Saturday, July 24, 2021

people often think

people often think 
people often ask 
what's the nearest thing in you life 
i often smile and reply, dream 
the furthermost i have been is dream 
the nearest i have felt is dream 

where i can sing 
where i can dance 
where i can shout 
where i can smile loud 
where i can kiss
where i can romance boundlessly 
how big or mall is the dream 
it's bigger than imagination/knowledge/wisdom  
indeed, its shapeless, colorless , command-less
we can shape as we wish/need 
we can paint as wish like/want 
we can command as our feeling's need 

more often 
i have no idea 
where i am surfing
surfing in ocean 
surfing in land 
surfing in space  

it always give me an imagined romanticism 
when surfing in space without pace
i lost my myself 
my brain shot down 
but i am doing everything fine 
i feel so exciting every millisecond 

i use to climb the the mountains 
more in reality than in dream 
but i am climbing in dream these days 
perhaps, once feeling is connected intimately 
deed and need formed the seed itself 
nothing can stop and never can stop too 

one night , i was climbing 
the summit of the Himalayas 
avalanches were dancing in my ears 
crevasses were singing the song 
wind was playing the music 
and sky was recording all the this for me 

when i turn my head up 
i feel all the stars are looking at me 
all the meteor falling to meet and hold me 
wherever i see, all the meteor coming for me 
some looks tiny and it disappear very soon on the way 
and some are a bit big and it can be seen a big loner length 

i feel it's so exciting night 
i feel it's so special night 
i found a nice and flat place on the way 
i stop there and start taking photos 
i capture some meteors, some i couldn't 
i realize how important the timing is 

i press the shutter button of my camera for long exposure   
then, i was looking around the surface 
one of the brightest meteor  show up opposite of my camera 
i keep looking to it , the more it came down, it looks more bright 
all of them show up for a while and disappears in a  while 
but this one came down to earth with bright light 

i was shocked 
there is nobody to shout 
i stopped making any noise 
i didn't dare to take any photos too 
i just stood silently without any motion 
there is no way the light go off 

it was not that far 
i am observing it very silently 
i have no idea what gonna happen 
me and mountains , meteor and mysterious 
after a while, one person seen near the light 
that person stood there and look around 

i have no idea what to do 
i try to see the distance
it's not really that far 
i guess, she only few crevasses far away 
i am thinking, only this crevasses can save me 
these crevasses are the best fence for me right now 

my size cloud be much bigger than my actual size 
it may not be that hard to me from far distance 
that person walk towards me 
i have no idea what to do 
neither i could run nor hide
neither i have anything to shoot nor attract 

i stood the point without moving zero centimetre 
the person is getting closer step by step
i am seeing that the crevasses didn't disturb at all 
i am wearing my yellow color down suit 
that person was wearing similar to spaceX dress
i wish my down suit is design to fly so i can fly away this moment 

that person raise the hands up when arrived near me 
i used my hands up too with a little fear, a little excitement 
but completely i have no idea what's going to happen 
i couldn't move even a centimetre, i feel my feet are stick on floor 
that person come and walk around me three circle 
at the end, that person stood in front of me  with the smile 

i have no idea how to smile or reply 
i keep standing silently 
that person asked me, How are you? 
I just smiled and said i am all right 
that person asked me, why are you here? 
explore and understand , explore myself, understand myself 

i realized by the voice, the person is she 
why are you here ? i asked 
she copied and pasted my answer in my head 
what did you explore now? i asked her 
she replied with a lovely smile, just you, only you 
i have no idea what to say or do 

we both took silent journey for a while 
we look each other's from top to bottom 
stars are sparking in sky 
it's shining so beautifully in Himalaya's light 
we can see our face clearly too 
once again our eyes meet in a point, we smiled 

she moved few step closer 
i aren't move even a centimetre
i feel like and going up or Himalayas height is increasing  
how is your journey? she asked 
it's so great with your presence 
it's always make meaning by someone's presence 

she smiled and asked me 
Do you wanna explore and understand more ? 
i smile and asked, explore and understand you more with wink eyes 
yes, explore all, here to there and there to here 
she asked me to pack my camera and and bag 
So i did it in a minutes, i didn't know how it was possible 

she took out the remote from her pocket press the bottom 
her spaceX just fly and landed near us 
i told her, wow it's an amazing technology
we don't have such a  thing here, i am thankful to you 
she press the another bottom in remote 
the door of spaceX is open, i am surprised 

She put my my bag inside, help me to set up my camera in front 
she smiled & asked me, ready to explore and understand 
i smiled and winked my eyes 
she pressed the bottom, it keeps going higher and higher 
i am unable to close my eyes , i couldn't imagine what i am seeing 
this is mild blowing, there is no words to explain 

she looked at me and said how are you feeling ? 
i am feeling that whole universe is in you 
indeed who are you? how did we meet? 
i tell you the truth, i never imagine this in my life 
what is happening right now is like a dream 
indeed, it's far from the dream for me 

she smiled and said 
the furthermost i have been is dream 
the nearest i have felt is dream 
she again copied and pasted it on me 
i have no idea what to reply now 
so i just smiled and silent 

she turned on the TV suddenly 
she said, first i showed you the earth news 
i said sure, you have TV  too 
watching the earth news is eyes opening for me, she said 
oh really, i never think so for me, i said 
she turned on the earth channel 

first clips of the news was about NASA 
what is NASA is planning and so on 
second one was about ESA ( European space  agency) 
Third was CNSA (China National Space Administration)
fourth one is ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)
we can see and listen their all communication and action  like in real 

this spacex has special function too 
we don't need to speak anything 
we just press one bottom 
it shows the test on screen what i am thinking 
we often communicate like this, 
when we didn't look each other 

i pressed the one bottom it showed her thought on my screen 
she pressed the bottom, it showed my thought on her screen 
how beautifully it knew/read our thought 
i am really impressed with it 
it's really amazing 
we don't need to ask for anything just press one bottom and know everything 

what a technology 
there is bottom to know the feeling/thought 
there is bottom to order the food 
there is bottom to  for everything
where life does nothing in reality 
it is simply floating even without single friction 

i am really shocked when i see all this 
trump was saying, we have to band any space activities to others 
all the space is ours, it's American, that's why America first 
if it is not ours, it won't be others 
tell this news to world, we are American 
American first every where, this is the rule of American 

B Johnson was listening the trump 
he was smiling too but he was not saying anything 
i pressed the bottom to know what's he thinking 
it's shows, bloody hell, where ere you 400 years back 
it's shame, it's shame, you are ruling us now 
Trump, do you know your root ? move your foot to explore your root 

Mr. Xi looks cool and confident, he spoke less and smile more 
it's really hard to understand him often i took the help from bottom 
we were something in history, we have to learn from it 
we have to do something in space too 
we need to find one space for only china and Chinese people 
then, we don't need to see and hear all this nuts 

Mr. Modi always tried to expose more than needed 
he knew that India is new in this earth only 70 plus age 
i press the bottom to know this thought 
indeed, there is nothing about space in his mind 
he is focusing Hindu India and Hindu ruling India 
he is wasting his energy to find the great India which was never in history.  
she was watching me and reading too  
once i was done, i switch of the screen 
she looked at me and smile 
i looked her and smile too 
in this moment, our eyes smile and hands dance around 
i just looked her and paused 

she pounced her finger on me and pinch
i put my palm on her hand 
this is her first touch to me and my first touch to her 
we looked each other and smile 
hands didn't want to separate
our smile didn't  want to go away 

we keep smiling and holding the hand 
we can smiling catching our eyes sight 
i have no idea where i am 
i have no idea where i am going 
neither i remember it's day nor night 
i am completely lost in it 

day has gone, night has gone 
week has gone, month has gone 
neither i miss the home 
nor i remember myself 
it's totally the journey of salvation 
where there is nothing, but feeling like there is everything

my eyes suddenly open 
she is looking still looking at me with sweet smile 
hands are holding together 
neither we dare to drag the hand 
nor we dare to move closer and hold 
what a moments , what a time 

she smiled and ask me, which planet do you like?
i smiled and said, i only know one plant, that's you 
she feel a bit shy and look at outside 
look, that's moon, it's just like a dot of light 
look, that's mars, its read and dead planet 
we are going to the pure idiot planet 

i wonder where is pure idiot planet 
i asked her where that one ? 
i never seen even in night sky map 
every thing has different existence 
every thing won't be seen and realize by everybody 
there is full of mysteriousness , she replied 

i wonder, how this spaceX can fly so long 
how does it recharge it's fuel? i asked 
we used infinite energy, it never finished 
we don't need to charge it time to time 
we can fly trillions hour once we use it 
and it's very environmental free, she replied 

wow, what a wonderful invention 
i hardly can believe/imagine this kind of thing 
we haven't eaten/drunk anything till now 
how is it possible, i totally have no idea 
she replied, we have created the artificial atmosphere here 
once we entered inside,the air/atmosphere feed us everything what we we needed , she replied 

How far is your planet  from here? i asked
she smiled and replied, are you already tired? 
are you feeling bore with me? 
let me know if i can do anything to you 
i smiled and replied to her if i feel bore with you 
there is none else i can be happy 

i never know how high we are now 
i guess nothing can measure it 
i can see milky-way so bright and beautiful 
i can see the galaxies are so bight and beautiful
they are still looked like almost the  same distance from Himalayas 
i try to see, sun, moon, earth, hardly can see sun as dot 

unknown journey continues unknowingly
how many stars are there 
how many meteor are there 
it's uncountable, it's unimaginable
i have no idea how many times it has rounded the universe 
i only can feel, it going higher and higher 

i have to change my camera battery and memory card 
once put it inside, it turned to infinite power 
what a wonder, i hardly can believe it 
i am really exciting with it 
what i am recording are not just the memories 
this is about an unimagined/unexpected dream 

the more higher we go, we feel even more energetic
i have no idea how is could be possible  
our hands are dragging us more closer 
i raise my hand and gesture for hug 
she throw beautiful but bashful smile and jump on my arm 

while we are hugging each other 
i feel i am in different world 
i feel everything different 
we look each other and smile 
how beautifully she can smile 
i have no words to describe here 

our lips are going closer to closer 
hands are hold each other more tightly 
feeling is getting stronger 
i don't know where i am now 
i don't know who i am with 
i simply closed my eyes and feel the moments 

once my forehead touch her forehead 
shape of spacex is changed 
it turned to big and beautiful glass dome 
everything has changed in a second 
what a wonder, it's like we are floating on sea 
this is like a miracle 

once my nose touch her nose 
i feel she is holding me so night 
i look at her eyes
i feel, there is whole universe 
where i am floating on now 
i realize how near the dream is 

we are so closed now 
there no gap at all 
our each and every organ are touching each other's 
i am lost in her presence 
she does the same too, i think 
a beautiful dream begins 

spaceX is passing 100's planet every hours 
we are feeling every hour is just like second 
i had never notice how can the time pass so fast 
we stop thinking and imagining 
we start flowing on your feeling 
finally i experienced how beautiful to flow on real feeling 

it's really hard to explain  
what's happening around 
every blink of the eyes are becoming day and night 
how fast the time is rushing 
how slowing the the our feeling is flowing 
i am feeling we don't have to wander to wonder 

suddenly she hold me tight 
i lift her up 
there is big bed show up 
we jump on the bed 
we don't know when we sleep 
we don't know when we wake up 

i am realizing and experiencing 
how a dream can take us furthermost 
i am realizing and experiencing 
how a dream can take us so close to dream 
this is called the picture and how solid is the picture 
that's why we say one picture speaks more than thousand words

i realize sky is infinite 
there is sky behind the sky 
there is sky above the sky 
there is sky below the sky 
sky is unbeatable and unreachable 
we are nothing and no one 

what we know is limited 
what we don't know is unlimited 
we have unlimited dream in our life 
but only limited dream are reachable 
keep the desire and wait for the fire 
sure it will ignite in right and burn out all 

we lie on bed 
we turn this side is sky 
we turn that side is sky 
we look at up is sky 
we look at down also sky 
indeed, we are nowhere 

i asked her, where are you taking me 
she smiled and pull me on her top 
and, she said, you don't know where you are now 
i didn't have any answer, so i just closed my eyes put my head on her 
she hold me tight to hell like i am  in jail 
i lost somewhere there again in her arm 

+++ continue in next part 

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