Saturday, July 24, 2021

the another night, show up with full-moon and stars

the another night 
show up with full-moon and stars 
another dream came and knock me unknowing 
i lost somewhere and dream took me away 

i don't know where i am 
i don't know who i am with 
i don't know how far i am 
i don't know whether i am  conscious or not 

my eyes are close 
but i am seeing everything
i am not moving 
but everything is moving around me 

what a magic is happening 
i don't have any idea 
i totally forget who i am  
i become myself an unknown soul 

i am sitting somewhere in height  
everything are spinning around me 
it's so beautiful and peaceful 
i am completely out of sense 

i see the light of dot flying towards me 
it seemed coming closer to me second by second 
it came and make a circle of me 
and it sit behind me turning the face another side 

how did you come here? i heard the sound sense in silent 
i didn't know how did i come here and where i am now 
oh that's good, when you reach somewhere unknowingly 
it's the place meant for you,  the place is full of happiness and wisdom 

i just listen it 
i didn't dare to reply it 
i keep silent again 
and just sink into the silent and keep listening  

people known me as Buddha
they worshiped me  as Buddha
i was an explorer of happiness, peace and silent 
but at the end i become god 

they have made plenty of statues of me 
they have made plenty of temples and monasteries of me 
they have made lots park in my name too 
there are many children who name Buddha too 

Hindu people worshiped me as 9th reincarnation of Vishnu 
in Buddhism, there are so many Buddha i don't know which one is me 
there are couple of branches of Buddhism too 
i don't know which one i belongs too  

they locked my statue day and night in temple 
i never can go out and and see the world 
i feel a bit good when they put my statue in park 
i can see a bit far and can take a some fresh breathe 

one day i was so curious 
so i went there to see 
how they get so much money to make  giant  statue and temple 
mostly the money come from corrupted personality 

they donate to change their karma 
they believe once they donate 
they are forgiven and their karma shine like mine 
i feel sorry for it , i am being the cause for wrong doing 

i have been in prison for so long time 
i have no idea who can rescue me 
i don't wanna stay in prison without light and fresh air 
i have no idea who can get rid me from here 

i hope one day 
i can make billions temple in earth 
i wish i can lock ten years for one person in one temple 
then, they will realize how hard to be god/Buddha 

i was just a human like you 
i had everything in my life in term of material 
But i didn't have happiness, peace, silent inside me 
so one day i went out for exploring about it   

i went so close to nature 
i walk on nature , i live in nature 
i eat what never offers 
indeed, it taught me lots 

it taught me nature is our real god 
it taught me nature is our real happiness 
it taught me only nature can provide peace to us 
it taught me only nature can create feeling of silent in us 

it took me six years to realize it 
indeed, it was my greatest adventure journey 
it taught me how important is the sun and moon, day and night 
it taught me how important are all the creatures for nature 

how beautifully they have  form the ecosystem 
how beautifully they are interdependent 
how unknowingly they are supporting each other's life 
it's totally amazing formation of nature 

indeed, my god was the nature 
sun give me light, moon game calmness
nature gave me food, wisdom, shelter
water give life to nature and as well as for me too  

I hope they won't chopped the trees to make temple 
i hope they won't chopped the trees in my name 
i Hope they plant the tree in my name 
i hope they worship the tree (nature) as the symbol of me 

so i always worship everything what exist in universe 
all are connecting in our life knowingly or unknowingly 
i am not exist is this earth without their existence 
we all are one, one is us, just know this is enough 

once, i feel/realize the pure connection of nature 
i  found everything has life, no matter living or non living 
then i know, we shouldn't kill any animal or displace anything from nature  
they are interconnected very deeply , everything are full of wisdom 

i was just a character, an explorer or pathfinder 
once you start worshiping the character  
all the explorers lost the way or blocked his way 
they just keep themselves worshiping character and forget to be the Buddha

i hope to see each person be a Buddha
if each person couldn't be Buddha, a Buddha in family still good  choice 
let's see, what happen in another 2500 years 
there is nothing happen in last 2500 years 

the place where you are now is moon 
it changed it's shape everyday when we look from earth 
but indeed, it is not changing it's shaped 
it was seen like that due to it's motion 

i hope one day when you tell this story 
Then, it helps to change the shape of their mind and thought 
afterward, all the Buddhas can be free from jail 
they stop worshiping Buddha, they start being Buddha individually in their life 

how beautiful earth can be 
how peaceful earth can be 
how amazing we human can be  
once Buddha exist in each of us  

save the nature, worship the nature 
explore the nature, understand the nature 
nature is the god, god is the nature 
Buddha is the character, you all need to adopt in life 

this is all for today, the dot of light said,
the dot of the light fly away in few second 
i woke up, i was still in my bed 
there was full moon shining in window 

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