Monday, September 17, 2018

Exploring the Color of Himalaya

Exploring the Color of Himalaya

By my luck or gift from nature, I saw the Himalaya before I know it's called Himalaya. Whatever corner of my yard or village, There are some snow peaks used to be standing silently. I always wonder what's that white part. The hills around my yard or farm or village were covered by thick forest and where hundreds species of birds play together, sing together, dance together, live together, fight together and echo together. Similarly, a dozen other animal included tiger. Sometime in a year tiger roar from just like above the house and down to hills. Others several wild animals come to chase our chicken around home no matter day or night.

When I stood my yard, the closest mountains looks so green. A bit further looks a bit blue and the furthest one white. Physical colors of mountains are really fascinating. When sun comes it appears with different color, when sun shines it used to be different too. Again when sun set it used to be different. When sun went down, slowly darkness increased at night, then millions sparking stars show up in the sky. The more far I used to see, stars and mountains looked meeting at some point. I used to wonder so muh with this. I used to think if I can go there. I can touch the sky and stars. One day when I grow up, I will go the furthest hill where I can touch the sky and stars.

One day I asked my grandma, why that furthest hill is white? That white hill is home of god and goddess. She also added me that god lived in tall and white house from where they could see us clearly whatever we are doing. She used to worshiped mountains every morning and sometime evening too. I also asked her that can we go there? She told me that nobody can go there because it's god and goddess home. They can come here easily but go there is not that easy. If anybody can go there, s/he will be god and goddess too.

The more I grow, curiosity even grow much bigger. We moved from my birth village to another village. Then snow peaks disappear from my sight for few years. One day I was coming back from college to home suddenly some points snow peaks appears. I stopped at the same point. Keep the bike in a side. I stopped and saw it for a while. How happy I feel when I reconnected my soul with my inner soul. I kept thinking and thinking. From one side, I feel my dream is back. From another side, I lost somewhere where there is no path to connect. After couple of year later, I came to Kathmandu find a job a trekking porter. I marched around Mountains. I reached so closed to mountains. It looked really amazing. After wards, I become guide. I reached much more places. Each and every trek I feel that there are few places I don't want to leave. I used to think someday if I could earn money I could buy the land and live here and see Himalayas every second of life. No matter, I am sleeping, walking, working, talking, resting.

First few years i only see the colors of mountains are money. I only think how much I can earn and with this money, how many kilograms of rice I could buy and how many months of house rent I could pay. I totally forgot the colors of mountains and my childhood dreams. I met lots people during the trekking, listen their thought and philosophy, their attachment with nature. I read couple of books. I read about Buddha, Shiva and many other saint (monk or Sadhu). Once I read about their myths, I realize that how powerful is the nature. How a Single tree can transform Siddhartha to Buddha. How a pure and sure meditation connected us with wisdom of universe. This is the secret sacredness I explore in my life. Once, I explore this secret. I feel that nature is the sacred home of my spirit. No matter where I live physically, my spirit always moving around the Hills of Himalaya.

When, I was kid
color of the closest mountains were green
color of further mountains were blue and black
color of the furthest mountains were white

when I was young
colors of mountains changed to money

that time to this time in reality
life keep moving and moving
I marched thousands mile around Himalayas
I exhale and inhale Himalayan air millions time
I drink thousands liters of Himalayan water

sometime I see Himalaya from far
sometime I see Himalaya so closely
sometime I sleep on their lap
sometime I keep them far away as a memory

After, several long journey in Himalayan path
I understand the silence of Himalayas
Himalaya understand motion of my soul
now we are interconnected from our inner soul

Once, I am connected deeply with Himalaya
I asked what's the color of Himalaya ?
Himalaya just keep smiling without any words
I keep listening, i just listen the silence

I wonder so often with my childhood question
i never find the answer myself too
but i never give up my journey
I keep communication with Himalaya from my inner sense

one day I was sitting on the hill
close my eyes and connect with inner sense
I fly all over the Himalaya through my inner sense
it truly took me to another universe

when, my inner sense was flying over the Himalaya
i suddenly hear some sound why Human are so stupid
one Himalaya said, one guy was asking me what's the color of Himalaya
oh our color, even he didn't know our color

once, my inner sense listen this communication
I stop the motion of my inner sense
Keep listening their communication secretly

human really know nothing about our colors
sometime they see our colors is green
sometime they see our colors is black
sometime they see our colors is blue
sometime they see our colors is white
they only can see physical color
that's why they never understand us hearty
they never use inner sense to see us
How happy we are, aren't we ?
Our real color is Happy, just Happiness
we are never black, blue, green, white or so on
just Happy, happy and Happy
Why they can't see it, feel it ?
Hope someday they will discover our this secret
then they can live like us
Just full of Happiness in silent mode

it's no hard to find our color
whoever come here
whoever see us
everyone feel happy and back with happiness
but why it's still so hard to feel our color
we are so simple and silent too

suddenly a bird chirp around me
i open my eyes and closed my inner sense
i feel so good and so happy
the moment i listen the Himalayas conversation
the moment i know the color of Himalaya
the a wakening moments
it's true is amazing to explore the color of Himalaya

real color of Himalaya is Happy
pure color of Himalaya is silent
dear color of Himalaya is peace
remember the whole world,
don't ask again what's the color of Himalaya

#Nepal #Mountain #Himalaya #happy
#PureiDiot #Journey
#KhumbuIcefall #KhumbuGlacier

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