Friday, July 23, 2021

everyday, when we wake

when we wake 
first, we think about enemies 
indeed, who are our enemies 

when we go bed 
first, we think about enemies 
indeed, who are our enemies 

so who is our enemies 
we try to find from day to night 
we try to find from dream to destination 
but it didn't work at all 

when i am in bed 
i find the one kind of enemies 
when i am in work 
i find another kind of enemies 

when i sleep 
the enemies are different 
when i wake up 
the enemies are different 

we always wonder 
indeed, is there any enemies ? 
either are these just our illusion or difficulty ? 
once we couldn't over come our thought, it turns to enemies

where does enemies come from?
where doesn't enemies live? 
how does it grow? 
how goes it process in our life? 

enemies could either born in mind or heart 
enemies could either live in mind or heart 
enemies could either grow in  mind or heart 
enemies could process either bitter or better picture in mind and heart 

what is run by our heart, mind and body system? 
simply energy, how do we get energy ? 
some of the energy come come from our food
some of the energy come from what we do and where we live 

indeed, what are our enemies ? 
our real enemies are our food, our action, our location/place
what we eat, where we live, what we do , it defines who we are 
once we know this, the picture of life could be different 

our enemy is our mind 
our enemies are our thought 
our enemy is our heart 
our enemies are our feeling 

our enemies are within us 
open open the inner eyes 
karma will enlarge the picture clearly 
we will reborn immediately as different person  


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