Sunday, April 22, 2018

Just down to the shey Gompa

Just down to the shey Gompa
There is shey Phokundo lake
just watching that lake
i miss my love much more

you come being sun-ray
pour on lake every time
you come being shadows
dance on lake in front of me

i am just an alchemist 
i roam in your shadows
i listen your sounds
i enjoy your echo everywhere

your whispers
your shadows
your echos
all are my powers

stay with me all hours
here, there and everywhere
life can remain there
if you exist there

#Nepal #Dolpo #trek
#phoksundoLake #SheyGompa

Life see the soaring illusion

life see the soaring illusion
life hear the soaring illusion
life feel the soaring illusion
life still can't out from illusion

imagination come in sight
imagination stay in mind
imagination beat in heart
but still can't feel in real life

illusion come to our sight through light
illusion come to our mind through fear
illusion come to our heart through tear
illusion stay in our life playing with tear & fear

some illusion can be your dream
some dream can be your illusion
but once it appears in reality in your life
life fly to another horizon

life swim in illusion
life float on imagination
life run in dream
life move for Ambition

illusion can be a great imagination
imagination can be a great dream
dream can be a great aspiration
this is how life need to experience

no matter what stand in front
just keep moving and moving
never stop your motion
everything have solution

#Nepal #Mountain #Climb
#Annapurna #AnnapurnaCircuit

Sun or moon

sun or moon
night or noon
wise or fool
ugly or cool

it's upto you
you move or not
you open your eyes or not
you see the moon at noon
or you see the sun at night
you stay cool in fool
or you stay ugly to be wise

nothing gonna change
people not gonna stop to blame you
people not gonna stop to peep you
dam !!! we are so cheap

we see our shadows
we feel fear with it's move
we see our reflection
we stop & see whether perfection or not
we do this to be happy
we do that to be happy
Dam!!! that's that Happiness

you roam with moon
you roam with sun
you roam with shadow
whatever with you roam
you need a good will
you need a good wish
you need a clear vision

only clear vision can see the happiness clearly
only clear soul can feel the happiness silently
only good wish and will can clean the tear and fear absolutely
once you see all clearly, you move to next destination

sun or moon
night or noon
wise or fool
ugly or cool
you can create all in you
once you have all this
you will be a total universe

#Everesttrek #Nepal #MountEverest #ImjaLake #IslandpeakClimbing

This world, that world

this world
look at the sky
move with the cloud
forget the real path

this world
look at the sea
jump to the sea
finished the future

a wander people
move this side
move that side
can't find a wander world

sit on stone somewhere
see the dancing clouds
look at the flying birds
imagine the brightness of life

birds fly sometime inside the cloud
birds fly sometime outside the cloud
keep watching and thinking pure life
if i can fly, if i can hide, if i can swing

#Nepal #Mountain #Climb

A image of my world

An image of my world

i wish where i live
the walls are made by Himalayas
the roofs are made by sun,moon & stars
the foods are just brightness and darkness

i wish where i live
sun comes to warm me when i am cold
moon comes to cool me when i am hot
stars come to glow in my soul when i am sad

i don't need anything  in my life
just a home with Himalayas wall
just a roof with sun, moon & stars
just a darkness and brightness as a food

everyday sun comes and move around my wall
every night moon comes and dance around my wall
every night stars taught me the myth of universe
this is an imagination of my dream home

once my friends come around
enlighten them with path of lights
once my enemies walk around unknowing
bless them with lots fortune and wisdom

whoever saw my home
it will send utmost peace in your soul
whoever walked around my home
everybody will feel blessed 

my home is made by nature
my home is made by beautiful soul
my home is made by darkness of universe
my home is made by brightness of universe

once you see the wall of my home
you will forget everything in your life
once you step in my  home
you will never put from my home

this is an image of my world
this is an image of my soul
this is an image of my home
this is an image of my life

Note: a Night around Everest Base camp
#Nepal #Mountain #Climb
#Himlayas #Nature #adventure
#sun #stars #moon

I wanna have starry light shower

Khumbu icefall at night in April - may season. how climber walk along the khumbu icefall and create the light river alo g the way.
Note: Picture taken from Everest Base camp at night
#Nepal #Mountain #Climb
#Everest #Basecamp #EverestClimbing

High altitude
thin thin air
cold cold night
stars are so bright

jump to the tent
camera come to shout
hey dude , hey!! Dude
i feel itchy

what the hell you are
i feel so hot
i need some starry light shower
it could be a great power

i lay down
i moved my arm
it woke up the camera
he gonna shout again

hey dude hey due
i feel so hot
i wanna have starry light shower
i wanna run in raining stars night

finally i up and out
stars are inhaling and exhaling the light
looks so so bright
i feel perfect and right

i set up my camera out
i move inside the tent again
let camera have starry light shower
let camera dance in starry light rain

after a while my camera yelling me
come to help me , help me
it's cold and power gonna down
i went and check, camera sketched just this

Live in mountain Everyday

Live in mountain Everyday
if you can't live
Go to summit everyday
if you can't make
go to base camp everyday
if you still can't make it too
just see the mountain everyday
if you even can't do it
just keep mountain in your heart and mind
you live the life differently

#Nepal #Mountain #Climb
view around Everest Base camp

My real life at night

My real life in night
i stand in one place
i look to the space
i feel full of lights in my mind

My imagine life at night
i stand in one space
i look for the place
i fill full of illusion in my mind

i move with light all day 
i move faster without light at night
i love to stand there
between the space and place

above me, fly all the dreams
below me, just wanders move
i stand in middle of dreams and wanders
capture the memories for dreams and wanders

life sometimes happier than in dream
life sometime sadder than you ever hear or imagine
but never stop marching either place or space
once you have destination you will reach there

sooner or later
happier or sadder
higher hill or lower
you will reach one day

#Nepal #Mountain #Climb

Dear feminist sir, ma'am,miss

Dear feminist sir, ma'am,miss
Greeting from my tail
wish you will never fail
don't be the ladder of discrimination

I walk this lane
just listen the feminism talk
i walk that street
they are talking about the same

i ride the bus
first few row are reserved by words
i took the tuk tuk
same alphabet show up

what the hell in my daily world
i got in bus first , i can't sit first
the world is already ruined
i am seeing how much more can be ruined

they talk equality, always
i don't feel my two hands are equals
i don't have my two legs are equals
i don't think sun and moon can shine equally

if men are east , women are west
if women are east, men are went
if men are north, women are south
if women are south, men are north

there is a gravity
east pull the west, west pull the east
south pull the north, north pull the south
gravity power pull each other and keep in balance

Dear Feminist, Sir ma'am, Miss
If east and west come same point
if south and north come to same point
Where will we be heading ?

we pee in mountains
it flows to streams
stream flows to river
river flow to sea

there are some people
who wash their brain in a sea of pee
come to wash our brain and pollute too
How many of you can keep your brain pure and clean

what feminist think/want 
all men just be the donkey in day
all men just be monkey for them in bed
just be their sex slave

in all day vomit the sperm of man
after a while, meet the men lick the sperm of men
what the hell this is
I really can't understand

what the great game you playing
what the great business you doing
we men are not just sex machine
tell this to all feminist, sir, ma'am, miss

stop discriminating the man
talk about equal education
talk about equal respect
stop making sun to moon and moon to sun

Middle of the night

Middle of the night
cold temperature
inside warm sleeping bag
Outside starry night

wake up in Mid night
eat something warm
drink some hot
be ready to top

plan to top
move for top
meanwhile stop for rest
stop for breath and drink

when other stop for break and drink
i stop and open camera's lens cap
just press click click click
at the end, canvas form like this

#Islandpeak #basecamp
#NepalHimalaya #climbing
#Nepal #mountain #climb

Story of my city

Story of my city:
I always take local bus for my daily life.The charming part of local bus is, it helps to connect me with real life. I can listen plenty of stories. Some stories can listen but can see by eyes too. it may stay longer in your head. since long time there are two stories hitting my head even i try to avoid it.

First: it was few years back. i rid the small public Van (we say micro bus too) to one place. It looked like a bit bigger than taxi. indeed, we used to be packed in that van like how buffalo or goat put in truck when they move from one city to another to consume. Situation still same, almost nothing change till now. van was almost full. i got the seat near the door. van helper was like 10 or 12 years old. Driver looks 20 or less. Little boy looked cool. he is very energetic and some kind of funny. One gentleman stop the van and some inside. there was not seat. there was no seat, he manages his place around even we can't stand in that van because the height of the van is short.

Mean while little boy started to collect the money passenger. even van size is small but passenger's age group was various. He was asking dai/didi ( elder brother/sister) for college school/college student, a bit elder one he was asking uncle/auntie and more older one he was asking grandpa an grandma. He called me uncle your bus fee, I just give 20 rupee and he return me 5 rupee. Next one was that gentleman's turn. He asked him too , Uncle your bus fee, gentleman seemed unhappy with little boy's regard. I can see his face. he immediately told to little boy  why you can't call sir to me or other people. I was just shocked see the both of them face turn by turn. little boy just smile and didn't say anything and gentleman just made his face red and ask to stop the bus and got off. He could arrive his destination. By age he looked more older than me. By the point of little boys view, he was ok/right to called him uncle as our local way to call someone or greet someone. I even used to do same ways. After that incident nuclear bomb blasted in my mind. we are like be sir madam, not brother, sister, uncle,auntie, grandpa,grandma. How our gen is fragment or isolated from another. this is simple example how our mentality changing. it may be simple thing to be hear or seen in bus. But psychological and philosophical point of view it matters lot. I feel pity for that boy, i am not sure he really got chance to go school or not. even he went, he learn to call sir who teaches in school. Sir equals to guru/master at that time when i was school student. i don't look for the value of sir these days because even some self claim famous guru/master even losing their own value by their daily life.  

Second : This one is not that long time before. I took the bus to office. the place where i took the bus is near the last stop of the bus. So bus often comes with almost empty and  sometimes with some people. There are some seats reserved for women, some seats for elder people and some for disable people. Out transportation is not friendly for disable people. so there are lots to improved this part. i think, we have still long way to go in this part. local buses are the plate form for every people to go one place to another places. you can meet lot's different places people in one bus. normally reserved seat was in front near the enter/exit door. When i took bus, i never take first row seat. these seat are not for me. i only qualify to it in middle or last. it's the tiny bus. A grandpa stop the bus and come inside. He saw the empty in first row. He sit there. bus was crowded in a while. one office lady/madam rid in bus. she looked around , she saw grandpa sitting on women's reserved seat. She asked the grandpa that this seat is for woman. he had to leave the seat. grandpa asked i am an old man, i can't read how can i know this is woman or man's seat. All look same. she kept insisting him to leave sit for her.  Grandpa  left the seat for madam. There is another lady in behind seat she called grandpa to come her seat and she stood. I was in last seat seeing and listening this story. This two lady one modern business school /university's degree holder and another just born as normal human, hardly finished the school level in my observation.

We used to see this kind of things quite common in our society. these kind of incidents are common too in poor or undeveloped countries like Nepal. I try to forget this for it never shadows from my vision. it was ask me question: Moral education VS cash education. The gentleman and first lady are the perfect example of the cash education and second lady is the perfect example of the moral education. My head always down for her (second lady). My words always appeal RIP for gentleman and first lady.

this is just a theme of our life, thought and change. change in life not bad but what you gonna change is always matter. So think sincerely. live faithfully, practice humbleness in life. then life become like life. otherwise it's hard to distinguish weather it;s life or social rubbish bin. all are on our hand and head. Best of luck to us.

What the hell inside you

a common people
move here and there to find himself
he moved more than the places he wished
he couldn't find himself

He never lost
if a person never lost
how can we find him roaming here or there
it's almost impossible task

physically presence here/there
absence from inner soul everywhere
there is problem
this is the our common problem now

you are feeling same
i am feeling same
you are talking same
i am talking same

what the hell inside me
what the hell in this world
exist in this world not happy
exit from this world not easy

i really can't understand sometime
life is roaming or me
breath is pushing or wind
mind is thinking or sinking

we move miles everyday physically
we are in same point everyday by thought
is this wonder too or something else ?
really hard to figure out

i stop in point
i see kites are flying in sky
i think, if i can fly like a kite
how happy i will be

i keep thinking this looking at the kite
kites sometimes fly high sometime low
i feel how freely kites flying in sky
its so amazing and happy

after a while kite drops to ground
i just think why it can't continue flying
why it dropped to ground
if i am kite, i never down to ground

a person absence by inner soul
never know the reality
kite never fly itself in sky
people buy and fly for self entertainment

a heart fly with kites and drops to ground
can't move even a centimeter per year
just keep sitting and singing the sound
waiting for another objects come in sight or mind

after a while some birds appear in the sky
they dance together in sky for a while
then some birds went east and some went west
remaining went north and south

the more far they fly
the distance of each and every birds increased
at the end they all separates
once they are near the destination

once we are near the destination
we all get lost from inner soul
like, once kite free from thread
always stay awaken even you lost from inner soul

be always steady and brave
you need to live everyday ahead
don't feel/live like dead
this is the begin of life not end

#Nepal #Mountain #Climb
#birds, #adventure #Tour #trek

A boy, a girl

a boy , a girl
grow up growing unlimited dreams
they live in home physically
they sinking in their universe  psychologically

some dreams in eyes
some dream in minds
some dreams in heart
some dreams are in soul

absent things are more attractive
we all like it
we all love it
we all move for it

once our foot stop at night
our mind start moving all around
seeking for the universe
live in the dreaming universe

we go school thinking for university
we go university thinking for universe
we only find uni in university not verse
we are mad and false

we think, what is universe ?
is there really any universe ?
who made universe?
where is that universe ?

how can we go to universe ?
who live in that universe ?
why we can't see by our eyes?
where is the path to universe ?

we sing this song day and night
where is my universe? i wanna go as soon
show me the way to my universe
god, i want to leave here as soon , show me the way

pain and sorrow go higher every another minutes
we home east west to heal our heart, mind and soul
we move south and north to seal the happiness in our heart, mind and soul
it absent everywhere, even it exists everywhere

something you can't see
you can feel it so well
something you can't imagine
you achieve it so quietly

we live in virtual world
we believe in visible thing
we think for truth always
we move for our universe

we work day by day to earn
we live day by day being burn
where is the life heading
what the universe we are forming

it's time to think
not just sink in problem
it time to fool everything
stay cool from inside you

money from wallet
food from restaurant
date from virtual path
relationship with artificial intelligence

we start the life thinking for universe
we live the life thinking for universe
we leave the live thinking for universe
what is the universe indeed

universe is you
universe is your mind and heart
universe is your soul and imagination
universe is your power of thought

never waste time looking for universe
your universe already inside you
just realize it and accept the fact
wake up and live awaken forever

#NepalSky #HimalayaSky #NepalTrek
#Nepal #Mountain #Climb

Once the desire done

Once the desire done
Fire cool down
Moon goes from window
Sun comes from door
Stars roaming in sky
fingers dancing on your peaks
Lips searching for sips of your thrust
Lust here there every where
Desire is not just a desire
Its the fire of your wish n will
It ascends summit to peak
It descends to sea to sink

Hey mother's Girl

hey mother's girl
you are my starry rain
i don't need any gain
come and heal my pain

flow like river
i wait, u come and cover
drop like rainstorm
wash away all the pain

sounded like thunder
roam like lightening
fall like waterfall
Tall like Himalaya

you move or not
your thought already move
you desire or not
fire inside me, waiting for you 

hey mother's girl
it doesn't matter
where your body exist
hey baby girl
it matters always
where your soul exist
it often matter
where and how pain exit
think seriously
perform hilariously 

you are no more mother's girl
you are no more baby girl
you are now beautiful soul
you are now in amazing hour

imagine beautifully and move for it
just remember day for dream
night for desire and fire
once you have desire
move for it
if you don't move
things not gonna move to you
life is not just for seeing
life is explore and experience too
always higher your head and see forward

life is more beautiful
when you are on move
so keep moving always
till catch your lark

#NepalSky #nepalHimalayaSky #Nightsky #Nepal #Nepaltrek

#Fishtail #Mahhapuchhre

That time of life

That time of life
born in floor
grow up in dust
live in nature
morning to night
work for life
Night to morning
work for love
life never alway
love never away
work together
move together
sleep together
angry together
hungry together
Happy together
angry in day, doesn't matter
wife pour the happiness in plate
husband swallow happily
meet in bed at night
small bed, thin blanket
cold temperature
omitted the day flight
they get in tight in while
no need hour or year

their dream/need
some land for food
water sources near house
small house to live
some cattle for milk/meat/fertilizer
some clothes to cover the body
a temple to worship
morality was name
fame was money 
morality and fame shined like sun and moon
wake early with sun
Namaskar to god and goddess 
visit the farm and check the grains
look at the sky at night stars are dancing
look at the farm in day, grains are dancing
look at their face , tide of happiness shinning 
truth was life
life was truth
what we talk or do
we think how close with truth
hard-work simplicity honesty
basic principle of life

this time of life
born in hospital
grow up in sofa
live in cage/apartment
look this side just a closed window
look that side
just a closed door
look other sides
just wall, wall, wall
you see wall
what else you can think
just wall, wall , wall
life is confined in wall
you inhale and exhale same air
no matter how many million times you breathe
to think bigger and better
first we need the bigger space or view
if we can't see the sky
how we can imagine about sky
if we don't see the moon
we couldn't imagine to go the moon
there are no day or night now
there are no happiness or sadness now 
we are heading to be senseless creature
morning to night
we go to office (money farm)
night to morning
think how can save more money
there is no time/mood for love
there is no money for food
physically job looks easy
mentally big burden than can imagine in surface
big building  , small apartment
big bed, big blankets
big blankets only cover our body not problem
we turn this and that side dozen times
nothing happen , no one around
physically you may not alone
but by inner feeling you are not couple
our life confined in room
our whole time confined in smart phone
we meet in smartphone
we fall in love in smartphone
we angry in smartphone
we argue in smartphone
we broke up in smartphone
smartphones are our farmland
smartphones are our sun and moon
we never know when sun comes and goes
we never know when is full moon or new moon

our dream/need
one smartphone latest version
one job for food
one job for house
one job to cover our body
toilet and kitchen in bed
servants on call/ring
while in office think for money
back home think for money
every breather you inhale and exhale
we have to earn money
life is money
money is life
money is truth
truth is money
if we have money, we are god
so money is god now
we sleeping, money dancing in our mind
we wake up, money roaming in our mind
money money money
we used to say/hear , no money no honey 
We need money is reality
there is no life without money
where there is money, there is no truth
poor sun/daughter hated by parents/relatives
poor parents hated by son/daughter too
dream is one in mind
life is another in reality
we think one thing in life
we do another thing in life
lots terms and conditions
life is no more free
it is confined by terms and condition
money can buy almost all
who don't dare to be sold themselves
they exist always and echo to us like Socrates/Buddha

#thatTimeOfLife #ThisTimeOfLife
#keepYourThought #LiveFromYourHeart

I move camera smile

I move my camera smile
I press shutter, my camera happy
Where I wish to go , camera follow me
What in my sight, camera simply sketch it

#Nepal #sky #space #natGeo #adventure #HimalayaSky #NaSa

Himalaya might not stop smiling

when you see the Himalaya 
Himalaya may not smile
when i see the same Himalaya
Himalaya might not stop smiling

see more you
excite me more
drag me more closer
fill inner pleasure unknowingly

the sky i saw
the sky you saw
may not be same
no wonder if our desire not same

Every time i get lost
when i saw your bust
i remind your river first
when i have thrust

Its the life
sometime get lost
sometime feel thrust
never stop how often we burst 

you move for your desire
i move for my pleasure
desire and pleasure make us closer
it helps to kill all our suffer 

once i saw birds dancing in sky
i imagine your bust dancing in your body
once i saw the frozen river/lake in mountain
i want to fire up your river and feel from the depth

every steps you move
your bust up to sky to touch
i feel that's my universe
universe of my dream

every steps you move
your bust down to earth to touch
i lost and lust in couch
there is no chance for ouch 

sit in couch
play the ouch
love the moments
love the life

standing in same point
the sky i watch with one thought
the sky you watch with another thought
it won't look like same

it doesn't appear same in our sight
that's why we meet in same point
let's climb more higher height
never mind spirit lost or live

Note: Photos are taken on the way to Everest Base camp trek around Dingboche 4410m
#Everest #Basecamp #trek
#Nepal #Mountain #Climb

Wah Human, wah Human

wah Human , wah Human
we walked centuries journey
we reach here and there
we are trying for Everywhere

we made the highway in land
we made the waterway in water
we made the airway in sky
now, we are waiting for virtual-way

wah Human , wah Human
nothing is any more mysterious
we almost wander everywhere
we marched our feet even in space

we earn degree every year
it has been creating more fear
face smile but mind tear
today share, tomorrow disappear

we talk about simplicity everyday
we live in complication every second
we don't know it's our brain or bomb
never know when our heart stop to pump

in ancient, ancient time
Mountains were for god and sacred force
lower valley for living being
space for unseen and indescribable force

the finger we point before
we marched by feet now
imagination come on our finger tips
happiness going away from our lips

we study hard for degree
degree of ignorance about life 
we work hard for better bank balance
but we can't keep our life in balance

when life is not in balance
what the hell our bank balance does
what the hell our degree does
its totally useless philosophy

our current life in this earth
we deposit our health in office
neither we have time to eat nor play
living worse life than clay

moon comes on our finger
mountains come on our feet
we stop to greet
how can we get a preet

human behavior no more serious
human behavior more ridiculous
one half is mad, another half is sad
lost every steps, no way to find the path

stories of dream
pain of reality
happiness of spiritualism
only you realize, once you waken

we made every impossible thing
but we fail to make our life way
we fail to make our love way
we fail to make our life philosophy 

Note: Photos are taken in Everest Base camp, camp1 and camp2
#Nepal #Mountain #climb

Fly to somewhere

Fly to somewhere
Stop somewhere
Lost the path
be back and stand in front
Your smile spreading like sunshine
Your eyes dancing around me
beauty of nature standing around
Silently your thought move
Your thought
other's dream
other's thought
your dream
When life in pain
walk in rain
ask for more more more rain
ask for more more pain
shower away all the pain

Note: Never ignore the power of nature



Everywhere it appears
no matter here or there
shape of mirage can be different
thought of mirage maybe different too

What you imagine
it comes in sight
it goes in mind
it shakes your heart

did i see mirage?
I didn't see I guess
But it got everywhere
i heard stories of abstractness

stories of abstractness connect with mirage
Many talk about it
Normally when we travel alone in darkness or similar 
many thing played inside in our soul

When we go alone
we got little fear
it helps to beware
we got little wish
we got little illusion
Further we move
Illusion  go higher
Fear more clear
So there is anxiety
there is vacant moments
There is some picture show up too
sometimes it show up so close
it appears so far in while

Stop there
Move there
Stand there
Come towards you
Run away from you
sometime it fly away
sometime sounded like echo
Appear in while
move this way again
move that way again
it happens again and again 
This is mirage

Some imagination
Some illusion
some painting
Some can be reality too

#Nepal #Adventure #Mountain #Trek

A life wish to roam everywhere

a life wish to roam everywhere
a life wish to fly everywhere
a life wish to fill all wisdom
a life wish to stay emptiness

see a sky, wish to clear like sky
see a water in river, wish to clean like water
see a sun , wish to shine like sun
see a moon, wish to peaceful like moon

we run
we stop
we think
we do

whatever our wish
whatever our will
real life stand a bit far
once you wake up, still stand far

we think this is real
we try to do it in real too
but it never appears in reality
reality always stand a bit far from our life

our time and mood now
when we stand in dirty water
we see our reflection more clear
but stand in clear water, reflection are less clear

it's a is time to think
what are the problem in current wisdom and ancient ?
what are the different in current truth and ancient ?
what are the  problem in current purity or ancient

#Nepal #Dolpo #Trek
#bluesky #clearriver #cleanheart

We all got our own world

we all got our own world
we happy in our own world
we sad in our own world
we fly here and there in our world

we meet someone in our world
we let someone gofrom our world
we meet or let go from our world
it's a formation to form another's world

nothing permanent in our world
no need to worry for this and that
once you forgot the inhale
the world will shut down

#Nepal #MardiHimal #trek

Story of life, story of Love

story of life
story of love
it appears everywhere
but never solve

we all seeking for golden love
we all seeing for golden light
we all seeking for golden moments
what the hell reality is now

even a photo won't shine enough without Photoshop
we dream this person can shine my life and  love
we move this mall to that mall to shine our life and love
what the thought and imagination we carry in our heart and mind

be true, become rude
stay silent, become sick
say something, piss off
don't say anything, dead but not alive

#AmaDablam #tengboche #Nepal #sunset #Himalayasunset

No worry America

No worry America
Stay strong, stay peace
you sow bullets
You grow guns
You feel fun
The guns runs everywhere
The guns ruin everything
It comes here
Through gov to gov
or through cia to local crimal group
Or throughINGO to social conflict group
Whatever way it comes
Whatever ways it used
Whatever ways you think
Whatever ways we think
It made to kill me and you
It made to kill you and me
Until you don't see me in your face
until I don't see your face in my face
This game keep going and going

Plz plz America
Sow more more bullets
Grow more more guns
The guns run everywhere
The guns ruins eveything
You feel fun in killing
Its just like hunting deer in park
You people never know deer still got soul
Its our sinful foul
Keep planting bullets
Keep growing guns
I want to see every rock turn to gun
I want to see every tree full of gun
Once every sand become gun
Your eyes open, you wake up
it will be too late
Neither you can clean nor run
You will feel more fun in killing n dying

When you killed others are terrorists
When other killed you are herorist
Remember if you know
How to fire and killed others
it can kill you you
One person can be your friend today
Same person can be terrorist tomorrow
Its just the point of your business
When you can control everything
You take them as friend
When you can't control them
They are terrorist in mind
Stay strong America
You are the one
who can turn green planet to nuclear  planet
You are the one
Who can turn water sea to blood sea
I never fear for this
We are heading towards
Hawking says 600 years
I think we may not need to wait that long

Do your best America
Destroyed your best America
You think you destroyed us
You think you killed us
But in reality
You are killing the ecosystem
You are killing the earth
Once you kill the earth
Where you gonna live , America
Remember, remember, remember
America is not outside this earth
You the the family of this earth
Stop joying killing us n social value
Killing us and our social value Today
It may move there tomorrow
Today die or tomorrow
It may not be much matter

So wake up America and American
Stop planting bullets
Stop growing guns
The gun can kill me means
The gun can kill you too
Listen or not, not Only my matter
Understand or not, not only my matter
You drink tea or pee, I don't care
But don't kill my bee, I love honey
Good look guys , stay safe , stay peace
See you if u let alive here
See you if you still alive there

Note: I express my deep condolence to victim families. Hope n wish no more like this.
#Ametica #bombFarm #bombmind #bombheart

Somebody move to find the meaning of life

somebody move to find the meaning of life
move here, there and everywhere
somebody look for the colors of life
move here, there and everywhere

somebody see happiness dancing in bungalow
another person sees happiness flying in tent
real person sees happiness expressing through smile
neither move or think simply smile everyday and move everywhere

simple is hard
reality is far
stay here or there
remember to realize reality everyday

sometime pictures more clear in silence
sometime feeling are more mature in darkness
happiness are hidden behind the fear and tear
sadness are hidden behind the dear one

move or not
decide or not
you can break the clock
but you can't stop the time

so simple is hard in practice
reality move so far after realizing
we do this, happened that
we wish this, get that

it's the nature of life
never stop living single moment
whatever comes, accept and move
where reaches, stop and see around

Photo: Everest camp 1
#Nepal #adventure #everestCamp1

Life won't flow always

Life won't flow always
life won't fly always
sometime life frozen
sometime life stops too

life sometime falls like snowflakes
so light , so beautiful in sight
life sometime frozen like ice
so hard and so cold in reality

life sometime showers like waterfall
life sometime rushes like stream
life sometime stops like the water in lake
move here and there to find the way out in the lake

once it flows out
sometime it rushes faster
sometime it  rushes slower
but it keep rushing till reach the sea

everything begins and end almost same point
so we can say beginning is an ending
also can say an ending is beginning too
no lush, no fush, life is such

sometime life lost in mist
sometime life lost in cloud
sometime life became so heavy
sometime life become so light

sometime life stops in lush
sometime life begins from fush
never count the profit or loss
if you count, it looks sucks

rushing water flow down always
moving clouds carry rain drops
roaming soul collects fear, tear and dear
once you lost, you know how to appear

ladder of the life, we all climbed
color of the ladder, can be different
steps of the ladder, may not be same
but we all need to walk through the up and down spirit

#Everesttrek #Nepal #Adventure #Gotrek #trekwithRamesh

Holi festival - falgu

it's a festival of colors
colors the dream
dreams are the happiness
happiness are the moment of life
life with many colors
life see more dreams
life feel more happy
so holi is the happiness of life
come and join here
share your happiness and enjoy
happy Holi
see you next year

Danny Chen

Life sometime lost in street

life sometime lost is street
no matter how bright the street is
life sometime hide in street
no matter how wider the street is

life sometime happy to lost in street
keep moving motionless move
keep turning unknown turn
all the pain and sad let burn

light of the dream, everyone dream
reality of the pain, everyone feel
charming echo, everywhere you hear
once you reach there, it just moves more further

note: photo just took from my room
#Nepal #city #Kathmandu #Lalitpur #Patan #Dream

How are we move to hear a word

how far we move to hear a word
how passionately we wait to hear a world
how deeply we think for a world
How powerful a word in life

how far we move to see a view in life
how passionately we move for single moments
how high our mind fly and deeply our heart sink for single view
how power a view in life

how far we move to meet a person
how passionately we wait for eyes to eyes conversation
how Highly our heart beat and mind think for single moments
How powerful is the single meet in life

Once the thing you dream comes on your hand
your attitude's altitude climb so high in  life
once the thing you dream leaves from your life
you will know how powerful a silence in life

How powerful a word in life
How powerful a view in life
How powerful a single meet in life
how powerful a silence in life

People are curios more than needed

life is amazing
places are amazing
people are curios more than needed

move here listen this
move there listen that
this and is not enough for us

move here to see this place
move there to see that place
this and that  is not enough for us

climb here to see this place
climb there to see that place
this and that are not enough for us

every blinks of our eyes wish to see new view
every beats of our heart wish to feel new sight
every new second our mind wish to get new light

we do this not enough
we do that not enough
we are so creative not greedy

our creativity invented so much new
we can roam the earth in day
we can travel space too

this is a gain or our creativity
surely, there is pain of our creativity
no pain, no gain, this is life

highest sum is zero
lowest sum also zero
all depends how we see

#Nepal #Everest #Trek

Journey is just like a dream

Journey is just like a dream
we move to new place
we see new thing
we meet new people

new sky, new smile
new tree, new river
running feet, stopping mind
quiet heart, busy eyes

how high is that ?
lower than your spirit
what is that ?
that's simply life too

serious questions
funny and deeper answer
life continue but journey stopped
let's see when will start again

When Himalaya Smile

when Himalaya smile
there will have snowfall
when Himalaya cry
there will have rain fall

once snow fall in Himalayas
Himalayas happiness goes higher
once rainfall in Himalayas 
Himalayas pains and sad flow away

so everyday, i love to live in Himalaya
sit on the window of Himalayan house
see the dancing snowfall in front of me
feel the happiness vibrant inside me

once i see snow covering Himalaya
i feel that happiness covering me
once i see rain flowing Himalayas pain/dirt
I feel  that i am purifying from inside too

that sky in Himalaya
no matter clouds or sun
no matter moon or stars
no matter rainfall or snowfall

always shine in my mind
always pump happiness in my heart
always drag in dream
that makes life more pure and sure  for me.


Don't waste our life

Don't waste our life
just counting the tomorrow's dream
live our life today
Just moving on our own dream

Don't worry for the light in life
once we begin to move, we feel the power
sun goes down at the end of day
moon and stars slowly rise up at night

once we start moving 
it helps to awaken us
once we awaken ourselves
you will feel the light every where

our mind is shining
our heart is pumping happiness
our inner sense connect with inner light
afterward happiness vibrate each step of our life

live a life swinging on happiness
where dreams are enlighten
where journeys are automated
where steps are never stopped

#Nepal #LangtangTrek #LangtangValleyTrek

Once you dare, fear will disappear

once you dare
Fear will disappear 
stop counting tear
start to be a leader

this or that reason
appear in every season
keep it always frozen
you will be risen

look at the sun you can't see
walk in the darkness you can't move
explore more inner yourself 
nothing can be impossible afterwards.

#Nepal #Langtangtrek #LamtangTrek

Yestetday is near

yesterday is near
tomorrow is far
today is here
why we still have fear

we all think and experience
yesterday was hard
we all wish and work hard
let's make tomorrow easier and beautiful

life is yesterday, today & tomorrow
life is happiness, sadness & silence
the more you explore, it expands more
it became wider and fill with wisdom

once you balance yesterday, today & tomorrow
your life remains on the summit of happiness
once you know/realize happiness, sadness & silence
your life never down from the summit of happiness

you may drop the tear
but it will be the tear of happiness
you may have the fear
But your fear will turn to dear

be where you are
don't change yourself
just change the direct
the direction of your dream

#Nepal #Langtang #Trek #adventure

Light slowly dimmed

That clear sky
this clean water
your purity
your virginity
your sacredness

my imagination
my motion
my happiness
come and crashed in a point
explode the flame out in a while

roam like needle of the clock
appear as a shadows
one side fully bright
another side fully dark

its a life
the more you move
you see the light
once you stop
light slowly dimmed 

#Nepal #Adventure #World

Meeting the Handsome Himalaya

when a beautiful soul
move and move
stand in front of the handsome Himalaya
what will be the feeling

have  you ever think about it ?
Have you  ever experienced it ?
let me know , let me know
how you feel, how was your first feeling?

Hello Handsome Himalaya
beautiful soul is dreaming for you since long time 
right time hasn't come yet for me
i am waiting for my moment with handsome Himalaya

once i stand in front of Handsome Himalayas
i closed my eyes , i lost for a while
i out my soul , empty first myself
i free myself , open eyes and mind together

i leave my soul in Himalaya
i steal handsome Himalayas soul and back
i lock the stealing soul inside me
never let it out from me and go back

once handsome Himalayas soul inside me
i never feel empty , always full of brightness
i never feel lonely ,  always shining around me 
long way dream . never leave away

Handsome Himalayas, Don't blame for me
i steal your soul , its not my foul
you are there , i am far away here
i live with your soul, your soul very cool

keep my soul with you
fill it  with beauty and charm
sink it into happiness
teach it how to echo the silence

once i met you, i am not same
i am already different . much different
i am looking forward to meet you again
when do you wish to meet me again ? Handsome Himalayas !!! #

#Nepal #LandOfWanders

Earth Day

happy earth day
Happy birthday
happy this day
Happy that day

what's the different
this day and that day
you live same way everyday
you use computer whole day
you use smartphone whole day
you use air condition whole day
you live regular life as usual

we celebrate happy earth day
all posting happy earth day as fun
if we can't do anything sincerely
better not do anything, stay in zero mode

we are killing the real environment
in a name of development or so on
for our sophistication life
what the hell we doing

celebrating the earth day like a birthday
what the hell we are celebrating
make your list today
what you can do in a year to save earth

next year see your list
check how many promise you did
how many those promise you practice in real life
its be best way to celebrate earth day

not in single day or year
we can save earth
we need generation to generation to be back
it's never late yet, let's begin from today

switch off your eyes first
then, switch of your computer and phone  
discuss yourself from inside what you can do for earth
we took too much from earth, it's time to return

#HappyEarthDay #NepalearthDay