Saturday, December 1, 2018

Your story may not be like my story

your story may not be like my story
my story might not be like your story
we keep moving all around
every steps we move make a new story 

let's talk here a bit my stories
let's talk here a bit your stories
let's make and talk about our stories
the stories from born to burn

i move, eyes see the view
i see, mind records the view
i view, heart raises the feeling
i feel,  universal sense connects with me

i met people who live in million's mall
but their happiness level is so low & sadness level is so high
life full of trouble and problem
no energy to move and like lost somewhere in pathless journey

it seemed like there are everything
job, house , money, food, friends
but in realitynothing exist, you can't feel anything
full of frustration  and disturbance, nothing can peace

Move here to there to find peace
move there to hear to find  love
Do this and that  for happiness
nothing work at the end in reality

sit on chair and try to do something
can't focus, many thing appears in mind
lay on bed , can't sleep, many thing plays in heart
life in mess, no motion only emotion

i also met people who live in simple hut
their happiness level is so high
there is no fear, no tear in their face
there is nothing to lose in their life

they have so simple smile
smile from inner heart  or feeling
it's just like the blossom of lotus
so simple, so pure and so charming

their dream is food
their work is food
their happiness is food
food is their everything

they move all around for food
they work so hard for food
sleep so great after food
no matter the room or bed, nothing bother them

lay on bed thinking the tomorrow's work load
work loads come and cover on top as a blanket
sleep so deep, no matter, how the bed is
this is also a life, a journey still exist on earth

once sun spreads the light
it means, it's morning
wake up and continue the journey of another day
no matter how hard it is, just smile and continue

i love reading people's emotion
i love reading people's smile
i love seeing people's gesture
i love reading people's mind and heart

the best book i ever read are the people i meet
your smile, your emotion show me the world
your gesture, your mind and heart flow me in this world
the conversation we made that shine and show my path

#Nepal #annapurna #Circuit #Trek
#AnnapurnaCircuit #Trekking
#PureiDiot #Journey

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