Sunday, April 22, 2018

No worry America

No worry America
Stay strong, stay peace
you sow bullets
You grow guns
You feel fun
The guns runs everywhere
The guns ruin everything
It comes here
Through gov to gov
or through cia to local crimal group
Or throughINGO to social conflict group
Whatever way it comes
Whatever ways it used
Whatever ways you think
Whatever ways we think
It made to kill me and you
It made to kill you and me
Until you don't see me in your face
until I don't see your face in my face
This game keep going and going

Plz plz America
Sow more more bullets
Grow more more guns
The guns run everywhere
The guns ruins eveything
You feel fun in killing
Its just like hunting deer in park
You people never know deer still got soul
Its our sinful foul
Keep planting bullets
Keep growing guns
I want to see every rock turn to gun
I want to see every tree full of gun
Once every sand become gun
Your eyes open, you wake up
it will be too late
Neither you can clean nor run
You will feel more fun in killing n dying

When you killed others are terrorists
When other killed you are herorist
Remember if you know
How to fire and killed others
it can kill you you
One person can be your friend today
Same person can be terrorist tomorrow
Its just the point of your business
When you can control everything
You take them as friend
When you can't control them
They are terrorist in mind
Stay strong America
You are the one
who can turn green planet to nuclear  planet
You are the one
Who can turn water sea to blood sea
I never fear for this
We are heading towards
Hawking says 600 years
I think we may not need to wait that long

Do your best America
Destroyed your best America
You think you destroyed us
You think you killed us
But in reality
You are killing the ecosystem
You are killing the earth
Once you kill the earth
Where you gonna live , America
Remember, remember, remember
America is not outside this earth
You the the family of this earth
Stop joying killing us n social value
Killing us and our social value Today
It may move there tomorrow
Today die or tomorrow
It may not be much matter

So wake up America and American
Stop planting bullets
Stop growing guns
The gun can kill me means
The gun can kill you too
Listen or not, not Only my matter
Understand or not, not only my matter
You drink tea or pee, I don't care
But don't kill my bee, I love honey
Good look guys , stay safe , stay peace
See you if u let alive here
See you if you still alive there

Note: I express my deep condolence to victim families. Hope n wish no more like this.
#Ametica #bombFarm #bombmind #bombheart

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