Saturday, July 24, 2021

My Name is Yak

Hi good morning guys !!! 

Do you guys know me ? i Guess, some of you know me while hiking around Himalayas. some of you might have heard about me from your friends or even seen in internet. I am still unknown species for some of you. NO worry guys. I am gonna write about me here. 
I am a yak ( Big and hairy cow in Himalayas, i guess this is not wrong introduction). we are known as Mountain truck these days. we used to carry loads on our top (back) for mountaineers and local people. Somewhere people ride on us also. But Nepali Yaks are still lucky in this matter. Nobody ride here. Maybe, this is a kind of respect to us. Indeed we are kind of good servant. we are very loyal to our Boss. we walked unlimited steps everyday. we never count how many steps we have walked. But i am sure if we count, we could have made a 7 round of this earth.  

Right Now, the world is really full of Covid-19. These days the news are full of Covid-19 too. winds are talking about Covid-19. river's flow is singing the Covid-19. people who walked around here, they are talking about also the covid-19. what the hell this covid-19 is, i have no idea. We are discussing for round table(ground) talk in near future. then, we will know what should we do. one thing is sure, we would like to thank Covid-19 for such a pleasure/relax time for us which we never had imagined before. 

Normally we used to busy this time of period. we neither got enough time to eat nor drink. we just walk walk walk carrying the loads on our top(back). we were learning some international language like English, german, french etc. these days Everything is so silent. we might already forget the languages what we had learnt. we don't need to carry any loads these days. we are free now. we are king of Himalayas now. we are roaring like lion in Himalayas. we are doing what we like. we are eating what we like. we never had this kind of time in our whole life. life is being so beautiful. it's like yaks are on holiday. Himalayan valley are being Himalayan yak resorts nowadays .

one evening, i was laying somewhere in my palace (Himalayas Green Grassland). i had a dream. it's little strange than usual. I never had this kind of dream. A huge and white yak appear in my dream. it's bit scary at first. the real size is two time bigger tham me. he told i am your grandpa's Grandpa,i am looking some of you to tell about our history. He started talking and i kept listening, local people used to call us yag. male are called yag/yak and female are called Nag/Nak. I still don't know Yak became Yag or yag became Yak. Anyway let's forget this debate. I am happy whatever the name people called either yak or Yag. 

we loved walking around Himalayas. we loved eating Himalayan herbs. neither we were big like himalayas nor tall like Himalayas. but we are one fascinating creature in Himalayas. we knew the himalayan cold, so we got the long,hard and think fur. we knew the Himalayan beauty where we danced everyday . We loved Himalayan water which we used to drink without any fear. it was ours. we know Himalayan grass which was our best meal.  

We had huge space. we run from Hill to stream for water. we wake up on hill with beautiful sun light. where musk deers came to tease us. snow leopard used to come to kidnap our calf for their meal. Birds sit and dance on our summit. when snow started to fall, we run to lower grassland. each season we got different open palace (valley) surrounded by Himalayas. Wind says move faster. river says, stop and listen me. Birds say look at me. trees tease us, i am taller now how you gonna eat us this year. we tease back, we will be taller too next year. you have no chance to escape any more. Grasses say, i wont grow again here. i will grow in the middle of the cliff where you never ever can reach. blue sheep and Himalayan thahr dances with us higer to lower and lower to higher altitude.i miss so much dancing under the blue sky in green grassland. that time no people came to live so high. nobody and nothing disturb us. what a wonderful time was that. it's just like a dream now.  

We had huge claciers and glasslands. we have so much space to play, run, eat, fight etc. thousand of Himalayan monal and malewa ( snow pigeon ) dance around us. they are very beautiful birds. Do you still have this?, he aske me. i see everywhere farmland and people these days. it seemed you didn't get enough food to eat and water to drink. you look much smaller than our generation. what's wrong my grand-grandson. I just smiled and look at him. he continued, we need not work for other. we could eat freely. we could drink freely. we could date freely. we could mate freely too. we lived the life with full of freedom. Are you living the same life as me? He questioned me. i was shocked and silent. he looked at my body and tell me what's wrong in your body. you look so lean and thin. This time i remained silent. He touched me and cumb my fur with his horn, he saw the some wound, He asked me what's wrong ? what happened here? Don't you know any hurb that cures it? you guys lose all the instinct. you still look like yak in shape but totally lose the wilder sense and intelligence. 

Suddenly i woke up, i felt dizzy. I don't know what happened to me. what did he say and what i am doing now. I even couldn't think about it that far. I have no idea where are those huge grasslands and glaciers. the grassland where they run, fight, dance, graze, eat, sleep, poo, pee etc are farmland or dry land these days. No idea what's going to Happen here. we have no water to drink near by. we have not enough food to eat. we lost our freedom long time before. i have no idea when did we lose it. I am still thinking what more we gonna lose in future. i am quite sure there is nothing we could gain. the only way is lose, lose and lose. this is the fate. Fate of Yak. 

Thank you covid, at least you are giving to me the time to have nap/sleep and the wonder dreams. we all yaks are having great time in Himalayas. Don't worry. i have some other dreams too. i will share it some other time. Hope we can make Human to our Slave. Good luck to us. 

Note: I don't know what i write lol. it;s so complicated :) 

#Yak #YaksDream 

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