Saturday, December 1, 2018

Your story may not be like my story

your story may not be like my story
my story might not be like your story
we keep moving all around
every steps we move make a new story 

let's talk here a bit my stories
let's talk here a bit your stories
let's make and talk about our stories
the stories from born to burn

i move, eyes see the view
i see, mind records the view
i view, heart raises the feeling
i feel,  universal sense connects with me

i met people who live in million's mall
but their happiness level is so low & sadness level is so high
life full of trouble and problem
no energy to move and like lost somewhere in pathless journey

it seemed like there are everything
job, house , money, food, friends
but in realitynothing exist, you can't feel anything
full of frustration  and disturbance, nothing can peace

Move here to there to find peace
move there to hear to find  love
Do this and that  for happiness
nothing work at the end in reality

sit on chair and try to do something
can't focus, many thing appears in mind
lay on bed , can't sleep, many thing plays in heart
life in mess, no motion only emotion

i also met people who live in simple hut
their happiness level is so high
there is no fear, no tear in their face
there is nothing to lose in their life

they have so simple smile
smile from inner heart  or feeling
it's just like the blossom of lotus
so simple, so pure and so charming

their dream is food
their work is food
their happiness is food
food is their everything

they move all around for food
they work so hard for food
sleep so great after food
no matter the room or bed, nothing bother them

lay on bed thinking the tomorrow's work load
work loads come and cover on top as a blanket
sleep so deep, no matter, how the bed is
this is also a life, a journey still exist on earth

once sun spreads the light
it means, it's morning
wake up and continue the journey of another day
no matter how hard it is, just smile and continue

i love reading people's emotion
i love reading people's smile
i love seeing people's gesture
i love reading people's mind and heart

the best book i ever read are the people i meet
your smile, your emotion show me the world
your gesture, your mind and heart flow me in this world
the conversation we made that shine and show my path

#Nepal #annapurna #Circuit #Trek
#AnnapurnaCircuit #Trekking
#PureiDiot #Journey

How high is heaven

how high is heaven
how low is hell
how close is heaven
how far is hell

Everybody are talking about karma
Everybody are fearing about sin
Everybody are willing to go heaven
No one are thinking to go hell

Everybody go to worship
no matter what religion we believe
everybody pronounce/shout their god's name
when they fell down or encounter bad move

i asked myself often
who go to temple more
i asked myself often
is god really stay in temple?

where is heaven ?
what's in heaven ?
where is hell ?
what's in hell ?

what is karma?
what is good karma ?
what is bad karma ?
this has been hitting my head long time

if we do something good for karma
if we do something good to go heaven
where does this selfishness take us ?
how selfish we are from inner heart too, not only from outside

we are completing to worship
make the god more happy
get the more bless
get the more better life

we worship first for our self
we worship second for our family
we worship third for friends and near one
we worship fourth for our country

who does worship the earth
who does worship the nature
who does worry for earth and nature
nobody nobody nobody

we sing one song from mouth
we sing another song from heart
this is the real attitude of heaven and hell
nobody are pure and sacred anymore

we go temple to worship
but in real, it's not truth
we go temple to meet god
we go temple to negotiate the price to go heaven

or we can say it too
we go temple to avoid the journey to hell
we go temple to erase the path to hell
we go temple to Persuade the god not to send hell

now we simply can say
who goes to temple
the person who has money
who can buy priest, temple and god

poor people don't have money for food
how he can dream to buy priest, temple, god
they simply plant the flowers in their yard
let god come unknowing to his yard and draw the path to heaven

Hell and heaven are just myths
Himalayas are the home of happiness
once you been the Himalayas
your each and every pain will flow/fly away

plant more flowers in your yard
this is the happiness practice to feel the heaven
if you pick that flowers and took away
this is the sinful practice to feel the hell,

stop doing something expecting something
it's the pure hell and you will live full of life in jail of the hell
stop expecting anything by doing anything
just keep moving, then every moments enlighten you, this is heaven

it's time to think and realize
there is no hell or heaven
it's just our mindset
erase it from mind today

the hell is in you
the heaven in you
your thought and action are hell
your thought and action are heaven too

the world is beautiful
if you can feel
the world is colorful
if you can paint

universe has so much power, just move more and more hour
you will feel and find the axis of universe
once you enter the axis of universe
you will be free from the fear of heaven and hell

#Nepal #Himalayas
#pureiDiot #adventure #Journey

Expect little, not too much

Expect little, not too much
Lost completely, not less
Do anything completely, don't leave any
Destroyed completely too
then you can find your new horizon
don't live as fear soul, be a dare soul
Move fiercely, even fears leave the way to you

Then you stand in new horizen
Where your heart can laugh loudly
where your mind can echo the happiness
where your soul can sing the song of freedom
where your imagination can dance in every breath
then you will feel, even you stop anywhere
the whole world is moving around you

when your happiness reach in destination
when your desire feel the perfection
when your motion stop for emotion
when you breathe the air of freedom
then, you will feel, you are waken in different universe
universe of joy where everything can hear but nothing can be seen
#Nepal #langtangValley #Trek
#PureiDiot #adventure #Journey

Power of nature in human life

power of nature in human life
we only can feel through adventure
you stay in home and imagine only
you will never know/feel the power of nature

you go out from home, out to nature
see how the trees dance
see how the grasses flap
see how the birds sing a song

step up and see how the mountains are form
step down and see how streams are formed and flow
see how high you have climbed
see how low you have to downed too

every step you have climbed up
you have to down same Numbers of step
sometime number can be different
but distance will be same always

you sit somewhere on the hill
you closed your eyes and calm down your mood
listen the streams how it flows
listen the sound how wind blows

wake up with sun in morning drinking the golden dawn
feel and lost in nature all day,you will feel much fun
go to bed with sun in evening drinking the golden dusk
sleep on nature's bed with moon and stars blanket

the night will be more good
the sleep even will be more better
wake up in morning will feel so fresh
this the pure power of nature

see how the nature treasure the sun in day
see how the nature treasure the sun and moon at night
feel how the nature's smile in a day and silent at night
this is the wakening light, adventure can spread in you

the sound you hear in nature
the silent you feel in nature
the sweat you drop in nature
the breath you take in nature

this is the pure feeling lost in nature
this is the obvious power of nature
once you swing in power of nature
you realize what is nature and adventure in your life

#Nepal #MountEverestClimbing
#PureiDiot #adventure #Journey

When you feel sad or bad

when you feel sad or bad
see the motion of river
let flow away all the bad and sad

when you need good mood
just stop somewhere in silent place
feel the motion of wind into you

when you need good feeling
see the motion of moon
see how it moves and clear your sight

let happiness flow like river
let silence blow like wind
let imagination glow like moon

#ImajaLake #Exploration #Nepal #Himalaya
#islandPeak #islandpeakBasecamp #islandpeakSummit
#PureiDiot #adventure #Journey

We need mountains

we need mountains
mountain will fix us
Don't worry, Don't be sad
mountain will push our worry away

Mountains are waiting to fix us
Don't be late to go and presence 
Don't be afraid to go and breathe
Don't hesitate to feel and peel the happiness in nature 

nature is the home of happiness
where every breathe you inhale
where every breathe you exhale
it cleans our body, heart, mind and soul

feel how the wind blows in mountains
see how the  flowers stand around
enjoy the moments in nature
see how flowers dance in the rhythm of wind

chirping birds, buzzing  bees
dancing flowers, clear blue sky
rumbling streams, clean and clear water
this is the pure symphony of nature

the moments we feel
the happiness we peel
the journey we seal
pour the pure happiness and fill into us

The joy we feel in nature
the joy we carry from nature
it's the pure nature of adventure
this is how nature push away our worry

#Nepal #AnnapurnaCircuitTrek
#Annapurna #Himalaya #adventures
#PureiDiot #adventure #Journey

You are a waken soul

You are a waken soul
so you know who you are 
you simply so pure and sure
what your heart echo i always wait to hear
what your mind thunder i always wait to hear
where your soul bump i always wait to hear

you always look like seventeen
you always talk like eighteen 
you always  feel like nineteen 
you always imagine like sixteen
you always dream like fifteen
your are always thirsty like twenty

what the hell, you never fail
what you feel never afraid to tell
free me, free me, never put me your jail
let's out from hell and go to surf and sail
let's our heart and mind surf and sail each other
let's our soul merge each other and make it to one

i am a true man in this fake world
i am weird man in this tech world
i can feel your thirsty heart
even i haven't drunk yet
i can imagine your frosty ass
even i haven't touched yet
i can feel the heat in you
i can smell the vapor of your desire
let me ignite your desire with mine
let's make a fire and kill our desire

#Flowers  from #annapurna #Himalaya
#NepalFlowers #NepalNature #Nepal
#PureiDiot #adventure #Journey

I never block the change

I never block the change
change is light for me
lights are so bright
Brightness shows the path
once i saw the path
i know my destination
once i saw the path and know the destination
i know where i am heading
it won't be matter how far it is
it won't be matter how hard it is
it won't be matter how long it gonna take
i will reach there, i will reach there

i know my way , i know my destination
i know where i am going
i know i am not gonna give up
follow the front glowing light is my journey
change is the break moments to find the light in my path
so i never block the change
i try hard to discover new light in my path
once i discover the new light
i move forward smooth again
the journey never stop, no matter how many change in life
you can feel/say i am so irritated soul
it's no wonder for me because i am pure idiot wanderer

#Nepal #islandPeak #Climbing
#adventure #Himalaya #Mountain
#PureiDiot #Adventure #Journey

A night under the billions star

A night under the billion stars
i open my eyes, billion's stars show up
i closed my eyes , billion's stars sing and dance in front of me
all are so bright and shining 

i turn my head and see stars
stars send me unlimited lights
stars send me unlimited thoughts
i feel so happy and peaceful

there is milky way in the middle of my sight
there is a princess show up in the middle of the milky way
she keeps singing and dancing in the middle of milky way
she looks so charming and happy mood

my eyes even don't want to blink
i am so focused and concentrated on her
i don't want she moved away from my sight
i am feeling so peaceful and happy to see her

the night getting more darker
she seemed more brighter
i try to go more closer, she seemed more far
i move more far, she seemed coming closer to me

sometime she came down dancing on the milky way
sometime she went up dancing on milky way
what a milky way i am seeing
what an amazing princess i am seeing

i sit and imagine
what a pretty princess
i never seen such a person before
i want to meet her now, but how can i ?

i keep imagine in my motionless motion
i wish she came down to front snowy hill to stand
throw the rope to bottom of the mountain
pull me up to hill and hold me forever

soaring to milky way together
singing on milky way together
dancing on milky way together
smell and smile together

ride and hide together
hold and happy together
tight and fight together
appear together, disappear together

what an amazing night
what an amazing sight
what an amazing glow in her smile
i wish to flow forever into her

#Nepal #islandpeak #Climbing
#Milkyway #HimalayaSky #StarryStarryNight
#PureiDiot #adventure #Journey

I am water

i am a water
i fall become waterfall
i flow become stream, river
i float become lake or ocean

i am here now
a moments later i never know
where i will be
what i will be doing

i am clean now
i could look dirty in while
i keep flow and flow
saving millions lives into the valley

you make me dirty
i hide an flow inside the land
even i hide never stop flowing
this is the process called self cleaning

i hide and clean myself
i come out again to save lives
i am so happy you drink me again
this is my pure joy and happiness

Every time you make me dirty
i hide and continue to flow
where ever i appear, dry land disappear
trees grow, grasses grow , life begins

all living thing drink me
all living thing float on me
living things exit in my absence
your presence has raised question's for my presence

How clean i was before
how cleanly i used to  flow
how clear i was before
how clearly i used to flow

when you come and stand near me before
i reflect your face clearly
when you come and stand  near me now
i can feel your mindset clearly

clear sky, clean water
clear our mind , clean our heart
clean sky, clear water
clean our mind, clear our heart

clear sky's reflection on clean water
this is your clean and clear joy
this this your pure and sure happiness
where your heart and mind totally formatted

when you see me
i am just a water
but when i see myself
i am not only water

i am everything
i am human
i am vegetation
i am clouds

you can find me
each and every cells of you
you can find me
each and every cells of vegetation

the day you suffer of my absence 
you wake up and know my value
it could be too late at that time to save you
think today, think for tomorrow, let me live like yesterday 

#Raralake #Nepal #NighSky
#NepalSky #HImalaya #nature 
#PureiDiot #Adventure #Journey

When I lost my mood

when i lost my mood
i forgot myself too
how i can remember you 
don't be mad or sad

it's not my fault
when i forgot myself
i remember nothing
completely nothing

i watch to sun
sun moves around
see your face in sun
wait for you to come

i watch to full moon
moon moves around
see your face in moon
wait for you to come

either i am seeing sun
or i am seeing moon
in a reality from my soul
i am seeing and missing you

#EverestbaseCamp #NightSky
#PureiDiot #adventure #Journey

view is that what i see around

view is that what i see around
feeling is that what hit in my heart
imagine is that what comes in my brain
life is the lapse between mind and heart

Adventure is neither high nor low

adventure is neither high
adventure is neither low
adventure is neither far
adventure is neither near

adventure only need in your feeling
once you feel the adventure
adventure teach you how to be happy
adventure teach you how to smile

more sweat you drop during the adventure
more deeply you touch and feel the adventure
more sweat shower you took in adventure
your heart and mind's vision will be more clearer

if you  go to climb the mountain only
you will never back happy
if you go to see/feel the mountain
you will never back sad

think before you go to mountain
why you are going to mountain
what is in mountains for you
what the mountain is for you

adventure in your mind
adventure in your heart
adventure in your eyes
adventure in you, only in you

don't kill your brain to find the adventure
don't beat your heart higher to feel the adventure
don't  move your legs faster to seal the adventure
simply flow on motion of river to feel the real adventures

#Nepal #MardiHimal #Trek
#Annapurna #Himalaya
#oneNightInMardiHimal #HighCamp
#PureiDiot #adventure #Journey

What a wonderful creation

what a wonderful creation
sun, moon, star
mountain, hill, stream, river, ocean
grass, bush, tree

what a wonderful dream
walking through nature
feeling adventure from inner soul
just like living in dream

Gorakshep - Everest Base camp trek
2016 - oct

My dream is Nature

my dream is nature
my reality is nature too
my dream is adventure
my reality is adventure too

where i go every time
adventure moves with me
where i go every time
natures moves with me

adventure and nature are my soul
reality to dream and dream to reality are my desire
once i closed my eyes, heart and mind will open
the world will appear different

where happiness dances in eyes
where peace circulated in heart
where dreams are daring in mind
where life is shining like sun

you look to sky
you will see happiness is echoing
you stop and listen
wind is blowing happiness too

stop and see the river
you will see happiness is flowing
you see the stars at night
happiness are dropping as a meteor

what a world where you live now
you will feel totally different than the one you lived before
you are in new world , your own world
the one you created by your own energy, dream and desire

#EverestBaseCamp #Nepal #trek
#EverestTrekking #ebctrek #Gorakshep
#pureiDiot #Adventure #Journey

Mountain is in my mind

mountain is in my mind
mountain is in my heart
mountain is in my eyes
mountain is in my soul
mountain is in my thought
mountain is in my dream
mountain is in my desire
mountain is in my imagination
mountain is in my body
mountain is in my tissue
mountain is in my cells
mountain is in my life
mountain is in my breathe
mountain is in my view
just mountain and mountain
i am just made by mountain
just pure spirit of mountain

Be Happy always, live happy always

be happy always
live happy always
once you be happy and live happy
happiness will find path for you

you move, happiness move with you
you stop, happiness stop with you
you flow, happiness flow with you
you float, happiness float with you

whatever you do happiness with you
wherever you go happiness with you
the life and feeling will be different
once you practice and perform new way in life

don't afraid with the challenge
challenge is an opportunity
explore the challenge from different angle
rediscover the life into the challenge

then you will get the life you want
then you will get the breathe you are willing to
then happiness shine in heart and glow in mind
you will live the life better than you ever imagine

#Nepal #Mountain #Trekking #Climbing
#EverestbaseCamptrek #Everesttrek

#PureiDiot #Adventure #Journey

How mountain talk

when i am happy
i even can listen
how mountains talk

when i am in peace
i even can listen
how stars and moon shout

when i closed my eyes
i even can see
how stars tease to moon

when i open my eyes
i even can see clearly
how milky way connect the stars and mountains

When this amazing view in front of me
i even forget myself that
i am in dream or reality

#Dolpotrek #Nepal #UpperDolpo #Dolpa #HimalayaSky
#PureiDiot #adventure #journey

Don't ask me the joy

Himalaya is Home of happiness
just go, see and feel
you will be different from inside
this the pure nature of Himalaya

Don't ask me the joy
what i  feel on the summit
you just see in the reflection of my smile
you just find in the reflection of my motion

- island peak 6189m Summit

The sky you see, the sky I see

the sky you see
the sky i see
the sky we see are same
why we are treated differently

the land you stand
the land i stand
the land we stand are same
why we are treated differently

your color can be different from mine
my color can be different from your
but we have the same heart and heart beat 
same color of blood circulated in our body

our mind also made by same cells
it can be bigger or smaller
it can think differently too
but why we are treated differently

the dream your see
the dream i imagine
it should be same too
why we are treated differently

you eat the meal
what grow in this earth
i eat the same meal
what grow in this earth

you may live in big house
i may live in small house or hut
why there are so many if and but
even we inhale and exhale the same air

you dream can be move to another planet
so you damn care about it, just destroyed and destroyed
my dream is still make this earth more beautiful
my dream is still make this earth more peaceful

my earth is my world
i move, i play , i rest
i happy, i sad, i joy
it's my life, my real life

don't judge me with your eyes
Don't judge me with your mind
don't judge me with you heart
don't judge me with your imagination

Don't judge me seeing my color
don't judge me seeing the life i live
don't judge me seeing the house i live
don't judge me seeing the clothes i wear

i am same human being as you do
so stop seeing us differently
we are the colors of this earth
so stop discriminating us from today 

#Nepal #FaceOfNepal #mountainLife #WesternNepal
#PureiDiot #adventure #Journey

When we see the life very closely

when we see the life very closely
we feel so sad and bad
everything will be very clear
tear and fear are so clear

when we see the life from far
we feel so happy and romantic
everything are dimmed, just can see/feel the motion
dear is dancing in distance

a stone put in temple
it becomes god
a stone put on wall
it form a wall

a wall is the home
where hope born and die 
where dreams seen closed and move far
where happiness and sadness flight each other

see clearly, accept the fact
listen clearly, know the reality
always feel cool not fool
once we know the life, we live differently  

#Nepal #LangtangTrek
#pureiDiot #adventure #Journey

Wandering mind

wandering mind
wandering eyes
wandering ears

anxious heart
breathless breath
pathless path

snow caped Himalaya
snow cover trail

snow caped dream
snow cover dream

snow caped happiness
snow covered happiness

a world
snow caped world
snow covered snow

snow caped reality
snow covered reality

caped by white snow
covered by white snow

Nepal land for wander
where god wanders
human simply follow

follow till enlighten with the truth
back once you have waken soul
live waken and keep waking other soul

#Nepal #Merapeak #Climbing
#pureiDiot #adventure #Journey

How adventure evolve the our life

How adventure evolve the our life
How adventure evolve the our moments
How adventure refill happiness
How adventure reborn the happiness
Just see this and imagine now
If you want to try and feel in reality
Join with me, join with me
I help to higher your proudness
I help to change you to nature lover
This is one and only wish of my life
Don,t be fear and live in tear
You just dare, rest I care
#nepal #ebctrek #nepaltrek

I blow on adventure

I love adventure
I float on adventure
I fly on adventure
I blow on adventure

What I do is an adventure
What I think is an adventure
What I breathe is an adventure
What I imagine is an adventure

Adventure is my desire
Adventure is my job
Adventure is my hobby
Adventure is my daily life

Go to the nature

Mt Pumo Ri 7125m

Go to the nature
Jumping on and on
Release the inner pain
Fill the joy Into you

This gives new energy
Shows the new horizon of life
Where it blows happiness
feel utmost peace and silence

#Nepal #Everest #Trek
#PureiDiot #Journey

Life blow like clouds

Life blow like clouds
Low to high and high to low
Neither stop nor rest
Neither copy nor paste

Every second is an exploration
Every steps leads different direction
Every blinks offer the different view
Every view shows the vision of life

so Keep moving
Feel how hard to blow
Experience how hard to flow
Realize the difference of life

Note: Timelapse view from Gokyo Ri
#GokyoRi #EverestTrek
#gokyoLake #PureiDiot

You move looking at the moon

You move looking at the moon
I move looking at the moon
One point we are crashed
Moon stop and slowly glowing down

We open our palm
One moon drop on my palm
Another moon drop on her palm
We both made a fist putting moon inside

We open the fist after a while
A firefly glows on my hand
A firefly glows on her hand
We are so happy blinking light on our palm

Firefly flies higher from my palm
Flyfly flies higher from her palm
The more higher they fly
they multiply the lights in our sight

They stop in one point being stars
We stop some point seeing the stars
You see light on me, I see light on you
When you blink, I shine When I blink, you shine

#kalapattharAtNight #StarryEverest #HimalayaSky #Everest #Trek

Mountain, Milkyway and Moon

Mountain, Milkyway and Moon

Wonder wink of moon
Silence the stars in sky
They feel shy and line up one after another
Its the Milkyway, the way to whisper  into the heart

The moon dances and move away
Milkyway silents the sky
Milkyway sends thousands winks breaking the silent

Mountains are Seeing from the buttom
the Winking stars and moon in sky
Mountains are listening from the buttom
The winking stars and moon in the sky

My insight and my desire
Hit harder and move faster
Stop longer but never stop

Neither can feel nor smell
Just can experience
Just like dream to reality
Just like reality to Dream

#Nepal #Everest #trek
#pureiDiot #Journey
#milkyway #Mountain #Moon
#nature #Adventure #photography

Donkey dash

Donkey dash
No more rush
Just stand and see
Free your breathe
Clear your vision
Create new horizon
Forget this and that
Breathe for now
live for now
move for now
Life show you
Different trail
The tail of your destination
Where completely
You newly born
You newly grow up
You newly groom
Moments will boomerang
Happiness dance in your shadow
Silence jump on your shadow
Life reach in different point
The point is your own universe
Just sit on your axis
Life evolve , movents revolve
Then you know who you are
#Nepal #EverestTrek #ontheWayToNamcheBazaar

What is happiness for you

What is happiness for you?
What is adventure for you?
What is silence for you?
What is achievement for you?

These are not just a question
These are our path
Path of our desire
Move for your desire

Shake your desire faster
Higher the motion of your desire
Then you will find the answer
Answer comes through feeling

#Nepal #EverestbasecampTrek

Hop on the Hill

Hop on the Hill
Feel higher than hill
Himalayan height
So pure so sure
Just imagine once
joy goes so higher
Pleasure marched into every cells
Once you down
Beather faster
Feel different
My feeling is so deep
So ovious and so sprang

#nepal #ebctrek #dingboche #nagartshangRi

Once I saw the first sun light in morning

Once I saw the first sun light in morning
That light lit the brightness in my mind
It flows every cells of my body and tell
Shine like sun and stand like mountain

Good Night from Gorakshep 5180M
Today,s oxygen and heart beat data

Adventure shows the dream
Adventure helps to realize the reality
Adventure take you here and there
So be friend with adventure always
#Nepal #ebctrek #EverestBasecamp
#Himalaya #Dream #MountEverest
#NamcheBazaar #Sunshine #Sunrise

Trek is little lies
Trek is little fly
Once you do
You will realize

My mood, my motion
Here or there
It won't be matter
It keep smile
Once snow peak appear in front
#nepal #Everest #BaseCamp #Trek
#Dingboche 4410m

#Basecamp #Everest #Nepal

Why we look at the sky

Why we look at the sky

Sky has clouds
Sky has rains
Sky has snow
Sky has dew

Sky has happiness
Sky has joy
Sky has dreams
Sky has colors

Sky has sadness
sky has madness 
sky has tear
sky has fear

Sky has Silence
Sky has peace
Sky has power
Sky has motion

one sight change our mind
One sight change our thought
One sight change our heart
One sight change our life

see the motion of sky
Feel the motion in life
Feel the power of sky
Heal the sorrow of life

So we see the sky every time
No matter its cloudy or raining day
No matter its sunny day
Not matter its starry or moon light night

we see the hope in sky
So we see sky every time
we find the hope in sky
So we see sky every time

There is shadows in sky
There is love in sky
There is everything in sky
So we see sky every time

Sky looks empty indeed
But its always full of hope
Its always full of colors
its always full of dreams

Clear sky clear our vision
Clear vision clear our soul
clear soul clear our life
so we love to see sky every time

#Nepal #EverestTrek #PureiDiot
#adventure #nature #clearsky #clearVision

Life is long enough

life is long enough
Keep moving
Keep thinking
Keep creating the memories

no matters how hard we press
No matters how highly we cheers
Once we create the memories
It remains life long in our mind

Wish you all safe Journey to home
#Nepal #ebcTrek #Everestbasecamp

Why we look at the mountains

Why we look at the mountains 

mountains has clouds
mountains has rains
mountains has snow
mountains has dew
mountains has happiness
mountains has joy
mountains has dreams
mountains has colors

mountains has sadness
mountains has madness 
mountains has tear
mountains has fear

mountains has Silence
mountains has peace
mountains has power
mountains has motion

one sight change our mind
One sight change our thought
One sight change our heart
One sight change our life

see the motion of mountains
Feel the motion in life
Feel the power of sky
Heal the sorrow of life

So we climb the mountains every time
No matter its cloudy or raining day
No matter its sunny day
Not matter its starry or moon light night

we see the hope in mountains
So we climb the mountains every time
we find the hope in mountains
So we climb the mountains every time

There is shadows in mountains
There is love in mountains
There is everything in mountains
So we climb the mountains every time

mountains look changeable indeed
But it’s always full of hope
It’s always full of colors
it’s always full of dreams

Clear mountains clear our vision
Clear vision clear our soul
clear soul clear our life
so we love to climb the mountains

Share the article from Ramesh Simkhada,this is the version I modified!

Happy deepawali

Wish you all Happy Dipawali

Lit the light means lighten the sight
Lighten the sight means enlighten the moments
live the life with enlighten moments
Feel the life full of happiness and joy

Kathmandu karishma just a night before the Dipawali,

dipawali is just the joy of light
every home lit the light of joy
where place for fear and tear
its the moments of all dear be together and cheers
#Dipawali #kathmandu #Nepal
#Nepal #kathmandu #DipawaliNight

Sun just down

Sun just down 
Waiting for stars
Think impossible Tonight
Do it as possible  next morning
Dreams move faster
Time move slower

Clear the line
Focus on shine
spread the sight
Listen the silence
where faster stop
where slower keep moving

#Nepal #langtang #gosaikunda #trek
#lauribina #langtang #gosaikunda #sunset
#Dreams #nature

Life is beautiful

Life is beautiful
when you are healthy
Life is beautiful
When you are happy

keep moving for healthy life
Keep thinking for healthy mind
Keep winking for healthy eyes
Keep your sight forward for healthy heart
#Nepal #Langtang #Gosaikunda #trek
#nature #photo #PureiDiot

Silent is creative

Silent is creative
silent is imaginative
what other form can't do
Silent simply can do

Silent jumps so higher
Silent falls so lower
Silent pushes so further
Silent pulls so closer

Be silent always
Let silent do the thing
Keep silent always
let silent win always

Good Night

Good night
see you in dream
if not, in dream
See you in real

Life continue
no matter in dream or reality
No matter higher or lower
brighter or Darker

#langtangTrek #Nepal

What is Happiness ?

What is happiness?
Is it Just looking from outside?
Is it just an expression ?
Can we tell someone is happy ?
If s/she is smiling ?

A river is flowing down?
Is river Happy ?
A ocean is tiding up ?
Is ocean Happy ?

How do we measure the Happiness?
I often wonder how people measure the others Happiness
I asked myself millions time I still never got the answer
Happiness is the mystery of our heart and mind

Happiness is the motions of life
Happiness is the emotions of life 
happiness is the feeling of the heart
happiness is the imagination of mind

It can't measure like altitude
It can't measure like lattitude
it can't measure like longitude
Happiness is Happiness it can only measure by Happitude

#Nepal #langtangTrek #langtangRiver #langtangFlower #LamtangTrek #PureiDiot

Once I look, How river flow

Once  I look
how river flow
I feel there is motion
Every motion flow away my emotions

Once I listen
How river flow
I hear the echo
every echo sounded in my inner sense

Once I close my eyes
I fee how the river flows
I can see river flows into me
I can feel river cleans and clears my inner sense

Once I open eyes in a while
same place but feeling is different
same lives but reborn as different being
this is the power of river, power of nature

#LangtangTrek #Nepal

Climb the higher ridge

Climb the higher ridge
Stop in a higher point
Where your motion stops
where your desires continue

Look at the glow
how slow it moves
Where your breathe stops
Where your  moments freeze

Glow always shine very fine
glow flows very fast always
moments gone to memories
Dreams stand on reality

This is my time
This is my day
This is my life
I wish it flows like this every second

#Nepal #LangtangTrek
#adventurelife #mountain #nature


That time to this time

I am 81 years now. I went kathmandu first time when I was 15/16 years old.  That time I walk to kathmandu. It took me 7 days to reach kathmandu. A young and energetic boy with unlimited desire and dream. Everytime I go kathmandu, I carrid some dreams and when I back to my village, I did have some dreams too.   I did carry some thing to kathmandu and similarly back from kathmandu. I just think it was like yesterday.

Kathmandu was not like now. It was quiet and pleasant place. There was only few jeeps on the road. Thats for king and royal family. Even we need to walk from new road to Bouddhanath. We have to walk together with friends. There was jungle in middle and farm lands. We only could see few houses on the way. If we were not in groups, we afraid to be robbed. There was one school near tundikhel. I don't know the name. General people were only allowed to study grade five. There was Rana,s autocracy. They think if people educated, people could revolt. So that they only allowed for five grade.

There was no cement. I didn't know what is cement at that time. Our home normally made by stone walls and wooden roof or sometime we just covered with bamboo,s mat. Our life was so simple. We really had nothing. We had seen nothing. We know nothing. We expect nothing too. Just move to farm,s one corner to another or see and look after the animal. Our dreams was food. Its so dry in mountains. It used to have very less rainfall. We lived in joint family. Every night jumped to dream counting the stars. Every morning waked up with sun lights. There was no eletricity. There was only sun , moon , stars. There was no watches, there were only shadow,s of sun and moon and motion of stars.

We have some festivals. Its the time to be/Feel happy. All generation meet and share the greeting. Boys and girls crashed their sights. Boys winked the eyes and  girls used to feel shy and covered their face by their shawls. We had very limited clothes. We hardly had chanced to go kathmandu. And another thing we hardly can afford to buy for whole family. So we made the wool from yak or sheep,s hair and wave whatever we needed. Life was so independent at that time. We had what we needed for life.

We had hope for life
we had dreams for life
We never afraid with life
so we continued the life

That time to this time
That village to this village
That kathmandu to this kathmandu
That generation to this generation

That time I walked 7 days to kathmandu
Now I took bus only 7 hours to kathmandu
I slept under the bamboo roof counting the stars
Now I live under the zink roof with private room

The changes I see is really amazing
There is no words to describe this
I always used to think and imagine
What a changes I saw, how it gonna possible?

Same sun shine in my yard
Same moon roam in my wall
Same shadows reminds my past
different roof covers the stars lights

I am standing on the verge
Just like sun behind the mountain to set
7 days journey down to 7 hours In my llife
stop counting the dreams, start living in dream

#Nepal #langtangTrek

This is the era of slavary

This is the era of slavary
slavary of money
We go bed thinking the money
we wake up in bed thinking the money

We think about money
more than our heart's beat
We love money
More than our life n health

Sing a song of freedom
Read a book of freedom
live a life in prison
What a great fusion

Form of the money can be different
form of the slavery can be different
Clouds can't cover the sky forever
curtain will open one day , just wait and wait

Lack of inner sense
lack of common sense
no matter how strongly
We sing a song of freedom

We reach nowhere than book
we reach nowhere than imagination
We always can point the reason
But never ever can cross the reason

We always make the home in air
Wind comes and blows away in a while
neither nobody can feel or see
This is the era of slavery, slavary of money

I am waiting for strom
Which Comes to destroy the slavery
I am waiting for Tsunami
Which comes to sweep away the slavery

#langtangTrek #Nepal
#FlowersFromNepal #HimalayanFlower
#pureiDiot #Journey

Sun is flowing down from window

The sun is flowing down from window
Stars are flowing up from window
A beautiful soul sit in the window
Feel the joyful moments in silence

Neither roam nor roar
just feel and heal
charma the karma
Shine the brahma

#sunset #windowSunset

I live in simplicity

What I know now is
I live in simplicity
I don't need to look any other city
what a wonderful city I live

People always think
I am a mountain guide
But this time i feel
mountain is guiding and teaching me

Live in simplicity
learn from mountain nature
that make life pure and sure
This is how pure idiot soul born into me
#Nepal #EverestTrek

Wish you good and safe Flight paul

Floating on thin air
Over two weeks
Most of the time up up to top
Sometime down to the town

Mastering into the mist
Hiding into the haze
the glowing sign always in our sight
That keeps our steps roaming up

Colorful sky
shinging mountain
Silent atmosphere
Towering soul

Dancing from dawn to dusk
We never in rush
There was only us
there was nothing serious

Morning glow comes with smile
evening glow goes with smile
we follow the glow
We follow the lights

We smile in silent
we happy in silent 
We meet silently
We trek silently too

Its time to say bye
But not good bye
wait for another great moment
wish you good and safe flight

#Nepal #langtangTrek

Adventure is that which melt the heart

Adventure is that which melt the heart
Adventure is that which sound the mind
adventure is that which sweat the body and toxin out
Adventure is that which keep the life in motion
adventure is that which go through lots emotion every hour
Adventure is that which take you outside the yard
adventure is that which help you chasing the dreams
so after reading this don't wait for adventure, let's do adventure from now on
#Nepal #langtangTrek #TserkuRi Paul Arsenault Kasia Cetera

short collection

Once you start
it has an end
Once it ended
Sooner or later
it starts again
this is continuety of dream

Once adventure flow in your heart
nature shine in your mind
you always move to find
this is called nature is calling

Adventure is the best breathe
Altitude is the best meal
Thin thin air is the best matress
starry starry sky is the best blanket

Adventure always glows in my sight
Adventure always right in my mind
Memories are the power of life
It pushed you much further in each steps

Simplicity always hit my head harder
simplicity always stop my steps strongly
Simplicity always show me very clear pictures
so I love being simple and swinging in simplicity always

Once you can smile
Then world gonna feel so small
no matter how far you move
no matter how hard you deal

Good night
see you in dream
if not, in dream
See you in real

Life continue
no matter in dream or reality
No matter higher or lower
brighter or Darker

No snow no mountain
no sugar no tea
Its simple sense in Nepal
simple note for your nepal trip
#langtang #gosaikundaTrek #Nepal
#adventure #nature

#langtangTrek #Nepal

#nepal #langtangTrek
Paul Arsenault Kasia Cetera

#Nepal #simpleLife #simpleLesson #trek
#pureiDiot #Journey n #Thought

Life is one,Breathe are unlimited

Life is one
breathe are unlimited
destination is one
dreams are unlimited

While heading to destination
We climb millions up and down hill
we inhale and exhale millions time too
we feel unlimited secret and secred moments

Every new up hills and down Hills
Lots new beautiful scenery will show up
All these beautiful scenery will become dream for tomorrow
and also all those beautiful scenery became memories from yesterday

Life is just the gap between two legs
You tight it you feel hard to breathe
you won't see anything except darkness
you can't move easily too

Once you strenthen the leg
you will feel sunshine
You feel bright, you can see further
dreams appears, dreams move

dreams appears in mind
eyes look for dreams
Heart wants to feel it
legs move for it

life is vision of mind
Life is thrist of heart
Life is motion of legs

#Nepal #langtangtrek
#NepalNow #HikingTheGlobe

My eyes Never stop

My eyes never stop
My mind never rest
My heart never fear

My imaginations are so far
My dreams are so near
My reality is more closer than my dream

I walk on dream
Just imagining next dream
my motions are my power

Once I stop somwhere
its already the dream place
the dream far from imagination