Sunday, April 22, 2018

My real life at night

My real life in night
i stand in one place
i look to the space
i feel full of lights in my mind

My imagine life at night
i stand in one space
i look for the place
i fill full of illusion in my mind

i move with light all day 
i move faster without light at night
i love to stand there
between the space and place

above me, fly all the dreams
below me, just wanders move
i stand in middle of dreams and wanders
capture the memories for dreams and wanders

life sometimes happier than in dream
life sometime sadder than you ever hear or imagine
but never stop marching either place or space
once you have destination you will reach there

sooner or later
happier or sadder
higher hill or lower
you will reach one day

#Nepal #Mountain #Climb

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