Tuesday, August 22, 2017

दोस सङ्लो पानीमा नदेखिने मायाको हो कि

धमिलो धमिलो पानीमा
सफा सफा देखिन्छ छाया
जति मन मिले पनि
मिल्दो रैनछ माया

दोस सङ्लो पानीमा नदेखिने मायाको हो कि
दोस धमिलो पानीमा देखिने छाया को हो
दोस यो मनको हो कि
दोस त्यो मायाको हो

भन भन काइली, पठाइ दिउला सुनैको थैली

कतारको गोठमा
सुनको घोडा सुनैको तबेला
केछ काइली तिम्रो खबर
काम त मेरो सोर्ने गोबर

आफ्नो घर आफ्नै हो आगन
फुलको बोट फुलैको बगैँचा
के छ काइला तिम्रो खबर
बेला बेला पठाउ है सम्चार

परदेशको ठाउँ
दुख पर्दा सधै लिन्छु तिम्रै नाउ
यहाँ त यस्तै छ तिमिलाइ कस्तो छ
भन भन काइली
पठाइ दिउला सुनैको थैली

स्वदेशको ठाउँ आफ्नै पर्यो गाउँ
दुख पर्दा लिन्छु सधै तिम्रै नाउ
यहाँ त यस्तै छ तिमिलाइ कस्तो छ
सुन सुन  काइला
बाधेर राखेको छु मायाको थैला 

सम्हालेर राख है मायाको थैला  
नलागोस  यसमा फोहोर अनि मैला
म त ठिकै छु तिम्लाइ कस्तो छ
भन भन काइली
पठाइ दिउला सुनकै थैली

तिम्रो माया, मनमा राखी, मेरो मायाले छोपेकी छु
दिन दिनै तिम्रो तस्बिर हेरि , आशुले धोएकी छु
मत ठिकै छु , तिमिलाइ कस्तो छ
सुन सुन काइला
जोगाएर राखेकी छु मायाको थैला

हातमा  ठेला , आखामा अश्रुको भेला
तिमी त्यता आगनिमा  म यता परदेशमा
जिन्दगी यसै के गरि जाला
भनभन काइली 
पठाइ दिउला सुनकै थैली

हातमा ठेला , आखामा अश्रुको भेला
तिमी त्यता परदेशमा  म यता आगनिमा
जिन्दगी यसै, के गरि जाला
सुन सुन काइला
छिटो आउ खोल्नलाइ मायाको थैला

सधै सधै घुम्ने छु तिम्रै वरपर

आधी जीवन पियर बिताए
आधी जीवन हिडेर बिताए
मैले के गरिन यो जीवनमा
तिमिलाइ पाउन भनी

कहिले होसमा हिडे
कहिले बेहोसिमा हिडे
होसमा हिडे पनि बेहोसिमा हिडे पनि
तिम्रै नाम जपि जपि हिडे

कहिले होसमा पिए
कहिले बेहोसिमा पिए
होसमा पिए पनि बेहोसिमा पिए पनि
तिम्रै नाम जपि जपि पिए

हिड्दा हिड्दा खुट्टाहरु कामे
पिउदा पिउदै दिमागहरु घुमे
तर तिम्रो नाम जप्ने ओठ
कहिल्यै पनि रोकिएन

तिमि आउ या नआउ
अब फरक के नै पर्ने छ र
दुई दिनको यो जिन्दगी
अब छिटै पूरा हुँदै छ र

ढिलो चाडो पुग्ने छु आर्यघाट तिर
धुवा बनी घुम्नेछु वायुमन्डल तिर
धुलो बनी उड्नेछु तिम्रै वरपर
सधै सधै घुम्ने छु तिम्रै वरपर

Once you walk in right direction

Watch the sun, I feel life is so sunny
Watch moon, I feel life is cool like moon
Watch the stars in sky, I feel lots dream waiting for me
your thoughts are the reflection of your life

One star appears like a dream
another star stands like a happiness
More stars in sky shows  more dreams in life
indeed, space specifies our dream, thought, path of life

The more you watch on space 
space evolve your life
it helps you to show the right path
right path take you the right direction

Once you walk in right direction
you are filled with right thought
Once you are filled with right thought
you will be the right person with a right thought

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Ask these person what the life is

ask these person what the life is
ask these person what the love is
Ask these person what the family is
all these are dream for them

loads are their life
up hill and down hill are their love
family are just a memory of life
they meet while and leave again

what the fate they have in life
what the hate we have in life
we even can't imagine it
how can we know/acknowledge it

they carry the love in every basket to their family
they carry the happiness in basket to their family
life walk with load, family are in each and every mode
this is my fate, this is still very great

Photo: on the way to Everest base camp trek

One picture of life

In one picture of life
Future is full of fear and tear
in another picture of life
future is full of dear and romance

Once we closed the eyes
everything come so closed in life
once we opened the eyes
everything already displaced in life

One eyes see the fear and tear
another eyes see hope and dear
Dear comes after fear and tear, just wait
fear and dear come after dear, don't excited too much

Life keep move on and on
we may stop but life won't stop
if you stop, you can't catch the time's speed
afterward you never match your life with time

Friday, August 18, 2017

यो माया भन्ने चिजै कस्तो कस्तो

यो माया भन्ने चिजै कस्तो कस्तो
आखाले हेर्‍यो देखिदैन
मनमा के छोयो
छोडि जान सकिँदैन

सपनीमा हास्दा खेरी
बिपनिमा उठि रुन्छु
सपनीमासगै हुदा
बिपनिमा एक्लै हुन्छु

तिमी कस्ति भने
सपनिमासगै आउने गीत गाउने नाच्ने
बिपनिमा भने
मलाइ एक्लै छोडी भाग्ने

यो माया भन्ने चिजै कस्तो कस्तो
आखाले हेर्‍यो देखिदैन
मनमा के छोयो
छोडि जान सकिँदैन

तिम्रो माया कस्तो कस्तो
एक्लै हुदा जुन तारा जस्तो
खोज्दा कहिल्यै नदेखिने
सुर्यको किरण जस्तोके

आकासको तारा गनेर गन्न सकिन्न
मायालाइ हेरर देख्न सकिन्न
यो त एक अमृत हो
जति पिए पनि तलतल मेटिन्न

यो माया भन्ने चिजै कस्तो कस्तो
आखाले हेर्‍यो देखिदैन
मनमा के छोयो
छोडि जान सकिँदैन

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Natures are so pure and beautiful

Natures are so pure and beautiful
we are so panic and beautifool
this is a real world , we are living
These are reality, we are facing/doing

We believe we are beautiful
Indeed, we are just beautifool
we act as we are wonderful
indeed, we are so much wonderfool

Live in the nature, be in the nature
Touch the nature, feel the nature
you will know what the pure is
you will know what the beauty is

Imagine the beauty is beautifool
live in beauty in real is beautiful
nature is so pure and real always
life is so beautiful and beautifool too

We expect beauty in life, show up ugly
we do good in life, turn to bad
we want happy in life, but sad covers the path
we want to be supercool in life, but be superfool lifein reality

What place I am now

what place i am now
what a sorrounded here
i can't believe  i am here
i never imgine it's like it
it's a heaven
it's the paradise
it's home of happiness
it's the dream of dream
trust me
you have to try once
you have to be here
feel the peace
forget the rest
fill the new memories
joy , happiness and peace

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

life is balance of past,present, future

life is a little past
life is a little present
life is a little future
life is balance of past,present, future

take some experiences from past
do some experience in present
make balance in past & present & live today
your past & present show your future way

life is all about what you think
life is all about what you want
life is all about how you want to live
life is all about how you do the thing

past is the mirror of life
present is the terror of life
future is fear of life
no matter who you are, it's our life reality

think simple, acknowledge the simplicity
be simple , know the reality
live simple , feel peaceful
then, life will be simple and beautiful

yesterday's clear sky today covers by clouds

yesterday's clear sky
today covers by clouds
yesterday's happiness
today taken away by sadness

last night's beautiful starry night
tonight cover's by clouds
last night beautiful dreams
tonight just run away

you told a dream yesterday
it became story today
it may become smoke tomorrow
it may become air at the end

indeed, our wish just like Balloon
it can blast after reach the limit
nothing are permanent in life
just refine the feeling and vision

so never be sad or happy
what you have and what you don't have
life keep earning new and losing old moments second after second
just stand, open eyes and see the picture clearly

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

We are really great

We are really great
when we are in black & white dreams
we feel, colorful dreams are beautiful
we move for it here and there

we are really great
when we are in colorful dreams
we feel, we need to have Black & white
we continue here and there for it

our anxiety, our dream
our thought, our fought
our love, our tragedy
life begin, life end

curiosity not end
it transfers to another generation
another generation does same
it's like just a rotation of life, even body not same

never stop to have colorful dream
once you stand on your colorful dream
colorful dreams won't feel so colorful as you imagine 
it automatically turns to black & white after one experience

black and white is reality, accept it
how many colorful dreams you imagine 
how many colorful dreams you experience
all end with black & white

Photot: Mardi Himal Trek

We Dream, I do this and that

we dream , i do this and that
we dream, i travel here and there
we dream, this and that kind of house
we dream, this and that kind girl/boy in life

it's always so great to have great wishes
it's always so nice to have nice imagination
it's always so beautiful to have beautiful feeling
it's always more better to know reality and have real feeling

our dream, just feel, thrill & disappear 
our dream, it comes and broken
our dream, experiences once disappointing
our realization, dream and reality not same
so never expect anything from dream
never expect anything from relation
never expect anything from anything
just keep moving and moving, it's our dharma

We imagine for some reason

we imagine for some reason
we dream for some reason
we meet for some reason
we together for some reason

we experience for some reason
we higher our ego for some reason
we change our mind for some reason
we seperate each other for some reason

once we feel energy, we live together
once finished energy, we separate each other
if there is light in moon, we may not know the sun
save energy always, otherwise soon, you will be moon

live a life like a moon
need light from sun to shine 
things & thought changing so soon
you decide, be sun or moon

what i learn from nature

sometime i used to think
what is nature for me
sometime i used to think
what i learn from nature 

i carry this question in my mind almost a decade
i move this corner to that corner
i experienced sea to summit
i breathed summit to sea

no matter i stand on the summit or walk on beach
sun rise or sun set are equally beautiful
i didn't feel that high or low in my breathe
both place equally caught my breathe

the tranquility of  Himalayas  
can't write in words, just can feel
singing and dancing tide in sea
can't write in words, just can listen

find a rock, sit in a corner
look the Himalaya and feel the peace
find a rock , sit in silent corner of the beach
look and listen the tide of sea

let's think first
why there is tide in sea
why there is snow in Himalaya
why there are trees or grasses in mountains

these all are source of our outer and inner energy
how many of us can feel it
how many of us can know it
how many of us can realize it

our ancient generation explored inner energy 
they fully trust it and adopt life with it
so they explore mediation for  purifying mind
so they explore yoga for healthy body

our current generation explore outer energy
we trust science more, indeed we need too
there are great invention by science
it has changed out life and thought

but for the better life
we can't ignore both
if one absence in your life
another's presence can be meaningless in your life

it's time to wake up, not sleep
it's time to perform, not talk and teach
it's about for your healthy body and sound mind
think seriously, everything on your hand till now

nature is not just for adventure ground for me 
these are the source of energy, energy are the power of thought
power of thoughts are power of feeling
when you feel power in your feeling, you explore your life path

at the end, i learn simplicity from nature
i feel/fill  the peace/silence from nature
i learn to realize the reality
probably, still left much more to listen and learn

Time has it's own course

time has it's own course
mind has its own thought
no matter you accept or not
it's the reality of life

sometime mind challenge to time
sometime time challenge to mind
they fight lots each other
at the end they agree to go together

sometime time struggle in life
sometime mind struggle in life
conflict in between the time and mind
create the happiness and sadness in our life
once their conflict in high pitch
life line climb the  summit of mountain
life line drop to the bottom of the sea
this is highest energy time in our life

it won't come birth to death in our life
there is certain time/age frame in life
it could be different from person to person
but be sure it happened to everyone's life

sometime time defeat the mind
sometime mind defeat the time
they keep playing like two soccer team
every time both side wish for win

if you can accept the defeat as a win
you can live the life as simple as nature
if you accept the defeat as a disaster 
it will disaster your life more

Photo: Mardi Himal base camp trek Nepal

Monday, August 14, 2017

Sit on summit

sit on summit
see the another summit
make a another commit
it's life
it's the way life keep moving

every night when i am in mountain

every night when i am in mountain
i meet the stars in night
i talk and walk with stars and fall to sleep
romance  with stars in dream

once romance is over with stars
i wake up in morning
sun waiting with the golden ray in one corner
i shower with golden ray in morning 

once, the day begin with golden ray
life no more like life, it's like a dream
once you experienced it, you gonna love it
after wards, you live in dream everyday

#Taiwan #mountain #memories