Monday, September 17, 2018

How high is high

how high is high
how low is low
how far is far
how near is near 

fear is always so high
tear is always so low
dear is always so far
care is always so near

climb high to avoid the fear
climb down to wiped the tear
move so far to meet the dear
move so near to hear the care

once you summit the high
you will worry the low
once you reach far
you worry the nearer

reality is different than our wish
experience is the best teacher
motion is the power of life
no matter fear, dear, tear, care

i really don't know
i questioned myself more often
i move near to far, far to near
i climb low to high, high to low

i never feel the high
i never feel the low
i never feel the far
i never feel the near

#MountEverest #Nepal
#ClimbEverest #Climb #adventure #Himalayas

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