Thursday, July 22, 2021

there is another truth

The death 
Stands fearfully 
neither we can see 
nor we can stop 

Have anyone over come yet ? 
We might think 
Its impossible 
Means never possible 

But when we realize sensefully 
there is nothing undefeatable 
Something come secretly and live sacredly 
Something comes sacredly and live secretly 

I often feel/think
the day when i was born 
the death was dead or unconscious 
So i could have time for smile and breathe 

there is another truth 
The day i die means 
The death is reborn or back to consciousness 
So my smiling time is ended and silent time is beginning 

Truth is so simple 
if we can simplify 
but if we couldn't do it 
It gonna be terribly complicated 

Do more than we can 
Think less than we need 
Minimaze the needs and maximaze the kindness 
Forget the life but always remember the breathe 

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