Friday, July 23, 2021

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday and Today 

How, there are two sections in nature, it's known as day and night or darkness and brightness. Similarly our life has two sections too. they are yesterday and today. something is seen by physical eyes and others are seen by inner/spiritual  eyes. something can feel by outer sense and other things could be only realized or felt by abstract sense. 

we are different. so we have different systems /software inside us. some of us are able to upgrade it themselves. some of us may need a guru/teacher to upgrade it. some of us think, we don't need to upgrade it or they may not know that it needs to upgrade. Whatever the way we think or dream, our life moves towards that direction knowingly or unknowingly. 

we have different eyes. we have different minds. we have different hearts. so we look different. We think differently. We do things differently, we have different feelings and understanding. we know everything or we already mastered everything except knowing ourselves or myself . Humans are strange creatures on this earth with strange minds and imagination. we not only eat but also do crime too. we not only dream but also do in reality.

Yesterday is the mirror of today. every time when we see the Mirror it takes us to our past. Like, I was like this. I had this. I look like this. i did that. i was like this. my hair was like this. my eyes were like this etc.. Yesterday is the key to who we are today. We all had different today and yesterday. so we are feeling happy differently. We are suffering differently too.

we only can see the physical maps. we only can see the physical trail. we only move to the physical trails. These trails are like the web of spiders where we lost in every intersection. We are walking in a trailblazer. we don't know how far is the trail and where it gonna end. we are walking to forward but neither there is light, nor any destination. neither we know the direction nor we have any attraction. 

Have you even thought about it? Why is it happening? The answer is very simple. We focus only on physical maps. it gives lots of physical movements for us but not any movements in our inner sense and silence. it may fill our pockets but tear our feelings. so what we are lacking is our abstract map. Most of us may not know about abstract map . Most of us may think, are you crazy? What is an abstract map? i never heard about it. I don't believe in it either. yes, if we believe in it. we may not be here. and i may not be talking to you. 

our mind has it's own map. our eyes have it's own map, our heart has it's own map. Once, all these maps are not inter-connected and balanced, we couldn't be happy. Each day these organs are drawing their own maps with their own motion. we may not know what our organs are doing. once we could not realize our motion of heart, motion of eyes, motion of mind, we are heading to stress, despair, depression etc.. It could disorder our thought, feeling and inner/outer sight. if we didn't check or be aware of our abstract map of yesterday and today. we may not know where we are heading.

If we all are able to correct or make some progress or clearer in our yesterday's map, our today will be beautiful, peaceful, better and brighter. So yesterday is the mirror of our life. We need to keep seeing the mirror every night before falling asleep. If we keep practicing to see virtual mirrors everyday, surely it will help to inter-connect and balance our abstract map points. it helps to remove the distance between yesterday to today and today to yesterday. when there is no distance between today and yesterday or yesterday and today. it will make our life different. our organs function differently means it has been producing the different hormones and it will guide our life differently towards happiness. 

So start exploring your abstract map. 
Find it, feel it, experience it, 
keep discovering the new dimension of happiness 
keep roaming in different universe everyday live the same life today to yesterday and yesterday to today 


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