Friday, May 15, 2020

The days rotate

The days rotate 
memories are memorized 
Up and down 
dusk to dawn 

sun light to moon light 
Dream is future  
Experience is present 
memories are past 

Distance is dream 
dream is in distance
it roams in our mind 
it wander in our heart
Dream should be more wild in surface 
Dream should be more sexy in horizon 
Dream should be more colorful in vision 
dream should be more peaceful in experience 

when story of dream 
Show up in horizon 
walk towards me to hold 
fly away to fold 

This is the life 
Where breathe stop 
where motion became motionless 
where happiness flow into the wholeness 
Breathe louder 
move silently without motion 
speak without sound 
feel with out touching/experiencing  anything


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