atsuko she is using the knife to carve the snow. I get the same knife, I try to do the same ways as Atsuko doing. I know myself i couldn't make anything similar like Buddha. But what i know is, i can make one snow sculpture filling with Buddha's spirit. I keep on my job. No matter what does it look like. Atsuko's sculpture getting already in good shape and Looking very fascinating. One sister who is making Bouddha ( stupa), she failed to make it. Then she decided to Mera peak. She told me that she is making mera peak. I told her that we summit summit Mera peak later in Thangnak. She just keep laughing with my answer. Another sister is making snow chair now. She seemed very focus on her job.
I keep slicing the snow to make Buddha's face. I didn't it more than half an hour. I am trying my best but it's nowhere similar like Buddha. After a while, Atsuko told me she is done. I checked her snow lady. It's really pretty. look like a dream girl or kind of a girl from fairly tale. I didn't listen so many story from my grand mother but surely i had listened few about price and fairly tale girls. I memories it first time after several girl. I dream my girl should same one like this. She might be standing somewhere in the meadow of the snow and waiting for me, waiting for my sight.
Then i ask her to come to help me. But i know it's already too late. I did finished more more there. But she still helps little around face. Then i try to make big ear of Buddha and finished the job. This is was snow Buddha was Born in Thangnak in Mera Peak trail. As the same time one sister told me that her mera peak also ready. Another little sister's chair not finished. she keep decorating her snow chair. Suddenly another two trekkers appears again. They laugh at me with my slipper. I was wearing slipper and making Buddha on snow. They just shocked i am out long time with slipper and i am not feeling cold. They surprised it and ask me don't you feel freezing. I just smile and reply her. It's snow proof slipper. They smiled and went inside for drink.
Everything is ready now. Then, it;s time for photo session. I took the pictures for everyone. They helped me to take mine either. We all took pictures with Buddha, fairly tale snow lady/queen, Mera peak, Snow man, Yak, snow chair. it is really a special experience in my life making a snow Museum in Himalayas. This is something i never think in my life. So you need to have positive thinking and positive attitude. It will lead your life towards right way. You will get all what you dream and not dream.
At the end of photo session. Manuel give the right name of our snow Museum as Atsuko Himalaya's Museum. Few locals came at that time. they even shocked seeing her snow lady sculpture. It's really a fascinating. After this i remained that she told me that she is an artist during trek. I am surprised with her creation. Thank you Atsuko Webb for a wonderful memory, wonderful experience. I am not sure will have that experience again or not. But it is good enough. Thank you Manuel Martinez for all this experienced. We all met because of your plan.

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