Friday, July 23, 2021

dear friends or enemies

dear friends or enemies 
Change won't stop 
Even after we break the clock
Or stop the time in clock 

Change is the motion 
Change is the energy
change is the rule of breathe
Change is the rule of life 
change is the rule of nature 

Everything are ephemeral 
Today i am here 
Who knows 
Where i will be tomorrow 
Even i myself don't know 

can flower stop blooming? 
Even we don't open eyes to see it
Can sun stop to rise and set? 
Even we don't wake up or stop to see it 
It won't, its the rule of nature 

Everyday sun comes up with golden energy 
Everyday sun goes down leaving us golden energy 
Day is same, sun is same but energy is not  same
receive the right energy in right time and follow the law of nature
then, nothing and nobody could stop us living a thrilling life 

once we understand the rule of nature 
we can feel the energy of nature 
then happiness will be the rule of life 
wandering in nature will be the motion of life 
then, we needn't seek the happiness, happiness itself tick us 


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