Sunday, May 7, 2017

If earth life is 1000 years more, how long is Himalaya life?

If earth life is 1000 years more, how long is Himalaya life?
These day i am rarely touched or impressed by any political news. I think all the politician are just the magician of earlier century. Their inner wish or goal are just trouble others. They spent 99% of their time to think how to create problem/conflict in other country. So they are just a dead tree for me. I never expect greenery in deed tree. Mean these dead thought leaders never ever do any thing for mankind or humanity,peace and happy life for Human, animals and Nature.
I saw/read a news yesterday in Newspaper that scientist Stephen Hawking declared the earth life is only around 1000 years due to the climate changed and so on issues.  He also suggested new generation to see the sky than land. Seeing the sky can fly you to the some planet through the imagination. I ever read that imagination is more powerful than knowledge. whatever so on. My generation couldn't expect to move another planet but nothing is impossible. Let's live the life with with good hope and thought.

I myself falling love with Himalaya. My life is always moving around Himalaya. I couldn't imagine my life without Himalaya. I listen the echo of Himalaya. More over i love to listen the stories from local about the their ancient thought and practice about Himalaya.

Sometime they say there was this thing
sometime they say there was that thing
i think myself where is that and this thing now
This kind of question has been hitting my head long time

sometime they say this season used to be like this
sometime they say this season used to be like that
i think myself why this and that not happening in those season
This kind of question has been asking myself long time

life moving here and there
meet different people here and there
listen this and that stories here and there
keep me always waken and lighten me

inner sentiments sometime higher to the Summit of Everest
inner sentiments sometimes down to bottom of the sea
wherever the sentiments go it doesn't matter once sense dead
waken soul roaming around and listening the echo

it's up-to you waken or not
you wanted to waken or live with dead sense
it's you life , it's your time
I am trying to waken, let's see i could or not

I have been several places of Himalayan zone. One of that is Everest/Khumbu  trekking area. I just choose this because every body know Mt. Everest . Every time i go kalapatthar 5545m and look around. I always imagine when did kalapatthar had permanent snow? or since when kalapatthar lost snow and become kalapatthar (black stone) ? Probably, this is just my stupid question. So i tried hard to keep inside my little brain.

After read the Stephen Hawking yesterday, my little brain smashed.   Then it drawn me to several Himalaya glacier, it melted and form lake these days due the climate change/global warming. So the Numbers of Lake are increasing. they have been being the youngest lake in the earth. When i stand in 5k altitude and see the surface. Normally, I used to see the dry/dead glacier. hardly can see the snow in glacier these days. only concrete and kind of sand on top later and inside some ice layers. Some part ice layers are always dead and other never know how deep the ice layers. we need to research to know the real information.

Year by year lakes size are increasing. it means earth is getting warm day by day. So the glacier are being lakes. some Glaciers which are lowers than 4500m in Himalayas area, there are not any ice to melt and form the lake. This the most painful thing to see during the trekking in Himalaya for me. So they are like a dead or dry glacier. My generation is facing this. What will be for the 50, 100, 300, 500,700 years later.

I every time i go to Kalapatthar and see the Khumbu glacier. I always think khumbu glacier is waiting to be khumbu lake. I often imagine that one day we need to boat to go Camp 1 from Base camp or we will set up new camp across the lake as Everest advence base camp. how long the Khumbu icefall will exist there? My last two Everest expedition i have observed it in details. So it won't be a wonder for me , if one day Khumbu ice-fall becomes the khumbu waterfall and khumbu glacier becomes the khumbu lake. you can surf in khumbu lake and take shower in Khumbu waterfall. This can be a greatest and adventurist dream for the upcoming generation.

When i walk around Khumbu glacier, I used to see many many small crevasse lakes. it has been changing it's shape always. Mostly the size has bee getting bigger and bigger year by year. Some are disappears and some are merging and getting bigger. When i see this year by year. I used to think the day to see the Khumbu waterfall and khumbu lake it not that far.

you might wonder what about the Climb Everest. You still can climb Everest if it still exist there. it will be rocking climbing than snow climbing. Khumbu icefall can be a tough rock climbing part too. or there might have new airport in between the camp 1 and camp2 around. you directly can fly to the current camp 2. then you can summit the Everest in less than week time. what a wonderful world we are forming. we still need around 2 month for Everest summit and it gonna be just in week. Still, they may make cable car to summit. it's more easy for everybody who wish to reach the highest point. If Stephen Hawking declaration become wrong, future-st generation will live this life. I think even his declaration is right, it is possible in next 3-5 hundred time.

So Scientist Stephen Hawking said that the earth life is all about 1000 years. I am wondering about the Himalaya's life. I would like to ask him about Himalaya's life. How long the Himalaya can exist/stand here as Himalaya. Himalaya means ( Home of Snow). I wonder Himalaya become kalopahad (  black rock mountain) soon.

The day Himalaya exit from earth and become kalapahad (black mountain). Human life also on the way to exit from the earth. The creature with the higher sense live around the Himalaya are Human. So we couldn't imagine human life without Himalaya. My Himalaya definition is: The Mountains  where snow remain 12 month in year called Himalaya. There are several Himalayas around the earth. we Just have given different name based on our social belief and tradition.

So at the last, If you want to save the earth, first, think how to save Himalayas/mountains. We couldn't imagine life with out these precious nature around us. The life will not be a life without clean water and clear air. If we continue as same as we heading. I think Himalayas life is not more than 4-6 hundred. If the temperature goes higher as current way. it gonna be another sun soon.

Let's wish good earth
let's make good earth
let's be serious for earth
let's make earth life longer

Are you ready ?
surely i am ready.

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