Monday, September 17, 2018

i wish when i wake up every morning

i wish when i wake up every morning
you open your eyes like a sunrise
i am seeing you and you are painting me with your  golden dawn
where your happiness is dancing just like a golden sun

Everyday you move around me like a sun
spread the light wherever i move through your smile
Every evening let's close the eyes with golden dusk
sleep, like the earth roaming around us

when we wake up at night
let's see the moon together
let's feel the motion of moon together
let's hold and share our emotion together

you count the stars from one corner
i count the stars from another corner
let's complete who could count more stars
let's see who could know the more stars

i love to listen the numbers you counted
i love to hear the stars name you shouted
i love to listen the echo of you shouted from moon and stars
i love this moments forever

what a silence, what a pretty moments
i don't want to move  away
i wish moon and stars stop there just like me
you keep echoing and i keep listening

this the light of enlighten
this the moments of joy after enlighten
what a time , what a moment we have
ohh moon, ohh stars, stop there till we don;t move

#Taiwan #Snowpeak #SnowMountain #SyueMountain

#adventure #nature #Mountains

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