Sunday, May 28, 2017

In a memory of may 29

Higher Himalaya
dreaming human
every year come around
explore the route to summit

this year try this route
that year try that route
this year this person die
that year that person die

these year this person reach that high
these year that person  reach that high
keep guessing that person might conquer
leave lots mysteries around

following those mysteries 
listening those echoes
changing the boots
strengthening the mind

Highest mountains
Highest anxiety
Highest dream
highest faith

winner never quit
quitter never win
few person ended their life there
other keep following that foot steps

this person unsuccessful
that person unsuccessful
but our anxiety never unsuccessful
yes, it's may 29 - 1953

May 29 in history
first conquer date of mount Everest
those heroes are Hillary & Tenzing
we are so proud of them

they bet their life for success
success more dear for them than life
so they are rear hero for us
they live forever with us

The day they conquer
we celebrate as sagarmatha day
hundreds follow their foot steps every year 
listen their echo on the way

their echo sounded every steps
the wind says go a head
never look behind once u are ahead
ahead is a dream, ahead is  life

what a inspiring steps they walk
what a inspiring echo they left there
what a inspiring experience they did
we all are following happily

The legends are not here today
we miss their presence
but, we have sagarmatha day to memories them
Happy Sagarmatha (Hillary and Tenzing) day

Note: In a memory of  29 May 1953
Ramesh Simkhada

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