Friday, July 23, 2021

when i know, it looks one

when i know 
it looks one 
but when i listen it 
it sounds not same 

when i know one 
it looks one 
but when i understand it 
it sounds not same 

we all are different 
we think differently 
we do the thing differently too 
so we all have different experiences

we all have different believer 
my believer may not be similar like yours 
your believe may not be similar like mind   
we need to believe differences are the beauty not the problem 

summer never like winter 
winter never like summer 
you won't be like me 
i won't be like you 

everything starts with believe 
everything ends with believe too 
we are the boss ourselves 
our karma pushes us to our destination

forget about the destination 
nothing goes as we think 
it's goes as the karma we did and think 
so choices are our, it sketched our karma 

we all have the sketch of our karma 
but how many of us have time to read and review 
how many of us have realized it 
don't be late to realize and regret 

as early as we wake up 
we can start the life with beautiful sunrise 
as early as we reach the destination 
we can end the life watching the silent and beautiful sunset 

nothing more or less 
neither early nor late 
time keep going and changing 
ask ourselves, read our sketch 

who i am ? why i am here? 
where i am ? where i am going?
the answer is within us, the destination is with in us 
explore it within us, expand it within us 
#Nepal #Himalayas 
#Flower #EastNepal 

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