Saturday, July 24, 2021

I never knew, Life went so far away

I never knew 
Life went so far away
I never realize 
how i was floating 

the dust i was born 
the dust i was grew up
the dust where i played 
the distance my childhood measured 

The rain i showered 
The rain i run 
The rain soaked 
The rain that wet my books and body 

The mountains and hills 
The farm lands and fields
The people and their faces
The season and its charms 

White Himalayas to blue sky 
Cascade farms to cliffs 
Springs to autumns, monsoon to mindfulness
Sun light to moon light 

Time runs as shadows move 
Blue sky color's shirt and blue color's pant, 
my school uniform with flip - flop 
What a time was that 

The song of frogs and crickets
The light of fireflies 
The dark night and rainfalls 
Snoring tiger and barking dog 

blooming flowers 
singing birds 
dancing legs 
roaming fate 

when i remind that day now 
i don't know how fast the time is moving 
i am still here but time seemed much further 
let's hope i can catch the pace of time 


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