Monday, May 18, 2020

nature is our permanent nest

nature is our permanent nest 
it is always so silence 
it is always so beautiful 
it is always so peaceful 

when we are happy 
our heart and mind wish to be in nature for breathe 
when we are sad 
our heart and mind wish to be in nature for breathe 

is there anything better than nature ? 
i don't think so 
is there anything greater than nature ? 
i don't think so 

time comes, tick our sense and gone 
thought comes, blast our mind and gone 
some of might feel, rest might not too 
it's just about the consciousness
we destroy the nature and environment 
just to fulfill our physical material life 
fulfill the physical desire is just a attraction
it displaced our inner destination and connection 

the day we realize  it's not our way 
neither we can go forward nor backward 
life hang somewhere in material string 
body desire one thing,  heart feel another and mind think for some other 

nature always heal us 
nature always feed us 
always always save us 
nature always make us happy  

we are from nature 
we will go to nature at the end 
nature is our infinite home 
where everything come with reason and go with out reason 

i have no idea 
when we gonna realize our crime 
nature looks no more like nature 
nature no more acts like nature 

the moments when nature smile
none human need to cry 
the day when nature sing a son
none human could stop their feet to dance 

there is nothing more beautiful than nature 
there is nothing more romantic than nature 
there is nothing more powerful than nature 
there is nothing more knowledgeable than nature 

we are ruining reality in a name of dream 
we are ruining today in a name of future 
we are ruining nature in a name of technology 
we are ruining our balance in a name of race/money 

when a beautiful world is guided by bad thought 
we will reach nowhere, never reach to destination 
it's time to change our thought and path 

let's stop destroying the nature 
let's help to smile the nature 
let's help to dance the nature 
let's help to sing the nature 

when we walk around the singing nature 
when we stand around the dancing nature 
when we mediate around the smiling nature 
imagine, how romantic/peaceful/beautiful that will be 

change our karma from now 
change the karma means it will show new path 
once we walk on new path, we will have new destination 
the destination is full of peace, happiness and silent 


i love to presence in their ( space) silence

when i was kid
i didn't know 
how far is the sky 
how high is the Himalayas

sometime i think
Himalayas are higher than sky 
when i stand far and see them 
it seemed they are kissing the sky 

i used to think every starry night
sky comedown to meet Himalayas 
i used to think every cloudy and raining night 
Himalayas fly to to meet Sky 

 indeed, everything has it's own motion 
how many of us can feel or see 
How many of us couldn't feel or see 
it's just the matter of our wisdom 

i used to see a  trail in sky 
sometime it looked so bright 
sometime it dimmed a bit 
but still it used to visible in sky 

i used to think 
sky walk down to Himalaya using that trail 
Himalaya used  the same trail to hike up to sky 
what a beautiful connection they got 

everyday trail disappears 
every night trail appears  
what a magic, isn't it ? 
what a mystery , isn't it?

i used to think
if trail appears in day 
i might climb to sky  
so they disappears in day 

i keep moving my way here and there 
stars and Himalayas also romancing each other 
it looked so clear and beautiful from far a way 
my heart and mind run faster than light to see them 

today, curious child walk on the top of Himalayas 
and explore and experience there is no trial to sky 
and there is no romance in between the stars and Himalayas 
they both are tearing their loneliness 

now, every time i go to mountain 
i love to listen their loneliness 
i love to presence in their silence 
i love to float on their calmness 

later i knew 
it's not trail, it's milky way 
even there is no way in milky way 
but milky way is my life's way/ highway 

clear sky, cold wind 
moving stars, motionless Himalayas 
silence state, zero thought 
there is not any if and but 

i walk from that thought to this reality 
i myself wonder it's dream or reality 
one half of the life is wondering 
another half of the life is wandering , that's it. 

Note: I took this photos in chhukung and  on the way to island peak summit. 


Saturday, May 16, 2020

i look at the Himalaya

i look at the Himalaya 
i feel its so tall for me 
i look at the stars 
it sparks in sky so far from me 

shining moon is moving 
leaving the shade behind 
sparking stars show up in that share 
all are natural nothing human made 

i always feel Himalaya is the best energy in my life 
Himalayas light is more brighter than it's height 
no matter how far or near, how high or low i stand 
i  always love to enlighten with it's light

height of the Himalaya
light of the moon 
always spreading the energy around us 
it's up to us can feel/receive it or not 

#Nepal #JaljalaPass #Myagdi 

life is light

life is light 
the more we move 
we see the more colors 
we feel more brighter 

breathe is battery of life 
every steps we move 
we breathe differently 
so we feel different too 

how we breathe 
how we do physical motion  
what we eat 
that creates powers 

that power is our thought 
that power is our feeling 
that power is our action 
that power is our reaction 

if we breathe clean air 
if we eat pure natural food
if we speak/think/do wellness 
we live the simple n happy life 

if not, life will be without light 
we live full of negativity
open the door can't breathe 
closed the door can't sleep  

#Nepal #adventure 
#Dakharka #Dhorpatan #Baglung 

when I know nothing

when I know nothing 
i look at the Himalaya 
it taught me to stand 
it taught me to stay silent 
it taught me to feel insanely from inside

When I know nothing
i look at the river 
it taught me flow 
it taught me the power of motion 
it showed me the way to ocean 
it knew the way of ocean 

When I know nothing 
i listen the wind 
it said to me that 
when i came around you
you stand somewhere peacefully 
then closed your eyes completely 
i will blow then wisdom in you 
you drink it, you eat it 
it helps to awaken you
if you really want 

When I know nothing 
i look at the space 
there are lots light no matter day for night 
they are shining differently 
no matter we see them or not 
their lights never off 
after realizing all these 
everyone of us has our own light 
no matter you can find/feel or not 

when i feel the heat around 
i feel its the best energy 
indeed our body itself has it's own it 
so it is itself a sun if you can realize it 
what we doing now 
we carry the sun within us 
but moving here and there for light 
moving there and here for power 

there are five elements in the universe 
each and everything are made by five elements 
how powerful are they even differently 
once you combine all these 
it will be billions time powerful than big bang 
try to understand the source of power 
silently receive and use it for happiness

once i stand on floor and see the sky

once i stand on floor and see the sky 
i see several birds are flying 
it seemed they are dancing so happy in sky 
it throws some romanticism in my heart and mind 

my imaginative mind fly with bird's motion 
my romantic heart lost it's beat somewhere around 
my anxious eyes just stop at the point and see 
my greedy ears wish to move closer and listen more louder 

when i understand the rhythm what birds sing 
i feel nobody knows the pain of flying birds 
i feel nobody realizes the difficulty of flying birds 
what a beautiful foolish heart and mind we human holding 

#Nepal #annapurna #circuit #vulture 
#SaveNature #SaveCreature

nature is my home

nature is my home 
adventure is my life 
motion is my happiness 
silence is my power 

when i am outside my home 
life become so hard 
indeed, i feel hard to breathe 
so i miss my home in my every breathe 

when i try to look, there is nothing to see 
when i try to feel, there is nothing to feel
when i try to smell, there is nothing to smell 
what a badly i am missing my home 

once i back my home 
i breathe normally 
i don't need to move for fresh air 
fresh air are everywhere 

i never can feel fresh without the fresh air 
how fresh air clean and clear my brain 
nobody can imagine, i am sure 
its me , only me know the simple truth 

#Nepal #Mountain #Village 
#WesternNepal #LifeInMountain 

neither i know hell nor heaven

neither i know hell nor heaven 
i just know the earth 
i was drop here 
i was adopt here 

i rush to east hill to meet somebody 
i rush to west hill to do something 
i rush to north hill to get fresh breathe 
i rush to south hill to get the warmth 

i put my life in the river 
it flows like a river 
it looks so easy 
but once flow down, impossible to come up 

i put my life on the hill 
it stands in so far 
it stands so tall 
but can view so many lives 

only mind correct the illusion of eyes 
only water can save the earth 
only earth can save the creatures 
wake up now and understand the value of nature 

#Nepal #westNepal 

i am not thinking way down

I am not thinking the way down 
I am not dreaming where is the next climb 
I am simply breathing 
Breathe of joy and Happiness

I often listen

I often listen 
such a height 
with few oxygen 
how can people breathe 

I even feel difficult
when I imagine it from home 
why people don't afraid 
Why people go there to die 

At least, at this point 
This is no more wonder for me 
I have already wandered thosands mile
I have met and listened thousands soul 

every mile I have different Experience 
every experience I have different breathe 
until we don't experience the different breathe 
we will never be a different we practically 

Until, we became the slave of comfort 
until, we chage the wall color of room every six month 
until, we wake up same bed with same view 
we never gonna waken and understand the strength of breathe 

When I go and stand on the Himalaya 
how thin air flow in me 
how mountains soul flow in my 
how those solitude flooded around me 

People thought, I am suffering 
people see, I am suffering for breathe 
this partially true but reality could be different 
I am breathing differently, experimenting new breathing 

Once I down from that thin air zone 
once I down from that suffering breathe 
once I down from high to low 
everything become easy, simple and silent 

if you want to be happy 
simply climb the mountains 
if you want to be simple 
simply understand the nature 

if you want to be silent 
simply feel and flow the nature in you 
if you want to be peaceful 
simply live in mountain with mountains 

#Nepal #Adventure #trip 

the moment being in Everest Base Camp

Higher your Happiness 
Lower your sadness
life fly higher and higher afterwards 
You will be the different person in a minute later 

Gongxi Gongxi 
dherai dherai gingxi 
Everest base camp is done 
#ebc #ebctrek

i move for color

I move for color 
my colors are altitude 

sea to summit 
there is one color 
summit to see
there is another color 

The breathe i took 
It shows me one color 
the motion i move 
It shows me another color 

The imagination hit my head 
It flows me in one color 
the ratio of my heart beat 
it throws me into another color tank 

I move for colors
Altitude shows different colors in every step 

I walk up hill 
it throws one color on me 
i walk down hill
It spreads another colors on me 

What a wonderful colors 
I feel while i am wandering on the way 
what a wonderful moments 
i experience while i am wandering on the way 

every spot i stand and take a breathe 
there is a magic energy i feel 
it goes into my soul secretly 
it powers on me sacredly 

#Nepal #HimlungHimal #Summit 7126m 
#pureiDiot #thought