Saturday, January 26, 2019

म एक दलाल

म एक दलाल
म जस्तै मति हिन
म जस्तै गति हिन
म जस्तै बिचार बिहिन
म जस्तै सोच बिहिन
म जस्तै बुद्धि बिहिन
यहाँ केवल दलाल बस्छन
म जस्तै दलाल
दिनमा दलाली
रातमा दलाली
हुदा हुदा सपनामा पनि दलाली
देश जहाँ पुगोस,छु मतलव
सिर्फ मेरा ब्याङ ब्यालेन्सले सगरमाथा चढ्नुपर्छ
यहाँका बुद्धिजिवीलाइ मेरा कलम बनाउनुपर्छ
दलाल बुद्धिजिविले कलम चलाउँछन
अक्षर अक्षरमा मेरा बिर्य रोप्छन
थाल थालमा मेरो बिर्य पस्कन्छ
बोटुका बोटुकामा मेरो बिर्य पिउछ्न
क्या बात !! दिन या रात
सम्भोग सम्भोगमा मेरो बिर्य चुहाउछ्न
हो यसरी नै मेरो दलालि बिर्य
अर्को बर्ष बिरुवा बन्छ
बढ्छ, फुल्छ अनि फल्छ
देश भरी यसले ढाक्छ,
के ले ढाक्छ त
दलाल र दलाली
आमा दलाली, बाउ दलाल
छोरी दलाली, छोरा दलाल
काका काकी दलाल, मामा माइजू दलाल
छिमेकी दलाल, गाउँले दलाल
शिक्षक दलाल, प्राध्यापक दलाल
विध्यार्थी दलाल, कर्मचारी दलाल
पत्रकार दलाल, पुलिस दलाल
नेता दलाल, कार्यकर्ता दलाल
राजदुत दलाल, पुरै सरकार दलाल
स्कुलमा कलेजमा देश पढाइन्न
केवल दलाली पढाइन्छ
पाठ्यपुस्तक दलाली, शिक्षक दलाल
स्कुल या विस्वविध्यालय
फगत एक दलाल उत्पादन गर्ने कारखाना
सरकारी अड्डा , फगत एक दलाली घर
अर्थात भ्रस्टचार/दलाली गर्ने मुकाम
यहाँ शिर्फ म नै म देख्छु
जसको अनुहार हेरे पनि मै देख्छु
जसको छायाँमा पनि मै देख्छु
आखिर सबै मेरो बिर्य त हुन
कम्युम्निस्ट या काङ्रेस
बिबेकशिल या बिबेहिन
समाजबादी या पुँजिबादी
साम्यबादी या तानाशाही
सब एक दलालवादी हुन
नाम फरक, काम एकै हुन
मुहार फरक, मस्तिष्क एकै हुन
चित्र फरक होला, चरित्र एकै हुन
फगत एक दलाल, म जस्तै

Friday, January 18, 2019

Creativity is beautiful

Creativity is beautiful
Stupidity is amazing
simplicity is far
reality is hard

A little creativity in life
give the balance in life
a little stupidity in life
give the little nonesense in life
a little simplicity in life
push the life in silence
a little reality in life
Adds the real joy in life

live the life with little creavity
Live the life with little stupidity
Live the life little in simplicity
live the life little in reality 

Then we never away form life
life will be never away from us
life will cheers every moments
we will cheers every moments too
#Nepal #langtangGosaikunda
#trek #adventure
#pureiDiot #journey

The clouds seen in sky

the clouds seen in sky
show up, move around and disappear
the people seen on the street
roam like sun and set in while
the water flow on river
never flow back
the frost in the edge in winter
melted away after sunshine

the sky always remain there
just being the play ground for clouds
street always remain there
no matter how many sun sets
river always there
no matter how much water flow down
frost never stop falling and sticking on ground at night
no matter how strong sunshine in day
these are the understanding of nature
these are the way to exploring the the nature
go to their depth, feel and discover the reality
it's a journey of learning
it's journey to knowing
it's a journey of understanding the nature
nature is the fist school of Human
surely, nature is the last school of human too
one point we many not agree
but once we agree, we love our school
we love our school's play ground
we love the dust, frost of our school
we love the mud, soil, stones of our school
we love the insect to elephant
we realize, they are also our family
we start projecting them and their habitats
then we realize life is just soil to soil
take on in soil as a kid and take off from soil as a expire soul
there is nothing further up or down
it's just our imagination

once we realize
sky will be there even clouds fly away
river will be there even water flow down
street will be there even after set sets
we are waken
or we are boarded to wakening journey
once we complete this journey
we know nature is our home
adventure is our break
one steps one breathe
one life, peaceful and happy life
life can be ended but journey will be continue

#EverestTrek #Nepal

Trek is just once

Trek is just one
Days are few
But memories are unlimited

Go to nature to peace soul
Not to conquer your spirit
keep the balance, feel the happy

#Nepal #LangtangTrek
#trekwithMe #adventurewithMe

Morning light, afternoon thought

Morning light
Afternoon thought
Thristy night
dusty dream

Ruined house
smiling folk
starry roof
mouse running bed

Rustic house
mystic experience
Realistic life
Unbelieving feeling

smooking kitchen
limited choice
delicious meal
Everything is fine

dancing smoke
Freezing night , breathing nose
mind blowing experience
at least experience once

#Nepal #trek
#adventure #nature
#langtang #Gosaikunda
#pureiDiot #Journey

Memories always smile

Memories always smile
so never delete the memory
Keep it in the secret folder of mind
Whenever you are sad
just seach the folder of memoies
See it , feel it , smile will back
life backs normal again

The more you move

The more you move
you reach more far
The more you think
you desire more

Just walk n play with my phone
#AnnapurnaCircuitTrek #Nepal

You reach one horizon

You reach one horizon
Back home seeing another horizon
You see further
You Dream further
You think further too

But in reality
step by step
you move near and near
Dream to reality
enchanting moment

You see, life is behind
you feel, time is forward
Light is on motion
Power in struggle
Life is here, there and everywhere

#Nepal #AnnapurnaCircuit #Trek
#PureiDiot #Journey

Mid night moments

Warm Inside the blanket
urinary bladdar So full
go out for pee or not
can't wait long, finally went out

Dark night
Highest Himalaya
starry night
peaceful moment

Rushing river
Thin air
High altitude
Cold night

Two chair one table
just like a  fable
Happiness poured on table
My moments wait for you presence

Mid night moments
you and me
so pure, so silence
no matter how often you presence

#Manang #JustNow #midNight #Blessing

Note= I just took it while went out. Good night Again.

you talk I listen You

you talk I listen You
You silent, I read you
you smile, I feel you
You move, I feel motion

The more near you come
I forget my presence
the more far you go
I miss your presence

Your talk, echo my mind
your silence, cover my soul
your smile, dance in my eyes
your peaceful motion, flow in my heart

I feel there is no distance
just a little dream
Just a little imagination
Just a little motion

once you presence
I feel I am lighter than light
I feel I am brighter than sun
I feel I am in motionless motion

Yes, you are my starry starry soul
neither night nor day
Neither you are so closed nor far
you shine always in my heart and mind

Nobody knows how much you flow in my heart
Nobody knows how mych you blow in my mind
Nobody knows how much you silent my soul
Nobody knows how much you presence in my feeling

#Jomsom #NightSky
#Nepal #HimalayaTrek
#PureiDiot #Journey

Good mornibg from fewa lake

Good morning from Fewa Lake
Once I sit here and see the lake
It shaked my imagination
It baked my tomorrow
So I love to sit and see
birds dances , flags are flapped
Breezing winds, soaring waters
Roaring dream, florishing imagination
what a moments , what's a time
Perfect place, perfect time
Zero motion, full silence
Only here , only here
fewa laka pokhara
#Nepal #pokhara #fewaLake

I rush for life every second

I rush for life every second
Here there and Everywhere
I find the life different every steps
No matter how far or close
No matter how fast or slow
no matter how dark or light
it keep roaming and roaming
never stop till the end of breath

I check the life in water
I see the reflection of life
I check the life in sun
I see the shadows of life
I check the life in mirror
I see the picture of life
I check the life in fire
I see the ashes of life

life is just a dream
it shows up here and disappears there
life is a mirage
it shows hope but once u reach there disappears
Life is a pure motion
it keeps you moving and shows you diffetent horizon
life is just a little smoke and little dust
it merged you in earth at the end, this is the truth

#Nepal #AnnapurnaCircuit #Trek
#pureiDiot #Journey

sun never rises nor falls

sun never rises nor falls
It simply moves and keep moving
life neither happy nor sad
Its simply a motion, keep it moving

How sun moves
one corner to another corner
forming the day and night
spread the light as day, leave the shadows as a night

We move we see the light
we move we feel the light
We move we feel the power
we move light shows the dream

We stop, Nothing in motion
We stop, everything stopped
We stop, life passive, nothing appear in front
we stop, darkness coves our mood and motion

Keep moving, we spread the light in our soul
Keep moving, every step polished our soul and shine it
When our soul shines, we feel very fine
We see the light spreading everywhere

#Nepal #Annapurna #Circuit #Trek
#TilichoLake #Nature #Adventure
#PureiDiot #Journey

Sometime life is sweet like honey

Sometime life is sweet like honey
sometime life is bright like moon
We feel it when we are in honeymoon
I hope and wish
you had sweet time like honey in annapurna
you had bright feeling like moon in Himalaya
Wish you had nice Honeymoon trip in Himlaya
stay sweet like honey always
Feel bright like moon always

Move like monkey

Move like monkey
work like donkey
never stop in life
But reach nowhere

Worry for the grave
work for grave
forget the home
Never think for home

Never see what's in the sight
never know what's in the hand
always lack of insight
Always lack of feeling

Stay all night waiting for sun
stay all day waiting for moon n stars
Stay every minutes waiting for money
No matters we are inhaling or exhaling

When we alive, we worry for grave
When we alive, we work for grave
when we die, we worry for life
when we die, we think for life

Someone wakes up after die
Someone dies at every night and born next morning
Its not about karma or fate
its all about your doing and learning

#Nepal #EverestBasecamp #Trek
#PureiDiot #Adventure

I am a lost soul

I am a lost soul
i move more far
i wish to see more far
i wish to be more far too

my eyes just can see littler further
my legs only can move little further
but i even don't know how far my imagination can go
i even can't feel how high is my desire

i run, one uphill and downhill can bother my speed
i walk, one river or cliff stop my journey
but who dare to bother and stop my imagination
that's why imagination is powerful than knowledge

known to unknown, unknown to known
wisdom to knowledge, knowledge to wisdom
practice the simplicity, practice the reality
these are the journey to salvation

once i lost somewhere
i use my wisdom to over come
i use my knowledge to over come
then, i know who am i , what i can do

the person who never lost in life
just like a crow, lost in the clouds
neither know any wisdom or knowledge
just keep teaching and teaching without knowing

there is wall in life
neither our eyes can see about it
neither our heart can feel about it
neither our mind can think about it 

so go and lost where nobody can find you
used your own knowledge and wisdom to over come from there
if you can't get, forget the life. write RIP and disappear
if you back, you will back with forming your own universe

  #Nepal #Everest #trek
#PureiDiot #Journey

Every eve I Believe

Every eve I Believe
There is some please
There is some pleasure
never hesitate to release
Wish you all happy Xmas Eve

#GoodNight #Sweetdream

Go, Go more far

Go more far
Where nobody even dream

Do that thing
What others never dare

Reach that point
Where nobody imagine

Stop in a point
Where nothing can see

Jump more higher
Forget the gravity

appear from there
where nobody guess you could come

#LangtangTrek #Nepal
#PureiDiot #Journey

how high i can jump

how high i can jump
i never know
but every jump i jump
i jump to touch the sky

my head never touch the sky till now
but my legs leave the ground in every jump
my spirit touch the sky in every jump
my soul flow on wind and feel the immense joy

this universe is so bright

this universe is so bright
when i closed my eyes
this universe is so dark
when i open my eyes

wandering around the wonder
i find peace and silence in everything
i find happy and joy in everything
i find colors and enthusiasm in everything

i look at the river i feel joy
i listen river i feel silence
how clean the water in river
once i see in river, it cleans my soul and clear like water

i look at the mountains i feel so great
so tall and giant in figure
so silence and peaceful in nature
what a wonderful creation

standing Himalayas, soaring clouds
singing birds, dancing waterfalls
jumping thought, flying soul
motionless me in hidden treasure

#Nepal #EverestTrek
#PureiDiot #Journey

i find you everywhere

i find you everywhere
wherever i go
whatever i see
there is you, only you

there is you
every sweat i drop in uphill
there is you
every thirst i feel in downhill

i rest on the way
birds sing your song
river flow your soul
tree music your name

either i stand on the shore of river
or top of the hill
there is echo of your spirit
i can feel, smell, listen

you are in snow, waterfall, river and sea
you are in grasses, bushes and trees
you are in stone, soil and wet lands
you are in sound, light, rays and wind

wherever i go you are with me
i never feel alone or lonely
i could die but never lost
what a company i have

that's all your greatness
i can find you everywhere
i can find you in everything 
how wonderful you are

you are really amazing
i can feel you everywhere
i can meet you everywhere
i totally belong to you

my soul already merged with yours
my motion already overlapped  with yours
my thought already attached with yours
my body waiting to dismissed into you

#Nepal #EverestTrek
#adventure #Experience
#pureiDiot #Journey

i imagine from where i stand

i imagine from where i stand  
where you live
the place is so beautiful
the environment is so calm and peaceful

sun come with golden dawn
polish your smile with golden shine
sun goes down with golden dusk
polish your feet with golden shine

whole day sun moves around you
shine to you with its light
glow to you with its rays
fill the light and rays of wisdom in your heart, mind and body

the night you shine like moon
i sit on the top of hill
where you send me great feel
where tranquil come to heal

i closed my eyes
forget the past
leave the present
stop the future

i am totally empty
there is neither past and present nor future
there is neither sense nor common sense
totally empty, feel very clear and clear

your glow softly blow me
your glow slowly flow into me
gravity disappear, i float on air
your glow off, i lost the destination

#Nepal #LangtangTrek #LangtangValley
#adventure #trekinNepal
#PureiDiot #Journey

some dreams are seen by eyes

some dreams are seen by eyes
some dreams are felt by heart
some dreams are thought by mind
some dreams are listened from others

the more i get older
my eyes go more further
my heart feels more deeper
my mind confused often than needed

sometime i swing in the dream of eyes
i forget the mind and heart
sometime i sink in the dream of heart
i forgot the eyes and mind
sometime i fly in the dream of mind
i forgot the heart and eyes

there is another dreams too
it's night dreams, every night comes and goes
i never count them as a dream
i take it as a regular motion of life

i try to move
sometime stops by eye's dream
sometime stops by heart's dream
sometime stops by mind's dream

life is just the web of dreams
i  keep webbing
i lost somewhere in web
i back to center, still can't find the way

when i sink in heart's web
i forgot the wave of mind and eyes
when i lost in mind's web
i forgot the wave of heart and eyes
when i flow on eye's web
i forgot the wave of mind and heart

once i can control my eyes
once i can control my mind
once i can control my heart
then i can discover my inner wishes
then i can explore my inner wills
then i can plan the seed into silence into me

once silence tree grow in me
i breeze and breathe happiness and peace
i feel peace and happy from inside
Then i live being me, just being me

#Nepal #LangtangTrek
#PureiDiot #adventure

Misty mind

misty mind
thirsty desire
frosty heart
darken sight

i always ask myself
who i am today ?
what i am feeling today?
answer is just like above

misty mind
can't see anything clearly
try to move, but can't find the way
neither lost nor die, just tired

thirsty desire
see and think lots sitting one corner
dreams move everywhere, life never
neither killed not save just pluralized my feeling

frosty heart
took the selfie hundreds and see it thousands time
compare toe to head, dulling the mind
life never go away than selfie screen

Darken Sight
i think i live in bright day
but indeed heart and mind feeling more darken
life is sinking in stress, ignorance

once i wake up
i wish to wash my stress
i wish to clean my ignorance
live the simple and pure day

wish you all Happy Near year
more peace, more silent, more bless
#DolpoTrek #NepalDolpoTrek
#Nepal #Himalayas

Look at the snow, it has life

Look at the snow, it has life
Look at the ice, it has life
look at the water, it has life
Look at the flower, it has life
look at the tree, it has life
look at the rock, it has life
look at the soil, it has life

observe the light, it has life
Observe the dark, it has life
Observe the happiness, it has life
Observe the sadness, it has life
Observe the tear, it has life
observe the fear, it has life
observe the dear, it has life

Most of us never know it
we grow with fear
We live in tear looking for dear
Physically we are human
but from the inner sense
we are walking far a way from being Human
Its time to wake up and be human or live as human with dead soul even still alive

#Nepal #EverestTrek
#PureiDiot #Adventure

We run in dream, cry once wake up

we run in dream
cry once wake up
we happy in imagine
we feel dying when practice

life is not only what brain connects
life is not only what heart beats sketch
life is not only where our legs march
life is not only where our eyes sight

there is something more in life
that's will and wish
when we have will and wish
we can read those steps, sights, sketches and connects

once we are able to read
our heart's sketches, brain's connection
leg's motion. eyes vision
we simply know what is silent and creativity

once we know the beauty of silent
once we know the beauty of creativity
then, we feel the power of silence and creativity
then, we realize how powerful the will and wish in life

#Nepal #Everesttrek
#PureiDiot #adventure

When I sink in silent

when i sink in silent
my eyes stop blink
my mind goes to blank
my heart recycled it's artery and vein

virtual being marched here and there
seeking the colors of joy and perfection
spiritual being sit in one place in silent
seeking the charm and reality of emptiness 

to know, to realize
how beautiful the silence is
you have to practice yourself
just throw the stone in tide
you will feel nothing
you will see nothing

once you sink into the silence 
you will find so many inner path
whatever path you walk
you will reach the destination
destination is inside you
once, you realize it, you will be happy

when i sink in silent
my inner sense travel my every cells
check their wish and will
check their pain and gain

once my sense back from inner body travel
sense wrote the book of inner consciousness
that book will send to axis of universe through inner connection
where everything will be healed and resend the book of emptiness

when i read the book of emptiness
my all the sense will be empty immediately
then' i live in state of emptiness
where nothing and no one can bother you

#Nepal #spiritualKingdom
#kathmandu #spiritualCapital
#pureiDiot #JourneyToEmptiness

Time is so colorful

time is so colorful
just open your sense and read it
time is so powerful
just open your tank and fill it
time is so beautiful
just break your outer mask and feel it

every view our eyes connected
that gives the energy to go forward
every sense our mind imagine
that takes us too another journey
every moments our heart beats
that creates the charm for living

#Nepal #LangtangTrek
#PureiDiot #trek

I met lots people

i met lots people
i talk with lots people
almost all, lost the color of their life
so seeking the colors of life
or looking for new colors in life
indeed, what is the new color of life

i am always anxious myself
i ask myself more often
indeed, what is the color of life
why so many people are thirsty for it
why so many people seeing for it
indeed, what is the new color of life

when you think the life from your mind's lens
it will picture different color of life
when you see the life from your eye's lens
it will show different imagine of life
when you film the life from heart's lens
it will film the different color of life

color of night won't match with day
picture of the mind won't match with heart
picture of heart won't match with eyes
picture of eyes won't match with mind
we always feel contradiction in between the colors of picture
real colors of life is,the contradiction in between our picture viewer organ

#Nepal #AnnapurnaCircuitTrek #ThorongLaPass
#PureiDiot #adventure #Journey

The day when we know

the day when we know
the total sum of the zero
the total gravity of silence
the total occurrence of emptiness

we will be no more exist as human
we exist as a energy
we can convert everything to energy
where nothing impossible

#Nepal #Everesttrek
#PureiDiot #Adventure

One place, one pain

one place
one pain
one story

another place
another pain
another story

every newer place
welcome us with joy
push away with pain

every new place
heal our pain at beginning
but fill some pain at the end

no matter
how far we move
pain and heal continue

steps can be different
pain and heal can be different
but experience will be same

#Nepal #adventure
#PureiDiot #Thought

When one flower inhale

When one flower inhale
another flower exhale
when one flower die
another flower cry

when one flower dance in wind
another flower sing a song in echo
when one flower smile with joy
another flower send a wind kiss

a dark night they talk with darkness
a bright night they talk with moon and stars
a raining night they shower of happiness
a windy night they dance in solace

flowers always blossom
no matter what the season is
winter or summer, autumn or spring
flowers are always blooming there

flowers are always blooming there
colors of flower can be different
species of flower can be different
but their inhale and exhale are same

once i feel their inhale and exhale
i can touch their inner sense
i inhale and exhale with them
this is the pure beauty of nature and flower

#Nepal #LangtangTrek
#Flowers #Himalayas
#PureiDiot #adventure

Life is so mysterious

life is so mysterious
reaching in one point
i feel i know everything
reaching in another point
i feel i know nothing

what the hell life is, indeed !!
sometime gives the heaven of happiness
sometime gives me the hell of sorrow
i know something i don't see
i see something i don;t know

cuddling in pain and gain
i take the shower of sweet
i feel the shower of joy
i take the shower of tear
i feel the shower of fear

wandering in wander land
snow land to shore of sand
coldest night to hottest dun
roaming with sun and moon
life become cool and cool

#Nepal #LangtangTrek
#PureiDiot #adventure

Imagine, Yesterday

Imagine, Yesterday !!
where were we ?
how was the earth ?
what did we inhale and exhale ?

Practice today !!
where are we ?
how is the earth ?
what do we inhale and exhale?

Imagine tomorrow !!
where will we be ?
how will be the earth ?
what shall we be exhaling and inhaling ?

a river/lake without water
a Himalaya without snow 
a jungle without trees

a life without happiness
a air without oxygen
a dream without motion

reality or end
a life without alive
a sense without common sense
only science alive, sense die


Nepal is the spiritual capital in the world

these day I always think
what is the picture of Nepal ?
what is the picture of Nepalis ?
i am confusing day after another

when you see the Picture of temple
you say it as a Indian Temple
when you see picture of prayer flag in Himalaya Hill
you say/think it's Tibet

when you see clean face with clean clothes
You say/think, you look Italian, Spanish or Korean, Chinese
where is Nepal in your mind ?
how does the Nepalis look like in your imagination

dirty and dusty face with smile
picking the dry sneeze in nose with finger
wearing dirty and tore half vest
flip-flop less feet in winter

This is just the picture what western think about Nepal
this is just the picture what Asian think about Nepal
Nepal is not just what you think/read or imagine, there is more
this is the time to tell the real story of Nepal to the world

the nation, which give the Buddha to the world
The nation, which spread the spiritualism to the world
The world never identified it's presence in their mind
how the world give you peace in your heart

Himalaya is the head of Nepal
Shiva is the brain of Nepal
Buddha is the heart of Nepal
silence hearts and smiling minds are cultural of Nepal

Nepal is spiritual capital of the world
No matter you believe or not
you just come yourself and float around here
you will feel the power of presence in Nepal

Every motion you move
there is inner power you feel
every sight you see
there is light in view

every breathe you take
you will find energy in breathe
once you close your eyes and stop in some corner of street
the moments you open the eyes, you already be another person

#Nepal #Trek
#PureiDiot #thoughts

Why I am here

i go Everest
Everest ask me
Why you are here

i go Annapurna
Annapurna ask me
Why you are here

I go Dolpo
Dolpo ask me
Why you are here

I go Rara lake
Rara lake ask me
why i am here

this question chasing me everywhere
why am i here ? why am i here ?
i was born here, grew up here

question never stop chasing me
i move here or there
echo of the question more louder and louder

every place i go
questions came and stood in front
shout in louder rhythm

it's time to find myself
why i am here
why i am here

#Nepal #Trek
#PureiDiot #adventure

Ten years before

Ten years before
Look at me
Look at my life
look at my motion and mood
look at my smile

I had good health
I had good play ground
I had good climate
I had my own world
where happiness roaming around

Ten years later
Look at me
Look at my life
Look at my motion and mood
look at my sadness

Neither I have nice heath
Nor I have good climate
Where is my clean air
where is my crystal snow layer
where is my bed and blankets

What I did to you
why you ruined my world
Why you pollute my air
why you heat my earth
why you are do cruel

you are so poor soul
even you look cool
you are so fool being
Even you are still living
I just can say RIP to your innovation/imagination

you wish RIP to me
don't come to see me
Stop entertaining with my pain
You are so insane
RIP to all you human Being

Note: photo find/saw in instragram
#saveEarth #saveOurPlanet #keepEarthGreen