Monday, August 7, 2017

Life is a story

Life is a story

life normally start with love story
life normally ended with tragedy
when you born, there is joy in your home
when you die, there is sad and tear in your home

sun rises, begin the story of day
once your drink golden ray
you feel the joy of first sun light

once you capped the sun in mid day
you feel hot and you look for a shadows
this is the another story of life
won't be much matter, you write it or not
but time has recorded it for you

sun sets in evening, end the story of day
stars and moon comes in night , begin the another story of life
you fall in sleep, begin the another story 
many more imagine and unimagined pictures appear as dreams

some dreams you defined as sign of good luck
some dreams you defined as sign of bad luck
whatever way you define , its story too
it keep appear and let you define more often

you imagine in day one story
next moments you erased and write a new story 
the matter is that you have new story in mind

it keep coming and changing each blink of your eyes
it keep showing and shaking each beat of your heart 
it keep listening and ordering each shock of your brain
no matter you realize or not but it has been recording in time's museum

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