Wednesday, May 31, 2017

It's Just a Night

it's Just a night
Dark dark night
there is no light

It's a night
million's dreams in mind
Billion's of star in sky

the night get more darker
dreams hike more deeper gorge
stars shine more brighter to catch dream

dreamer's mind, millions dream
darker night, billion stars
both keep chasing each other's shadow

neither they can meet in reality
neither they stop chasing each other
what a thrilling virtual  journey

one sit in corner of earth 
another move in sky
that move become a dream for another

one move in sky
another sit in corner of earth
that sit become a dream for another

a moving star miss the way
fall down to earth as meteor
that fall become fortune vision for another

a dreamer just sit in a corner
wait for fortune meteor
wait for fortune meteor

dreamer fall a sleep
meteor fall in the lake 
romance with the royal duck

meteor hike to up hill
catch the another meteor light
go back with meteor light 

Dreamer wake up
there is no meteor
there is no stars too

it's time , time is life
don't wait for dream
it's time move for dream

Note: all pictures are taken in Rara lake Nepal

This Earth

this earth
this human
this nature
this atmosphere

live here or there
we are on earth
we are with nature
so great atmosphere

we move from here
there is nature in next step
we move from there
there is nature in next step

be in lap of the nature
wander in nature being explorer 
play in nature being adventurer
feel the silence and listen the echo of nature 

Nature is god 
nature is dream
nature is life
nature is everything

Sunday, May 28, 2017

In a memory of may 29

Higher Himalaya
dreaming human
every year come around
explore the route to summit

this year try this route
that year try that route
this year this person die
that year that person die

these year this person reach that high
these year that person  reach that high
keep guessing that person might conquer
leave lots mysteries around

following those mysteries 
listening those echoes
changing the boots
strengthening the mind

Highest mountains
Highest anxiety
Highest dream
highest faith

winner never quit
quitter never win
few person ended their life there
other keep following that foot steps

this person unsuccessful
that person unsuccessful
but our anxiety never unsuccessful
yes, it's may 29 - 1953

May 29 in history
first conquer date of mount Everest
those heroes are Hillary & Tenzing
we are so proud of them

they bet their life for success
success more dear for them than life
so they are rear hero for us
they live forever with us

The day they conquer
we celebrate as sagarmatha day
hundreds follow their foot steps every year 
listen their echo on the way

their echo sounded every steps
the wind says go a head
never look behind once u are ahead
ahead is a dream, ahead is  life

what a inspiring steps they walk
what a inspiring echo they left there
what a inspiring experience they did
we all are following happily

The legends are not here today
we miss their presence
but, we have sagarmatha day to memories them
Happy Sagarmatha (Hillary and Tenzing) day

Note: In a memory of  29 May 1953
Ramesh Simkhada

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Silence of the sky

height of the mountains
tide of the sea
silence of the sky
always calling me

that summit i reach
that tide i swing
that silence i feel
always better than anything

Up up to summit in mountain
up down - up down tide in sea 
zero motion silence  of sky
Highest form of happiness

breathe on the summit
rhythm of the tide
float on silence
no more pain, no more to gain either

Monday, May 22, 2017

i move there thinking one thing

i think
i imagine
i dream
but i don't know
what i really follow

sometime i run in my thought
sometime i jump in my imagination
sometime i chase my dream
sometime i don't know
what these are really

sometime thinks come and sounded in my brain
sometime imagination mirror in my mind
sometime dream pull me away
sometime i really don't know
what i really need to do

i move there thinking one thing
i do this imagining one thing
i fly there dreaming one thing
But I really don't know
what i am really  doing

indeed, we really don't know
life starts without knowing anything
life continue without knowing anything
life end without knowing anything
what a simple reality , we are ignoring

indeed, we all want to achieve too much  in life
our life roaming around achieving this and that
indeed, what we achieve in life except death
so it's time to realize the reality
Life is knowing as much not just seek for achievement

Photo: Rara Lake --- Western Nepal

Yak's walk - yeti's motion,

Yak's walk
yeti's motion
charmness of the mountain
only possible in Himalaya

ringing yak's bell
singing yeti's existance
happiness of the heart
only possible in Himalaya

singing heart
ringing mind
walk on silence motion
only possible in Himalaya
#Nepal #trek

see the golden sun in one corner of the earth,

see the golden sun in one corner of the earth
see the golden mountains in another corner of the earth
Stand in the middle of the golden line  
feel the life in between the golden earth
thrill  the moments with these golden shine
fill all the these beauty inside me
print my heart and mind with golden lights
wander all around the earth to share it

Note: Mount Lhotse view in evening from Chhukung before go to island peak climbing.

this world is amazing

this world is amazing
if you wander amazingly 
This life is amazing
if you explore amazingly

Keep wandering
keep exploring
keep feeling amazing
life will become beautiful

Nepal adventure trekking in Himalaya

Dream is the Power of Life

The person who only imagine the dream
he will reach no where in real life
the person who work  for dream
he will reach in each and every dream he imagined

so stop counting the dreams
start working for dream
never stop walking till reach
dream will stop in destination

Dream is the Power of Life
so never stop dreaming
dream is the motion of life
it takes you here, there & everywhere

#Nepal #Trekking #adventure

When we are happy

When we are happy
we feel, dream is closer and closer
when we gonna be sad
we feel, Dream is moving further and further

happiness pour happiness
starry night pour meteors
cloudy night pour rain
sadness push us further sad

think, how stars are shinning in dark night
Be one of that star and live the happy life even sad time
So don't fear with your sadness
just fear with your ignorance

Note: photos are taken from Ghorepani 2860m during Annapurna poon Hill trekking

Dreams are the hope of life

Dreams are the hope of life
further you walk, will have further hope
once you stop, hopes stop too
when hopes stop, life gonna stop

Never stop marching on your dream
even the world you imagine by dream
may not  appear in reality
it means, life taking you to another dream

When first sight of the Himalaya hit your eyes

When first sight of the Himalaya hit your eyes
You realize beauty and sacredness of Himalaya

When a yak moves around with singing bell
Heal your all the pain and tiredness so easily

i walk, everything stop

i walk, everything stop
i stop, everything move
i sleep, everything awaken
i wake, everything sleep

raining day, i want sun
sunny and hot day, i want rain
cloudy day, i want blue sky
i don't know what i want

when i close eyes, dream come so close
when i open eyes, dream fly miles away
I go here, i heard another place is more beautiful
I go there, i heard another place is more beautiful

these days, i used think
what is beauty?
why everyone talking about beauty
why we all are chasing for beauty

is there anything ugly?
i question myself
i don't find anything ugly
then, why we talk about beauty and ugly

we born with problem
we grew with problem
problem drag us here and there
we just follow the problem

we always complain problem
i have this and that problem
but we never think what is problem
we never realize our problem thought is our real problem

i used to hear often, i love freedom

i used to hear often
i love freedom
i always think what is freedom
but i never find answer till now

we say this in a name of freedom
we do that in a name of freedom
But why the things never make us happier
i think, it's the time to redefine the definition of freedom 

one say this is freedom
another say that is freedom
we  heard this  and try do this
we read that and try to do that

but at the end nothing work perfectly
so what's the freedom in reality
freedom is just a sentiment of expressing
but it's not easy to practice all sentiments in real life

i used think,Freedom means full free
is it really  possible to live a life free from everything?
I think no and almost impossible
you might think why why

we live a life with fear
fear of food
fear of love
fear of wealth

we need lover
we need society
we need property
we need modern amenities

indeed, we are just a slave
we never free from slavery 
we carry the fear in heart and mind
but sing a freedom song from mouth

we see  lions and deer in jungle 
we feel they are so happy and free
but we never know their pain
how much they struggle for food and to be survived

real freedom is just like holding the rain-line and touch the sky
so it's better not think too much about it and live frustrated life
it's better enjoy that life what you have and what around you
self exploration and self knowing is the reality of freedom, indeed  

Note: These pictures are taken in Karnali zone ( western part of Nepal)

Dreams are very strange

Dreams are very strange
sometime it takes me here
sometimes it takes me there
never let me stop in point 

Dreams are very strange
sometime i wish silent moon in day
sometimes i wish hot sun in night
never know what's in mind

Dreams are very strange 
once, one dream come in reality
hundreds other show up in surface 
never know which one i should follow

Dreams are very strange
one day we follow one
another day we follow another
never stop following this and that

Dreams are very strange always
it shows up here sometime
it shows up there sometime
we keep chasing here and there

Dreams are very strange always
life start chasing the dreams
life end chasing the dreams
realize it, before become too late
Ramesh Simkhada

Note: pictures are taken in island peak base camp at night

Fortunes are Flying all over

fortunes are flying all over
unlucky person look the thing by eyes
lucky person feel the thing by inner soul
so we are divided differently

believes are unbelievable
one believe in one thing
another believe in another
we don't believe in same

we talk same thing
we target same destination
we say same like and dislike
once, we set up, we are not same

Ramesh Simkhada

Note: All the pictures are taken around Gokyo Valley Everest

Thursday, May 11, 2017

indeed, what is the Freedom

i used to hear often
i love freedom
i always think what is freedom
but i never find answer till now

we say this in a name of freedom
we do that in a name of freedom
But why the things never make us happier
i think, it's the time to redefine the definition of freedom 

one say this is freedom
another say that is freedom
we  heard this  and try do this
we read that and try to do that

but at the end nothing work perfectly
so what's the freedom in reality
freedom is just a sentiment of expressing
but it's not easy to practice all sentiments in real life

i used think,Freedom means full free
is it really  possible to live a life free from everything?
I think no and almost impossible
you might think why why

we live a life with fear
fear of food
fear of love
fear of wealth

we need lover
we need society
we need property
we need modern amenities

indeed, we are just a slave
we never free from slavery 
we carry the fear in heart and mind
but sing a freedom song from mouth

we see  lions and deer in jungle 
we feel they are so happy and free
but we never know their pain
how much they struggle for food and to be survived

real freedom is just like holding the rain-line and touch the sky
so it's better not think too much about it and live frustrated life
it's better enjoy that life what you have and what around you
self exploration and self knowing is the reality of freedom, indeed  

Note: These pictures are taken in Karnali zone ( western part of Nepal)

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

काठमाडौलाइ के भो के भो

काठमाडौलाइ के भो के भो
यताउती हेरि हेरि टोलाइरहेछ
बाटोमा देख्ने सबैलाई बोलाईरहेछ
तर सबै नसुने झै हिडिरहेछन 

देवभुमी पनि हेर्दा हेर्दै दानवभुमी भाकोछ
भत्किएका मन्दिरमा अड्कियो नजर
डुडालमा कुदिएका आकिर्ती रहेछन अजर
आकितृका नयनले मलाइ लाउछन नजर

कसले बुझ्छन टुडालका कथा - ब्यथा
कसले खोज्छन टुडालका देवि- देवता
कसले पुज्छन भत्किएका चर्किएका भगवान
अब हेर्नू छ कस्ले भर्छ काठमान्डूको आखामा खुशी

बढेको उमेर, उढेको रङ्ग

बढेको उमेर
उढेको रङ्ग
फुलेको दारी
पिथ्युमा सयकिलोको भारी

कहिले चढ्छु खुम्बु खोलाको उकाली
भरेर डोको सयकिलोको भारी
पछि झर्छु खुम्बु खोलाको ओराली
पुर्याएर डोकाभरिका भारी

शहर परदेश जादा सुने
भारी बोक्ने गाडीलाइ लरि भन्दा रैछन
यता वारि, हाम्रा भिर पाखा भरी
हामी नै पो रहिछौ त्यो लरि, हरे म कठैबरी

त्यतै कतै उकालिमा लरि बन्दै हिंड्दा
भट्टी पसलका चरिहरुले चियाएर हेर्दा
भारी यसो टेको लगाएर मुसुक्क हासिदिन्थे
हासोसङ्गै सिङो जवानी पठाइदिन्ठे

उनिहरु मन-मनैले बोलायर नजर अन्तै डुलाइदिन्थे
म उनिहरुलाइ हेरि हेरि मनलाइ हलुङ्गो बनाइदिन्थे
उनिहरु सयकिलोको भारी त्यतैकतै लुकाइदिन्थे
लुकाएको भारिमा अर्को सयकिलोको माया थपिदिन्थे

त्यो दिनको सम्झना त्यो समिप्यता
कती मीठो थियो त्यो हाम्रो गोप्यता
कता गइन आज उनी , छैनन यतातिर
दारी फुलेको म बूढो, छिटै बन्दैछु मुडो

एके चोटि नेपाल घुमेर हेर

एके चोटि नेपाल घुमेर हेर
हिमालको कन्चन पानीमा डुबेर हेर
कति कन्चन छ त्यो पानी
एक अन्जुली उठाएर हेर

जाउ हिन हेर्न आमाको मुहार
हिमालयको फेद गङ्गाको शिर
सुकेको घाँस फुटेको ढुङ्गा
जमेको पानी लुकेको जवानी

त्यो भिर अनि पाखा र पखेराहरु
त्यही बिचमा बग्ने कन्चन नदि र नालाहरु
त्यही रम्ने अनि खेल्ने डाफे र मुनालहरु
त्यही फुल्ने गुरासहरु डुल्ने कस्तुरी हरु

सुन्नुस हजुर अब गजब नेपालको अजब कथा

सुन्नुस हजुर अब
गजब नेपालको अजब कथा

कोहिले दिए बन्दुक हातमा
कोहिले राखिदिए पासपोर्ट गोजिमा
बन्दुक हातमा, मन मस्तिष्क युद्धमा
पासपोर्ट गोजिमा, मन मस्तिष्क विदेशमा

सुन्नुस हजुर अब
गजब नेपालको अजब कथा

कोहि गए युद्धमा क्रान्ती गर्नलाइ
कोहि गए विदेशमा परिवार पाल्नलाइ
नेता मात्र शेष रहे हाम्रो नेपालमा
विकासमात्र शेष रह्यो हाम्रो नेपालमा

जोइपोइ  पार्टीका बडे नेता
छोरा, छोरी बुहारी युवा नेता
नाति नातिना विद्यार्थी नेता
उफ!! जनता गए कता कता

सुन्नुस हजुर अब
गजब नेपालको अजब कथा

पोइ प्रत्याक्षमा चुनाब लड्ने
जोईलाई सपानुपातिक बाट लुत्त छिराउने
व्यापारी चन्दामा समानुपातिक पद किन्ने
यिनीहरुमा लाज सरम सकिएपछी हाम्ले के भन्ने

सि र डि ग्रेडलाई आरक्षणबाट अधिकृत बनाउने
ए र बि ग्रेडलाइ दुबइ कतार पठाउने
अनि हाम्रो नेपाल कल्ले बनाउने
विचरा ती टाउको भएको दिमाग नभएका मुर्कट्टाहरुले

अब सुन्न के नै बाकी रह्यो र
गजब नेपालको अजब कथा

कोइ कोइ बौलाएका छन यहाँ
जय नेपाल भन्न लजाएका छन यहाँ
कोइ कोइ राष्टियता भजाई रहेका छन यहाँ
कोइ कोइ नेपाली भन्न लजाइ रहेका छन यहाँ

कस्ले कल्लाइ के भन्ने यहाँ
च्याउ भन्दा धेरै पार्टी उम्रीएका छन यहाँ
जनता भन्दा नेता धेरै भए यहाँ
अब अङ्गिकृत नेता थप्यो भने के होला यहाँ

अब सुन्न के नै बाकी रह्यो र
गजब नेपालको अजब कथा

Today is Full moon, Buddha Purnima

Today is full moon Moon with full circle A person born with full brain Brain with full of silence silence is a mode everybody can't turn on life into silent mode everybody can't feel it But everybody can talk about it the person who feel it won't talk about it just practice the person who won't feel it only talk talk talk his illusion just like selling veg in street i am the best i study here i do live here i have this i have that i been here here i been there there i have million fan i have million bla bla bla I met this president That president is my friend this is just a some's business the person who follow/believe this won't achieve the happiness silence is much more further steps than happiness their life will end as pain/regret too no wonder when where and how the earth is round the needle of the watch always form a circle the life start and end at the same way we came with nothing and go with nothing too we all know this but how many of us really realize it this is the different theme of thought today is full moon the day Shiddharth Gautam was born he grew up as prince like other does He had palace, people and so on he had wife, son , parents indeed , he was the waiting king waiting king deserve everything to be king but his heart and mind seeking different mode of life yes, he keep thinking and thinking he couldn't think anything he feel he has nothing Even he is a waiting king Indeed, all the state was his But why he had a feeling he is missing something inside him he met many famous saint he did his best to find out the answer he always feel the answer is just surface he always wonder why no one can give me correct answer he spent month year to find the answer he talk in day with famous saint he questioned himself at night what the saint told are really true if that really true why i am not happy with their answer he kept hitting his own question himself he did stay in garden in middle of night he kept himself waking in bed all night he thought this and that he couldn't silent his moon he couldn't silent his mind and heart he was listening a echo of Buddha Buddha was calling him he could feel something he could listen something but he couldn't hear anything Today is full moon Siddhartha gautam left the home indeed not only home but also his throne too moon was as bight as sun wife and sun sleeping in bed he just came out from room he saw a full circle moon he thought why my brain is not as full as moon a white horse seen in a bit further distant indeed, it's he own horse he used to ride to go here and there he suddenly feel he is listening something he woke up a person the person is his friend and also work in palace full circle moon two person , two horses seeking for full circle brain mood two person left the palace in midnight move to the unknown and unseen journey After the sun come with brightness Siddharth sent his friend back palace The real journey from darkness to brightness just begin or the journey to make half brain to full Once you don't feel the darkness you will never know the brightness he kept meeting lots saint again discuss several matter no one can answer him perfectly or that's not that answer he was seeking for he keep moving himself here and there he lost himself in middle of his question he began self performing yoga he practiced meditation live life without food several days, month too yoga realize him the discipline of body Meditation helps him to move to silent mode He did practice this several years sometime just under the tree sometime just sit on stones once he could feel the silent he could forget everything when he out from the silent mode he could see/fee the things differently it's already six years in jungle living a live without nothing living a life without no one just meditation meditation and meditation Today is the full moon siddharth gautam reached/achieved the silence or realize the reality of life the day siddharth found Buddha inside him Then, He become Buddha from Siddharth now we all know him as Buddha silence is the highest form of intelligence silence is one only one mode the make your brain fullest silence is the only mode that help you to realize the reality of life Today is the full moon look at the moon with full circle seek the Buddha inside you if you can feel, you are on the way if you can't feel, you need to practice more you need to concentrate more Buddha is not the name for worship Buddha is the light Buddha is the power Buddha is form to clear/clean inner soul Buddha is the simplest person i have ever heard indeed, he earned nothing indeed, he made nothing But create a form of life create a journey to happiness create a journey silence silence is highest form of intelligence but you couldn't achieve it through any university The real university is nature only Buddha knew the power of nature he practiced it and achieve it it's our time to find Buddha inside us I wish to this world everyone become Buddha Today is the full moon the moon with full circle today is the day Buddha was burn today was the day he was enlighten with silence Today is the day he left us today is the day he ended his words it's your turn to find Buddha inside you you won't be Buddha making temple for me you won't be Buddha worshiping me you won't be Buddha carving my statue/words on wall you won't be Buddha collecting donation in my name you won't be Buddha donating in my name you won't be Buddha locking me in temple alone this all can help you to carve your name on wall many can see your name with me on wall carving name together on wall , does't mean we are friend you can see tiger and deer live in jungle but do you think, are they a friend? so i hope you all know what i mean you simply keep me in inside you you practice what i did in my life i hope you all achieve the higher level of silence than i feel happy birthday to you Buddha keep blessing me keep inspiring me Thank you Buddha I am a silence seeker like you a true follower/performer but not worshiper

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Fairly tale snow princess

When i was small
sometime someone told the fairly tale story
fairly tale prince come to romance in earth
fairly tale process hide somewhere in darkness

prince run here and there to find princess
princess hide herself here and there
they kept moving here and there like cat & rat
once brightness come they disappear

when i grow up
i become a fairly tale price
I run this mountain to that mountain
my princess only blur up her shadow

I keep following the shadow
kept moving here and there in snow
finally saw standing somewhere lonely
neither smiling nor crying

she prepare the chair for me just behind her
i just went and sit silently
neither move nor any gesture
i just sit there waiting her

she never turns back
sun is moving on in it’s own orbit
shadow moves around like clock
but she never moves even a little

I fell a sleep
suddenly i woke up
her shadow touching me
i think it’s her, come to hold me

indeed it’s not true
it’s just her shadow
i  am there,she is there
just in peace and silent

neither she called me nor i called her
neither she moved here nor i moved there
we keep waiting one move to other’s side
It didn’t not happen

sun gone leaving us in darkness
fairly tale stories ended with bightness
my stories ended with darkness
indeed it’s life, nothing are endless  

  #nepal   #Adventure   #Trekking

simplicity is the real life

stars never stop roaming in sky
mind never stop exploring everywhere
eyes never stop visioning further
heart never stop searching all around

these are the appetite to live a life
it shows the colors for life
it leaves the colors in life
it educated the education of life

it's a life
it starts with black & white
it colored many being in time
it ended with black and white

colors are just the guest in our life
it appears in while somewhere
it disappear in while unknowingly
simplicity is the real life

rain fall in a yard

rain fall in a yard
bubble sing and dance in yard
bubble appear and disappear in yard
bubble life is so short in yard

bubble drop as a water
sing and dance just a while
move here and there just a while
again back to become a water

Happiness and sadness are just the bubbles of water
it exist in your life always
the differences are some rains have bubble, some may not have
but, rain never care have bubbles or not

After all life is just a rain
it keeps inhale and exhale no matter of happy or sad
You won't see the bubble in every rain
You won't feel the sad in every pain

Adventure heart only listen the music of Mountains

Adventure heart only listen the music of Mountains
here or there or Everywhere they go only mountains
mountain soul never stop mountaineering
never need to know the outside weather sunny, cloudy, raining or snowing
never care day or night just keep moving
always feel enlighten weather here or there or everywhere they goes
Everyday sunny in sounded mind
it is mountain madness

#Winter #Everest #expedition #news
never stop dreaming and Daring


experience the life by flying sometime
experience the life by adventuring sometime
experience the life by differently always
afterwards you will know the exploration

The day is fear by job

the day is fear by job
night is fear by ghost
time is fear by test
life is fear by love

first all these comes as hear (echo)
Then after it turns to tear
after wards appear as pain
there won't have any gain

so always stay tune
refine the purity from inside
purify the sacredness from innersoles
discover your own sacredness and live happy

Real god and goddess are nature

Real god and goddess are nature

I have nothing to take from any religion. I have nothing to give for any religion. Religion was a way to rule/control the people and exaggerated  their heroics character to  fear the normal people by their darling addicts or secret paid mafia. They killed million people in Name of religion. Rulers and their big mafia were hardly dead. All who dead are simple/normal people or poor people.Personally i don't worship any person or philosophy as a religion. Our real religion is not Hinduism, Buddhism, Muslim, Christianity or so on. It should be a tradition. We live in different part of the earth. we have been creating and following different tradition in different era. We better stop changing others tradition and culture. We must stop doing missionaries in a name of different religion. It's all our duty to protect our tradition and exist it for coming generations too. Hope, After reading this you all will appreciate it. All of you will Stop sending your kids to religious missionaries. I suggest to send them for nature exploration where inner power, energy, motivations are waiting in each and steps you move on.

    I worship Nature like Himalaya mountains, sun moon-stars-sky, mountain, tree, stone- soil, Air- water- snow. These are my real god and goddess. I feel happy standing around nature. We have to stop destroying the forest and build the temple/church/mosque and so on. We better use money to build school and teach the new generation about Nature, power of Nature, being in Nature and so on. The life becomes more meaningful, happy, peaceful once you connect with nature. Once you could connect with nature, you could listen/feel the silence. you don't need to move any where for silence. Without floating into the silence, you will never achieve/feel/gain the happiness and peace from inside. You can pretend it in appearance but it won't remain that with longer with you. You can simply realize the reality. simply start being in nature, connect with nature, talk with nature, talk about nature, feel the nature into you, fill the nature power into you. Life will change. feeling will change. you will feel the difference. you will feel like you have a different life. you feel, you are very light now just like a dry leaf. you can float everywhere how the leaf float in water or air. after this you feel, you are human. you will get what you really wish to gain. You won't have any anxiety. you will feel utmost peace and happy inside you. You don't need to move here and there for any reason. you will find anything around you. you will see everything around you. it is called naturism. so believe in nature and follow the nature and protect it and worship it.

when i stand on a rock,i see the mountains in front of me. River flowing on the bottom of the mountains. sun is moving from east to west. Trees are standing and dancing with wind. When dancing trees blow the wind towards my presence, It comes and covers me into wind. Blow me into it. I lost into it. I fly to wind to summit of mountains. I fly to river and swim to the exit point. I fly to moon and  feel the peace/silence in it's  presence. I fly to the sun and feel the energy and positive thought in it's presence. i fly to stars and stroll in sky from one stars to another. Eyes are real light to see the power of nature. Brains drag us to around through the imagination. our hearts float in imagination and stroll around where our sight could reach  through the imagination.

This is how our brains, eyes, hearts connect each others and take us to everywhere more further than we have thought or imagined. Only mountains and nature can connect your eyes, mind and heart together at the same time. when heart, mind and eyes comes to the one point, it becomes the soul. once you can create your soul inside you and connect with the nature directly with your soul, is the greatest point of the sacredness. Hardly current human walk towards and reach there.

At the end, something bitter or not good in listen but very nice, peaceful and happy in practice. We all know that  Buddha just realize the reality under utmost practice to connect with nature. Afterwards he was enlightened. He was enlightened by Nature. So he is naturism. Most of  his followers make huge temple sit near his statue and ask for blessing or enlightenment with Buddha. We all never realize that Buddha did not get enlightenment sitting near some person's (god) statue or inside some temple.  He formed his own way to connect with nature and practice it continuously till his eyes, mind and heart feel or see the same thing in same way. it's call the Naturism or simplicity.  He worshiped nature. He told everything has it's one life. So we better not kill anything. Let it be alive and live their own life.

We can see in current world. Millions are  following Buddha. But why we couldn't born another Buddha. The answer is clear. The path we are walking is not right path. the way if you want to reach the destination, you have to find the right path and walk in right path. Buddha walk into nature be Be naturism and we walk into Buddha to be Buddha. How it could be inter-connected, i have been wondering these days. I have been feeling that it's the time to re-correct ourselves to change our path and thought. It's the only way to protect earth. it's the perfect way to be a simple human being.
#cleanyourPath #createyourSoul #clearyourSight #Cleanandclearyourself

Nature lover move to altitude

Dark dark night
unlimited crevasses
Determined mind
highest point's anxiety

Nature lover move to altitude
dance in darkness for adventure
carry the utmost anxiety inside
experience the brightness in darkness.

Explorers know the beauty of Nature

explorers  know the beauty of Nature
so often go to nature for adventure
explorers can feel the silence of nature
so often go to nature and stroll around

explorers know the view of summit
explorers know the feeling of summit
explorers knows the moments in summit
so, explorers never stop reaching to summit

Summiters know the surface of summit
once they back home, they miss the smell of mountains
once they talk with friends, they listen the echo of summit
So, summiters always looking for another summit

If earth life is 1000 years more, how long is Himalaya life?

If earth life is 1000 years more, how long is Himalaya life?
These day i am rarely touched or impressed by any political news. I think all the politician are just the magician of earlier century. Their inner wish or goal are just trouble others. They spent 99% of their time to think how to create problem/conflict in other country. So they are just a dead tree for me. I never expect greenery in deed tree. Mean these dead thought leaders never ever do any thing for mankind or humanity,peace and happy life for Human, animals and Nature.
I saw/read a news yesterday in Newspaper that scientist Stephen Hawking declared the earth life is only around 1000 years due to the climate changed and so on issues.  He also suggested new generation to see the sky than land. Seeing the sky can fly you to the some planet through the imagination. I ever read that imagination is more powerful than knowledge. whatever so on. My generation couldn't expect to move another planet but nothing is impossible. Let's live the life with with good hope and thought.

I myself falling love with Himalaya. My life is always moving around Himalaya. I couldn't imagine my life without Himalaya. I listen the echo of Himalaya. More over i love to listen the stories from local about the their ancient thought and practice about Himalaya.

Sometime they say there was this thing
sometime they say there was that thing
i think myself where is that and this thing now
This kind of question has been hitting my head long time

sometime they say this season used to be like this
sometime they say this season used to be like that
i think myself why this and that not happening in those season
This kind of question has been asking myself long time

life moving here and there
meet different people here and there
listen this and that stories here and there
keep me always waken and lighten me

inner sentiments sometime higher to the Summit of Everest
inner sentiments sometimes down to bottom of the sea
wherever the sentiments go it doesn't matter once sense dead
waken soul roaming around and listening the echo

it's up-to you waken or not
you wanted to waken or live with dead sense
it's you life , it's your time
I am trying to waken, let's see i could or not

I have been several places of Himalayan zone. One of that is Everest/Khumbu  trekking area. I just choose this because every body know Mt. Everest . Every time i go kalapatthar 5545m and look around. I always imagine when did kalapatthar had permanent snow? or since when kalapatthar lost snow and become kalapatthar (black stone) ? Probably, this is just my stupid question. So i tried hard to keep inside my little brain.

After read the Stephen Hawking yesterday, my little brain smashed.   Then it drawn me to several Himalaya glacier, it melted and form lake these days due the climate change/global warming. So the Numbers of Lake are increasing. they have been being the youngest lake in the earth. When i stand in 5k altitude and see the surface. Normally, I used to see the dry/dead glacier. hardly can see the snow in glacier these days. only concrete and kind of sand on top later and inside some ice layers. Some part ice layers are always dead and other never know how deep the ice layers. we need to research to know the real information.

Year by year lakes size are increasing. it means earth is getting warm day by day. So the glacier are being lakes. some Glaciers which are lowers than 4500m in Himalayas area, there are not any ice to melt and form the lake. This the most painful thing to see during the trekking in Himalaya for me. So they are like a dead or dry glacier. My generation is facing this. What will be for the 50, 100, 300, 500,700 years later.

I every time i go to Kalapatthar and see the Khumbu glacier. I always think khumbu glacier is waiting to be khumbu lake. I often imagine that one day we need to boat to go Camp 1 from Base camp or we will set up new camp across the lake as Everest advence base camp. how long the Khumbu icefall will exist there? My last two Everest expedition i have observed it in details. So it won't be a wonder for me , if one day Khumbu ice-fall becomes the khumbu waterfall and khumbu glacier becomes the khumbu lake. you can surf in khumbu lake and take shower in Khumbu waterfall. This can be a greatest and adventurist dream for the upcoming generation.

When i walk around Khumbu glacier, I used to see many many small crevasse lakes. it has been changing it's shape always. Mostly the size has bee getting bigger and bigger year by year. Some are disappears and some are merging and getting bigger. When i see this year by year. I used to think the day to see the Khumbu waterfall and khumbu lake it not that far.

you might wonder what about the Climb Everest. You still can climb Everest if it still exist there. it will be rocking climbing than snow climbing. Khumbu icefall can be a tough rock climbing part too. or there might have new airport in between the camp 1 and camp2 around. you directly can fly to the current camp 2. then you can summit the Everest in less than week time. what a wonderful world we are forming. we still need around 2 month for Everest summit and it gonna be just in week. Still, they may make cable car to summit. it's more easy for everybody who wish to reach the highest point. If Stephen Hawking declaration become wrong, future-st generation will live this life. I think even his declaration is right, it is possible in next 3-5 hundred time.

So Scientist Stephen Hawking said that the earth life is all about 1000 years. I am wondering about the Himalaya's life. I would like to ask him about Himalaya's life. How long the Himalaya can exist/stand here as Himalaya. Himalaya means ( Home of Snow). I wonder Himalaya become kalopahad (  black rock mountain) soon.

The day Himalaya exit from earth and become kalapahad (black mountain). Human life also on the way to exit from the earth. The creature with the higher sense live around the Himalaya are Human. So we couldn't imagine human life without Himalaya. My Himalaya definition is: The Mountains  where snow remain 12 month in year called Himalaya. There are several Himalayas around the earth. we Just have given different name based on our social belief and tradition.

So at the last, If you want to save the earth, first, think how to save Himalayas/mountains. We couldn't imagine life with out these precious nature around us. The life will not be a life without clean water and clear air. If we continue as same as we heading. I think Himalayas life is not more than 4-6 hundred. If the temperature goes higher as current way. it gonna be another sun soon.

Let's wish good earth
let's make good earth
let's be serious for earth
let's make earth life longer

Are you ready ?
surely i am ready.

See the Beauty of nature in picture

See the Beauty of nature in picture
always inspire for an adventure

walking through the beauty of nature
always thrilled from inside with adventure

nature will be your best lover
Adventure will be the bridge to reach the nature

Once you fall in love with nature
you never be alone in this world

Note: The view is from Everest  camp 3
Dreaming to summit Everest, you can write me.

A bit Higher than me

A bit Higher than me
Himalayan snow Hills
A bit lower than me
Himalayan snow glaciers

I am in the middle somewhere
there are crevasses around me
life is singing around crevasse
avalanches are ringing around crevasse

once you are there
you will forgot the life
once you forgot the life
there is nothing to worry

#Nepal #Everest #Climbing

a day without sun won't be like a day

a day without sun won't be like a day
a night without stars won't be like a night

a life without happiness won't be like a life
a life without sadness won't be like a life

sun comes from one corner and goes from another corner
happiness comes from one corner and goes from another corner

stars appears in darkness and disappears in brightness
sadness appears in absence of happiness and disappear in  happiness's presence

day and night show up in a motion of sun
Happiness and sadness show up just strengthen your life

sadness just clean up your though and clear your soul
be friendly and live optimistically your life, sun will shine next morning

once a full-moon gone , darkness shine around
once darkness gone, happiness shine around

Note: All the Photos are taken around Everest base camp during our Everest expedition

Nothing more beautiful than Himalayas

Nothing more beautiful than Himalayas
So we love to see and feel the Himalayas

Nothing more higher than Himalayas
So we love to climb and feel the highest Altitude

Nothing more pure than Himalayas
so we like to feel it and purify our inner soul

Nothing more sacred than Himalayas
so we like to enter the door of sacredness

Life is uncertain So we have unlimited dreams

Life is uncertain
So we have unlimited dreams

beauty of Himalaya are mysterious
once we feel always wish more and more

beauty is the path of Happiness
once we walk never wish to leave

Happiness is the ultimate goal of life
once we conquer never wish to descent

Milky way is my way

Milky way is my way
wherever i go
it always appears in different corner
come and echo in my dream

sink in silence
shower in meteor
fly to space by inner connection
stroll in space by inner light

Life disappear somewhere for a while
life appear somewhere for a while
always stroll here and there
sometimes in silence and sometimes in meteor

Note: this milky way pictures taken from Lobuche 4950m during my Everest base camp trek

I go Himalaya more often

I go Himalaya more often
every time shout  me differently
every time it  inspires  me in differently
Himalaya are so mysterious

sometimes i go Himalaya
i feel like it's a my real home
sometimes i go Himalaya
i feel like it's my only one good friend

i couldn't think what is Himalaya for me
it's always motivating me mysteriously
i never stop going to Himalaya
Himalaya never stop motivating me

my journeys never end
Himalayan mysterious never out
what a sacred friendship we had
always brighten our inner soul

Himalaya are the mother god
Himalaya are the spirit of Mother
Himalaya are the mother of all
Himalaya are so mysterious

There are two things are worshiped
one is real mother of you
another one is real mother of earth, Himalaya
Both are sacred and worshiped    

Hike to hills

Hike to hills
see the surface
feel the power
heal the rush and cross

slumber on the top of hills
close the eyes
open your inner insight
travel the universe through inner sight

you will see unlimited lights
you will  meet unlimited  sights
you will feel unlimited echo of lights
you will meet unlimited echo of sights

listen the echo you like most
choose the light you like most
catch the sight you like most
just slumber on it and set  your journey

You will reach nowhere than happy land
you will feel somewhere better than home
so keep hiking once a week at least
slumber on top of the hill and travel  the universe from your inside

Then Happiness are dancing around you
happiest echo's are chasing you
Then life will become life
live a life better than you imagine or dream

Note: Photos are taken during the Everest Base camp trek.
#nepal #Everest #trek

I hardly know what my heart's really want

I hardly know what my heart's really want
my heart roaming around mountain always
my heart jumping from one to another mountains always
my heart flying from one to another summits always

I hardly know what my heart's really want
my heart playing with moonlight at night
my heart following the moon at night
my heart climbing the highest point to catch the moon

I hardly know what my heart's really want
my heart talking with sunlight everyday
my heart flight with sunlight everyday
my heart reach everywhere with sunlight everyday

hearts motion control by it's bit
life motion control by darkness and brightness
your motion control by your wish and need
life is just about wish and need
#Nepal #Himalaya #trekking

Wish Happy Dipawali to all my friends.

Wish Happy Dipawali to all my friends.

Dipawali is the festival of light . The light you lighten surrounded, will indeed inlighten you from inside. its the festive/moments to erase the gap in between day and night or happiness and sadness or so on.

today i just stood in the nature's light. i walked with the nature's light. i filled it into me. i love these sort of light which comes around with me and dance around me. it goes dancing inside me when i closed my eyes to feel and see it from inside. its called the power of universe. i am roaming around universe, universe roaming to find find purifier around us.

lets stop the artificial lights. these are more pollution than source of inner light . lets lit a light how our ancestor used too at least for one moments of year.
go to nature
connect with adventure
lit the light what presence happiness
lit the light what presence silence

Wish Happy Dipawali to you, your family and friends. Hope and wish this Dipawali helps to purify your darkness to lightness, your sadness to Happiness. Believe yourself, purify yourself, this is the good beginning. when you have begun, you will reach somewhere no matter how far. so Never give up. Happy Dipawali to all.

Full Moon Light in Island peak base camp

can we make every night like this ?
if  we can't for every night
i can make your one night at least.
Dream beautiful and climb with me

It is a Full Moon Evening in Island peak Base camp 5050m . Island peak is one of the most popular trekking peak in Himalaya. It's just located 2 days trek from Dingboche to Dingboche , During the Everest Basecamp Trek. I am thinking for nice night shot with lots stars. But i know there is a big moon around me. It's very bright. Weather was cloudy in afternoon but some peaks were visible.  It happens same in Evening too. I hike up 5 minutes to see the Imja Tsho and it's a bit dark. So view of imja tsho was not that clear but view of Moon was clear.

When i am on the ridge of  Imja Tsho, I find moon was so big and beautiful. When i walk to top Nima and Wakil both chase me. I imagine to  take full moon picture with their gusture is more meaningfull.  So i did.

After that we down to island peak base camp.  I set up the tripod and took some pictures. Weather is really unpredictable at that time.

Clouds are moving so fast
cover this peak now
cover another peak in while

Clouds are moving so fast
blue sky appear now
Blue sky dissapear in while

Clouds are moving so fast
stars appear now
Stars disappear now

Clouds are moving so fast
my camera click now
Don't know what will be in pictures

Clouds are moving so fast
my game continue with clouds
clouds game continue with me

Clouds are moving so fast
It is Cloud and me
It is me and cloud

Clouds are moving so fast
Cloud keep moving
I keep clicking

We keep playing
We keep moving
we keep having fun

we keep playing always
we keep happy always
we be friends always

Mt. Ama dablam 6856m, Princess/Queen of Himalayas

Mt. Ama dablam 6856m, Princess/Queen of Himalayas

It was morning time in lobuche peak base camp. I thought weather was again cloudy. I didnt see  any brightness from tent too. I was sleeping inside tent and talk with Nima. Suddenly Elton called me and show me the nice mountain view pictures he took in morning.  I came out and see around. it's really nice weather. there were some clouds around mixing with blue sky. when you see the white snowy peaks after several days cloudy weather, you will feel fairly tale's princess in front of you. Then i ask Nima walk to see Chola Tsho. One the way there is  is a small pool with very clean and clear water. Not much different than mirror. My eyes suddenly saw Mt. Ama Dablam 6856m mountain mirroring on Lake.  My camera could not stop to click. I think my camera is the most hungry camera in the world. Rest words see the pictures and imagine yourself and write yourself in your soul or as comment below.
Have a good day and weekend.

it's a Life in Himalaya

it's a Life in Himalaya
wake up in mid night
put the bag on back
walk with moon and stars

the faster i move
moon run with me
the slower i move
moon walk with me

breathe goes faster and faster
heart ask for a rest
mind says go go
It's dangerous here

My feet keep moving
just following the human caravan in front
my heart and mind keep fighting each other
i move higher and higher listening them

Eyes looking for rest place
legs wishing for rest
heart willing for break
never know what life willing for

some people say life is in pain
some people say life in happiness
but everyone's life in silence here
just busy listening the various echo

crossing the verge of ice fall
reaching the higher height
taking out the bag from back
it's time for breathe & break

Journey to Himalaya continue forever
never stop till my heart has a bit
i love the moments in Himalaya
it gives me tremendous happiness

so don't afraid with nature
be friendly with adventure
it helps to write your different life venture
after wards you will be real human creature

#Nature #adventure #Himalaya
#climbing #Everest
#climb #Himalaya
#Everyone #everyday #dream So #iDODREAM

when i go for walk, i only dream to see Himalayas

when i go for walk
i only dream to see Himalayas

when i go for hike
I only see the Himalayas

When i go for trek
i walk around the Himalaya

When i go for peak climb
I am on the top of Snow hill

When i go for Expedition
I am on the Highest snow Hill

Highest snow  hills are the Himalayas
this is where i love to be always

#Nepal #Himalaya #climbing
#adventure #himalaya #Trekking
#Nepalguide #NepalAdventureguide

somebody just see the pictures

somebody just see the pictures
somebody just look the pictures
somebody just feel the pictures
somebody love to read the pictures

what you really prefer
seeing the pictures
feeling the pictures
looking the pictures
reading the pictures

I prefer to read the picture
feel the picture after read
look at the all stories flying on pictures frame
then see the stories dancing on picture and entertain myself

So i do love to click around me
so i do like to click the gesture around  me
all the clicks are the stories of my life
Love to see it when i am free and entertain myself from inside

#maountain #nepal #Expedition #trekking #holiday

universe is the source of power

universe is the source of power
it keeps moving hour and hour
never stop brightness or darkness
it keeps roaming year and year

sun sent the happiness in a day with sun light
moon sent the happiness at night with moon light
stars  sent echo of happiness whole night
not sure how many of you can listen/feel this echo

what we need is, believe
what we should do is, practice
what we should  feel is, silence
what we should get is, enlighten

A dream is not a only dream

A dream is not a only dream
its the wish of life
its the power of life
its the destination of life

once you reach in dream
you reach the destination
you will see the another dream
then, you will dream for new Destination

twinkle stars moving over our head
they are not only the stars
they are our dream
they are our destination

dream is our orbit of life
we stroll in dream
we swing on dream
we never stop on our dream

dreams are our wishes flying over the Himalaya like clouds
so no need to dig to find out you
just find the dark night and turn head up
you will be dragging my sight being the brightest star

निलो निलो आकाश मुनि

निलो निलो आकाश मुनि
सेतो सेतो हिमाल
नाच्दै नाच्दै आउँछे
डाफे अनि मुनाल

वारि डाडा पारी डाडा
डाफे गीत गाउछे
त्यही गीत सुनी सुनी
पारी मुनाल नाचिदिन्छे

वारि डाँडा पारी डाँडा
बिचमा खोला सुसेली दिन्छे
त्यही सुसेलीसगै
हाम्रो माया साटिदिन्छे

Higher lands are Himalayas

Higher lands are Himalayas
where sun rises first
where sun sets last
where first and last meet

Himalayas are the home of nature
where beauties are hidden
where happiness are open
where peace is still remain

Himalayas are the life of human
where water remains as ice
where ice melted and become water
where water start to flow like life

short Collection poem -3

I love Himalaya
so i go to see my love
forget my pain seeing my love
refill happiness walking around with her
Back home with freshness
bring back my smile
bring back memories
tune on my mood and energy

Welcome to Himalaya
you might think what is Himalaya
Where is Himalaya
simply you can say
Higher-lands are Himalaya
Home of snow also are called Himalaya
snowline are Himalaya
it's Everywhere around the world
you can , you decide
how high you gonna imagine
Highest lands are Himalaya
Highest Himalaya in Nepal
Every time i go trek
i see something different
i feel something different
something new show up
Sighting around my eyes
roaming around my mind
something enter my heart
clean and clear my soul
Blessing blessed with that light
that's the blessing light


it's a sun
feeling a fun
let's go a mountain
just relief the tension
Wonderful weather
wonderful Mountains
wonderful view
Wonderful feeling
Home and Heaven :
Why i took this title? you might wonder how i gonna connect it.
First people imagine about home for present life. Heaven for Next/future life. when they dont have home, they wish and work hard for home. They need heaven after they have home. Home they can get any where they wish. but heaven is in  a bit far, a bit difficult places, a bit wonderful. when you are there you barely want to come back. you wish that trail never finished. just like as seem in picture. follow the path you will reach heaven. stop in tent, you stay in home. .... rest upto you
Life and Adventure :
if you love adventure, you can't separate it. if you try to separate it, you will feel unbalance. I mean you start to feel that you are missing something or feel sad. it's have to live a perfect life without adventure for adventure lovers.

Adventure is my life
adventure is my soul
i can't live a life without my soul
i can leave any  for my soul
my soul is my life
the life without soul
dying every second even heart is beating
i can't live without adventure
i go my adventure
i leave my body here
i follow my soul
adventure is everything for me
i am leaving everything
But i am leading my adventure
leading my life to happiness
so adventure is everything
How high I can fly
how high i can imagine
How high i can jump
How high i can ascent
Just imagination
reality is your spirit
keep it happy
keep moving

Himalaya is the Home of Happiness
you can see my clicks
how deeply smile out and spread around
Go and get it
Don't just wait and sit
it never fly to you
you have to fly yourself
you have you motivated yourself
you have to achieve yourself
So i did and share you
::::::::::::::     .........

my power, my strength,  my determination  only lead my steps higher.
it's no matter what you look like outside
If you dreaming for adventure
keep Moving
we are Altitude Ascent
Always Moving
Join for Motivated and memorial trip in Himalaya

short poem collection part -2

om mani Padme Hum
do a good dharma
no worry for karma
keep moving your feet

Keep walking
keep moving mane
keep saying
om mani padme hum

every element has reflection
some are visible
some are feel-able
some are touch able
some are silence and unseen

shadows are dream of life
dream never stay stable
moving lot in our mind
pulling lots in our heart

shadows always moving
no matter we do move or not
dreaming always shaking our heart and mind
no matter we are doing nothing

This is heaven for me
This is hell for someone
what do you think
i don't know yet
I wish !!
it could be my jail
Life long jail
always there
always around
it's life
it's dream always

One Night in Himalaya
Standing is kalapatthar
roaming my eyes around
Stars are shining
heart is Exciting
Hand is freezing
Readying for click
Stars are raining
starts are raining

Wish you all Happy weekend :)

Flowers are mirror of smile
flowers are the mirror of Happiness
whoever can be sad
when smiling flower dancing around you

Memory always in behind
Dream always in front
it's upto you
what you like to choose

When i see this clouds
when i see this Himalayas
i wish to be cloud
fly all over Himalayas
enjoy the beauty of nature

This is called Blessing light
This is give you feeling bright
Always call you in height
let's go for sight

This is called Blessing light
This is give you feeling bright
Always call you in height
let's go for sight
What a light
fall in height
draw my sight
feel very bright

I love taking picture of wild flower
it simply blossom unknowingly
it simply smile unknowingly
it simply live hiding around

This is my home in Himalaya
where peace and silence live
where happiness stay around
sadness and pain fly away

This is the life i am living
this is the life i am having
this the life i dream before
this is the life i have now

My name is Sagarmatha

My name is Sagarmatha
some people called me Mt. Everest
Some people called me Sagarmatha
some people called me Chomolungma
some people called me Zhu fong
some people called me Sheng Mu fong
Some people called me  i am peak 15
originally I am Sumeru Parbat
top of the world

I am 8848m tall
i live in Nepal
i don't know yet
how old am I?
I live with many friends
they are lovely
i like Lhotse
she is near me
i can hear her
she is best always
i can see my friend from east to west
I feel so lovely to stand here
send my greet to  all
received love from all
i feel Great

Lots and lot people come
they just stand in buttom
turn their head to me first
then move around
they carry some thing
at  beginning i didnt know
what they carry
but i heard the sound
they talk each other
camera camera camera

Then i know it's camera
they send me some light
each and every click
i got thousands click
i feel so hot
i feel so busy being model

Every night stars are falling
I love to take stars shower
stars are falling
touching me
washing me
massaging me
what a moment
what a night
what a life
this is the best time
this is the best life
this is my everyday life

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Short poem collection

We are walking
we are thrilling
we are going home
Home of happiness
are called Himalayas
we are near  now
every steps of us
take us near and near
make us happier and happier



Don't move much for Happiness
Just stay and see around
when it fly towards you
closed your eyes and fill it in you

you will feel you are blessed
you will feel you are re-born
you will feel you are new
you will feel you have new life


i took lots panorama of himalayas
just moving around the Himalayas
just roaming one corner to another corner of Himalayas
just standing different point of himalayas

I took my Himalayas panorama
i believe Himalayas took my panorama
where i stand
where i click
what i think


Himalayas are the magic land world in the world
it's never enough for all
no one want to quit to visit
neither day become longer
neither night become shorter
Everything just become simple
so we called happier

Yes, I dream
Yes, i am here
Yes, i know my dream
Yes, i know how to frame my dream
yes, i am not only a dreamer
Yes, i believe
yes, if i can dream
Yes, surely i can do
Yes, so i am here
yes, what you thinking
yes, Do it today
yes, i am doing


trekking in Himalaya is not tired
it's all about the healing the pain
it's all about gaining the happiness
The more we move higher
The more we see the life


Clound and Himalaya
chanting each-other
laughing eacher
feeling each other
meeting each other
hugging each other
spreading the Happiness to the world

Clouds are mountain
friend and friend
mountain just for
echo and echo
cloud just for
Roam on echo

clouds makes view different
cloud makes feel different



Himalayas waterfall

Stand and see
pure and clear water
flowing down with it's own rythem
feel the peace in mind
feel the happiness in heart
then you back
filling the peace and happiness in you
feeling fresh and bless

Lake is one
reflection are many
life in one
experience are many
path is one
Dreams are many

Mountain and reflection
happiness and sadness
comes and goes as sun moves
Explore the Nature
Live in adventure
Be a great creature
This is where happiness begin
This is where happiness live
This is where happiness smile
This is where happiness refill
Himalaya and Heights
Lama and stupas and monastery
praying wheel and chanting mantra
just perfect to fill peace and happiness
you don't need to connect
it connected itself
it's called nature and natural
Blue sky over white Himalayas
Roaming the white clouds around Himalayas
this is gift from Nepal
mean Never, Ending, Peace and love

Wonderful cloud
wonderful life
wonderful moment
wonderful mood

Mountain and reflection
happiness and sadness
comes and goes as sun moves
Explore the Nature
Live in adventure
Be a great creature
Explore the Nature
Live in adventure
Be a great creature
Yes, let's fly
catch a high
feel the adventure
explore the nature

Ama Dablam and stupa
After a some walk from namche Bazaar, a Mountain show up just like standing something in frot you and act like gonna say something. All the way you walk, she is roaming around with you. you will see many stupa and mane stores she is talking and spreading happiness to all  day by day. it's not other than Mt. Ama Dablam 6856m. One of the beautiful mountain in Planet.  She will be with you few days :
each and every steep you walk
every breath you take
every dream you imagine
every smile you smiled
yes always with you.
but one thing is true
she never gonna speak you
but send you lots peace and happiness blessing
I am Ama Dablam
i am 6856m tall
how many of you know me
how many of you have been on me
how many of you have seen me
Thank you all who been here
who haven't been
convey my Namaste to all
who haven't seen me yet.
i am waiting to see you.

Yak are the lucky animal
they always walk around Himalaya
see  the Himalaya
greet the Himalaya
feel the purity and peace of Himalaya
keep roaming around Himalaya
keep grazing around Himalaya
Himalaya are their best home
Himalaya are their only one home

some people like sun rise

some people like sun rise
some people like sunny day
some people like sunset
some people like rainy day

some people like sunrise
sunrise is beginning of day
if someone like surise
means dreaming is beginning

Some people like sunny day
sunny day is mid time of the day
if someone like sunny
means dream belongs with themselves

Some people like sunset
sunset is ending of day
if someone like sunset
means dream gonna fly away

some people like rainy day
rainy day is uncertain day/time
if someone like rainy day
means life line is unclear

some people like sun rise
some people like sunny day
some people like sunset
some people like rainy day

But i like all day
different days are different color of life
different colors are the different experience of life
different experience are the different happiness

I did see Himalayas from various way

I did see Himalayas from various way. I did see by my real eyes when i was child but it couldn't be touch by my hand. I was only able to touch by my sight. i used to imagine what that white part. time keep passing and passing. My childhood life fly away and become young man.
First time i see Himalayas closely being porter. it was not good to see Himalaya as being porter often. if you are lucky and carry little bag, yes it's lucky to be porter and enjoy Himalayas. But if you are carrying lots on your back in Himalaya, it's very hard to rise up your head and see Himalayas.
Time keep passing and passing, i am moving and moving. it was very happy to be guide and see Himalaya. More freedom for my  sight just carrying  light bag and roaming around.

All this time to see Himalaya being a child in Mountain without knowing it's called Himalayas. I see Himalayas being porter, i see Himalayas being guide. I see Himalayas flying on Helicopter, i see Himalayas flying on Plane, I feel Himalayas touching my finger, and now I experience Himalayas climbing by my feet. I have seen the Sunrise around Himalaya, sunshine on Himalaya and sunset on Himalaya. I am made by all this total experiences.

I found that Experienced the Himalayas with my own feet is the greatest Experience in my life. Eachh and every time i go to climb,  my heart is full of Happiness and powerful. Never notice where does it comes inside me. I used to often say that Himalayas are my life. Himalayas are my soul. My soul always roaming around Himalayas, Smiling and dancing around Himalayas where Himalayas Echo their music with air.

हे सानू हे कान्छी कति हिन्छेउ मस्की मस्की

हे सानू हे कान्छी
कति हिन्छेउ मस्की मस्की
कहिले अघि कहिले पछि
लुकि लुकि कति हेर्छेउ मलाइ

मैले जिस्काएको तिमिलाइ
मन परेको छैन भने
तिमिले हासी हासी भने हुन्छ
तिमी आउदा अन्तै हेरि बसिदिउला

सबैले भन्छन म ज्ञानी छु म भन्छु , सबैभन्दा अज्ञानी म छु

सबैले भन्छन म ज्ञानी छु
म भन्छु , सबैभन्दा अज्ञानी म छु

हिजो जस्तै लाग्छ मलाई
ठुलो मामाले हात समाइ स्कुलमा भर्ना गरिदिनुभएको
हिजो जस्तै लाग्छ मलाइ
सरहरुले क ख ग घ पढाउनु भएको

सबैले भन्छन म ज्ञानी छु
म भन्छु , सबैभन्दा अज्ञानी म छु

हिजो जस्तै लान्छ मलाइ
ए बि सि डि पढ्न सार्है अफ्टेरो लागेको
हिजो जस्तै लाग्छ मलाइ
मेरो गल्तिगरुमा सरहरुको लौरो र हत्केलाको नपाइ

सबैले भन्छन म ज्ञानी छु
म भन्छु , सबैभन्दा अज्ञानी म छु

हिजो जस्तै लान्छ मलाइ
एस एल सि सेकेन्ड येरमा पास गरेको
हिजो जस्तै लाग्छ मलाइ
कनि कनि कलेज पास गरेको

सबैले भन्छन म ज्ञानी छु
म भन्छु , सबैभन्दा अज्ञानी म छु

हिजो जस्तै लाग्छ मलाइ
पैसाले ब्याचेलर पढन ब्रेक लागेको
हिजो जस्तै लाग्छ मलाइ
आजका यी दिनहरु सपनामा सोचेको

सबैले भन्छन म ज्ञानी छु
म भन्छु , सबैभन्दा अज्ञानी म छु

उनी सुनसान कोठा भित्र आउछिन

उनी सुनसान कोठा भित्र आउछिन
पछाडिबाट कोमल हातले मेरा आखा छोपिदिन्छिन
म शान्त बसिदिन्छु केही थाहा नभएको भावमा

उनी हत्तपत्त मेरो लामपुछ्रे कपाल तान्छिन
मेरो टाउकोलाइ उनी तिर घुमाउछिन
रिसानिको भावमा ठुला आखाले मलाइ हेर्छिन

म मेरो भावलाइ म भित्रै लुकाइ बस्छु
उनी खुसुक्क दुई कोणिय अधर मतिर सोझ्याउछिन
म खुसुक्क उनको चुल्ठो समाइ उनीलाइ फेरि रोकिदिन्छु

उनी फेरि मेरो लामपुछ्रे कपाल उनीतिर अलि जोडले तान्छिन
फेरि उनको दुई कोणिय अधर म तिर शोझ्याउछिन
म टाउको तल झारी खुसुक्क बसिदिन्छु

उनी फेरि मेरो लामपुछ्रे कपाल जोडले माथितिर तान्छिन
जोडले तानेर दुई हातले आलिङ्गनमा बाधिदिन्छीन
म हारिदिन्छु , उनी जितिदिन्छीन

उनको संसारमा म हराइदिन्छु
उनको भावमा म डुविदिन्छु
यसरी नै उनको नया संसार बनाइदिन्छु

मनाङ्गे नानी हासी हासी बोल्ने कति राम्रो बानी भुल्न नै नसक्ने

मनाङ्गे  नानी
हासी हासी बोल्ने
कति राम्रो बानी
भुल्न नै नसक्ने

बाहुनको छोरो
धादिङ्गे मोरो
घुम्नलाइ आको मनाङ
यता हेर्यो उता हेर्यो
हिमालै हिमाल

हासी हासी सोधे मैले
कता जानी नानी
घुमाउन लैजाउ है
तिलिचो ताल हाम्लाइ नि

मनाङ्गको नानी
हासी हासी बोल्ने
कति राम्रो बानी
भुल्न नै नसक्ने

मनाङ्ग गाउँको माथी माथी
तिलिचो ताल छ
तेई तालको वरिपरि
तिमिसंग घुम्ने रहर छ

भन भन मनाङ्गे नानी
के छ तिम्रो बिचार
मनले बोलाइ लैजाउ की
हातमा समाइ लैजाउ

उकालिमा थकै लाग्दा
हात समाइ तान है
त्यो मनको कुरा
बिस्तारै यो मनमा सार है

तिलिचो ताल घुमेर
थोरोङ ला पास जाने हो
मुक्तिनाथ झर्नि हो
बुद्ध मन्दिर जाने हो
विष्णुलाइ साक्षी राखेर
तिमिलाइ लानी हो

मनाङ्गे नानी
हासी हासी बोल्ने
कति राम्रो बानी
भुल्ननै नसक्ने

हिमाल जस्तै सुन्दर तिम्रो त्यो मनको डेरा
तिलिचो ताल जस्तै सुन्दर यो मनमा सार है
तिम्ले तिम्रो मनको डेरा यो मनमा सारेपछि
हाम्रो माया बग्छ है मर्स्याङ्दी जसरी

कहिले झरना जसरी झरौला
कहिले खोला जसरी बगौला
जता जता झरेनी , जता जता बगे नि
संगै संगै  झरौला, संगै संगै बगौला
मायाको माला उनौला
मर्स्याङ्दी नदि झै, सन्सारै घुमौला

भन भन मनाङ्गे नानी
के छ तिम्रो बिचार
मनले बोलाइ लैजाउ की
हातमा समाइ लैजाउ

मनाङ्गे  नानी
हासी हासी बोल्ने
कति राम्रो बानी
भुल्न नै नसक्ने

यो जिन्दगी के हो के हो

यो जिन्दगी के हो के हो
कहिले पश्चिमका गोरिसङ्ग घुमियो
भएभरका डाडाकाडा  चारियो
रोमियो र जुलिआको कुरा गरियो

यो जिन्दगी के हो के हो
कहिले भारतकि कालिसङ्ग घुमियो
भएभरका पाहाड डुलियो
ममताज र मुगले सम्राट्को कुरा गरियो

यो जिन्दगी के हो के हो
कहिले चिनकी पहेलीसङ्ग घुमियो
भएभरका बाटाहरु हिडियो
लिआङ सान्पो र चुयिन थाइ कुरा गरियो

यो जिन्दगी के हो के हो
नत रोमियो जुलियाको कथा हो
नत ममताज मुगल सम्राटको पटकथा हो
नत लिआङ सान्पो र चुयिन थाइ सम्वाद हो

यो जिन्दगी त केवल एक कथा हो
यस्तै कथा पढ्दै हिद्ने पागलपन हो
यस्तै पागलपन भित्र आफ्नो यात्रा खोज्नु हो
त्यही यात्रा नै वास्तविक जीवन हो

life is a book

life is a book
everyday is a page of book
every month is a chapter of book
life keep writing till the last exhale

I never know
I never count
how many pages n chapter in my book
I have been wondering always

life keep wandering
never stop in one page or chapter
sometime here sometime there
life has been running always

sometime life climb the happiness of
sometime life fell down to the deepest gorge
but life never stop, always wandering
here there and everywhere

Thoughtful mind

Thoughtful mind
colorful imagination
capturing eyes
enrapturing soul
fly here and there
never move away
always keep searching
always keep exploring

always swinging around
always sounding echo
move here and there
never seen around
always exist everywhere
sometime sounding the life
sometime bounding the life
its the way finding the life

Nepal, Spiritual capital in the earth.

Nepal, Spiritual capital in the earth.
come and go mountain
walk and stroll in mountain
see the beauty and Nature

format your brain and heart
fill the quietness and beauty inside you
forget this and that
forget he and she

life will stand differently
life will practice differently
life will move differently
then, life will appear like life

Heart is is the home of Happiness & hurt

when you have heart
you will have happiness

when you have heart
you will have hurt

Heart is the home of happiness and hurt
one will appear in another,s absence

कस्ले भन्छ हजुर कर्नालिमा धान फल्दैन

कस्ले भन्छ हजुर
कर्नालिमा धान फल्दैन
आउनुस कर्नाली  हजुर
हेर्नुस खोला किनार
उभिएका छन टौवाका लहर
कस्ले भन्छ हजुर
कर्णालीमा खोला बग्दैन
आउनुस  हजुर हेर्नुस
हुम्लामा बग्छिन हुम्ला कर्णाली
मुगुमा बग्छिन मुगु कर्णाली
जुम्लामा बग्छिन जुम्ला कर्णाली
डोल्पामा बग्छिन डोल्पा कर्णाली
कर्णालिको कण कणमा बग्छिन कर्णाली
तर अफसोच, कसैले देख्दैन कर्णाली

हाम्ले तिम्लाइ छुदा

हाम्ले तिम्लाइ छुदा
फोहोर हुन्छ तिम्रा ती मनहरु
तिम्ले हाम्लाइ हेर्दा
फोहोर हुन्छ तिम्रा ती नजरहरु

टाढा लैजाउ ती तिम्रा मनहरु
नजिक नडुलाउ ती तिम्रा नजरहरु
तिम्रा पापले हाम्रो धर्म छोप्न सक्छ
हाम्रो धर्मले तिम्रो पाप छोप्न सक्छ

न आउ वर वर, सर अलि पर
ती मनलाइ अन्तै डुलाइदेउ
नजरलाइ नयनमा लुकाइदेउ
पाप र धर्म सबै हटाइदेउ